path: root/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot
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21 files changed, 5900 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/Makefile b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fd6005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+# Makefile for ATmegaBOOT
+# E.Lins, 18.7.2005
+# $Id$
+# Instructions
+# To make bootloader .hex file:
+# make diecimila
+# make lilypad
+# make ng
+# etc...
+# To burn bootloader .hex file:
+# make diecimila_isp
+# make lilypad_isp
+# make ng_isp
+# etc...
+# program name should not be changed...
+PROGRAM = optiboot
+# enter the parameters for the avrdude isp tool
+ISPTOOL = stk500v2
+ISPPORT = usb
+ISPSPEED = -b 115200
+MCU_TARGET = atmega168
+LDSECTION = --section-start=.text=0x3e00
+# the efuse should really be 0xf8; since, however, only the lower
+# three bits of that byte are used on the atmega168, avrdude gets
+# confused if you specify 1's for the higher bits, see:
+# http://tinker.it/now/2007/02/24/the-tale-of-avrdude-atmega168-and-extended-bits-fuses/
+# similarly, the lock bits should be 0xff instead of 0x3f (to
+# unlock the bootloader section) and 0xcf instead of 0x0f (to
+# lock it), but since the high two bits of the lock byte are
+# unused, avrdude would get confused.
+-e -u -U lock:w:0x3f:m -U efuse:w:0x$(EFUSE):m -U hfuse:w:0x$(HFUSE):m -U lfuse:w:0x$(LFUSE):m
+-U flash:w:$(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).hex -U lock:w:0x0f:m
+STK500 = "C:\Program Files\Atmel\AVR Tools\STK500\Stk500.exe"
+STK500-1 = $(STK500) -e -d$(MCU_TARGET) -pf -vf -if$(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).hex \
+-lFF -LFF -f$(HFUSE)$(LFUSE) -EF8 -ms -q -cUSB -I200kHz -s -wt
+STK500-2 = $(STK500) -d$(MCU_TARGET) -ms -q -lCF -LCF -cUSB -I200kHz -s -wt
+OPTIMIZE = -Os -fno-inline-small-functions -fno-split-wide-types -mshort-calls
+CC = avr-gcc
+# Override is only needed by avr-lib build system.
+override CFLAGS = -g -Wall $(OPTIMIZE) -mmcu=$(MCU_TARGET) -DF_CPU=$(AVR_FREQ) $(DEFS)
+override LDFLAGS = -Wl,$(LDSECTION) -Wl,--relax -nostartfiles
+OBJCOPY = avr-objcopy
+OBJDUMP = avr-objdump
+# 20MHz clocked platforms
+# These are capable of 230400 baud, or 115200 baud on PC (Arduino Avrdude issue)
+pro20: TARGET = pro_20mhz
+pro20: CFLAGS += '-DLED_START_FLASHES=3' '-DBAUD_RATE=115200'
+pro20: AVR_FREQ = 20000000L
+pro20: $(PROGRAM)_pro_20mhz.hex
+pro20: $(PROGRAM)_pro_20mhz.lst
+pro20_isp: pro20
+pro20_isp: TARGET = pro_20mhz
+pro20_isp: HFUSE = DD # 2.7V brownout
+pro20_isp: LFUSE = C6 # Full swing xtal (20MHz) 258CK/14CK+4.1ms
+pro20_isp: EFUSE = 02 # 512 byte boot
+pro20_isp: isp
+# 16MHz clocked platforms
+# These are capable of 230400 baud, or 115200 baud on PC (Arduino Avrdude issue)
+pro16: TARGET = pro_16MHz
+pro16: CFLAGS += '-DLED_START_FLASHES=3' '-DBAUD_RATE=115200'
+pro16: AVR_FREQ = 16000000L
+pro16: $(PROGRAM)_pro_16MHz.hex
+pro16: $(PROGRAM)_pro_16MHz.lst
+pro16_isp: pro16
+pro16_isp: TARGET = pro_16MHz
+pro16_isp: HFUSE = DD # 2.7V brownout
+pro16_isp: LFUSE = C6 # Full swing xtal (20MHz) 258CK/14CK+4.1ms
+pro16_isp: EFUSE = 02 # 512 byte boot
+pro16_isp: isp
+# Diecimila and NG use identical bootloaders
+diecimila: TARGET = diecimila
+diecimila: CFLAGS += '-DLED_START_FLASHES=3' '-DBAUD_RATE=115200'
+diecimila: AVR_FREQ = 16000000L
+diecimila: $(PROGRAM)_diecimila.hex
+diecimila: $(PROGRAM)_diecimila.lst
+diecimila_isp: diecimila
+diecimila_isp: TARGET = diecimila
+diecimila_isp: HFUSE = DD # 2.7V brownout
+diecimila_isp: LFUSE = FF # Low power xtal (16MHz) 16KCK/14CK+65ms
+diecimila_isp: EFUSE = 02 # 512 byte boot
+diecimila_isp: isp
+atmega328: TARGET = atmega328
+atmega328: MCU_TARGET = atmega328p
+atmega328: CFLAGS += '-DLED_START_FLASHES=3' '-DBAUD_RATE=115200'
+atmega328: AVR_FREQ = 16000000L
+atmega328: LDSECTION = --section-start=.text=0x7e00
+atmega328: $(PROGRAM)_atmega328.hex
+atmega328: $(PROGRAM)_atmega328.lst
+atmega328_isp: atmega328
+atmega328_isp: TARGET = atmega328
+atmega328_isp: MCU_TARGET = atmega328p
+atmega328_isp: HFUSE = DE # 512 byte boot
+atmega328_isp: LFUSE = FF # Low power xtal (16MHz) 16KCK/14CK+65ms
+atmega328_isp: EFUSE = 05 # 2.7V brownout
+atmega328_isp: isp
+# 8MHz clocked platforms
+# These are capable of 115200 baud
+lilypad: TARGET = lilypad
+lilypad: AVR_FREQ = 8000000L
+lilypad: $(PROGRAM)_lilypad.hex
+lilypad: $(PROGRAM)_lilypad.lst
+lilypad_isp: lilypad
+lilypad_isp: TARGET = lilypad
+lilypad_isp: HFUSE = DD # 2.7V brownout
+lilypad_isp: LFUSE = E2 # Internal 8MHz osc (8MHz) Slow rising power
+lilypad_isp: EFUSE = 02 # 512 byte boot
+lilypad_isp: isp
+lilypad_resonator: TARGET = lilypad_resonator
+lilypad_resonator: CFLAGS += '-DLED_START_FLASHES=3' '-DSOFT_UART' '-DBAUD_RATE=115200'
+lilypad_resonator: AVR_FREQ = 8000000L
+lilypad_resonator: $(PROGRAM)_lilypad_resonator.hex
+lilypad_resonator: $(PROGRAM)_lilypad_resonator.lst
+lilypad_resonator_isp: lilypad_resonator
+lilypad_resonator_isp: TARGET = lilypad_resonator
+lilypad_resonator_isp: HFUSE = DD # 2.7V brownout
+lilypad_resonator_isp: LFUSE = C6 # Full swing xtal (20MHz) 258CK/14CK+4.1ms
+lilypad_resonator_isp: EFUSE = 02 # 512 byte boot
+lilypad_resonator_isp: isp
+pro8: TARGET = pro_8MHz
+pro8: AVR_FREQ = 8000000L
+pro8: $(PROGRAM)_pro_8MHz.hex
+pro8: $(PROGRAM)_pro_8MHz.lst
+pro8_isp: pro8
+pro8_isp: TARGET = pro_8MHz
+pro8_isp: HFUSE = DD # 2.7V brownout
+pro8_isp: LFUSE = C6 # Full swing xtal (20MHz) 258CK/14CK+4.1ms
+pro8_isp: EFUSE = 02 # 512 byte boot
+pro8_isp: isp
+atmega328_pro8: TARGET = atmega328_pro_8MHz
+atmega328_pro8: MCU_TARGET = atmega328p
+atmega328_pro8: CFLAGS += '-DLED_START_FLASHES=3' '-DBAUD_RATE=115200'
+atmega328_pro8: AVR_FREQ = 8000000L
+atmega328_pro8: LDSECTION = --section-start=.text=0x7e00
+atmega328_pro8: $(PROGRAM)_atmega328_pro_8MHz.hex
+atmega328_pro8: $(PROGRAM)_atmega328_pro_8MHz.lst
+atmega328_pro8_isp: atmega328_pro8
+atmega328_pro8_isp: TARGET = atmega328_pro_8MHz
+atmega328_pro8_isp: MCU_TARGET = atmega328p
+atmega328_pro8_isp: HFUSE = DE # 512 byte boot
+atmega328_pro8_isp: LFUSE = FF # Low power xtal (16MHz) 16KCK/14CK+65ms
+atmega328_pro8_isp: EFUSE = 05 # 2.7V brownout
+atmega328_pro8_isp: isp
+# 1MHz clocked platforms
+# These are capable of 9600 baud
+luminet: TARGET = luminet
+luminet: MCU_TARGET = attiny84
+luminet: AVR_FREQ = 1000000L
+luminet: LDSECTION = --section-start=.text=0x1d00
+luminet: $(PROGRAM)_luminet.hex
+luminet: $(PROGRAM)_luminet.lst
+luminet_isp: luminet
+luminet_isp: TARGET = luminet
+luminet_isp: MCU_TARGET = attiny84
+luminet_isp: HFUSE = DF # Brownout disabled
+luminet_isp: LFUSE = 62 # 1MHz internal oscillator, slowly rising power
+luminet_isp: EFUSE = FE # Self-programming enable
+luminet_isp: isp
+isp: $(TARGET)
+isp-stk500: $(PROGRAM)_$(TARGET).hex
+ $(STK500-1)
+ $(STK500-2)
+%.elf: $(OBJ)
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
+ rm -rf *.o *.elf *.lst *.map *.sym *.lss *.eep *.srec *.bin *.hex
+%.lst: %.elf
+ $(OBJDUMP) -h -S $< > $@
+%.hex: %.elf
+ $(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .data -O ihex $< $@
+%.srec: %.elf
+ $(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .data -O srec $< $@
+%.bin: %.elf
+ $(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .data -O binary $< $@
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/makeall b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/makeall
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a0b82d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/makeall
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+make clean
+make lilypad
+make lilypad_resonator
+make pro8
+make pro16
+make pro20
+make diecimila
+make ng
+make atmega328
+make atmega328_pro8
+make luminet
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot.c b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af92995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot.c
@@ -0,0 +1,536 @@
+/* Optiboot bootloader for Arduino */
+/* */
+/* Heavily optimised bootloader that is faster and */
+/* smaller than the Arduino standard bootloader */
+/* */
+/* Enhancements: */
+/* Fits in 512 bytes, saving 1.5K of code space */
+/* Background page erasing speeds up programming */
+/* Higher baud rate speeds up programming */
+/* Written almost entirely in C */
+/* Customisable timeout with accurate timeconstant */
+/* */
+/* What you lose: */
+/* Implements a skeleton STK500 protocol which is */
+/* missing several features including EEPROM */
+/* programming and non-page-aligned writes */
+/* High baud rate breaks compatibility with standard */
+/* Arduino flash settings */
+/* */
+/* Currently supports: */
+/* ATmega168 based devices (Diecimila etc) */
+/* ATmega328P based devices (Duemilanove etc) */
+/* */
+/* Does not support: */
+/* ATmega1280 based devices (eg. Mega) */
+/* */
+/* Assumptions: */
+/* The code makes several assumptions that reduce the */
+/* code size. They are all true after a hardware reset, */
+/* but may not be true if the bootloader is called by */
+/* other means or on other hardware. */
+/* No interrupts can occur */
+/* UART and Timer 1 are set to their reset state */
+/* SP points to RAMEND */
+/* */
+/* Code builds on code, libraries and optimisations from: */
+/* stk500boot.c by Jason P. Kyle */
+/* Arduino bootloader http://arduino.cc */
+/* Spiff's 1K bootloader http://spiffie.org/know/arduino_1k_bootloader/bootloader.shtml */
+/* avr-libc project http://nongnu.org/avr-libc */
+/* Adaboot http://www.ladyada.net/library/arduino/bootloader.html */
+/* AVR305 Atmel Application Note */
+/* */
+/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it */
+/* and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General */
+/* Public License as published by the Free Software */
+/* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
+/* (at your option) any later version. */
+/* */
+/* This program is distributed in the hope that it will */
+/* be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the */
+/* implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A */
+/* PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public */
+/* License for more details. */
+/* */
+/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General */
+/* Public License along with this program; if not, write */
+/* to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., */
+/* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
+/* */
+/* Licence can be viewed at */
+/* http://www.fsf.org/licenses/gpl.txt */
+/* */
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <avr/io.h>
+#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+#include <avr/boot.h>
+//#define LED_DATA_FLASH
+/* Build-time variables */
+/* BAUD_RATE Programming baud rate */
+/* LED_NO_FLASHES Number of LED flashes on boot */
+/* FLASH_TIME_MS Duration of each LED flash */
+/* BOOT_TIMEOUT_MS Serial port wait time before exiting bootloader */
+/* set the UART baud rate */
+#ifndef BAUD_RATE
+#define BAUD_RATE 19200
+#if defined(__AVR_ATmega168__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__)
+/* Onboard LED is connected to pin PB5 in Arduino NG, Diecimila, and Duemilanove */
+#define LED_DDR DDRB
+#define LED_PIN PINB
+#define LED PINB5
+/* Ports for soft UART */
+#ifdef SOFT_UART
+#define UART_PIN PIND
+#define UART_DDR DDRD
+#define UART_TX_BIT 1
+#define UART_RX_BIT 0
+#if defined(__AVR_ATtiny84__)
+/* Onboard LED is connected to pin PB5 in Arduino NG, Diecimila, and Duemilanove */
+#define LED_DDR DDRA
+#define LED_PIN PINA
+#define LED PINA4
+/* Ports for soft UART - left port only for now*/
+#ifdef SOFT_UART
+#define UART_PIN PINA
+#define UART_DDR DDRA
+#define UART_TX_BIT 2
+#define UART_RX_BIT 3
+/* STK500 constants list, from AVRDUDE */
+#define STK_OK 0x10
+#define STK_FAILED 0x11 // Not used
+#define STK_UNKNOWN 0x12 // Not used
+#define STK_NODEVICE 0x13 // Not used
+#define STK_INSYNC 0x14 // ' '
+#define STK_NOSYNC 0x15 // Not used
+#define ADC_CHANNEL_ERROR 0x16 // Not used
+#define ADC_MEASURE_OK 0x17 // Not used
+#define PWM_CHANNEL_ERROR 0x18 // Not used
+#define PWM_ADJUST_OK 0x19 // Not used
+#define CRC_EOP 0x20 // 'SPACE'
+#define STK_GET_SYNC 0x30 // '0'
+#define STK_GET_SIGN_ON 0x31 // '1'
+#define STK_SET_PARAMETER 0x40 // '@'
+#define STK_GET_PARAMETER 0x41 // 'A'
+#define STK_SET_DEVICE 0x42 // 'B'
+#define STK_SET_DEVICE_EXT 0x45 // 'E'
+#define STK_ENTER_PROGMODE 0x50 // 'P'
+#define STK_LEAVE_PROGMODE 0x51 // 'Q'
+#define STK_CHIP_ERASE 0x52 // 'R'
+#define STK_CHECK_AUTOINC 0x53 // 'S'
+#define STK_LOAD_ADDRESS 0x55 // 'U'
+#define STK_UNIVERSAL 0x56 // 'V'
+#define STK_PROG_FLASH 0x60 // '`'
+#define STK_PROG_DATA 0x61 // 'a'
+#define STK_PROG_FUSE 0x62 // 'b'
+#define STK_PROG_LOCK 0x63 // 'c'
+#define STK_PROG_PAGE 0x64 // 'd'
+#define STK_PROG_FUSE_EXT 0x65 // 'e'
+#define STK_READ_FLASH 0x70 // 'p'
+#define STK_READ_DATA 0x71 // 'q'
+#define STK_READ_FUSE 0x72 // 'r'
+#define STK_READ_LOCK 0x73 // 's'
+#define STK_READ_PAGE 0x74 // 't'
+#define STK_READ_SIGN 0x75 // 'u'
+#define STK_READ_OSCCAL 0x76 // 'v'
+#define STK_READ_FUSE_EXT 0x77 // 'w'
+#define STK_READ_OSCCAL_EXT 0x78 // 'x'
+/* Watchdog settings */
+#define WATCHDOG_OFF (0)
+#define WATCHDOG_16MS (_BV(WDE))
+#define WATCHDOG_32MS (_BV(WDP0) | _BV(WDE))
+#define WATCHDOG_64MS (_BV(WDP1) | _BV(WDE))
+#define WATCHDOG_125MS (_BV(WDP1) | _BV(WDP0) | _BV(WDE))
+#define WATCHDOG_250MS (_BV(WDP2) | _BV(WDE))
+#define WATCHDOG_500MS (_BV(WDP2) | _BV(WDP0) | _BV(WDE))
+#define WATCHDOG_1S (_BV(WDP2) | _BV(WDP1) | _BV(WDE))
+#define WATCHDOG_2S (_BV(WDP2) | _BV(WDP1) | _BV(WDP0) | _BV(WDE))
+#define WATCHDOG_4S (_BV(WDE3) | _BV(WDE))
+#define WATCHDOG_8S (_BV(WDE3) | _BV(WDE0) | _BV(WDE))
+/* Function Prototypes */
+/* The main function is in init9, which removes the interrupt vector table */
+/* we don't need. It is also 'naked', which means the compiler does not */
+/* generate any entry or exit code itself. */
+int main(void) __attribute__ ((naked)) __attribute__ ((section (".init9")));
+void putch(char);
+uint8_t getch(void);
+static inline void getNch(uint8_t); /* "static inline" is a compiler hint to reduce code size */
+void verifySpace();
+static inline void flash_led(uint8_t);
+uint8_t getLen();
+static inline void watchdogReset();
+void watchdogConfig(uint8_t x);
+#ifdef SOFT_UART
+void uartDelay() __attribute__ ((naked));
+void appStart() __attribute__ ((naked));
+/* C zero initialises all global variables. However, that requires */
+/* These definitions are NOT zero initialised, but that doesn't matter */
+/* This allows us to drop the zero init code, saving us memory */
+#define buff ((uint8_t*)(0x100))
+#define address (*(uint16_t*)(0x200))
+#define length (*(uint8_t*)(0x202))
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ // After the zero init loop, this is the first code to run.
+ //
+ // This code makes the following assumptions:
+ // No interrupts will execute
+ // SP points to RAMEND
+ // r1 contains zero
+ //
+ // If not, uncomment the following instructions:
+ // cli();
+ // SP=RAMEND; // This is done by hardware reset
+ // asm volatile ("clr __zero_reg__");
+ uint8_t ch;
+ // Set up Timer 1 for timeout counter
+ TCCR1B = _BV(CS12) | _BV(CS10); // div 1024
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ UCSR0A = _BV(U2X0); //Double speed mode USART0
+ UCSR0B = _BV(RXEN0) | _BV(TXEN0);
+ UCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
+ UBRR0L = (uint8_t)( (F_CPU + BAUD_RATE * 4L) / (BAUD_RATE * 8L) - 1 );
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ ch = MCUSR;
+ MCUSR = 0;
+ if (!(ch & _BV(EXTRF))) appStart();
+ // Set up watchdog to trigger after 500ms
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_500MS);
+ /* Set LED pin as output */
+ LED_DDR |= _BV(LED);
+#ifdef SOFT_UART
+ /* Set TX pin as output */
+ /* Flash onboard LED to signal entering of bootloader */
+ flash_led(LED_START_FLASHES * 2);
+ /* Forever loop */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ putch(0x03);
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE) {
+ // SET DEVICE is ignored
+ getNch(20);
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE_EXT) {
+ // SET DEVICE EXT is ignored
+ getNch(5);
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_LOAD_ADDRESS) {
+ address = getch();
+ address = (address & 0xff) | (getch() << 8);
+ address += address; // Convert from word address to byte address
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_UNIVERSAL) {
+ // UNIVERSAL command is ignored
+ getNch(4);
+ putch(0x00);
+ }
+ /* Write memory, length is big endian and is in bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_PROG_PAGE) {
+ // PROGRAM PAGE - we support flash programming only, not EEPROM
+ uint8_t *bufPtr;
+ uint16_t addrPtr;
+ getLen();
+ // Immediately start page erase - this will 4.5ms
+ boot_page_erase((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ // While that is going on, read in page contents
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ do *bufPtr++ = getch();
+ while (--length);
+ // Read command terminator, start reply
+ verifySpace();
+ // If only a partial page is to be programmed, the erase might not be complete.
+ // So check that here
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ if ((uint16_t)(void*)address == 0) {
+ // This is the reset vector page. We need to live-patch the code so the
+ // bootloader runs.
+ //
+ // Move RESET vector to WDT vector
+ uint16_t vect = buff[0] | (buff[1]<<8);
+ rstVect = vect;
+ wdtVect = buff[10] | (buff[11]<<8);
+ vect -= 4; // Instruction is a relative jump (rjmp), so recalculate.
+ buff[10] = vect & 0xff;
+ buff[11] = vect >> 8;
+ // Add jump to bootloader at RESET vector
+ buff[0] = 0x7f;
+ buff[1] = 0xce; // rjmp 0x1d00 instruction
+ }
+ // Copy buffer into programming buffer
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ addrPtr = (uint16_t)(void*)address;
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ } while (--ch);
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ }
+ /* Read memory block mode, length is big endian. */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_PAGE) {
+ // READ PAGE - we only read flash
+ getLen();
+ verifySpace();
+ do {
+ // Undo vector patch in bottom page so verify passes
+ if (address == 0) ch=rstVect & 0xff;
+ else if (address == 1) ch=rstVect >> 8;
+ else if (address == 10) ch=wdtVect & 0xff;
+ else if (address == 11) ch=wdtVect >> 8;
+ else ch = pgm_read_byte_near(address);
+ address++;
+ putch(ch);
+ } while (--length);
+ do putch(pgm_read_byte_near(address++));
+ while (--length);
+ }
+ /* Get device signature bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_SIGN) {
+ // READ SIGN - return what Avrdude wants to hear
+ verifySpace();
+ putch(SIGNATURE_0);
+ putch(SIGNATURE_1);
+ putch(SIGNATURE_2);
+ }
+ else if (ch == 'Q') {
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_16MS);
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else {
+ // This covers the response to commands like STK_ENTER_PROGMODE
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ putch(STK_OK);
+ }
+void putch(char ch) {
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ while (!(UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0)));
+ UDR0 = ch;
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ " com %[ch]\n" // ones complement, carry set
+ " sec\n"
+ "1: brcc 2f\n"
+ " cbi %[uartPort],%[uartBit]\n"
+ " rjmp 3f\n"
+ "2: sbi %[uartPort],%[uartBit]\n"
+ " nop\n"
+ "3: rcall uartDelay\n"
+ " rcall uartDelay\n"
+ " lsr %[ch]\n"
+ " dec %[bitcnt]\n"
+ " brne 1b\n"
+ :
+ :
+ [bitcnt] "d" (10),
+ [ch] "r" (ch),
+ [uartPort] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(UART_PORT)),
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_TX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ );
+uint8_t getch(void) {
+ uint8_t ch;
+ watchdogReset();
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+#ifdef SOFT_UART
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ "1: sbic %[uartPin],%[uartBit]\n" // Wait for start edge
+ " rjmp 1b\n"
+ " rcall uartDelay\n" // Get to middle of start bit
+ "2: rcall uartDelay\n" // Wait 1 bit period
+ " rcall uartDelay\n" // Wait 1 bit period
+ " clc\n"
+ " sbic %[uartPin],%[uartBit]\n"
+ " sec\n"
+ " dec %[bitCnt]\n"
+ " breq 3f\n"
+ " ror %[ch]\n"
+ " rjmp 2b\n"
+ "3:\n"
+ :
+ [ch] "=r" (ch)
+ :
+ [bitCnt] "d" (9),
+ [uartPin] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(UART_PIN)),
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_RX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ while(!(UCSR0A & _BV(RXC0)));
+ ch = UDR0;
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ return ch;
+#ifdef SOFT_UART
+//#define UART_B_VALUE (((F_CPU/BAUD_RATE)-23)/6)
+#define UART_B_VALUE (((F_CPU/BAUD_RATE)-20)/6)
+#if UART_B_VALUE > 255
+#error Baud rate too slow for soft UART
+void uartDelay() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ "ldi r25,%[count]\n"
+ "1:dec r25\n"
+ "brne 1b\n"
+ "ret\n"
+ ::[count] "M" (UART_B_VALUE)
+ );
+void getNch(uint8_t count) {
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ verifySpace();
+void verifySpace() {
+ if (getch() != CRC_EOP) appStart();
+ putch(STK_INSYNC);
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ watchdogReset();
+ } while (--count);
+uint8_t getLen() {
+ getch();
+ length = getch();
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ "wdr\n"
+ );
+void watchdogConfig(uint8_t x) {
+ WDTCSR = x;
+void appStart() {
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_OFF);
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ // Jump to WDT vector
+ "ldi r30,5\n"
+ "clr r31\n"
+ // Jump to RST vector
+ "clr r30\n"
+ "clr r31\n"
+ "ijmp\n"
+ );
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_atmega328.hex b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_atmega328.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1c8567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_atmega328.hex
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_atmega328.lst b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_atmega328.lst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..888871d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_atmega328.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+optiboot_atmega328.elf: file format elf32-avr
+Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
+ 0 .text 000001ec 00007e00 00007e00 00000054 2**1
+ 1 .debug_aranges 00000028 00000000 00000000 00000240 2**0
+ 2 .debug_pubnames 0000006a 00000000 00000000 00000268 2**0
+ 3 .debug_info 00000269 00000000 00000000 000002d2 2**0
+ 4 .debug_abbrev 00000196 00000000 00000000 0000053b 2**0
+ 5 .debug_line 000003d3 00000000 00000000 000006d1 2**0
+ 6 .debug_frame 00000090 00000000 00000000 00000aa4 2**2
+ 7 .debug_str 00000135 00000000 00000000 00000b34 2**0
+ 8 .debug_loc 000001d1 00000000 00000000 00000c69 2**0
+ 9 .debug_ranges 00000068 00000000 00000000 00000e3a 2**0
+Disassembly of section .text:
+00007e00 <main>:
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 7e00: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 7e02: 80 93 81 00 sts 0x0081, r24
+ // Set up Timer 1 for timeout counter
+ TCCR1B = _BV(CS12) | _BV(CS10); // div 1024
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ UCSR0A = _BV(U2X0); //Double speed mode USART0
+ 7e06: 82 e0 ldi r24, 0x02 ; 2
+ 7e08: 80 93 c0 00 sts 0x00C0, r24
+ UCSR0B = _BV(RXEN0) | _BV(TXEN0);
+ 7e0c: 88 e1 ldi r24, 0x18 ; 24
+ 7e0e: 80 93 c1 00 sts 0x00C1, r24
+ UCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
+ 7e12: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+ 7e14: 80 93 c2 00 sts 0x00C2, r24
+ UBRR0L = (uint8_t)( (F_CPU + BAUD_RATE * 4L) / (BAUD_RATE * 8L) - 1 );
+ 7e18: 80 e1 ldi r24, 0x10 ; 16
+ 7e1a: 80 93 c4 00 sts 0x00C4, r24
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ ch = MCUSR;
+ 7e1e: 84 b7 in r24, 0x34 ; 52
+ MCUSR = 0;
+ 7e20: 14 be out 0x34, r1 ; 52
+ if (!(ch & _BV(EXTRF))) appStart();
+ 7e22: 81 ff sbrs r24, 1
+ 7e24: d0 d0 rcall .+416 ; 0x7fc6 <appStart>
+ // Set up watchdog to trigger after 500ms
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_500MS);
+ 7e26: 8d e0 ldi r24, 0x0D ; 13
+ 7e28: c8 d0 rcall .+400 ; 0x7fba <watchdogConfig>
+ /* Set LED pin as output */
+ LED_DDR |= _BV(LED);
+ 7e2a: 25 9a sbi 0x04, 5 ; 4
+ 7e2c: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 7e2e: 20 e3 ldi r18, 0x30 ; 48
+ 7e30: 3c ef ldi r19, 0xFC ; 252
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 7e32: 91 e0 ldi r25, 0x01 ; 1
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 7e34: 30 93 85 00 sts 0x0085, r19
+ 7e38: 20 93 84 00 sts 0x0084, r18
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 7e3c: 96 bb out 0x16, r25 ; 22
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ 7e3e: b0 9b sbis 0x16, 0 ; 22
+ 7e40: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x7e3e <main+0x3e>
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ 7e42: 1d 9a sbi 0x03, 5 ; 3
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 7e44: a8 95 wdr
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ watchdogReset();
+ } while (--count);
+ 7e46: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7e48: a9 f7 brne .-22 ; 0x7e34 <main+0x34>
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 7e4a: dd 24 eor r13, r13
+ 7e4c: d3 94 inc r13
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ } while (--ch);
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 7e4e: a5 e0 ldi r26, 0x05 ; 5
+ 7e50: ea 2e mov r14, r26
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 7e52: f1 e1 ldi r31, 0x11 ; 17
+ 7e54: ff 2e mov r15, r31
+ /* Forever loop */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ 7e56: a4 d0 rcall .+328 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ 7e58: 81 34 cpi r24, 0x41 ; 65
+ 7e5a: 21 f4 brne .+8 ; 0x7e64 <main+0x64>
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 7e5c: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7e5e: be d0 rcall .+380 ; 0x7fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x03);
+ 7e60: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 7e62: 24 c0 rjmp .+72 ; 0x7eac <main+0xac>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE) {
+ 7e64: 82 34 cpi r24, 0x42 ; 66
+ 7e66: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x7e6c <main+0x6c>
+ // SET DEVICE is ignored
+ getNch(20);
+ 7e68: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 7e6a: 03 c0 rjmp .+6 ; 0x7e72 <main+0x72>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE_EXT) {
+ 7e6c: 85 34 cpi r24, 0x45 ; 69
+ 7e6e: 19 f4 brne .+6 ; 0x7e76 <main+0x76>
+ // SET DEVICE EXT is ignored
+ getNch(5);
+ 7e70: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 7e72: b4 d0 rcall .+360 ; 0x7fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ 7e74: 8a c0 rjmp .+276 ; 0x7f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_LOAD_ADDRESS) {
+ 7e76: 85 35 cpi r24, 0x55 ; 85
+ 7e78: a1 f4 brne .+40 ; 0x7ea2 <main+0xa2>
+ address = getch();
+ 7e7a: 92 d0 rcall .+292 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ 7e7c: 08 2f mov r16, r24
+ 7e7e: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7e80: 10 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r17
+ 7e84: 00 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r16
+ address = (address & 0xff) | (getch() << 8);
+ 7e88: 8b d0 rcall .+278 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ 7e8a: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7e8c: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 7e8e: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 7e90: 80 2b or r24, r16
+ 7e92: 91 2b or r25, r17
+ address += address; // Convert from word address to byte address
+ 7e94: 88 0f add r24, r24
+ 7e96: 99 1f adc r25, r25
+ 7e98: 90 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r25
+ 7e9c: 80 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r24
+ 7ea0: 73 c0 rjmp .+230 ; 0x7f88 <main+0x188>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_UNIVERSAL) {
+ 7ea2: 86 35 cpi r24, 0x56 ; 86
+ 7ea4: 29 f4 brne .+10 ; 0x7eb0 <main+0xb0>
+ // UNIVERSAL command is ignored
+ getNch(4);
+ 7ea6: 84 e0 ldi r24, 0x04 ; 4
+ 7ea8: 99 d0 rcall .+306 ; 0x7fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x00);
+ 7eaa: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7eac: 71 d0 rcall .+226 ; 0x7f90 <putch>
+ 7eae: 6d c0 rjmp .+218 ; 0x7f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Write memory, length is big endian and is in bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_PROG_PAGE) {
+ 7eb0: 84 36 cpi r24, 0x64 ; 100
+ 7eb2: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x7eb6 <main+0xb6>
+ 7eb4: 43 c0 rjmp .+134 ; 0x7f3c <main+0x13c>
+ // PROGRAM PAGE - we support flash programming only, not EEPROM
+ uint8_t *bufPtr;
+ uint16_t addrPtr;
+ getLen();
+ 7eb6: 7c d0 rcall .+248 ; 0x7fb0 <getLen>
+ // Immediately start page erase - this will 4.5ms
+ boot_page_erase((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 7eb8: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 7ebc: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 7ec0: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 7ec2: 80 93 57 00 sts 0x0057, r24
+ 7ec6: e8 95 spm
+ 7ec8: c0 e0 ldi r28, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7eca: d1 e0 ldi r29, 0x01 ; 1
+ // While that is going on, read in page contents
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ do *bufPtr++ = getch();
+ 7ecc: 69 d0 rcall .+210 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ 7ece: 89 93 st Y+, r24
+ while (--length);
+ 7ed0: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 7ed4: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7ed6: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 7eda: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 7edc: b9 f7 brne .-18 ; 0x7ecc <main+0xcc>
+ // Read command terminator, start reply
+ verifySpace();
+ 7ede: 78 d0 rcall .+240 ; 0x7fd0 <verifySpace>
+ // If only a partial page is to be programmed, the erase might not be complete.
+ // So check that here
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 7ee0: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 7ee2: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 7ee4: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x7ee0 <main+0xe0>
+ }
+ // Copy buffer into programming buffer
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ addrPtr = (uint16_t)(void*)address;
+ 7ee6: 40 91 00 02 lds r20, 0x0200
+ 7eea: 50 91 01 02 lds r21, 0x0201
+ 7eee: a0 e0 ldi r26, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7ef0: b1 e0 ldi r27, 0x01 ; 1
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ 7ef2: 2c 91 ld r18, X
+ 7ef4: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ 7ef6: 11 96 adiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7ef8: 8c 91 ld r24, X
+ 7efa: 11 97 sbiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7efc: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7efe: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 7f00: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 7f02: 82 2b or r24, r18
+ 7f04: 93 2b or r25, r19
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 7f06: 12 96 adiw r26, 0x02 ; 2
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ 7f08: fa 01 movw r30, r20
+ 7f0a: 0c 01 movw r0, r24
+ 7f0c: d0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r13
+ 7f10: e8 95 spm
+ 7f12: 11 24 eor r1, r1
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ 7f14: 4e 5f subi r20, 0xFE ; 254
+ 7f16: 5f 4f sbci r21, 0xFF ; 255
+ } while (--ch);
+ 7f18: f1 e0 ldi r31, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7f1a: a0 38 cpi r26, 0x80 ; 128
+ 7f1c: bf 07 cpc r27, r31
+ 7f1e: 49 f7 brne .-46 ; 0x7ef2 <main+0xf2>
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 7f20: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 7f24: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 7f28: e0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r14
+ 7f2c: e8 95 spm
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 7f2e: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 7f30: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 7f32: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x7f2e <main+0x12e>
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 7f34: f0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r15
+ 7f38: e8 95 spm
+ 7f3a: 27 c0 rjmp .+78 ; 0x7f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Read memory block mode, length is big endian. */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_PAGE) {
+ 7f3c: 84 37 cpi r24, 0x74 ; 116
+ 7f3e: b9 f4 brne .+46 ; 0x7f6e <main+0x16e>
+ // READ PAGE - we only read flash
+ getLen();
+ 7f40: 37 d0 rcall .+110 ; 0x7fb0 <getLen>
+ verifySpace();
+ 7f42: 46 d0 rcall .+140 ; 0x7fd0 <verifySpace>
+ else ch = pgm_read_byte_near(address);
+ address++;
+ putch(ch);
+ } while (--length);
+ do putch(pgm_read_byte_near(address++));
+ 7f44: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 7f48: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 7f4c: 31 96 adiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7f4e: f0 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r31
+ 7f52: e0 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r30
+ 7f56: 31 97 sbiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7f58: e4 91 lpm r30, Z+
+ 7f5a: 8e 2f mov r24, r30
+ 7f5c: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x7f90 <putch>
+ while (--length);
+ 7f5e: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 7f62: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7f64: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 7f68: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 7f6a: 61 f7 brne .-40 ; 0x7f44 <main+0x144>
+ 7f6c: 0e c0 rjmp .+28 ; 0x7f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Get device signature bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_SIGN) {
+ 7f6e: 85 37 cpi r24, 0x75 ; 117
+ 7f70: 39 f4 brne .+14 ; 0x7f80 <main+0x180>
+ // READ SIGN - return what Avrdude wants to hear
+ verifySpace();
+ 7f72: 2e d0 rcall .+92 ; 0x7fd0 <verifySpace>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_0);
+ 7f74: 8e e1 ldi r24, 0x1E ; 30
+ 7f76: 0c d0 rcall .+24 ; 0x7f90 <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_1);
+ 7f78: 85 e9 ldi r24, 0x95 ; 149
+ 7f7a: 0a d0 rcall .+20 ; 0x7f90 <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_2);
+ 7f7c: 8f e0 ldi r24, 0x0F ; 15
+ 7f7e: 96 cf rjmp .-212 ; 0x7eac <main+0xac>
+ }
+ else if (ch == 'Q') {
+ 7f80: 81 35 cpi r24, 0x51 ; 81
+ 7f82: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x7f88 <main+0x188>
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_16MS);
+ 7f84: 88 e0 ldi r24, 0x08 ; 8
+ 7f86: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x7fba <watchdogConfig>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else {
+ // This covers the response to commands like STK_ENTER_PROGMODE
+ verifySpace();
+ 7f88: 23 d0 rcall .+70 ; 0x7fd0 <verifySpace>
+ }
+ putch(STK_OK);
+ 7f8a: 80 e1 ldi r24, 0x10 ; 16
+ 7f8c: 01 d0 rcall .+2 ; 0x7f90 <putch>
+ 7f8e: 63 cf rjmp .-314 ; 0x7e56 <main+0x56>
+00007f90 <putch>:
+ }
+void putch(char ch) {
+ 7f90: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ while (!(UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0)));
+ 7f92: 80 91 c0 00 lds r24, 0x00C0
+ 7f96: 85 ff sbrs r24, 5
+ 7f98: fc cf rjmp .-8 ; 0x7f92 <putch+0x2>
+ UDR0 = ch;
+ 7f9a: 90 93 c6 00 sts 0x00C6, r25
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_TX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ );
+ 7f9e: 08 95 ret
+00007fa0 <getch>:
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 7fa0: a8 95 wdr
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_RX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ while(!(UCSR0A & _BV(RXC0)));
+ 7fa2: 80 91 c0 00 lds r24, 0x00C0
+ 7fa6: 87 ff sbrs r24, 7
+ 7fa8: fc cf rjmp .-8 ; 0x7fa2 <getch+0x2>
+ ch = UDR0;
+ 7faa: 80 91 c6 00 lds r24, 0x00C6
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ return ch;
+ 7fae: 08 95 ret
+00007fb0 <getLen>:
+ } while (--count);
+uint8_t getLen() {
+ getch();
+ 7fb0: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ length = getch();
+ 7fb2: f6 df rcall .-20 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ 7fb4: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ return getch();
+ 7fb8: f3 cf rjmp .-26 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+00007fba <watchdogConfig>:
+ "wdr\n"
+ );
+void watchdogConfig(uint8_t x) {
+ 7fba: e0 e6 ldi r30, 0x60 ; 96
+ 7fbc: f0 e0 ldi r31, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7fbe: 98 e1 ldi r25, 0x18 ; 24
+ 7fc0: 90 83 st Z, r25
+ WDTCSR = x;
+ 7fc2: 80 83 st Z, r24
+ 7fc4: 08 95 ret
+00007fc6 <appStart>:
+void appStart() {
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_OFF);
+ 7fc6: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7fc8: f8 df rcall .-16 ; 0x7fba <watchdogConfig>
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 7fca: ee 27 eor r30, r30
+ 7fcc: ff 27 eor r31, r31
+ 7fce: 09 94 ijmp
+00007fd0 <verifySpace>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ verifySpace();
+void verifySpace() {
+ if (getch() != CRC_EOP) appStart();
+ 7fd0: e7 df rcall .-50 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ 7fd2: 80 32 cpi r24, 0x20 ; 32
+ 7fd4: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x7fd8 <verifySpace+0x8>
+ 7fd6: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x7fc6 <appStart>
+ putch(STK_INSYNC);
+ 7fd8: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 7fda: da cf rjmp .-76 ; 0x7f90 <putch>
+ ::[count] "M" (UART_B_VALUE)
+ );
+void getNch(uint8_t count) {
+ 7fdc: 1f 93 push r17
+ 7fde: 18 2f mov r17, r24
+00007fe0 <getNch>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ 7fe0: df df rcall .-66 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ 7fe2: 11 50 subi r17, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7fe4: e9 f7 brne .-6 ; 0x7fe0 <getNch>
+ verifySpace();
+ 7fe6: f4 df rcall .-24 ; 0x7fd0 <verifySpace>
+ 7fe8: 1f 91 pop r17
+ 7fea: 08 95 ret
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_atmega328_pro_8MHz.hex b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_atmega328_pro_8MHz.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6ac145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_atmega328_pro_8MHz.hex
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_atmega328_pro_8MHz.lst b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_atmega328_pro_8MHz.lst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46eda68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_atmega328_pro_8MHz.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+optiboot_atmega328_pro_8MHz.elf: file format elf32-avr
+Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
+ 0 .text 000001ec 00007e00 00007e00 00000054 2**1
+ 1 .debug_aranges 00000028 00000000 00000000 00000240 2**0
+ 2 .debug_pubnames 0000006a 00000000 00000000 00000268 2**0
+ 3 .debug_info 00000269 00000000 00000000 000002d2 2**0
+ 4 .debug_abbrev 00000196 00000000 00000000 0000053b 2**0
+ 5 .debug_line 000003d3 00000000 00000000 000006d1 2**0
+ 6 .debug_frame 00000090 00000000 00000000 00000aa4 2**2
+ 7 .debug_str 00000135 00000000 00000000 00000b34 2**0
+ 8 .debug_loc 000001d1 00000000 00000000 00000c69 2**0
+ 9 .debug_ranges 00000068 00000000 00000000 00000e3a 2**0
+Disassembly of section .text:
+00007e00 <main>:
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 7e00: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 7e02: 80 93 81 00 sts 0x0081, r24
+ // Set up Timer 1 for timeout counter
+ TCCR1B = _BV(CS12) | _BV(CS10); // div 1024
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ UCSR0A = _BV(U2X0); //Double speed mode USART0
+ 7e06: 82 e0 ldi r24, 0x02 ; 2
+ 7e08: 80 93 c0 00 sts 0x00C0, r24
+ UCSR0B = _BV(RXEN0) | _BV(TXEN0);
+ 7e0c: 88 e1 ldi r24, 0x18 ; 24
+ 7e0e: 80 93 c1 00 sts 0x00C1, r24
+ UCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
+ 7e12: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+ 7e14: 80 93 c2 00 sts 0x00C2, r24
+ UBRR0L = (uint8_t)( (F_CPU + BAUD_RATE * 4L) / (BAUD_RATE * 8L) - 1 );
+ 7e18: 88 e0 ldi r24, 0x08 ; 8
+ 7e1a: 80 93 c4 00 sts 0x00C4, r24
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ ch = MCUSR;
+ 7e1e: 84 b7 in r24, 0x34 ; 52
+ MCUSR = 0;
+ 7e20: 14 be out 0x34, r1 ; 52
+ if (!(ch & _BV(EXTRF))) appStart();
+ 7e22: 81 ff sbrs r24, 1
+ 7e24: d0 d0 rcall .+416 ; 0x7fc6 <appStart>
+ // Set up watchdog to trigger after 500ms
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_500MS);
+ 7e26: 8d e0 ldi r24, 0x0D ; 13
+ 7e28: c8 d0 rcall .+400 ; 0x7fba <watchdogConfig>
+ /* Set LED pin as output */
+ LED_DDR |= _BV(LED);
+ 7e2a: 25 9a sbi 0x04, 5 ; 4
+ 7e2c: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 7e2e: 28 e1 ldi r18, 0x18 ; 24
+ 7e30: 3e ef ldi r19, 0xFE ; 254
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 7e32: 91 e0 ldi r25, 0x01 ; 1
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 7e34: 30 93 85 00 sts 0x0085, r19
+ 7e38: 20 93 84 00 sts 0x0084, r18
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 7e3c: 96 bb out 0x16, r25 ; 22
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ 7e3e: b0 9b sbis 0x16, 0 ; 22
+ 7e40: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x7e3e <main+0x3e>
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ 7e42: 1d 9a sbi 0x03, 5 ; 3
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 7e44: a8 95 wdr
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ watchdogReset();
+ } while (--count);
+ 7e46: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7e48: a9 f7 brne .-22 ; 0x7e34 <main+0x34>
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 7e4a: dd 24 eor r13, r13
+ 7e4c: d3 94 inc r13
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ } while (--ch);
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 7e4e: a5 e0 ldi r26, 0x05 ; 5
+ 7e50: ea 2e mov r14, r26
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 7e52: f1 e1 ldi r31, 0x11 ; 17
+ 7e54: ff 2e mov r15, r31
+ /* Forever loop */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ 7e56: a4 d0 rcall .+328 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ 7e58: 81 34 cpi r24, 0x41 ; 65
+ 7e5a: 21 f4 brne .+8 ; 0x7e64 <main+0x64>
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 7e5c: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7e5e: be d0 rcall .+380 ; 0x7fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x03);
+ 7e60: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 7e62: 24 c0 rjmp .+72 ; 0x7eac <main+0xac>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE) {
+ 7e64: 82 34 cpi r24, 0x42 ; 66
+ 7e66: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x7e6c <main+0x6c>
+ // SET DEVICE is ignored
+ getNch(20);
+ 7e68: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 7e6a: 03 c0 rjmp .+6 ; 0x7e72 <main+0x72>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE_EXT) {
+ 7e6c: 85 34 cpi r24, 0x45 ; 69
+ 7e6e: 19 f4 brne .+6 ; 0x7e76 <main+0x76>
+ // SET DEVICE EXT is ignored
+ getNch(5);
+ 7e70: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 7e72: b4 d0 rcall .+360 ; 0x7fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ 7e74: 8a c0 rjmp .+276 ; 0x7f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_LOAD_ADDRESS) {
+ 7e76: 85 35 cpi r24, 0x55 ; 85
+ 7e78: a1 f4 brne .+40 ; 0x7ea2 <main+0xa2>
+ address = getch();
+ 7e7a: 92 d0 rcall .+292 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ 7e7c: 08 2f mov r16, r24
+ 7e7e: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7e80: 10 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r17
+ 7e84: 00 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r16
+ address = (address & 0xff) | (getch() << 8);
+ 7e88: 8b d0 rcall .+278 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ 7e8a: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7e8c: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 7e8e: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 7e90: 80 2b or r24, r16
+ 7e92: 91 2b or r25, r17
+ address += address; // Convert from word address to byte address
+ 7e94: 88 0f add r24, r24
+ 7e96: 99 1f adc r25, r25
+ 7e98: 90 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r25
+ 7e9c: 80 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r24
+ 7ea0: 73 c0 rjmp .+230 ; 0x7f88 <main+0x188>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_UNIVERSAL) {
+ 7ea2: 86 35 cpi r24, 0x56 ; 86
+ 7ea4: 29 f4 brne .+10 ; 0x7eb0 <main+0xb0>
+ // UNIVERSAL command is ignored
+ getNch(4);
+ 7ea6: 84 e0 ldi r24, 0x04 ; 4
+ 7ea8: 99 d0 rcall .+306 ; 0x7fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x00);
+ 7eaa: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7eac: 71 d0 rcall .+226 ; 0x7f90 <putch>
+ 7eae: 6d c0 rjmp .+218 ; 0x7f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Write memory, length is big endian and is in bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_PROG_PAGE) {
+ 7eb0: 84 36 cpi r24, 0x64 ; 100
+ 7eb2: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x7eb6 <main+0xb6>
+ 7eb4: 43 c0 rjmp .+134 ; 0x7f3c <main+0x13c>
+ // PROGRAM PAGE - we support flash programming only, not EEPROM
+ uint8_t *bufPtr;
+ uint16_t addrPtr;
+ getLen();
+ 7eb6: 7c d0 rcall .+248 ; 0x7fb0 <getLen>
+ // Immediately start page erase - this will 4.5ms
+ boot_page_erase((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 7eb8: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 7ebc: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 7ec0: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 7ec2: 80 93 57 00 sts 0x0057, r24
+ 7ec6: e8 95 spm
+ 7ec8: c0 e0 ldi r28, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7eca: d1 e0 ldi r29, 0x01 ; 1
+ // While that is going on, read in page contents
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ do *bufPtr++ = getch();
+ 7ecc: 69 d0 rcall .+210 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ 7ece: 89 93 st Y+, r24
+ while (--length);
+ 7ed0: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 7ed4: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7ed6: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 7eda: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 7edc: b9 f7 brne .-18 ; 0x7ecc <main+0xcc>
+ // Read command terminator, start reply
+ verifySpace();
+ 7ede: 78 d0 rcall .+240 ; 0x7fd0 <verifySpace>
+ // If only a partial page is to be programmed, the erase might not be complete.
+ // So check that here
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 7ee0: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 7ee2: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 7ee4: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x7ee0 <main+0xe0>
+ }
+ // Copy buffer into programming buffer
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ addrPtr = (uint16_t)(void*)address;
+ 7ee6: 40 91 00 02 lds r20, 0x0200
+ 7eea: 50 91 01 02 lds r21, 0x0201
+ 7eee: a0 e0 ldi r26, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7ef0: b1 e0 ldi r27, 0x01 ; 1
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ 7ef2: 2c 91 ld r18, X
+ 7ef4: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ 7ef6: 11 96 adiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7ef8: 8c 91 ld r24, X
+ 7efa: 11 97 sbiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7efc: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7efe: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 7f00: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 7f02: 82 2b or r24, r18
+ 7f04: 93 2b or r25, r19
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 7f06: 12 96 adiw r26, 0x02 ; 2
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ 7f08: fa 01 movw r30, r20
+ 7f0a: 0c 01 movw r0, r24
+ 7f0c: d0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r13
+ 7f10: e8 95 spm
+ 7f12: 11 24 eor r1, r1
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ 7f14: 4e 5f subi r20, 0xFE ; 254
+ 7f16: 5f 4f sbci r21, 0xFF ; 255
+ } while (--ch);
+ 7f18: f1 e0 ldi r31, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7f1a: a0 38 cpi r26, 0x80 ; 128
+ 7f1c: bf 07 cpc r27, r31
+ 7f1e: 49 f7 brne .-46 ; 0x7ef2 <main+0xf2>
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 7f20: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 7f24: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 7f28: e0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r14
+ 7f2c: e8 95 spm
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 7f2e: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 7f30: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 7f32: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x7f2e <main+0x12e>
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 7f34: f0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r15
+ 7f38: e8 95 spm
+ 7f3a: 27 c0 rjmp .+78 ; 0x7f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Read memory block mode, length is big endian. */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_PAGE) {
+ 7f3c: 84 37 cpi r24, 0x74 ; 116
+ 7f3e: b9 f4 brne .+46 ; 0x7f6e <main+0x16e>
+ // READ PAGE - we only read flash
+ getLen();
+ 7f40: 37 d0 rcall .+110 ; 0x7fb0 <getLen>
+ verifySpace();
+ 7f42: 46 d0 rcall .+140 ; 0x7fd0 <verifySpace>
+ else ch = pgm_read_byte_near(address);
+ address++;
+ putch(ch);
+ } while (--length);
+ do putch(pgm_read_byte_near(address++));
+ 7f44: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 7f48: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 7f4c: 31 96 adiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7f4e: f0 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r31
+ 7f52: e0 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r30
+ 7f56: 31 97 sbiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7f58: e4 91 lpm r30, Z+
+ 7f5a: 8e 2f mov r24, r30
+ 7f5c: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x7f90 <putch>
+ while (--length);
+ 7f5e: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 7f62: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7f64: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 7f68: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 7f6a: 61 f7 brne .-40 ; 0x7f44 <main+0x144>
+ 7f6c: 0e c0 rjmp .+28 ; 0x7f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Get device signature bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_SIGN) {
+ 7f6e: 85 37 cpi r24, 0x75 ; 117
+ 7f70: 39 f4 brne .+14 ; 0x7f80 <main+0x180>
+ // READ SIGN - return what Avrdude wants to hear
+ verifySpace();
+ 7f72: 2e d0 rcall .+92 ; 0x7fd0 <verifySpace>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_0);
+ 7f74: 8e e1 ldi r24, 0x1E ; 30
+ 7f76: 0c d0 rcall .+24 ; 0x7f90 <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_1);
+ 7f78: 85 e9 ldi r24, 0x95 ; 149
+ 7f7a: 0a d0 rcall .+20 ; 0x7f90 <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_2);
+ 7f7c: 8f e0 ldi r24, 0x0F ; 15
+ 7f7e: 96 cf rjmp .-212 ; 0x7eac <main+0xac>
+ }
+ else if (ch == 'Q') {
+ 7f80: 81 35 cpi r24, 0x51 ; 81
+ 7f82: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x7f88 <main+0x188>
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_16MS);
+ 7f84: 88 e0 ldi r24, 0x08 ; 8
+ 7f86: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x7fba <watchdogConfig>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else {
+ // This covers the response to commands like STK_ENTER_PROGMODE
+ verifySpace();
+ 7f88: 23 d0 rcall .+70 ; 0x7fd0 <verifySpace>
+ }
+ putch(STK_OK);
+ 7f8a: 80 e1 ldi r24, 0x10 ; 16
+ 7f8c: 01 d0 rcall .+2 ; 0x7f90 <putch>
+ 7f8e: 63 cf rjmp .-314 ; 0x7e56 <main+0x56>
+00007f90 <putch>:
+ }
+void putch(char ch) {
+ 7f90: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ while (!(UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0)));
+ 7f92: 80 91 c0 00 lds r24, 0x00C0
+ 7f96: 85 ff sbrs r24, 5
+ 7f98: fc cf rjmp .-8 ; 0x7f92 <putch+0x2>
+ UDR0 = ch;
+ 7f9a: 90 93 c6 00 sts 0x00C6, r25
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_TX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ );
+ 7f9e: 08 95 ret
+00007fa0 <getch>:
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 7fa0: a8 95 wdr
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_RX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ while(!(UCSR0A & _BV(RXC0)));
+ 7fa2: 80 91 c0 00 lds r24, 0x00C0
+ 7fa6: 87 ff sbrs r24, 7
+ 7fa8: fc cf rjmp .-8 ; 0x7fa2 <getch+0x2>
+ ch = UDR0;
+ 7faa: 80 91 c6 00 lds r24, 0x00C6
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ return ch;
+ 7fae: 08 95 ret
+00007fb0 <getLen>:
+ } while (--count);
+uint8_t getLen() {
+ getch();
+ 7fb0: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ length = getch();
+ 7fb2: f6 df rcall .-20 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ 7fb4: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ return getch();
+ 7fb8: f3 cf rjmp .-26 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+00007fba <watchdogConfig>:
+ "wdr\n"
+ );
+void watchdogConfig(uint8_t x) {
+ 7fba: e0 e6 ldi r30, 0x60 ; 96
+ 7fbc: f0 e0 ldi r31, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7fbe: 98 e1 ldi r25, 0x18 ; 24
+ 7fc0: 90 83 st Z, r25
+ WDTCSR = x;
+ 7fc2: 80 83 st Z, r24
+ 7fc4: 08 95 ret
+00007fc6 <appStart>:
+void appStart() {
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_OFF);
+ 7fc6: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 7fc8: f8 df rcall .-16 ; 0x7fba <watchdogConfig>
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 7fca: ee 27 eor r30, r30
+ 7fcc: ff 27 eor r31, r31
+ 7fce: 09 94 ijmp
+00007fd0 <verifySpace>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ verifySpace();
+void verifySpace() {
+ if (getch() != CRC_EOP) appStart();
+ 7fd0: e7 df rcall .-50 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ 7fd2: 80 32 cpi r24, 0x20 ; 32
+ 7fd4: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x7fd8 <verifySpace+0x8>
+ 7fd6: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x7fc6 <appStart>
+ putch(STK_INSYNC);
+ 7fd8: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 7fda: da cf rjmp .-76 ; 0x7f90 <putch>
+ ::[count] "M" (UART_B_VALUE)
+ );
+void getNch(uint8_t count) {
+ 7fdc: 1f 93 push r17
+ 7fde: 18 2f mov r17, r24
+00007fe0 <getNch>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ 7fe0: df df rcall .-66 ; 0x7fa0 <getch>
+ 7fe2: 11 50 subi r17, 0x01 ; 1
+ 7fe4: e9 f7 brne .-6 ; 0x7fe0 <getNch>
+ verifySpace();
+ 7fe6: f4 df rcall .-24 ; 0x7fd0 <verifySpace>
+ 7fe8: 1f 91 pop r17
+ 7fea: 08 95 ret
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_diecimila.hex b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_diecimila.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e93414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_diecimila.hex
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_diecimila.lst b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_diecimila.lst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1121893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_diecimila.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+optiboot_diecimila.elf: file format elf32-avr
+Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
+ 0 .text 000001ec 00003e00 00003e00 00000054 2**1
+ 1 .debug_aranges 00000028 00000000 00000000 00000240 2**0
+ 2 .debug_pubnames 0000006a 00000000 00000000 00000268 2**0
+ 3 .debug_info 00000269 00000000 00000000 000002d2 2**0
+ 4 .debug_abbrev 00000196 00000000 00000000 0000053b 2**0
+ 5 .debug_line 000003d3 00000000 00000000 000006d1 2**0
+ 6 .debug_frame 00000090 00000000 00000000 00000aa4 2**2
+ 7 .debug_str 00000135 00000000 00000000 00000b34 2**0
+ 8 .debug_loc 000001d1 00000000 00000000 00000c69 2**0
+ 9 .debug_ranges 00000068 00000000 00000000 00000e3a 2**0
+Disassembly of section .text:
+00003e00 <main>:
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 3e00: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e02: 80 93 81 00 sts 0x0081, r24
+ // Set up Timer 1 for timeout counter
+ TCCR1B = _BV(CS12) | _BV(CS10); // div 1024
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ UCSR0A = _BV(U2X0); //Double speed mode USART0
+ 3e06: 82 e0 ldi r24, 0x02 ; 2
+ 3e08: 80 93 c0 00 sts 0x00C0, r24
+ UCSR0B = _BV(RXEN0) | _BV(TXEN0);
+ 3e0c: 88 e1 ldi r24, 0x18 ; 24
+ 3e0e: 80 93 c1 00 sts 0x00C1, r24
+ UCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
+ 3e12: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+ 3e14: 80 93 c2 00 sts 0x00C2, r24
+ UBRR0L = (uint8_t)( (F_CPU + BAUD_RATE * 4L) / (BAUD_RATE * 8L) - 1 );
+ 3e18: 80 e1 ldi r24, 0x10 ; 16
+ 3e1a: 80 93 c4 00 sts 0x00C4, r24
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ ch = MCUSR;
+ 3e1e: 84 b7 in r24, 0x34 ; 52
+ MCUSR = 0;
+ 3e20: 14 be out 0x34, r1 ; 52
+ if (!(ch & _BV(EXTRF))) appStart();
+ 3e22: 81 ff sbrs r24, 1
+ 3e24: d0 d0 rcall .+416 ; 0x3fc6 <appStart>
+ // Set up watchdog to trigger after 500ms
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_500MS);
+ 3e26: 8d e0 ldi r24, 0x0D ; 13
+ 3e28: c8 d0 rcall .+400 ; 0x3fba <watchdogConfig>
+ /* Set LED pin as output */
+ LED_DDR |= _BV(LED);
+ 3e2a: 25 9a sbi 0x04, 5 ; 4
+ 3e2c: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 3e2e: 20 e3 ldi r18, 0x30 ; 48
+ 3e30: 3c ef ldi r19, 0xFC ; 252
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 3e32: 91 e0 ldi r25, 0x01 ; 1
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 3e34: 30 93 85 00 sts 0x0085, r19
+ 3e38: 20 93 84 00 sts 0x0084, r18
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 3e3c: 96 bb out 0x16, r25 ; 22
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ 3e3e: b0 9b sbis 0x16, 0 ; 22
+ 3e40: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x3e3e <main+0x3e>
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ 3e42: 1d 9a sbi 0x03, 5 ; 3
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3e44: a8 95 wdr
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ watchdogReset();
+ } while (--count);
+ 3e46: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3e48: a9 f7 brne .-22 ; 0x3e34 <main+0x34>
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 3e4a: dd 24 eor r13, r13
+ 3e4c: d3 94 inc r13
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ } while (--ch);
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3e4e: a5 e0 ldi r26, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e50: ea 2e mov r14, r26
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 3e52: f1 e1 ldi r31, 0x11 ; 17
+ 3e54: ff 2e mov r15, r31
+ /* Forever loop */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ 3e56: a4 d0 rcall .+328 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ 3e58: 81 34 cpi r24, 0x41 ; 65
+ 3e5a: 21 f4 brne .+8 ; 0x3e64 <main+0x64>
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 3e5c: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3e5e: be d0 rcall .+380 ; 0x3fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x03);
+ 3e60: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 3e62: 24 c0 rjmp .+72 ; 0x3eac <main+0xac>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE) {
+ 3e64: 82 34 cpi r24, 0x42 ; 66
+ 3e66: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x3e6c <main+0x6c>
+ // SET DEVICE is ignored
+ getNch(20);
+ 3e68: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 3e6a: 03 c0 rjmp .+6 ; 0x3e72 <main+0x72>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE_EXT) {
+ 3e6c: 85 34 cpi r24, 0x45 ; 69
+ 3e6e: 19 f4 brne .+6 ; 0x3e76 <main+0x76>
+ // SET DEVICE EXT is ignored
+ getNch(5);
+ 3e70: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e72: b4 d0 rcall .+360 ; 0x3fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ 3e74: 8a c0 rjmp .+276 ; 0x3f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_LOAD_ADDRESS) {
+ 3e76: 85 35 cpi r24, 0x55 ; 85
+ 3e78: a1 f4 brne .+40 ; 0x3ea2 <main+0xa2>
+ address = getch();
+ 3e7a: 92 d0 rcall .+292 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3e7c: 08 2f mov r16, r24
+ 3e7e: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e80: 10 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r17
+ 3e84: 00 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r16
+ address = (address & 0xff) | (getch() << 8);
+ 3e88: 8b d0 rcall .+278 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3e8a: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e8c: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 3e8e: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 3e90: 80 2b or r24, r16
+ 3e92: 91 2b or r25, r17
+ address += address; // Convert from word address to byte address
+ 3e94: 88 0f add r24, r24
+ 3e96: 99 1f adc r25, r25
+ 3e98: 90 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r25
+ 3e9c: 80 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r24
+ 3ea0: 73 c0 rjmp .+230 ; 0x3f88 <main+0x188>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_UNIVERSAL) {
+ 3ea2: 86 35 cpi r24, 0x56 ; 86
+ 3ea4: 29 f4 brne .+10 ; 0x3eb0 <main+0xb0>
+ // UNIVERSAL command is ignored
+ getNch(4);
+ 3ea6: 84 e0 ldi r24, 0x04 ; 4
+ 3ea8: 99 d0 rcall .+306 ; 0x3fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x00);
+ 3eaa: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3eac: 71 d0 rcall .+226 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ 3eae: 6d c0 rjmp .+218 ; 0x3f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Write memory, length is big endian and is in bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_PROG_PAGE) {
+ 3eb0: 84 36 cpi r24, 0x64 ; 100
+ 3eb2: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x3eb6 <main+0xb6>
+ 3eb4: 43 c0 rjmp .+134 ; 0x3f3c <main+0x13c>
+ // PROGRAM PAGE - we support flash programming only, not EEPROM
+ uint8_t *bufPtr;
+ uint16_t addrPtr;
+ getLen();
+ 3eb6: 7c d0 rcall .+248 ; 0x3fb0 <getLen>
+ // Immediately start page erase - this will 4.5ms
+ boot_page_erase((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3eb8: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3ebc: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3ec0: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 3ec2: 80 93 57 00 sts 0x0057, r24
+ 3ec6: e8 95 spm
+ 3ec8: c0 e0 ldi r28, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3eca: d1 e0 ldi r29, 0x01 ; 1
+ // While that is going on, read in page contents
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ do *bufPtr++ = getch();
+ 3ecc: 69 d0 rcall .+210 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3ece: 89 93 st Y+, r24
+ while (--length);
+ 3ed0: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 3ed4: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ed6: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 3eda: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 3edc: b9 f7 brne .-18 ; 0x3ecc <main+0xcc>
+ // Read command terminator, start reply
+ verifySpace();
+ 3ede: 78 d0 rcall .+240 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ // If only a partial page is to be programmed, the erase might not be complete.
+ // So check that here
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 3ee0: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 3ee2: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 3ee4: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x3ee0 <main+0xe0>
+ }
+ // Copy buffer into programming buffer
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ addrPtr = (uint16_t)(void*)address;
+ 3ee6: 40 91 00 02 lds r20, 0x0200
+ 3eea: 50 91 01 02 lds r21, 0x0201
+ 3eee: a0 e0 ldi r26, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3ef0: b1 e0 ldi r27, 0x01 ; 1
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ 3ef2: 2c 91 ld r18, X
+ 3ef4: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ 3ef6: 11 96 adiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ef8: 8c 91 ld r24, X
+ 3efa: 11 97 sbiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3efc: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3efe: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 3f00: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 3f02: 82 2b or r24, r18
+ 3f04: 93 2b or r25, r19
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 3f06: 12 96 adiw r26, 0x02 ; 2
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ 3f08: fa 01 movw r30, r20
+ 3f0a: 0c 01 movw r0, r24
+ 3f0c: d0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r13
+ 3f10: e8 95 spm
+ 3f12: 11 24 eor r1, r1
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ 3f14: 4e 5f subi r20, 0xFE ; 254
+ 3f16: 5f 4f sbci r21, 0xFF ; 255
+ } while (--ch);
+ 3f18: f1 e0 ldi r31, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f1a: a0 38 cpi r26, 0x80 ; 128
+ 3f1c: bf 07 cpc r27, r31
+ 3f1e: 49 f7 brne .-46 ; 0x3ef2 <main+0xf2>
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3f20: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3f24: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3f28: e0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r14
+ 3f2c: e8 95 spm
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 3f2e: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 3f30: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 3f32: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x3f2e <main+0x12e>
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 3f34: f0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r15
+ 3f38: e8 95 spm
+ 3f3a: 27 c0 rjmp .+78 ; 0x3f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Read memory block mode, length is big endian. */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_PAGE) {
+ 3f3c: 84 37 cpi r24, 0x74 ; 116
+ 3f3e: b9 f4 brne .+46 ; 0x3f6e <main+0x16e>
+ // READ PAGE - we only read flash
+ getLen();
+ 3f40: 37 d0 rcall .+110 ; 0x3fb0 <getLen>
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f42: 46 d0 rcall .+140 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ else ch = pgm_read_byte_near(address);
+ address++;
+ putch(ch);
+ } while (--length);
+ do putch(pgm_read_byte_near(address++));
+ 3f44: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3f48: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3f4c: 31 96 adiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f4e: f0 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r31
+ 3f52: e0 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r30
+ 3f56: 31 97 sbiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f58: e4 91 lpm r30, Z+
+ 3f5a: 8e 2f mov r24, r30
+ 3f5c: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ while (--length);
+ 3f5e: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 3f62: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f64: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 3f68: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 3f6a: 61 f7 brne .-40 ; 0x3f44 <main+0x144>
+ 3f6c: 0e c0 rjmp .+28 ; 0x3f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Get device signature bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_SIGN) {
+ 3f6e: 85 37 cpi r24, 0x75 ; 117
+ 3f70: 39 f4 brne .+14 ; 0x3f80 <main+0x180>
+ // READ SIGN - return what Avrdude wants to hear
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f72: 2e d0 rcall .+92 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_0);
+ 3f74: 8e e1 ldi r24, 0x1E ; 30
+ 3f76: 0c d0 rcall .+24 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_1);
+ 3f78: 84 e9 ldi r24, 0x94 ; 148
+ 3f7a: 0a d0 rcall .+20 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_2);
+ 3f7c: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+ 3f7e: 96 cf rjmp .-212 ; 0x3eac <main+0xac>
+ }
+ else if (ch == 'Q') {
+ 3f80: 81 35 cpi r24, 0x51 ; 81
+ 3f82: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x3f88 <main+0x188>
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_16MS);
+ 3f84: 88 e0 ldi r24, 0x08 ; 8
+ 3f86: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x3fba <watchdogConfig>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else {
+ // This covers the response to commands like STK_ENTER_PROGMODE
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f88: 23 d0 rcall .+70 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ }
+ putch(STK_OK);
+ 3f8a: 80 e1 ldi r24, 0x10 ; 16
+ 3f8c: 01 d0 rcall .+2 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ 3f8e: 63 cf rjmp .-314 ; 0x3e56 <main+0x56>
+00003f90 <putch>:
+ }
+void putch(char ch) {
+ 3f90: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ while (!(UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0)));
+ 3f92: 80 91 c0 00 lds r24, 0x00C0
+ 3f96: 85 ff sbrs r24, 5
+ 3f98: fc cf rjmp .-8 ; 0x3f92 <putch+0x2>
+ UDR0 = ch;
+ 3f9a: 90 93 c6 00 sts 0x00C6, r25
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_TX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ );
+ 3f9e: 08 95 ret
+00003fa0 <getch>:
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3fa0: a8 95 wdr
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_RX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ while(!(UCSR0A & _BV(RXC0)));
+ 3fa2: 80 91 c0 00 lds r24, 0x00C0
+ 3fa6: 87 ff sbrs r24, 7
+ 3fa8: fc cf rjmp .-8 ; 0x3fa2 <getch+0x2>
+ ch = UDR0;
+ 3faa: 80 91 c6 00 lds r24, 0x00C6
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ return ch;
+ 3fae: 08 95 ret
+00003fb0 <getLen>:
+ } while (--count);
+uint8_t getLen() {
+ getch();
+ 3fb0: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ length = getch();
+ 3fb2: f6 df rcall .-20 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3fb4: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ return getch();
+ 3fb8: f3 cf rjmp .-26 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+00003fba <watchdogConfig>:
+ "wdr\n"
+ );
+void watchdogConfig(uint8_t x) {
+ 3fba: e0 e6 ldi r30, 0x60 ; 96
+ 3fbc: f0 e0 ldi r31, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3fbe: 98 e1 ldi r25, 0x18 ; 24
+ 3fc0: 90 83 st Z, r25
+ WDTCSR = x;
+ 3fc2: 80 83 st Z, r24
+ 3fc4: 08 95 ret
+00003fc6 <appStart>:
+void appStart() {
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_OFF);
+ 3fc6: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3fc8: f8 df rcall .-16 ; 0x3fba <watchdogConfig>
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3fca: ee 27 eor r30, r30
+ 3fcc: ff 27 eor r31, r31
+ 3fce: 09 94 ijmp
+00003fd0 <verifySpace>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ verifySpace();
+void verifySpace() {
+ if (getch() != CRC_EOP) appStart();
+ 3fd0: e7 df rcall .-50 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3fd2: 80 32 cpi r24, 0x20 ; 32
+ 3fd4: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x3fd8 <verifySpace+0x8>
+ 3fd6: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x3fc6 <appStart>
+ putch(STK_INSYNC);
+ 3fd8: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 3fda: da cf rjmp .-76 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ ::[count] "M" (UART_B_VALUE)
+ );
+void getNch(uint8_t count) {
+ 3fdc: 1f 93 push r17
+ 3fde: 18 2f mov r17, r24
+00003fe0 <getNch>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ 3fe0: df df rcall .-66 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3fe2: 11 50 subi r17, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3fe4: e9 f7 brne .-6 ; 0x3fe0 <getNch>
+ verifySpace();
+ 3fe6: f4 df rcall .-24 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ 3fe8: 1f 91 pop r17
+ 3fea: 08 95 ret
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_lilypad.hex b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_lilypad.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d31a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_lilypad.hex
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_lilypad.lst b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_lilypad.lst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e46bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_lilypad.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+optiboot_lilypad.elf: file format elf32-avr
+Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
+ 0 .text 000001fc 00003e00 00003e00 00000054 2**1
+ 1 .debug_aranges 00000028 00000000 00000000 00000250 2**0
+ 2 .debug_pubnames 00000078 00000000 00000000 00000278 2**0
+ 3 .debug_info 00000277 00000000 00000000 000002f0 2**0
+ 4 .debug_abbrev 00000194 00000000 00000000 00000567 2**0
+ 5 .debug_line 000003bb 00000000 00000000 000006fb 2**0
+ 6 .debug_frame 000000a0 00000000 00000000 00000ab8 2**2
+ 7 .debug_str 0000013f 00000000 00000000 00000b58 2**0
+ 8 .debug_loc 000001a0 00000000 00000000 00000c97 2**0
+ 9 .debug_ranges 00000070 00000000 00000000 00000e37 2**0
+Disassembly of section .text:
+00003e00 <main>:
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 3e00: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e02: 80 93 81 00 sts 0x0081, r24
+ UCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
+ UBRR0L = (uint8_t)( (F_CPU + BAUD_RATE * 4L) / (BAUD_RATE * 8L) - 1 );
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ ch = MCUSR;
+ 3e06: 84 b7 in r24, 0x34 ; 52
+ MCUSR = 0;
+ 3e08: 14 be out 0x34, r1 ; 52
+ if (!(ch & _BV(EXTRF))) appStart();
+ 3e0a: 81 ff sbrs r24, 1
+ 3e0c: e4 d0 rcall .+456 ; 0x3fd6 <appStart>
+ // Set up watchdog to trigger after 500ms
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_500MS);
+ 3e0e: 8d e0 ldi r24, 0x0D ; 13
+ 3e10: dc d0 rcall .+440 ; 0x3fca <watchdogConfig>
+ /* Set LED pin as output */
+ LED_DDR |= _BV(LED);
+ 3e12: 25 9a sbi 0x04, 5 ; 4
+#ifdef SOFT_UART
+ /* Set TX pin as output */
+ 3e14: 51 9a sbi 0x0a, 1 ; 10
+ 3e16: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 3e18: 28 e1 ldi r18, 0x18 ; 24
+ 3e1a: 3e ef ldi r19, 0xFE ; 254
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 3e1c: 91 e0 ldi r25, 0x01 ; 1
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 3e1e: 30 93 85 00 sts 0x0085, r19
+ 3e22: 20 93 84 00 sts 0x0084, r18
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 3e26: 96 bb out 0x16, r25 ; 22
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ 3e28: b0 9b sbis 0x16, 0 ; 22
+ 3e2a: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x3e28 <main+0x28>
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ 3e2c: 1d 9a sbi 0x03, 5 ; 3
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3e2e: a8 95 wdr
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ watchdogReset();
+ } while (--count);
+ 3e30: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3e32: a9 f7 brne .-22 ; 0x3e1e <main+0x1e>
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 3e34: dd 24 eor r13, r13
+ 3e36: d3 94 inc r13
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ } while (--ch);
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3e38: a5 e0 ldi r26, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e3a: ea 2e mov r14, r26
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 3e3c: f1 e1 ldi r31, 0x11 ; 17
+ 3e3e: ff 2e mov r15, r31
+ /* Forever loop */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ 3e40: ab d0 rcall .+342 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ 3e42: 81 34 cpi r24, 0x41 ; 65
+ 3e44: 21 f4 brne .+8 ; 0x3e4e <main+0x4e>
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 3e46: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3e48: d1 d0 rcall .+418 ; 0x3fec <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x03);
+ 3e4a: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 3e4c: 24 c0 rjmp .+72 ; 0x3e96 <main+0x96>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE) {
+ 3e4e: 82 34 cpi r24, 0x42 ; 66
+ 3e50: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x3e56 <main+0x56>
+ // SET DEVICE is ignored
+ getNch(20);
+ 3e52: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 3e54: 03 c0 rjmp .+6 ; 0x3e5c <main+0x5c>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE_EXT) {
+ 3e56: 85 34 cpi r24, 0x45 ; 69
+ 3e58: 19 f4 brne .+6 ; 0x3e60 <main+0x60>
+ // SET DEVICE EXT is ignored
+ getNch(5);
+ 3e5a: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e5c: c7 d0 rcall .+398 ; 0x3fec <verifySpace+0xc>
+ 3e5e: 8a c0 rjmp .+276 ; 0x3f74 <main+0x174>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_LOAD_ADDRESS) {
+ 3e60: 85 35 cpi r24, 0x55 ; 85
+ 3e62: a1 f4 brne .+40 ; 0x3e8c <main+0x8c>
+ address = getch();
+ 3e64: 99 d0 rcall .+306 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3e66: 08 2f mov r16, r24
+ 3e68: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e6a: 10 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r17
+ 3e6e: 00 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r16
+ address = (address & 0xff) | (getch() << 8);
+ 3e72: 92 d0 rcall .+292 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3e74: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e76: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 3e78: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 3e7a: 80 2b or r24, r16
+ 3e7c: 91 2b or r25, r17
+ address += address; // Convert from word address to byte address
+ 3e7e: 88 0f add r24, r24
+ 3e80: 99 1f adc r25, r25
+ 3e82: 90 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r25
+ 3e86: 80 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r24
+ 3e8a: 73 c0 rjmp .+230 ; 0x3f72 <main+0x172>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_UNIVERSAL) {
+ 3e8c: 86 35 cpi r24, 0x56 ; 86
+ 3e8e: 29 f4 brne .+10 ; 0x3e9a <main+0x9a>
+ // UNIVERSAL command is ignored
+ getNch(4);
+ 3e90: 84 e0 ldi r24, 0x04 ; 4
+ 3e92: ac d0 rcall .+344 ; 0x3fec <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x00);
+ 3e94: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e96: 71 d0 rcall .+226 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ 3e98: 6d c0 rjmp .+218 ; 0x3f74 <main+0x174>
+ }
+ /* Write memory, length is big endian and is in bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_PROG_PAGE) {
+ 3e9a: 84 36 cpi r24, 0x64 ; 100
+ 3e9c: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x3ea0 <main+0xa0>
+ 3e9e: 43 c0 rjmp .+134 ; 0x3f26 <main+0x126>
+ // PROGRAM PAGE - we support flash programming only, not EEPROM
+ uint8_t *bufPtr;
+ uint16_t addrPtr;
+ getLen();
+ 3ea0: 8f d0 rcall .+286 ; 0x3fc0 <getLen>
+ // Immediately start page erase - this will 4.5ms
+ boot_page_erase((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3ea2: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3ea6: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3eaa: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 3eac: 80 93 57 00 sts 0x0057, r24
+ 3eb0: e8 95 spm
+ 3eb2: c0 e0 ldi r28, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3eb4: d1 e0 ldi r29, 0x01 ; 1
+ // While that is going on, read in page contents
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ do *bufPtr++ = getch();
+ 3eb6: 70 d0 rcall .+224 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3eb8: 89 93 st Y+, r24
+ while (--length);
+ 3eba: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 3ebe: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ec0: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 3ec4: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 3ec6: b9 f7 brne .-18 ; 0x3eb6 <main+0xb6>
+ // Read command terminator, start reply
+ verifySpace();
+ 3ec8: 8b d0 rcall .+278 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ // If only a partial page is to be programmed, the erase might not be complete.
+ // So check that here
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 3eca: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 3ecc: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 3ece: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x3eca <main+0xca>
+ }
+ // Copy buffer into programming buffer
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ addrPtr = (uint16_t)(void*)address;
+ 3ed0: 40 91 00 02 lds r20, 0x0200
+ 3ed4: 50 91 01 02 lds r21, 0x0201
+ 3ed8: a0 e0 ldi r26, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3eda: b1 e0 ldi r27, 0x01 ; 1
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ 3edc: 2c 91 ld r18, X
+ 3ede: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ 3ee0: 11 96 adiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ee2: 8c 91 ld r24, X
+ 3ee4: 11 97 sbiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ee6: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3ee8: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 3eea: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 3eec: 82 2b or r24, r18
+ 3eee: 93 2b or r25, r19
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 3ef0: 12 96 adiw r26, 0x02 ; 2
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ 3ef2: fa 01 movw r30, r20
+ 3ef4: 0c 01 movw r0, r24
+ 3ef6: d0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r13
+ 3efa: e8 95 spm
+ 3efc: 11 24 eor r1, r1
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ 3efe: 4e 5f subi r20, 0xFE ; 254
+ 3f00: 5f 4f sbci r21, 0xFF ; 255
+ } while (--ch);
+ 3f02: f1 e0 ldi r31, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f04: a0 38 cpi r26, 0x80 ; 128
+ 3f06: bf 07 cpc r27, r31
+ 3f08: 49 f7 brne .-46 ; 0x3edc <main+0xdc>
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3f0a: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3f0e: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3f12: e0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r14
+ 3f16: e8 95 spm
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 3f18: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 3f1a: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 3f1c: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x3f18 <main+0x118>
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 3f1e: f0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r15
+ 3f22: e8 95 spm
+ 3f24: 27 c0 rjmp .+78 ; 0x3f74 <main+0x174>
+ }
+ /* Read memory block mode, length is big endian. */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_PAGE) {
+ 3f26: 84 37 cpi r24, 0x74 ; 116
+ 3f28: b9 f4 brne .+46 ; 0x3f58 <main+0x158>
+ // READ PAGE - we only read flash
+ getLen();
+ 3f2a: 4a d0 rcall .+148 ; 0x3fc0 <getLen>
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f2c: 59 d0 rcall .+178 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ else ch = pgm_read_byte_near(address);
+ address++;
+ putch(ch);
+ } while (--length);
+ do putch(pgm_read_byte_near(address++));
+ 3f2e: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3f32: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3f36: 31 96 adiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f38: f0 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r31
+ 3f3c: e0 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r30
+ 3f40: 31 97 sbiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f42: e4 91 lpm r30, Z+
+ 3f44: 8e 2f mov r24, r30
+ 3f46: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ while (--length);
+ 3f48: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 3f4c: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f4e: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 3f52: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 3f54: 61 f7 brne .-40 ; 0x3f2e <main+0x12e>
+ 3f56: 0e c0 rjmp .+28 ; 0x3f74 <main+0x174>
+ }
+ /* Get device signature bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_SIGN) {
+ 3f58: 85 37 cpi r24, 0x75 ; 117
+ 3f5a: 39 f4 brne .+14 ; 0x3f6a <main+0x16a>
+ // READ SIGN - return what Avrdude wants to hear
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f5c: 41 d0 rcall .+130 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_0);
+ 3f5e: 8e e1 ldi r24, 0x1E ; 30
+ 3f60: 0c d0 rcall .+24 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_1);
+ 3f62: 84 e9 ldi r24, 0x94 ; 148
+ 3f64: 0a d0 rcall .+20 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_2);
+ 3f66: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+ 3f68: 96 cf rjmp .-212 ; 0x3e96 <main+0x96>
+ }
+ else if (ch == 'Q') {
+ 3f6a: 81 35 cpi r24, 0x51 ; 81
+ 3f6c: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x3f72 <main+0x172>
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_16MS);
+ 3f6e: 88 e0 ldi r24, 0x08 ; 8
+ 3f70: 2c d0 rcall .+88 ; 0x3fca <watchdogConfig>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else {
+ // This covers the response to commands like STK_ENTER_PROGMODE
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f72: 36 d0 rcall .+108 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ }
+ putch(STK_OK);
+ 3f74: 80 e1 ldi r24, 0x10 ; 16
+ 3f76: 01 d0 rcall .+2 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ 3f78: 63 cf rjmp .-314 ; 0x3e40 <main+0x40>
+00003f7a <putch>:
+void putch(char ch) {
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ while (!(UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0)));
+ UDR0 = ch;
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3f7a: 2a e0 ldi r18, 0x0A ; 10
+ 3f7c: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3f7e: 80 95 com r24
+ 3f80: 08 94 sec
+ 3f82: 10 f4 brcc .+4 ; 0x3f88 <putch+0xe>
+ 3f84: 59 98 cbi 0x0b, 1 ; 11
+ 3f86: 02 c0 rjmp .+4 ; 0x3f8c <putch+0x12>
+ 3f88: 59 9a sbi 0x0b, 1 ; 11
+ 3f8a: 00 00 nop
+ 3f8c: 15 d0 rcall .+42 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3f8e: 14 d0 rcall .+40 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3f90: 86 95 lsr r24
+ 3f92: 2a 95 dec r18
+ 3f94: b1 f7 brne .-20 ; 0x3f82 <putch+0x8>
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_TX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ );
+ 3f96: 08 95 ret
+00003f98 <getch>:
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3f98: a8 95 wdr
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ return ch;
+ 3f9a: 29 e0 ldi r18, 0x09 ; 9
+ 3f9c: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3f9e: 48 99 sbic 0x09, 0 ; 9
+ 3fa0: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x3f9e <getch+0x6>
+ 3fa2: 0a d0 rcall .+20 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3fa4: 09 d0 rcall .+18 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3fa6: 08 d0 rcall .+16 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3fa8: 88 94 clc
+ 3faa: 48 99 sbic 0x09, 0 ; 9
+ 3fac: 08 94 sec
+ 3fae: 2a 95 dec r18
+ 3fb0: 11 f0 breq .+4 ; 0x3fb6 <getch+0x1e>
+ 3fb2: 87 95 ror r24
+ 3fb4: f7 cf rjmp .-18 ; 0x3fa4 <getch+0xc>
+ 3fb6: 08 95 ret
+00003fb8 <uartDelay>:
+#if UART_B_VALUE > 255
+#error Baud rate too slow for soft UART
+void uartDelay() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3fb8: 98 e0 ldi r25, 0x08 ; 8
+ 3fba: 9a 95 dec r25
+ 3fbc: f1 f7 brne .-4 ; 0x3fba <uartDelay+0x2>
+ 3fbe: 08 95 ret
+00003fc0 <getLen>:
+ } while (--count);
+uint8_t getLen() {
+ getch();
+ 3fc0: eb df rcall .-42 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ length = getch();
+ 3fc2: ea df rcall .-44 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3fc4: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ return getch();
+ 3fc8: e7 cf rjmp .-50 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+00003fca <watchdogConfig>:
+ "wdr\n"
+ );
+void watchdogConfig(uint8_t x) {
+ 3fca: e0 e6 ldi r30, 0x60 ; 96
+ 3fcc: f0 e0 ldi r31, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3fce: 98 e1 ldi r25, 0x18 ; 24
+ 3fd0: 90 83 st Z, r25
+ WDTCSR = x;
+ 3fd2: 80 83 st Z, r24
+ 3fd4: 08 95 ret
+00003fd6 <appStart>:
+void appStart() {
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_OFF);
+ 3fd6: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3fd8: f8 df rcall .-16 ; 0x3fca <watchdogConfig>
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3fda: ee 27 eor r30, r30
+ 3fdc: ff 27 eor r31, r31
+ 3fde: 09 94 ijmp
+00003fe0 <verifySpace>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ verifySpace();
+void verifySpace() {
+ if (getch() != CRC_EOP) appStart();
+ 3fe0: db df rcall .-74 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3fe2: 80 32 cpi r24, 0x20 ; 32
+ 3fe4: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x3fe8 <verifySpace+0x8>
+ 3fe6: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x3fd6 <appStart>
+ putch(STK_INSYNC);
+ 3fe8: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 3fea: c7 cf rjmp .-114 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ ::[count] "M" (UART_B_VALUE)
+ );
+void getNch(uint8_t count) {
+ 3fec: 1f 93 push r17
+ 3fee: 18 2f mov r17, r24
+00003ff0 <getNch>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ 3ff0: d3 df rcall .-90 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3ff2: 11 50 subi r17, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ff4: e9 f7 brne .-6 ; 0x3ff0 <getNch>
+ verifySpace();
+ 3ff6: f4 df rcall .-24 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ 3ff8: 1f 91 pop r17
+ 3ffa: 08 95 ret
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_lilypad_resonator.hex b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_lilypad_resonator.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d31a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_lilypad_resonator.hex
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_lilypad_resonator.lst b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_lilypad_resonator.lst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80ecb83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_lilypad_resonator.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+optiboot_lilypad_resonator.elf: file format elf32-avr
+Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
+ 0 .text 000001fc 00003e00 00003e00 00000054 2**1
+ 1 .debug_aranges 00000028 00000000 00000000 00000250 2**0
+ 2 .debug_pubnames 00000078 00000000 00000000 00000278 2**0
+ 3 .debug_info 00000277 00000000 00000000 000002f0 2**0
+ 4 .debug_abbrev 00000194 00000000 00000000 00000567 2**0
+ 5 .debug_line 000003bb 00000000 00000000 000006fb 2**0
+ 6 .debug_frame 000000a0 00000000 00000000 00000ab8 2**2
+ 7 .debug_str 0000013f 00000000 00000000 00000b58 2**0
+ 8 .debug_loc 000001a0 00000000 00000000 00000c97 2**0
+ 9 .debug_ranges 00000070 00000000 00000000 00000e37 2**0
+Disassembly of section .text:
+00003e00 <main>:
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 3e00: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e02: 80 93 81 00 sts 0x0081, r24
+ UCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
+ UBRR0L = (uint8_t)( (F_CPU + BAUD_RATE * 4L) / (BAUD_RATE * 8L) - 1 );
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ ch = MCUSR;
+ 3e06: 84 b7 in r24, 0x34 ; 52
+ MCUSR = 0;
+ 3e08: 14 be out 0x34, r1 ; 52
+ if (!(ch & _BV(EXTRF))) appStart();
+ 3e0a: 81 ff sbrs r24, 1
+ 3e0c: e4 d0 rcall .+456 ; 0x3fd6 <appStart>
+ // Set up watchdog to trigger after 500ms
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_500MS);
+ 3e0e: 8d e0 ldi r24, 0x0D ; 13
+ 3e10: dc d0 rcall .+440 ; 0x3fca <watchdogConfig>
+ /* Set LED pin as output */
+ LED_DDR |= _BV(LED);
+ 3e12: 25 9a sbi 0x04, 5 ; 4
+#ifdef SOFT_UART
+ /* Set TX pin as output */
+ 3e14: 51 9a sbi 0x0a, 1 ; 10
+ 3e16: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 3e18: 28 e1 ldi r18, 0x18 ; 24
+ 3e1a: 3e ef ldi r19, 0xFE ; 254
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 3e1c: 91 e0 ldi r25, 0x01 ; 1
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 3e1e: 30 93 85 00 sts 0x0085, r19
+ 3e22: 20 93 84 00 sts 0x0084, r18
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 3e26: 96 bb out 0x16, r25 ; 22
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ 3e28: b0 9b sbis 0x16, 0 ; 22
+ 3e2a: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x3e28 <main+0x28>
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ 3e2c: 1d 9a sbi 0x03, 5 ; 3
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3e2e: a8 95 wdr
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ watchdogReset();
+ } while (--count);
+ 3e30: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3e32: a9 f7 brne .-22 ; 0x3e1e <main+0x1e>
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 3e34: dd 24 eor r13, r13
+ 3e36: d3 94 inc r13
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ } while (--ch);
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3e38: a5 e0 ldi r26, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e3a: ea 2e mov r14, r26
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 3e3c: f1 e1 ldi r31, 0x11 ; 17
+ 3e3e: ff 2e mov r15, r31
+ /* Forever loop */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ 3e40: ab d0 rcall .+342 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ 3e42: 81 34 cpi r24, 0x41 ; 65
+ 3e44: 21 f4 brne .+8 ; 0x3e4e <main+0x4e>
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 3e46: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3e48: d1 d0 rcall .+418 ; 0x3fec <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x03);
+ 3e4a: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 3e4c: 24 c0 rjmp .+72 ; 0x3e96 <main+0x96>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE) {
+ 3e4e: 82 34 cpi r24, 0x42 ; 66
+ 3e50: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x3e56 <main+0x56>
+ // SET DEVICE is ignored
+ getNch(20);
+ 3e52: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 3e54: 03 c0 rjmp .+6 ; 0x3e5c <main+0x5c>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE_EXT) {
+ 3e56: 85 34 cpi r24, 0x45 ; 69
+ 3e58: 19 f4 brne .+6 ; 0x3e60 <main+0x60>
+ // SET DEVICE EXT is ignored
+ getNch(5);
+ 3e5a: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e5c: c7 d0 rcall .+398 ; 0x3fec <verifySpace+0xc>
+ 3e5e: 8a c0 rjmp .+276 ; 0x3f74 <main+0x174>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_LOAD_ADDRESS) {
+ 3e60: 85 35 cpi r24, 0x55 ; 85
+ 3e62: a1 f4 brne .+40 ; 0x3e8c <main+0x8c>
+ address = getch();
+ 3e64: 99 d0 rcall .+306 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3e66: 08 2f mov r16, r24
+ 3e68: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e6a: 10 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r17
+ 3e6e: 00 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r16
+ address = (address & 0xff) | (getch() << 8);
+ 3e72: 92 d0 rcall .+292 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3e74: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e76: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 3e78: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 3e7a: 80 2b or r24, r16
+ 3e7c: 91 2b or r25, r17
+ address += address; // Convert from word address to byte address
+ 3e7e: 88 0f add r24, r24
+ 3e80: 99 1f adc r25, r25
+ 3e82: 90 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r25
+ 3e86: 80 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r24
+ 3e8a: 73 c0 rjmp .+230 ; 0x3f72 <main+0x172>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_UNIVERSAL) {
+ 3e8c: 86 35 cpi r24, 0x56 ; 86
+ 3e8e: 29 f4 brne .+10 ; 0x3e9a <main+0x9a>
+ // UNIVERSAL command is ignored
+ getNch(4);
+ 3e90: 84 e0 ldi r24, 0x04 ; 4
+ 3e92: ac d0 rcall .+344 ; 0x3fec <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x00);
+ 3e94: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e96: 71 d0 rcall .+226 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ 3e98: 6d c0 rjmp .+218 ; 0x3f74 <main+0x174>
+ }
+ /* Write memory, length is big endian and is in bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_PROG_PAGE) {
+ 3e9a: 84 36 cpi r24, 0x64 ; 100
+ 3e9c: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x3ea0 <main+0xa0>
+ 3e9e: 43 c0 rjmp .+134 ; 0x3f26 <main+0x126>
+ // PROGRAM PAGE - we support flash programming only, not EEPROM
+ uint8_t *bufPtr;
+ uint16_t addrPtr;
+ getLen();
+ 3ea0: 8f d0 rcall .+286 ; 0x3fc0 <getLen>
+ // Immediately start page erase - this will 4.5ms
+ boot_page_erase((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3ea2: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3ea6: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3eaa: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 3eac: 80 93 57 00 sts 0x0057, r24
+ 3eb0: e8 95 spm
+ 3eb2: c0 e0 ldi r28, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3eb4: d1 e0 ldi r29, 0x01 ; 1
+ // While that is going on, read in page contents
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ do *bufPtr++ = getch();
+ 3eb6: 70 d0 rcall .+224 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3eb8: 89 93 st Y+, r24
+ while (--length);
+ 3eba: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 3ebe: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ec0: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 3ec4: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 3ec6: b9 f7 brne .-18 ; 0x3eb6 <main+0xb6>
+ // Read command terminator, start reply
+ verifySpace();
+ 3ec8: 8b d0 rcall .+278 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ // If only a partial page is to be programmed, the erase might not be complete.
+ // So check that here
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 3eca: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 3ecc: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 3ece: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x3eca <main+0xca>
+ }
+ // Copy buffer into programming buffer
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ addrPtr = (uint16_t)(void*)address;
+ 3ed0: 40 91 00 02 lds r20, 0x0200
+ 3ed4: 50 91 01 02 lds r21, 0x0201
+ 3ed8: a0 e0 ldi r26, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3eda: b1 e0 ldi r27, 0x01 ; 1
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ 3edc: 2c 91 ld r18, X
+ 3ede: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ 3ee0: 11 96 adiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ee2: 8c 91 ld r24, X
+ 3ee4: 11 97 sbiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ee6: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3ee8: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 3eea: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 3eec: 82 2b or r24, r18
+ 3eee: 93 2b or r25, r19
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 3ef0: 12 96 adiw r26, 0x02 ; 2
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ 3ef2: fa 01 movw r30, r20
+ 3ef4: 0c 01 movw r0, r24
+ 3ef6: d0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r13
+ 3efa: e8 95 spm
+ 3efc: 11 24 eor r1, r1
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ 3efe: 4e 5f subi r20, 0xFE ; 254
+ 3f00: 5f 4f sbci r21, 0xFF ; 255
+ } while (--ch);
+ 3f02: f1 e0 ldi r31, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f04: a0 38 cpi r26, 0x80 ; 128
+ 3f06: bf 07 cpc r27, r31
+ 3f08: 49 f7 brne .-46 ; 0x3edc <main+0xdc>
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3f0a: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3f0e: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3f12: e0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r14
+ 3f16: e8 95 spm
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 3f18: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 3f1a: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 3f1c: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x3f18 <main+0x118>
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 3f1e: f0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r15
+ 3f22: e8 95 spm
+ 3f24: 27 c0 rjmp .+78 ; 0x3f74 <main+0x174>
+ }
+ /* Read memory block mode, length is big endian. */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_PAGE) {
+ 3f26: 84 37 cpi r24, 0x74 ; 116
+ 3f28: b9 f4 brne .+46 ; 0x3f58 <main+0x158>
+ // READ PAGE - we only read flash
+ getLen();
+ 3f2a: 4a d0 rcall .+148 ; 0x3fc0 <getLen>
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f2c: 59 d0 rcall .+178 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ else ch = pgm_read_byte_near(address);
+ address++;
+ putch(ch);
+ } while (--length);
+ do putch(pgm_read_byte_near(address++));
+ 3f2e: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3f32: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3f36: 31 96 adiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f38: f0 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r31
+ 3f3c: e0 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r30
+ 3f40: 31 97 sbiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f42: e4 91 lpm r30, Z+
+ 3f44: 8e 2f mov r24, r30
+ 3f46: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ while (--length);
+ 3f48: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 3f4c: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f4e: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 3f52: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 3f54: 61 f7 brne .-40 ; 0x3f2e <main+0x12e>
+ 3f56: 0e c0 rjmp .+28 ; 0x3f74 <main+0x174>
+ }
+ /* Get device signature bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_SIGN) {
+ 3f58: 85 37 cpi r24, 0x75 ; 117
+ 3f5a: 39 f4 brne .+14 ; 0x3f6a <main+0x16a>
+ // READ SIGN - return what Avrdude wants to hear
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f5c: 41 d0 rcall .+130 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_0);
+ 3f5e: 8e e1 ldi r24, 0x1E ; 30
+ 3f60: 0c d0 rcall .+24 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_1);
+ 3f62: 84 e9 ldi r24, 0x94 ; 148
+ 3f64: 0a d0 rcall .+20 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_2);
+ 3f66: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+ 3f68: 96 cf rjmp .-212 ; 0x3e96 <main+0x96>
+ }
+ else if (ch == 'Q') {
+ 3f6a: 81 35 cpi r24, 0x51 ; 81
+ 3f6c: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x3f72 <main+0x172>
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_16MS);
+ 3f6e: 88 e0 ldi r24, 0x08 ; 8
+ 3f70: 2c d0 rcall .+88 ; 0x3fca <watchdogConfig>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else {
+ // This covers the response to commands like STK_ENTER_PROGMODE
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f72: 36 d0 rcall .+108 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ }
+ putch(STK_OK);
+ 3f74: 80 e1 ldi r24, 0x10 ; 16
+ 3f76: 01 d0 rcall .+2 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ 3f78: 63 cf rjmp .-314 ; 0x3e40 <main+0x40>
+00003f7a <putch>:
+void putch(char ch) {
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ while (!(UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0)));
+ UDR0 = ch;
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3f7a: 2a e0 ldi r18, 0x0A ; 10
+ 3f7c: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3f7e: 80 95 com r24
+ 3f80: 08 94 sec
+ 3f82: 10 f4 brcc .+4 ; 0x3f88 <putch+0xe>
+ 3f84: 59 98 cbi 0x0b, 1 ; 11
+ 3f86: 02 c0 rjmp .+4 ; 0x3f8c <putch+0x12>
+ 3f88: 59 9a sbi 0x0b, 1 ; 11
+ 3f8a: 00 00 nop
+ 3f8c: 15 d0 rcall .+42 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3f8e: 14 d0 rcall .+40 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3f90: 86 95 lsr r24
+ 3f92: 2a 95 dec r18
+ 3f94: b1 f7 brne .-20 ; 0x3f82 <putch+0x8>
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_TX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ );
+ 3f96: 08 95 ret
+00003f98 <getch>:
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3f98: a8 95 wdr
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ return ch;
+ 3f9a: 29 e0 ldi r18, 0x09 ; 9
+ 3f9c: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3f9e: 48 99 sbic 0x09, 0 ; 9
+ 3fa0: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x3f9e <getch+0x6>
+ 3fa2: 0a d0 rcall .+20 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3fa4: 09 d0 rcall .+18 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3fa6: 08 d0 rcall .+16 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3fa8: 88 94 clc
+ 3faa: 48 99 sbic 0x09, 0 ; 9
+ 3fac: 08 94 sec
+ 3fae: 2a 95 dec r18
+ 3fb0: 11 f0 breq .+4 ; 0x3fb6 <getch+0x1e>
+ 3fb2: 87 95 ror r24
+ 3fb4: f7 cf rjmp .-18 ; 0x3fa4 <getch+0xc>
+ 3fb6: 08 95 ret
+00003fb8 <uartDelay>:
+#if UART_B_VALUE > 255
+#error Baud rate too slow for soft UART
+void uartDelay() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3fb8: 98 e0 ldi r25, 0x08 ; 8
+ 3fba: 9a 95 dec r25
+ 3fbc: f1 f7 brne .-4 ; 0x3fba <uartDelay+0x2>
+ 3fbe: 08 95 ret
+00003fc0 <getLen>:
+ } while (--count);
+uint8_t getLen() {
+ getch();
+ 3fc0: eb df rcall .-42 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ length = getch();
+ 3fc2: ea df rcall .-44 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3fc4: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ return getch();
+ 3fc8: e7 cf rjmp .-50 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+00003fca <watchdogConfig>:
+ "wdr\n"
+ );
+void watchdogConfig(uint8_t x) {
+ 3fca: e0 e6 ldi r30, 0x60 ; 96
+ 3fcc: f0 e0 ldi r31, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3fce: 98 e1 ldi r25, 0x18 ; 24
+ 3fd0: 90 83 st Z, r25
+ WDTCSR = x;
+ 3fd2: 80 83 st Z, r24
+ 3fd4: 08 95 ret
+00003fd6 <appStart>:
+void appStart() {
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_OFF);
+ 3fd6: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3fd8: f8 df rcall .-16 ; 0x3fca <watchdogConfig>
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3fda: ee 27 eor r30, r30
+ 3fdc: ff 27 eor r31, r31
+ 3fde: 09 94 ijmp
+00003fe0 <verifySpace>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ verifySpace();
+void verifySpace() {
+ if (getch() != CRC_EOP) appStart();
+ 3fe0: db df rcall .-74 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3fe2: 80 32 cpi r24, 0x20 ; 32
+ 3fe4: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x3fe8 <verifySpace+0x8>
+ 3fe6: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x3fd6 <appStart>
+ putch(STK_INSYNC);
+ 3fe8: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 3fea: c7 cf rjmp .-114 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ ::[count] "M" (UART_B_VALUE)
+ );
+void getNch(uint8_t count) {
+ 3fec: 1f 93 push r17
+ 3fee: 18 2f mov r17, r24
+00003ff0 <getNch>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ 3ff0: d3 df rcall .-90 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3ff2: 11 50 subi r17, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ff4: e9 f7 brne .-6 ; 0x3ff0 <getNch>
+ verifySpace();
+ 3ff6: f4 df rcall .-24 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ 3ff8: 1f 91 pop r17
+ 3ffa: 08 95 ret
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_luminet.hex b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_luminet.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e51124
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_luminet.hex
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_luminet.lst b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_luminet.lst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59468cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_luminet.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+optiboot_luminet.elf: file format elf32-avr
+Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
+ 0 .text 00000280 00001d00 00001d00 00000054 2**1
+ 1 .debug_aranges 00000028 00000000 00000000 000002d4 2**0
+ 2 .debug_pubnames 00000078 00000000 00000000 000002fc 2**0
+ 3 .debug_info 00000289 00000000 00000000 00000374 2**0
+ 4 .debug_abbrev 000001a1 00000000 00000000 000005fd 2**0
+ 5 .debug_line 00000435 00000000 00000000 0000079e 2**0
+ 6 .debug_frame 000000a0 00000000 00000000 00000bd4 2**2
+ 7 .debug_str 00000144 00000000 00000000 00000c74 2**0
+ 8 .debug_loc 00000194 00000000 00000000 00000db8 2**0
+ 9 .debug_ranges 00000088 00000000 00000000 00000f4c 2**0
+Disassembly of section .text:
+00001d00 <main>:
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 1d00: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 1d02: 8e bd out 0x2e, r24 ; 46
+ UCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
+ UBRR0L = (uint8_t)( (F_CPU + BAUD_RATE * 4L) / (BAUD_RATE * 8L) - 1 );
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ ch = MCUSR;
+ 1d04: 84 b7 in r24, 0x34 ; 52
+ MCUSR = 0;
+ 1d06: 14 be out 0x34, r1 ; 52
+ if (!(ch & _BV(EXTRF))) appStart();
+ 1d08: 81 ff sbrs r24, 1
+ 1d0a: 27 d1 rcall .+590 ; 0x1f5a <appStart>
+ // Set up watchdog to trigger after 500ms
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_500MS);
+ 1d0c: 8d e0 ldi r24, 0x0D ; 13
+ 1d0e: 21 d1 rcall .+578 ; 0x1f52 <watchdogConfig>
+ /* Set LED pin as output */
+ LED_DDR |= _BV(LED);
+ 1d10: d4 9a sbi 0x1a, 4 ; 26
+#ifdef SOFT_UART
+ /* Set TX pin as output */
+ 1d12: d2 9a sbi 0x1a, 2 ; 26
+ 1d14: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 1d16: 23 ec ldi r18, 0xC3 ; 195
+ 1d18: 3f ef ldi r19, 0xFF ; 255
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 1d1a: 91 e0 ldi r25, 0x01 ; 1
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 1d1c: 3d bd out 0x2d, r19 ; 45
+ 1d1e: 2c bd out 0x2c, r18 ; 44
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 1d20: 9b b9 out 0x0b, r25 ; 11
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ 1d22: 58 9b sbis 0x0b, 0 ; 11
+ 1d24: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x1d22 <main+0x22>
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ 1d26: cc 9a sbi 0x19, 4 ; 25
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 1d28: a8 95 wdr
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ watchdogReset();
+ } while (--count);
+ 1d2a: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 1d2c: b9 f7 brne .-18 ; 0x1d1c <main+0x1c>
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 1d2e: cc 24 eor r12, r12
+ 1d30: c3 94 inc r12
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ } while (--ch);
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 1d32: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 1d34: e8 2e mov r14, r24
+ vect -= 4; // Instruction is a relative jump (rjmp), so recalculate.
+ buff[10] = vect & 0xff;
+ buff[11] = vect >> 8;
+ // Add jump to bootloader at RESET vector
+ buff[0] = 0x7f;
+ 1d36: 0f e7 ldi r16, 0x7F ; 127
+ 1d38: d0 2e mov r13, r16
+ buff[1] = 0xce; // rjmp 0x1d00 instruction
+ 1d3a: 1e ec ldi r17, 0xCE ; 206
+ 1d3c: f1 2e mov r15, r17
+ /* Forever loop */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ 1d3e: f0 d0 rcall .+480 ; 0x1f20 <getch>
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ 1d40: 81 34 cpi r24, 0x41 ; 65
+ 1d42: 21 f4 brne .+8 ; 0x1d4c <main+0x4c>
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 1d44: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 1d46: 14 d1 rcall .+552 ; 0x1f70 <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x03);
+ 1d48: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 1d4a: 24 c0 rjmp .+72 ; 0x1d94 <main+0x94>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE) {
+ 1d4c: 82 34 cpi r24, 0x42 ; 66
+ 1d4e: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x1d54 <main+0x54>
+ // SET DEVICE is ignored
+ getNch(20);
+ 1d50: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 1d52: 03 c0 rjmp .+6 ; 0x1d5a <main+0x5a>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE_EXT) {
+ 1d54: 85 34 cpi r24, 0x45 ; 69
+ 1d56: 19 f4 brne .+6 ; 0x1d5e <main+0x5e>
+ // SET DEVICE EXT is ignored
+ getNch(5);
+ 1d58: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 1d5a: 0a d1 rcall .+532 ; 0x1f70 <verifySpace+0xc>
+ 1d5c: cf c0 rjmp .+414 ; 0x1efc <main+0x1fc>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_LOAD_ADDRESS) {
+ 1d5e: 85 35 cpi r24, 0x55 ; 85
+ 1d60: a1 f4 brne .+40 ; 0x1d8a <main+0x8a>
+ address = getch();
+ 1d62: de d0 rcall .+444 ; 0x1f20 <getch>
+ 1d64: 08 2f mov r16, r24
+ 1d66: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1d68: 10 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r17
+ 1d6c: 00 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r16
+ address = (address & 0xff) | (getch() << 8);
+ 1d70: d7 d0 rcall .+430 ; 0x1f20 <getch>
+ 1d72: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1d74: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 1d76: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 1d78: 80 2b or r24, r16
+ 1d7a: 91 2b or r25, r17
+ address += address; // Convert from word address to byte address
+ 1d7c: 88 0f add r24, r24
+ 1d7e: 99 1f adc r25, r25
+ 1d80: 90 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r25
+ 1d84: 80 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r24
+ 1d88: b8 c0 rjmp .+368 ; 0x1efa <main+0x1fa>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_UNIVERSAL) {
+ 1d8a: 86 35 cpi r24, 0x56 ; 86
+ 1d8c: 29 f4 brne .+10 ; 0x1d98 <main+0x98>
+ // UNIVERSAL command is ignored
+ getNch(4);
+ 1d8e: 84 e0 ldi r24, 0x04 ; 4
+ 1d90: ef d0 rcall .+478 ; 0x1f70 <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x00);
+ 1d92: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1d94: b6 d0 rcall .+364 ; 0x1f02 <putch>
+ 1d96: b2 c0 rjmp .+356 ; 0x1efc <main+0x1fc>
+ }
+ /* Write memory, length is big endian and is in bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_PROG_PAGE) {
+ 1d98: 84 36 cpi r24, 0x64 ; 100
+ 1d9a: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x1d9e <main+0x9e>
+ 1d9c: 6e c0 rjmp .+220 ; 0x1e7a <main+0x17a>
+ // PROGRAM PAGE - we support flash programming only, not EEPROM
+ uint8_t *bufPtr;
+ uint16_t addrPtr;
+ getLen();
+ 1d9e: d4 d0 rcall .+424 ; 0x1f48 <getLen>
+ // Immediately start page erase - this will 4.5ms
+ boot_page_erase((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 1da0: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 1da4: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 1da8: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 1daa: 80 93 57 00 sts 0x0057, r24
+ 1dae: e8 95 spm
+ 1db0: c0 e0 ldi r28, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1db2: d1 e0 ldi r29, 0x01 ; 1
+ // While that is going on, read in page contents
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ do *bufPtr++ = getch();
+ 1db4: b5 d0 rcall .+362 ; 0x1f20 <getch>
+ 1db6: 89 93 st Y+, r24
+ while (--length);
+ 1db8: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 1dbc: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 1dbe: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 1dc2: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 1dc4: b9 f7 brne .-18 ; 0x1db4 <main+0xb4>
+ // Read command terminator, start reply
+ verifySpace();
+ 1dc6: ce d0 rcall .+412 ; 0x1f64 <verifySpace>
+ // If only a partial page is to be programmed, the erase might not be complete.
+ // So check that here
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 1dc8: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 1dca: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 1dcc: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x1dc8 <main+0xc8>
+ if ((uint16_t)(void*)address == 0) {
+ 1dce: 80 91 00 02 lds r24, 0x0200
+ 1dd2: 90 91 01 02 lds r25, 0x0201
+ 1dd6: 89 2b or r24, r25
+ 1dd8: 41 f5 brne .+80 ; 0x1e2a <main+0x12a>
+ // This is the reset vector page. We need to live-patch the code so the
+ // bootloader runs.
+ //
+ // Move RESET vector to WDT vector
+ uint16_t vect = buff[0] | (buff[1]<<8);
+ 1dda: 80 91 00 01 lds r24, 0x0100
+ 1dde: 20 91 01 01 lds r18, 0x0101
+ 1de2: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1de4: 32 2f mov r19, r18
+ 1de6: 22 27 eor r18, r18
+ 1de8: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1dea: 28 2b or r18, r24
+ 1dec: 39 2b or r19, r25
+ rstVect = vect;
+ 1dee: 30 93 05 02 sts 0x0205, r19
+ 1df2: 20 93 04 02 sts 0x0204, r18
+ wdtVect = buff[10] | (buff[11]<<8);
+ 1df6: 40 91 0a 01 lds r20, 0x010A
+ 1dfa: 80 91 0b 01 lds r24, 0x010B
+ 1dfe: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1e00: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 1e02: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 1e04: 50 e0 ldi r21, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1e06: 84 2b or r24, r20
+ 1e08: 95 2b or r25, r21
+ 1e0a: 90 93 07 02 sts 0x0207, r25
+ 1e0e: 80 93 06 02 sts 0x0206, r24
+ vect -= 4; // Instruction is a relative jump (rjmp), so recalculate.
+ 1e12: 24 50 subi r18, 0x04 ; 4
+ 1e14: 30 40 sbci r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ buff[10] = vect & 0xff;
+ 1e16: 20 93 0a 01 sts 0x010A, r18
+ buff[11] = vect >> 8;
+ 1e1a: 23 2f mov r18, r19
+ 1e1c: 33 27 eor r19, r19
+ 1e1e: 20 93 0b 01 sts 0x010B, r18
+ // Add jump to bootloader at RESET vector
+ buff[0] = 0x7f;
+ 1e22: d0 92 00 01 sts 0x0100, r13
+ buff[1] = 0xce; // rjmp 0x1d00 instruction
+ 1e26: f0 92 01 01 sts 0x0101, r15
+ }
+ // Copy buffer into programming buffer
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ addrPtr = (uint16_t)(void*)address;
+ 1e2a: 40 91 00 02 lds r20, 0x0200
+ 1e2e: 50 91 01 02 lds r21, 0x0201
+ 1e32: a0 e0 ldi r26, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1e34: b1 e0 ldi r27, 0x01 ; 1
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ 1e36: 2c 91 ld r18, X
+ 1e38: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ 1e3a: 11 96 adiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 1e3c: 8c 91 ld r24, X
+ 1e3e: 11 97 sbiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 1e40: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1e42: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 1e44: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 1e46: 82 2b or r24, r18
+ 1e48: 93 2b or r25, r19
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 1e4a: 12 96 adiw r26, 0x02 ; 2
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ 1e4c: fa 01 movw r30, r20
+ 1e4e: 0c 01 movw r0, r24
+ 1e50: c0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r12
+ 1e54: e8 95 spm
+ 1e56: 11 24 eor r1, r1
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ 1e58: 4e 5f subi r20, 0xFE ; 254
+ 1e5a: 5f 4f sbci r21, 0xFF ; 255
+ } while (--ch);
+ 1e5c: f1 e0 ldi r31, 0x01 ; 1
+ 1e5e: a0 34 cpi r26, 0x40 ; 64
+ 1e60: bf 07 cpc r27, r31
+ 1e62: 49 f7 brne .-46 ; 0x1e36 <main+0x136>
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 1e64: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 1e68: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 1e6c: e0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r14
+ 1e70: e8 95 spm
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 1e72: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 1e74: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 1e76: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x1e72 <main+0x172>
+ 1e78: 41 c0 rjmp .+130 ; 0x1efc <main+0x1fc>
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ }
+ /* Read memory block mode, length is big endian. */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_PAGE) {
+ 1e7a: 84 37 cpi r24, 0x74 ; 116
+ 1e7c: 89 f5 brne .+98 ; 0x1ee0 <main+0x1e0>
+ // READ PAGE - we only read flash
+ getLen();
+ 1e7e: 64 d0 rcall .+200 ; 0x1f48 <getLen>
+ verifySpace();
+ 1e80: 71 d0 rcall .+226 ; 0x1f64 <verifySpace>
+ do {
+ // Undo vector patch in bottom page so verify passes
+ if (address == 0) ch=rstVect & 0xff;
+ 1e82: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 1e86: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 1e8a: 30 97 sbiw r30, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1e8c: 19 f4 brne .+6 ; 0x1e94 <main+0x194>
+ 1e8e: 20 91 04 02 lds r18, 0x0204
+ 1e92: 13 c0 rjmp .+38 ; 0x1eba <main+0x1ba>
+ else if (address == 1) ch=rstVect >> 8;
+ 1e94: e1 30 cpi r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 1e96: f1 05 cpc r31, r1
+ 1e98: 19 f4 brne .+6 ; 0x1ea0 <main+0x1a0>
+ 1e9a: 20 91 05 02 lds r18, 0x0205
+ 1e9e: 0d c0 rjmp .+26 ; 0x1eba <main+0x1ba>
+ else if (address == 10) ch=wdtVect & 0xff;
+ 1ea0: ea 30 cpi r30, 0x0A ; 10
+ 1ea2: f1 05 cpc r31, r1
+ 1ea4: 19 f4 brne .+6 ; 0x1eac <main+0x1ac>
+ 1ea6: 20 91 06 02 lds r18, 0x0206
+ 1eaa: 07 c0 rjmp .+14 ; 0x1eba <main+0x1ba>
+ else if (address == 11) ch=wdtVect >> 8;
+ 1eac: eb 30 cpi r30, 0x0B ; 11
+ 1eae: f1 05 cpc r31, r1
+ 1eb0: 19 f4 brne .+6 ; 0x1eb8 <main+0x1b8>
+ 1eb2: 20 91 07 02 lds r18, 0x0207
+ 1eb6: 01 c0 rjmp .+2 ; 0x1eba <main+0x1ba>
+ else ch = pgm_read_byte_near(address);
+ 1eb8: 24 91 lpm r18, Z+
+ address++;
+ 1eba: 80 91 00 02 lds r24, 0x0200
+ 1ebe: 90 91 01 02 lds r25, 0x0201
+ 1ec2: 01 96 adiw r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 1ec4: 90 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r25
+ 1ec8: 80 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r24
+ putch(ch);
+ 1ecc: 82 2f mov r24, r18
+ 1ece: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x1f02 <putch>
+ } while (--length);
+ 1ed0: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 1ed4: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 1ed6: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 1eda: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 1edc: 91 f6 brne .-92 ; 0x1e82 <main+0x182>
+ 1ede: 0e c0 rjmp .+28 ; 0x1efc <main+0x1fc>
+ while (--length);
+ }
+ /* Get device signature bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_SIGN) {
+ 1ee0: 85 37 cpi r24, 0x75 ; 117
+ 1ee2: 39 f4 brne .+14 ; 0x1ef2 <main+0x1f2>
+ // READ SIGN - return what Avrdude wants to hear
+ verifySpace();
+ 1ee4: 3f d0 rcall .+126 ; 0x1f64 <verifySpace>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_0);
+ 1ee6: 8e e1 ldi r24, 0x1E ; 30
+ 1ee8: 0c d0 rcall .+24 ; 0x1f02 <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_1);
+ 1eea: 83 e9 ldi r24, 0x93 ; 147
+ 1eec: 0a d0 rcall .+20 ; 0x1f02 <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_2);
+ 1eee: 8c e0 ldi r24, 0x0C ; 12
+ 1ef0: 51 cf rjmp .-350 ; 0x1d94 <main+0x94>
+ }
+ else if (ch == 'Q') {
+ 1ef2: 81 35 cpi r24, 0x51 ; 81
+ 1ef4: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x1efa <main+0x1fa>
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_16MS);
+ 1ef6: 88 e0 ldi r24, 0x08 ; 8
+ 1ef8: 2c d0 rcall .+88 ; 0x1f52 <watchdogConfig>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else {
+ // This covers the response to commands like STK_ENTER_PROGMODE
+ verifySpace();
+ 1efa: 34 d0 rcall .+104 ; 0x1f64 <verifySpace>
+ }
+ putch(STK_OK);
+ 1efc: 80 e1 ldi r24, 0x10 ; 16
+ 1efe: 01 d0 rcall .+2 ; 0x1f02 <putch>
+ 1f00: 1e cf rjmp .-452 ; 0x1d3e <main+0x3e>
+00001f02 <putch>:
+void putch(char ch) {
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ while (!(UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0)));
+ UDR0 = ch;
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 1f02: 2a e0 ldi r18, 0x0A ; 10
+ 1f04: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1f06: 80 95 com r24
+ 1f08: 08 94 sec
+ 1f0a: 10 f4 brcc .+4 ; 0x1f10 <putch+0xe>
+ 1f0c: da 98 cbi 0x1b, 2 ; 27
+ 1f0e: 02 c0 rjmp .+4 ; 0x1f14 <putch+0x12>
+ 1f10: da 9a sbi 0x1b, 2 ; 27
+ 1f12: 00 00 nop
+ 1f14: 15 d0 rcall .+42 ; 0x1f40 <uartDelay>
+ 1f16: 14 d0 rcall .+40 ; 0x1f40 <uartDelay>
+ 1f18: 86 95 lsr r24
+ 1f1a: 2a 95 dec r18
+ 1f1c: b1 f7 brne .-20 ; 0x1f0a <putch+0x8>
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_TX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ );
+ 1f1e: 08 95 ret
+00001f20 <getch>:
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 1f20: a8 95 wdr
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ return ch;
+ 1f22: 29 e0 ldi r18, 0x09 ; 9
+ 1f24: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1f26: cb 99 sbic 0x19, 3 ; 25
+ 1f28: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x1f26 <getch+0x6>
+ 1f2a: 0a d0 rcall .+20 ; 0x1f40 <uartDelay>
+ 1f2c: 09 d0 rcall .+18 ; 0x1f40 <uartDelay>
+ 1f2e: 08 d0 rcall .+16 ; 0x1f40 <uartDelay>
+ 1f30: 88 94 clc
+ 1f32: cb 99 sbic 0x19, 3 ; 25
+ 1f34: 08 94 sec
+ 1f36: 2a 95 dec r18
+ 1f38: 11 f0 breq .+4 ; 0x1f3e <getch+0x1e>
+ 1f3a: 87 95 ror r24
+ 1f3c: f7 cf rjmp .-18 ; 0x1f2c <getch+0xc>
+ 1f3e: 08 95 ret
+00001f40 <uartDelay>:
+#if UART_B_VALUE > 255
+#error Baud rate too slow for soft UART
+void uartDelay() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 1f40: 9e e0 ldi r25, 0x0E ; 14
+ 1f42: 9a 95 dec r25
+ 1f44: f1 f7 brne .-4 ; 0x1f42 <uartDelay+0x2>
+ 1f46: 08 95 ret
+00001f48 <getLen>:
+ } while (--count);
+uint8_t getLen() {
+ getch();
+ 1f48: eb df rcall .-42 ; 0x1f20 <getch>
+ length = getch();
+ 1f4a: ea df rcall .-44 ; 0x1f20 <getch>
+ 1f4c: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ return getch();
+ 1f50: e7 cf rjmp .-50 ; 0x1f20 <getch>
+00001f52 <watchdogConfig>:
+ "wdr\n"
+ );
+void watchdogConfig(uint8_t x) {
+ 1f52: 98 e1 ldi r25, 0x18 ; 24
+ 1f54: 91 bd out 0x21, r25 ; 33
+ WDTCSR = x;
+ 1f56: 81 bd out 0x21, r24 ; 33
+ 1f58: 08 95 ret
+00001f5a <appStart>:
+void appStart() {
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_OFF);
+ 1f5a: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 1f5c: fa df rcall .-12 ; 0x1f52 <watchdogConfig>
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 1f5e: e5 e0 ldi r30, 0x05 ; 5
+ 1f60: ff 27 eor r31, r31
+ 1f62: 09 94 ijmp
+00001f64 <verifySpace>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ verifySpace();
+void verifySpace() {
+ if (getch() != CRC_EOP) appStart();
+ 1f64: dd df rcall .-70 ; 0x1f20 <getch>
+ 1f66: 80 32 cpi r24, 0x20 ; 32
+ 1f68: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x1f6c <verifySpace+0x8>
+ 1f6a: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x1f5a <appStart>
+ putch(STK_INSYNC);
+ 1f6c: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 1f6e: c9 cf rjmp .-110 ; 0x1f02 <putch>
+ ::[count] "M" (UART_B_VALUE)
+ );
+void getNch(uint8_t count) {
+ 1f70: 1f 93 push r17
+ 1f72: 18 2f mov r17, r24
+00001f74 <getNch>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ 1f74: d5 df rcall .-86 ; 0x1f20 <getch>
+ 1f76: 11 50 subi r17, 0x01 ; 1
+ 1f78: e9 f7 brne .-6 ; 0x1f74 <getNch>
+ verifySpace();
+ 1f7a: f4 df rcall .-24 ; 0x1f64 <verifySpace>
+ 1f7c: 1f 91 pop r17
+ 1f7e: 08 95 ret
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_16MHz.hex b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_16MHz.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e93414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_16MHz.hex
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_16MHz.lst b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_16MHz.lst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9920a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_16MHz.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+optiboot_pro_16MHz.elf: file format elf32-avr
+Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
+ 0 .text 000001ec 00003e00 00003e00 00000054 2**1
+ 1 .debug_aranges 00000028 00000000 00000000 00000240 2**0
+ 2 .debug_pubnames 0000006a 00000000 00000000 00000268 2**0
+ 3 .debug_info 00000269 00000000 00000000 000002d2 2**0
+ 4 .debug_abbrev 00000196 00000000 00000000 0000053b 2**0
+ 5 .debug_line 000003d3 00000000 00000000 000006d1 2**0
+ 6 .debug_frame 00000090 00000000 00000000 00000aa4 2**2
+ 7 .debug_str 00000135 00000000 00000000 00000b34 2**0
+ 8 .debug_loc 000001d1 00000000 00000000 00000c69 2**0
+ 9 .debug_ranges 00000068 00000000 00000000 00000e3a 2**0
+Disassembly of section .text:
+00003e00 <main>:
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 3e00: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e02: 80 93 81 00 sts 0x0081, r24
+ // Set up Timer 1 for timeout counter
+ TCCR1B = _BV(CS12) | _BV(CS10); // div 1024
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ UCSR0A = _BV(U2X0); //Double speed mode USART0
+ 3e06: 82 e0 ldi r24, 0x02 ; 2
+ 3e08: 80 93 c0 00 sts 0x00C0, r24
+ UCSR0B = _BV(RXEN0) | _BV(TXEN0);
+ 3e0c: 88 e1 ldi r24, 0x18 ; 24
+ 3e0e: 80 93 c1 00 sts 0x00C1, r24
+ UCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
+ 3e12: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+ 3e14: 80 93 c2 00 sts 0x00C2, r24
+ UBRR0L = (uint8_t)( (F_CPU + BAUD_RATE * 4L) / (BAUD_RATE * 8L) - 1 );
+ 3e18: 80 e1 ldi r24, 0x10 ; 16
+ 3e1a: 80 93 c4 00 sts 0x00C4, r24
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ ch = MCUSR;
+ 3e1e: 84 b7 in r24, 0x34 ; 52
+ MCUSR = 0;
+ 3e20: 14 be out 0x34, r1 ; 52
+ if (!(ch & _BV(EXTRF))) appStart();
+ 3e22: 81 ff sbrs r24, 1
+ 3e24: d0 d0 rcall .+416 ; 0x3fc6 <appStart>
+ // Set up watchdog to trigger after 500ms
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_500MS);
+ 3e26: 8d e0 ldi r24, 0x0D ; 13
+ 3e28: c8 d0 rcall .+400 ; 0x3fba <watchdogConfig>
+ /* Set LED pin as output */
+ LED_DDR |= _BV(LED);
+ 3e2a: 25 9a sbi 0x04, 5 ; 4
+ 3e2c: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 3e2e: 20 e3 ldi r18, 0x30 ; 48
+ 3e30: 3c ef ldi r19, 0xFC ; 252
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 3e32: 91 e0 ldi r25, 0x01 ; 1
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 3e34: 30 93 85 00 sts 0x0085, r19
+ 3e38: 20 93 84 00 sts 0x0084, r18
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 3e3c: 96 bb out 0x16, r25 ; 22
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ 3e3e: b0 9b sbis 0x16, 0 ; 22
+ 3e40: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x3e3e <main+0x3e>
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ 3e42: 1d 9a sbi 0x03, 5 ; 3
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3e44: a8 95 wdr
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ watchdogReset();
+ } while (--count);
+ 3e46: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3e48: a9 f7 brne .-22 ; 0x3e34 <main+0x34>
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 3e4a: dd 24 eor r13, r13
+ 3e4c: d3 94 inc r13
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ } while (--ch);
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3e4e: a5 e0 ldi r26, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e50: ea 2e mov r14, r26
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 3e52: f1 e1 ldi r31, 0x11 ; 17
+ 3e54: ff 2e mov r15, r31
+ /* Forever loop */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ 3e56: a4 d0 rcall .+328 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ 3e58: 81 34 cpi r24, 0x41 ; 65
+ 3e5a: 21 f4 brne .+8 ; 0x3e64 <main+0x64>
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 3e5c: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3e5e: be d0 rcall .+380 ; 0x3fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x03);
+ 3e60: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 3e62: 24 c0 rjmp .+72 ; 0x3eac <main+0xac>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE) {
+ 3e64: 82 34 cpi r24, 0x42 ; 66
+ 3e66: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x3e6c <main+0x6c>
+ // SET DEVICE is ignored
+ getNch(20);
+ 3e68: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 3e6a: 03 c0 rjmp .+6 ; 0x3e72 <main+0x72>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE_EXT) {
+ 3e6c: 85 34 cpi r24, 0x45 ; 69
+ 3e6e: 19 f4 brne .+6 ; 0x3e76 <main+0x76>
+ // SET DEVICE EXT is ignored
+ getNch(5);
+ 3e70: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e72: b4 d0 rcall .+360 ; 0x3fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ 3e74: 8a c0 rjmp .+276 ; 0x3f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_LOAD_ADDRESS) {
+ 3e76: 85 35 cpi r24, 0x55 ; 85
+ 3e78: a1 f4 brne .+40 ; 0x3ea2 <main+0xa2>
+ address = getch();
+ 3e7a: 92 d0 rcall .+292 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3e7c: 08 2f mov r16, r24
+ 3e7e: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e80: 10 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r17
+ 3e84: 00 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r16
+ address = (address & 0xff) | (getch() << 8);
+ 3e88: 8b d0 rcall .+278 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3e8a: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e8c: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 3e8e: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 3e90: 80 2b or r24, r16
+ 3e92: 91 2b or r25, r17
+ address += address; // Convert from word address to byte address
+ 3e94: 88 0f add r24, r24
+ 3e96: 99 1f adc r25, r25
+ 3e98: 90 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r25
+ 3e9c: 80 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r24
+ 3ea0: 73 c0 rjmp .+230 ; 0x3f88 <main+0x188>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_UNIVERSAL) {
+ 3ea2: 86 35 cpi r24, 0x56 ; 86
+ 3ea4: 29 f4 brne .+10 ; 0x3eb0 <main+0xb0>
+ // UNIVERSAL command is ignored
+ getNch(4);
+ 3ea6: 84 e0 ldi r24, 0x04 ; 4
+ 3ea8: 99 d0 rcall .+306 ; 0x3fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x00);
+ 3eaa: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3eac: 71 d0 rcall .+226 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ 3eae: 6d c0 rjmp .+218 ; 0x3f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Write memory, length is big endian and is in bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_PROG_PAGE) {
+ 3eb0: 84 36 cpi r24, 0x64 ; 100
+ 3eb2: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x3eb6 <main+0xb6>
+ 3eb4: 43 c0 rjmp .+134 ; 0x3f3c <main+0x13c>
+ // PROGRAM PAGE - we support flash programming only, not EEPROM
+ uint8_t *bufPtr;
+ uint16_t addrPtr;
+ getLen();
+ 3eb6: 7c d0 rcall .+248 ; 0x3fb0 <getLen>
+ // Immediately start page erase - this will 4.5ms
+ boot_page_erase((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3eb8: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3ebc: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3ec0: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 3ec2: 80 93 57 00 sts 0x0057, r24
+ 3ec6: e8 95 spm
+ 3ec8: c0 e0 ldi r28, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3eca: d1 e0 ldi r29, 0x01 ; 1
+ // While that is going on, read in page contents
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ do *bufPtr++ = getch();
+ 3ecc: 69 d0 rcall .+210 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3ece: 89 93 st Y+, r24
+ while (--length);
+ 3ed0: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 3ed4: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ed6: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 3eda: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 3edc: b9 f7 brne .-18 ; 0x3ecc <main+0xcc>
+ // Read command terminator, start reply
+ verifySpace();
+ 3ede: 78 d0 rcall .+240 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ // If only a partial page is to be programmed, the erase might not be complete.
+ // So check that here
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 3ee0: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 3ee2: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 3ee4: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x3ee0 <main+0xe0>
+ }
+ // Copy buffer into programming buffer
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ addrPtr = (uint16_t)(void*)address;
+ 3ee6: 40 91 00 02 lds r20, 0x0200
+ 3eea: 50 91 01 02 lds r21, 0x0201
+ 3eee: a0 e0 ldi r26, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3ef0: b1 e0 ldi r27, 0x01 ; 1
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ 3ef2: 2c 91 ld r18, X
+ 3ef4: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ 3ef6: 11 96 adiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ef8: 8c 91 ld r24, X
+ 3efa: 11 97 sbiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3efc: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3efe: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 3f00: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 3f02: 82 2b or r24, r18
+ 3f04: 93 2b or r25, r19
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 3f06: 12 96 adiw r26, 0x02 ; 2
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ 3f08: fa 01 movw r30, r20
+ 3f0a: 0c 01 movw r0, r24
+ 3f0c: d0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r13
+ 3f10: e8 95 spm
+ 3f12: 11 24 eor r1, r1
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ 3f14: 4e 5f subi r20, 0xFE ; 254
+ 3f16: 5f 4f sbci r21, 0xFF ; 255
+ } while (--ch);
+ 3f18: f1 e0 ldi r31, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f1a: a0 38 cpi r26, 0x80 ; 128
+ 3f1c: bf 07 cpc r27, r31
+ 3f1e: 49 f7 brne .-46 ; 0x3ef2 <main+0xf2>
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3f20: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3f24: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3f28: e0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r14
+ 3f2c: e8 95 spm
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 3f2e: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 3f30: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 3f32: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x3f2e <main+0x12e>
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 3f34: f0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r15
+ 3f38: e8 95 spm
+ 3f3a: 27 c0 rjmp .+78 ; 0x3f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Read memory block mode, length is big endian. */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_PAGE) {
+ 3f3c: 84 37 cpi r24, 0x74 ; 116
+ 3f3e: b9 f4 brne .+46 ; 0x3f6e <main+0x16e>
+ // READ PAGE - we only read flash
+ getLen();
+ 3f40: 37 d0 rcall .+110 ; 0x3fb0 <getLen>
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f42: 46 d0 rcall .+140 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ else ch = pgm_read_byte_near(address);
+ address++;
+ putch(ch);
+ } while (--length);
+ do putch(pgm_read_byte_near(address++));
+ 3f44: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3f48: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3f4c: 31 96 adiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f4e: f0 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r31
+ 3f52: e0 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r30
+ 3f56: 31 97 sbiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f58: e4 91 lpm r30, Z+
+ 3f5a: 8e 2f mov r24, r30
+ 3f5c: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ while (--length);
+ 3f5e: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 3f62: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f64: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 3f68: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 3f6a: 61 f7 brne .-40 ; 0x3f44 <main+0x144>
+ 3f6c: 0e c0 rjmp .+28 ; 0x3f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Get device signature bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_SIGN) {
+ 3f6e: 85 37 cpi r24, 0x75 ; 117
+ 3f70: 39 f4 brne .+14 ; 0x3f80 <main+0x180>
+ // READ SIGN - return what Avrdude wants to hear
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f72: 2e d0 rcall .+92 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_0);
+ 3f74: 8e e1 ldi r24, 0x1E ; 30
+ 3f76: 0c d0 rcall .+24 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_1);
+ 3f78: 84 e9 ldi r24, 0x94 ; 148
+ 3f7a: 0a d0 rcall .+20 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_2);
+ 3f7c: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+ 3f7e: 96 cf rjmp .-212 ; 0x3eac <main+0xac>
+ }
+ else if (ch == 'Q') {
+ 3f80: 81 35 cpi r24, 0x51 ; 81
+ 3f82: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x3f88 <main+0x188>
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_16MS);
+ 3f84: 88 e0 ldi r24, 0x08 ; 8
+ 3f86: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x3fba <watchdogConfig>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else {
+ // This covers the response to commands like STK_ENTER_PROGMODE
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f88: 23 d0 rcall .+70 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ }
+ putch(STK_OK);
+ 3f8a: 80 e1 ldi r24, 0x10 ; 16
+ 3f8c: 01 d0 rcall .+2 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ 3f8e: 63 cf rjmp .-314 ; 0x3e56 <main+0x56>
+00003f90 <putch>:
+ }
+void putch(char ch) {
+ 3f90: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ while (!(UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0)));
+ 3f92: 80 91 c0 00 lds r24, 0x00C0
+ 3f96: 85 ff sbrs r24, 5
+ 3f98: fc cf rjmp .-8 ; 0x3f92 <putch+0x2>
+ UDR0 = ch;
+ 3f9a: 90 93 c6 00 sts 0x00C6, r25
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_TX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ );
+ 3f9e: 08 95 ret
+00003fa0 <getch>:
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3fa0: a8 95 wdr
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_RX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ while(!(UCSR0A & _BV(RXC0)));
+ 3fa2: 80 91 c0 00 lds r24, 0x00C0
+ 3fa6: 87 ff sbrs r24, 7
+ 3fa8: fc cf rjmp .-8 ; 0x3fa2 <getch+0x2>
+ ch = UDR0;
+ 3faa: 80 91 c6 00 lds r24, 0x00C6
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ return ch;
+ 3fae: 08 95 ret
+00003fb0 <getLen>:
+ } while (--count);
+uint8_t getLen() {
+ getch();
+ 3fb0: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ length = getch();
+ 3fb2: f6 df rcall .-20 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3fb4: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ return getch();
+ 3fb8: f3 cf rjmp .-26 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+00003fba <watchdogConfig>:
+ "wdr\n"
+ );
+void watchdogConfig(uint8_t x) {
+ 3fba: e0 e6 ldi r30, 0x60 ; 96
+ 3fbc: f0 e0 ldi r31, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3fbe: 98 e1 ldi r25, 0x18 ; 24
+ 3fc0: 90 83 st Z, r25
+ WDTCSR = x;
+ 3fc2: 80 83 st Z, r24
+ 3fc4: 08 95 ret
+00003fc6 <appStart>:
+void appStart() {
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_OFF);
+ 3fc6: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3fc8: f8 df rcall .-16 ; 0x3fba <watchdogConfig>
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3fca: ee 27 eor r30, r30
+ 3fcc: ff 27 eor r31, r31
+ 3fce: 09 94 ijmp
+00003fd0 <verifySpace>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ verifySpace();
+void verifySpace() {
+ if (getch() != CRC_EOP) appStart();
+ 3fd0: e7 df rcall .-50 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3fd2: 80 32 cpi r24, 0x20 ; 32
+ 3fd4: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x3fd8 <verifySpace+0x8>
+ 3fd6: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x3fc6 <appStart>
+ putch(STK_INSYNC);
+ 3fd8: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 3fda: da cf rjmp .-76 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ ::[count] "M" (UART_B_VALUE)
+ );
+void getNch(uint8_t count) {
+ 3fdc: 1f 93 push r17
+ 3fde: 18 2f mov r17, r24
+00003fe0 <getNch>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ 3fe0: df df rcall .-66 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3fe2: 11 50 subi r17, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3fe4: e9 f7 brne .-6 ; 0x3fe0 <getNch>
+ verifySpace();
+ 3fe6: f4 df rcall .-24 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ 3fe8: 1f 91 pop r17
+ 3fea: 08 95 ret
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_20mhz.hex b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_20mhz.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19c9ae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_20mhz.hex
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_20mhz.lst b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_20mhz.lst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62178d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_20mhz.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+optiboot_pro_20mhz.elf: file format elf32-avr
+Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
+ 0 .text 000001ec 00003e00 00003e00 00000054 2**1
+ 1 .debug_aranges 00000028 00000000 00000000 00000240 2**0
+ 2 .debug_pubnames 0000006a 00000000 00000000 00000268 2**0
+ 3 .debug_info 00000269 00000000 00000000 000002d2 2**0
+ 4 .debug_abbrev 00000196 00000000 00000000 0000053b 2**0
+ 5 .debug_line 000003d3 00000000 00000000 000006d1 2**0
+ 6 .debug_frame 00000090 00000000 00000000 00000aa4 2**2
+ 7 .debug_str 00000135 00000000 00000000 00000b34 2**0
+ 8 .debug_loc 000001d1 00000000 00000000 00000c69 2**0
+ 9 .debug_ranges 00000068 00000000 00000000 00000e3a 2**0
+Disassembly of section .text:
+00003e00 <main>:
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 3e00: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e02: 80 93 81 00 sts 0x0081, r24
+ // Set up Timer 1 for timeout counter
+ TCCR1B = _BV(CS12) | _BV(CS10); // div 1024
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ UCSR0A = _BV(U2X0); //Double speed mode USART0
+ 3e06: 82 e0 ldi r24, 0x02 ; 2
+ 3e08: 80 93 c0 00 sts 0x00C0, r24
+ UCSR0B = _BV(RXEN0) | _BV(TXEN0);
+ 3e0c: 88 e1 ldi r24, 0x18 ; 24
+ 3e0e: 80 93 c1 00 sts 0x00C1, r24
+ UCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
+ 3e12: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+ 3e14: 80 93 c2 00 sts 0x00C2, r24
+ UBRR0L = (uint8_t)( (F_CPU + BAUD_RATE * 4L) / (BAUD_RATE * 8L) - 1 );
+ 3e18: 85 e1 ldi r24, 0x15 ; 21
+ 3e1a: 80 93 c4 00 sts 0x00C4, r24
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ ch = MCUSR;
+ 3e1e: 84 b7 in r24, 0x34 ; 52
+ MCUSR = 0;
+ 3e20: 14 be out 0x34, r1 ; 52
+ if (!(ch & _BV(EXTRF))) appStart();
+ 3e22: 81 ff sbrs r24, 1
+ 3e24: d0 d0 rcall .+416 ; 0x3fc6 <appStart>
+ // Set up watchdog to trigger after 500ms
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_500MS);
+ 3e26: 8d e0 ldi r24, 0x0D ; 13
+ 3e28: c8 d0 rcall .+400 ; 0x3fba <watchdogConfig>
+ /* Set LED pin as output */
+ LED_DDR |= _BV(LED);
+ 3e2a: 25 9a sbi 0x04, 5 ; 4
+ 3e2c: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 3e2e: 2c e3 ldi r18, 0x3C ; 60
+ 3e30: 3b ef ldi r19, 0xFB ; 251
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 3e32: 91 e0 ldi r25, 0x01 ; 1
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 3e34: 30 93 85 00 sts 0x0085, r19
+ 3e38: 20 93 84 00 sts 0x0084, r18
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 3e3c: 96 bb out 0x16, r25 ; 22
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ 3e3e: b0 9b sbis 0x16, 0 ; 22
+ 3e40: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x3e3e <main+0x3e>
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ 3e42: 1d 9a sbi 0x03, 5 ; 3
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3e44: a8 95 wdr
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ watchdogReset();
+ } while (--count);
+ 3e46: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3e48: a9 f7 brne .-22 ; 0x3e34 <main+0x34>
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 3e4a: dd 24 eor r13, r13
+ 3e4c: d3 94 inc r13
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ } while (--ch);
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3e4e: a5 e0 ldi r26, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e50: ea 2e mov r14, r26
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 3e52: f1 e1 ldi r31, 0x11 ; 17
+ 3e54: ff 2e mov r15, r31
+ /* Forever loop */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ 3e56: a4 d0 rcall .+328 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ 3e58: 81 34 cpi r24, 0x41 ; 65
+ 3e5a: 21 f4 brne .+8 ; 0x3e64 <main+0x64>
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 3e5c: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3e5e: be d0 rcall .+380 ; 0x3fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x03);
+ 3e60: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 3e62: 24 c0 rjmp .+72 ; 0x3eac <main+0xac>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE) {
+ 3e64: 82 34 cpi r24, 0x42 ; 66
+ 3e66: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x3e6c <main+0x6c>
+ // SET DEVICE is ignored
+ getNch(20);
+ 3e68: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 3e6a: 03 c0 rjmp .+6 ; 0x3e72 <main+0x72>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE_EXT) {
+ 3e6c: 85 34 cpi r24, 0x45 ; 69
+ 3e6e: 19 f4 brne .+6 ; 0x3e76 <main+0x76>
+ // SET DEVICE EXT is ignored
+ getNch(5);
+ 3e70: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e72: b4 d0 rcall .+360 ; 0x3fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ 3e74: 8a c0 rjmp .+276 ; 0x3f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_LOAD_ADDRESS) {
+ 3e76: 85 35 cpi r24, 0x55 ; 85
+ 3e78: a1 f4 brne .+40 ; 0x3ea2 <main+0xa2>
+ address = getch();
+ 3e7a: 92 d0 rcall .+292 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3e7c: 08 2f mov r16, r24
+ 3e7e: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e80: 10 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r17
+ 3e84: 00 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r16
+ address = (address & 0xff) | (getch() << 8);
+ 3e88: 8b d0 rcall .+278 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3e8a: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e8c: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 3e8e: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 3e90: 80 2b or r24, r16
+ 3e92: 91 2b or r25, r17
+ address += address; // Convert from word address to byte address
+ 3e94: 88 0f add r24, r24
+ 3e96: 99 1f adc r25, r25
+ 3e98: 90 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r25
+ 3e9c: 80 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r24
+ 3ea0: 73 c0 rjmp .+230 ; 0x3f88 <main+0x188>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_UNIVERSAL) {
+ 3ea2: 86 35 cpi r24, 0x56 ; 86
+ 3ea4: 29 f4 brne .+10 ; 0x3eb0 <main+0xb0>
+ // UNIVERSAL command is ignored
+ getNch(4);
+ 3ea6: 84 e0 ldi r24, 0x04 ; 4
+ 3ea8: 99 d0 rcall .+306 ; 0x3fdc <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x00);
+ 3eaa: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3eac: 71 d0 rcall .+226 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ 3eae: 6d c0 rjmp .+218 ; 0x3f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Write memory, length is big endian and is in bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_PROG_PAGE) {
+ 3eb0: 84 36 cpi r24, 0x64 ; 100
+ 3eb2: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x3eb6 <main+0xb6>
+ 3eb4: 43 c0 rjmp .+134 ; 0x3f3c <main+0x13c>
+ // PROGRAM PAGE - we support flash programming only, not EEPROM
+ uint8_t *bufPtr;
+ uint16_t addrPtr;
+ getLen();
+ 3eb6: 7c d0 rcall .+248 ; 0x3fb0 <getLen>
+ // Immediately start page erase - this will 4.5ms
+ boot_page_erase((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3eb8: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3ebc: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3ec0: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 3ec2: 80 93 57 00 sts 0x0057, r24
+ 3ec6: e8 95 spm
+ 3ec8: c0 e0 ldi r28, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3eca: d1 e0 ldi r29, 0x01 ; 1
+ // While that is going on, read in page contents
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ do *bufPtr++ = getch();
+ 3ecc: 69 d0 rcall .+210 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3ece: 89 93 st Y+, r24
+ while (--length);
+ 3ed0: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 3ed4: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ed6: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 3eda: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 3edc: b9 f7 brne .-18 ; 0x3ecc <main+0xcc>
+ // Read command terminator, start reply
+ verifySpace();
+ 3ede: 78 d0 rcall .+240 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ // If only a partial page is to be programmed, the erase might not be complete.
+ // So check that here
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 3ee0: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 3ee2: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 3ee4: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x3ee0 <main+0xe0>
+ }
+ // Copy buffer into programming buffer
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ addrPtr = (uint16_t)(void*)address;
+ 3ee6: 40 91 00 02 lds r20, 0x0200
+ 3eea: 50 91 01 02 lds r21, 0x0201
+ 3eee: a0 e0 ldi r26, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3ef0: b1 e0 ldi r27, 0x01 ; 1
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ 3ef2: 2c 91 ld r18, X
+ 3ef4: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ 3ef6: 11 96 adiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ef8: 8c 91 ld r24, X
+ 3efa: 11 97 sbiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3efc: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3efe: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 3f00: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 3f02: 82 2b or r24, r18
+ 3f04: 93 2b or r25, r19
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 3f06: 12 96 adiw r26, 0x02 ; 2
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ 3f08: fa 01 movw r30, r20
+ 3f0a: 0c 01 movw r0, r24
+ 3f0c: d0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r13
+ 3f10: e8 95 spm
+ 3f12: 11 24 eor r1, r1
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ 3f14: 4e 5f subi r20, 0xFE ; 254
+ 3f16: 5f 4f sbci r21, 0xFF ; 255
+ } while (--ch);
+ 3f18: f1 e0 ldi r31, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f1a: a0 38 cpi r26, 0x80 ; 128
+ 3f1c: bf 07 cpc r27, r31
+ 3f1e: 49 f7 brne .-46 ; 0x3ef2 <main+0xf2>
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3f20: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3f24: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3f28: e0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r14
+ 3f2c: e8 95 spm
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 3f2e: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 3f30: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 3f32: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x3f2e <main+0x12e>
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 3f34: f0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r15
+ 3f38: e8 95 spm
+ 3f3a: 27 c0 rjmp .+78 ; 0x3f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Read memory block mode, length is big endian. */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_PAGE) {
+ 3f3c: 84 37 cpi r24, 0x74 ; 116
+ 3f3e: b9 f4 brne .+46 ; 0x3f6e <main+0x16e>
+ // READ PAGE - we only read flash
+ getLen();
+ 3f40: 37 d0 rcall .+110 ; 0x3fb0 <getLen>
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f42: 46 d0 rcall .+140 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ else ch = pgm_read_byte_near(address);
+ address++;
+ putch(ch);
+ } while (--length);
+ do putch(pgm_read_byte_near(address++));
+ 3f44: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3f48: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3f4c: 31 96 adiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f4e: f0 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r31
+ 3f52: e0 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r30
+ 3f56: 31 97 sbiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f58: e4 91 lpm r30, Z+
+ 3f5a: 8e 2f mov r24, r30
+ 3f5c: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ while (--length);
+ 3f5e: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 3f62: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f64: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 3f68: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 3f6a: 61 f7 brne .-40 ; 0x3f44 <main+0x144>
+ 3f6c: 0e c0 rjmp .+28 ; 0x3f8a <main+0x18a>
+ }
+ /* Get device signature bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_SIGN) {
+ 3f6e: 85 37 cpi r24, 0x75 ; 117
+ 3f70: 39 f4 brne .+14 ; 0x3f80 <main+0x180>
+ // READ SIGN - return what Avrdude wants to hear
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f72: 2e d0 rcall .+92 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_0);
+ 3f74: 8e e1 ldi r24, 0x1E ; 30
+ 3f76: 0c d0 rcall .+24 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_1);
+ 3f78: 84 e9 ldi r24, 0x94 ; 148
+ 3f7a: 0a d0 rcall .+20 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_2);
+ 3f7c: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+ 3f7e: 96 cf rjmp .-212 ; 0x3eac <main+0xac>
+ }
+ else if (ch == 'Q') {
+ 3f80: 81 35 cpi r24, 0x51 ; 81
+ 3f82: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x3f88 <main+0x188>
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_16MS);
+ 3f84: 88 e0 ldi r24, 0x08 ; 8
+ 3f86: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x3fba <watchdogConfig>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else {
+ // This covers the response to commands like STK_ENTER_PROGMODE
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f88: 23 d0 rcall .+70 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ }
+ putch(STK_OK);
+ 3f8a: 80 e1 ldi r24, 0x10 ; 16
+ 3f8c: 01 d0 rcall .+2 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ 3f8e: 63 cf rjmp .-314 ; 0x3e56 <main+0x56>
+00003f90 <putch>:
+ }
+void putch(char ch) {
+ 3f90: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ while (!(UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0)));
+ 3f92: 80 91 c0 00 lds r24, 0x00C0
+ 3f96: 85 ff sbrs r24, 5
+ 3f98: fc cf rjmp .-8 ; 0x3f92 <putch+0x2>
+ UDR0 = ch;
+ 3f9a: 90 93 c6 00 sts 0x00C6, r25
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_TX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ );
+ 3f9e: 08 95 ret
+00003fa0 <getch>:
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3fa0: a8 95 wdr
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_RX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ while(!(UCSR0A & _BV(RXC0)));
+ 3fa2: 80 91 c0 00 lds r24, 0x00C0
+ 3fa6: 87 ff sbrs r24, 7
+ 3fa8: fc cf rjmp .-8 ; 0x3fa2 <getch+0x2>
+ ch = UDR0;
+ 3faa: 80 91 c6 00 lds r24, 0x00C6
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ return ch;
+ 3fae: 08 95 ret
+00003fb0 <getLen>:
+ } while (--count);
+uint8_t getLen() {
+ getch();
+ 3fb0: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ length = getch();
+ 3fb2: f6 df rcall .-20 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3fb4: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ return getch();
+ 3fb8: f3 cf rjmp .-26 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+00003fba <watchdogConfig>:
+ "wdr\n"
+ );
+void watchdogConfig(uint8_t x) {
+ 3fba: e0 e6 ldi r30, 0x60 ; 96
+ 3fbc: f0 e0 ldi r31, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3fbe: 98 e1 ldi r25, 0x18 ; 24
+ 3fc0: 90 83 st Z, r25
+ WDTCSR = x;
+ 3fc2: 80 83 st Z, r24
+ 3fc4: 08 95 ret
+00003fc6 <appStart>:
+void appStart() {
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_OFF);
+ 3fc6: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3fc8: f8 df rcall .-16 ; 0x3fba <watchdogConfig>
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3fca: ee 27 eor r30, r30
+ 3fcc: ff 27 eor r31, r31
+ 3fce: 09 94 ijmp
+00003fd0 <verifySpace>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ verifySpace();
+void verifySpace() {
+ if (getch() != CRC_EOP) appStart();
+ 3fd0: e7 df rcall .-50 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3fd2: 80 32 cpi r24, 0x20 ; 32
+ 3fd4: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x3fd8 <verifySpace+0x8>
+ 3fd6: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x3fc6 <appStart>
+ putch(STK_INSYNC);
+ 3fd8: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 3fda: da cf rjmp .-76 ; 0x3f90 <putch>
+ ::[count] "M" (UART_B_VALUE)
+ );
+void getNch(uint8_t count) {
+ 3fdc: 1f 93 push r17
+ 3fde: 18 2f mov r17, r24
+00003fe0 <getNch>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ 3fe0: df df rcall .-66 ; 0x3fa0 <getch>
+ 3fe2: 11 50 subi r17, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3fe4: e9 f7 brne .-6 ; 0x3fe0 <getNch>
+ verifySpace();
+ 3fe6: f4 df rcall .-24 ; 0x3fd0 <verifySpace>
+ 3fe8: 1f 91 pop r17
+ 3fea: 08 95 ret
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_8MHz.hex b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_8MHz.hex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d31a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_8MHz.hex
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
diff --git a/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_8MHz.lst b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_8MHz.lst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94603e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ardmake/hardware/bootloaders/optiboot/optiboot_pro_8MHz.lst
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+optiboot_pro_8MHz.elf: file format elf32-avr
+Idx Name Size VMA LMA File off Algn
+ 0 .text 000001fc 00003e00 00003e00 00000054 2**1
+ 1 .debug_aranges 00000028 00000000 00000000 00000250 2**0
+ 2 .debug_pubnames 00000078 00000000 00000000 00000278 2**0
+ 3 .debug_info 00000277 00000000 00000000 000002f0 2**0
+ 4 .debug_abbrev 00000194 00000000 00000000 00000567 2**0
+ 5 .debug_line 000003bb 00000000 00000000 000006fb 2**0
+ 6 .debug_frame 000000a0 00000000 00000000 00000ab8 2**2
+ 7 .debug_str 0000013f 00000000 00000000 00000b58 2**0
+ 8 .debug_loc 000001a0 00000000 00000000 00000c97 2**0
+ 9 .debug_ranges 00000070 00000000 00000000 00000e37 2**0
+Disassembly of section .text:
+00003e00 <main>:
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 3e00: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e02: 80 93 81 00 sts 0x0081, r24
+ UCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ00) | _BV(UCSZ01);
+ UBRR0L = (uint8_t)( (F_CPU + BAUD_RATE * 4L) / (BAUD_RATE * 8L) - 1 );
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ ch = MCUSR;
+ 3e06: 84 b7 in r24, 0x34 ; 52
+ MCUSR = 0;
+ 3e08: 14 be out 0x34, r1 ; 52
+ if (!(ch & _BV(EXTRF))) appStart();
+ 3e0a: 81 ff sbrs r24, 1
+ 3e0c: e4 d0 rcall .+456 ; 0x3fd6 <appStart>
+ // Set up watchdog to trigger after 500ms
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_500MS);
+ 3e0e: 8d e0 ldi r24, 0x0D ; 13
+ 3e10: dc d0 rcall .+440 ; 0x3fca <watchdogConfig>
+ /* Set LED pin as output */
+ LED_DDR |= _BV(LED);
+ 3e12: 25 9a sbi 0x04, 5 ; 4
+#ifdef SOFT_UART
+ /* Set TX pin as output */
+ 3e14: 51 9a sbi 0x0a, 1 ; 10
+ 3e16: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 3e18: 28 e1 ldi r18, 0x18 ; 24
+ 3e1a: 3e ef ldi r19, 0xFE ; 254
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 3e1c: 91 e0 ldi r25, 0x01 ; 1
+void flash_led(uint8_t count) {
+ do {
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ 3e1e: 30 93 85 00 sts 0x0085, r19
+ 3e22: 20 93 84 00 sts 0x0084, r18
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ 3e26: 96 bb out 0x16, r25 ; 22
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ 3e28: b0 9b sbis 0x16, 0 ; 22
+ 3e2a: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x3e28 <main+0x28>
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ 3e2c: 1d 9a sbi 0x03, 5 ; 3
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3e2e: a8 95 wdr
+ TCNT1 = -(F_CPU/(1024*16));
+ TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);
+ while(!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)));
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ watchdogReset();
+ } while (--count);
+ 3e30: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3e32: a9 f7 brne .-22 ; 0x3e1e <main+0x1e>
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 3e34: dd 24 eor r13, r13
+ 3e36: d3 94 inc r13
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ } while (--ch);
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3e38: a5 e0 ldi r26, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e3a: ea 2e mov r14, r26
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 3e3c: f1 e1 ldi r31, 0x11 ; 17
+ 3e3e: ff 2e mov r15, r31
+ /* Forever loop */
+ for (;;) {
+ /* get character from UART */
+ ch = getch();
+ 3e40: ab d0 rcall .+342 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ if(ch == STK_GET_PARAMETER) {
+ 3e42: 81 34 cpi r24, 0x41 ; 65
+ 3e44: 21 f4 brne .+8 ; 0x3e4e <main+0x4e>
+ // GET PARAMETER returns a generic 0x03 reply - enough to keep Avrdude happy
+ getNch(1);
+ 3e46: 81 e0 ldi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3e48: d1 d0 rcall .+418 ; 0x3fec <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x03);
+ 3e4a: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 3e4c: 24 c0 rjmp .+72 ; 0x3e96 <main+0x96>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE) {
+ 3e4e: 82 34 cpi r24, 0x42 ; 66
+ 3e50: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x3e56 <main+0x56>
+ // SET DEVICE is ignored
+ getNch(20);
+ 3e52: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 3e54: 03 c0 rjmp .+6 ; 0x3e5c <main+0x5c>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_SET_DEVICE_EXT) {
+ 3e56: 85 34 cpi r24, 0x45 ; 69
+ 3e58: 19 f4 brne .+6 ; 0x3e60 <main+0x60>
+ // SET DEVICE EXT is ignored
+ getNch(5);
+ 3e5a: 85 e0 ldi r24, 0x05 ; 5
+ 3e5c: c7 d0 rcall .+398 ; 0x3fec <verifySpace+0xc>
+ 3e5e: 8a c0 rjmp .+276 ; 0x3f74 <main+0x174>
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_LOAD_ADDRESS) {
+ 3e60: 85 35 cpi r24, 0x55 ; 85
+ 3e62: a1 f4 brne .+40 ; 0x3e8c <main+0x8c>
+ address = getch();
+ 3e64: 99 d0 rcall .+306 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3e66: 08 2f mov r16, r24
+ 3e68: 10 e0 ldi r17, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e6a: 10 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r17
+ 3e6e: 00 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r16
+ address = (address & 0xff) | (getch() << 8);
+ 3e72: 92 d0 rcall .+292 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3e74: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e76: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 3e78: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 3e7a: 80 2b or r24, r16
+ 3e7c: 91 2b or r25, r17
+ address += address; // Convert from word address to byte address
+ 3e7e: 88 0f add r24, r24
+ 3e80: 99 1f adc r25, r25
+ 3e82: 90 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r25
+ 3e86: 80 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r24
+ 3e8a: 73 c0 rjmp .+230 ; 0x3f72 <main+0x172>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else if(ch == STK_UNIVERSAL) {
+ 3e8c: 86 35 cpi r24, 0x56 ; 86
+ 3e8e: 29 f4 brne .+10 ; 0x3e9a <main+0x9a>
+ // UNIVERSAL command is ignored
+ getNch(4);
+ 3e90: 84 e0 ldi r24, 0x04 ; 4
+ 3e92: ac d0 rcall .+344 ; 0x3fec <verifySpace+0xc>
+ putch(0x00);
+ 3e94: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3e96: 71 d0 rcall .+226 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ 3e98: 6d c0 rjmp .+218 ; 0x3f74 <main+0x174>
+ }
+ /* Write memory, length is big endian and is in bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_PROG_PAGE) {
+ 3e9a: 84 36 cpi r24, 0x64 ; 100
+ 3e9c: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x3ea0 <main+0xa0>
+ 3e9e: 43 c0 rjmp .+134 ; 0x3f26 <main+0x126>
+ // PROGRAM PAGE - we support flash programming only, not EEPROM
+ uint8_t *bufPtr;
+ uint16_t addrPtr;
+ getLen();
+ 3ea0: 8f d0 rcall .+286 ; 0x3fc0 <getLen>
+ // Immediately start page erase - this will 4.5ms
+ boot_page_erase((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3ea2: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3ea6: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3eaa: 83 e0 ldi r24, 0x03 ; 3
+ 3eac: 80 93 57 00 sts 0x0057, r24
+ 3eb0: e8 95 spm
+ 3eb2: c0 e0 ldi r28, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3eb4: d1 e0 ldi r29, 0x01 ; 1
+ // While that is going on, read in page contents
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ do *bufPtr++ = getch();
+ 3eb6: 70 d0 rcall .+224 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3eb8: 89 93 st Y+, r24
+ while (--length);
+ 3eba: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 3ebe: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ec0: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 3ec4: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 3ec6: b9 f7 brne .-18 ; 0x3eb6 <main+0xb6>
+ // Read command terminator, start reply
+ verifySpace();
+ 3ec8: 8b d0 rcall .+278 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ // If only a partial page is to be programmed, the erase might not be complete.
+ // So check that here
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 3eca: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 3ecc: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 3ece: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x3eca <main+0xca>
+ }
+ // Copy buffer into programming buffer
+ bufPtr = buff;
+ addrPtr = (uint16_t)(void*)address;
+ 3ed0: 40 91 00 02 lds r20, 0x0200
+ 3ed4: 50 91 01 02 lds r21, 0x0201
+ 3ed8: a0 e0 ldi r26, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3eda: b1 e0 ldi r27, 0x01 ; 1
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ 3edc: 2c 91 ld r18, X
+ 3ede: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ 3ee0: 11 96 adiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ee2: 8c 91 ld r24, X
+ 3ee4: 11 97 sbiw r26, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ee6: 90 e0 ldi r25, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3ee8: 98 2f mov r25, r24
+ 3eea: 88 27 eor r24, r24
+ 3eec: 82 2b or r24, r18
+ 3eee: 93 2b or r25, r19
+#define rstVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x204))
+#define wdtVect (*(uint16_t*)(0x206))
+/* main program starts here */
+int main(void) {
+ 3ef0: 12 96 adiw r26, 0x02 ; 2
+ ch = SPM_PAGESIZE / 2;
+ do {
+ uint16_t a;
+ a = *bufPtr++;
+ a |= (*bufPtr++) << 8;
+ boot_page_fill((uint16_t)(void*)addrPtr,a);
+ 3ef2: fa 01 movw r30, r20
+ 3ef4: 0c 01 movw r0, r24
+ 3ef6: d0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r13
+ 3efa: e8 95 spm
+ 3efc: 11 24 eor r1, r1
+ addrPtr += 2;
+ 3efe: 4e 5f subi r20, 0xFE ; 254
+ 3f00: 5f 4f sbci r21, 0xFF ; 255
+ } while (--ch);
+ 3f02: f1 e0 ldi r31, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f04: a0 38 cpi r26, 0x80 ; 128
+ 3f06: bf 07 cpc r27, r31
+ 3f08: 49 f7 brne .-46 ; 0x3edc <main+0xdc>
+ // Write from programming buffer
+ boot_page_write((uint16_t)(void*)address);
+ 3f0a: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3f0e: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3f12: e0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r14
+ 3f16: e8 95 spm
+ boot_spm_busy_wait();
+ 3f18: 07 b6 in r0, 0x37 ; 55
+ 3f1a: 00 fc sbrc r0, 0
+ 3f1c: fd cf rjmp .-6 ; 0x3f18 <main+0x118>
+#if defined(RWWSRE)
+ // Reenable read access to flash
+ boot_rww_enable();
+ 3f1e: f0 92 57 00 sts 0x0057, r15
+ 3f22: e8 95 spm
+ 3f24: 27 c0 rjmp .+78 ; 0x3f74 <main+0x174>
+ }
+ /* Read memory block mode, length is big endian. */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_PAGE) {
+ 3f26: 84 37 cpi r24, 0x74 ; 116
+ 3f28: b9 f4 brne .+46 ; 0x3f58 <main+0x158>
+ // READ PAGE - we only read flash
+ getLen();
+ 3f2a: 4a d0 rcall .+148 ; 0x3fc0 <getLen>
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f2c: 59 d0 rcall .+178 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ else ch = pgm_read_byte_near(address);
+ address++;
+ putch(ch);
+ } while (--length);
+ do putch(pgm_read_byte_near(address++));
+ 3f2e: e0 91 00 02 lds r30, 0x0200
+ 3f32: f0 91 01 02 lds r31, 0x0201
+ 3f36: 31 96 adiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f38: f0 93 01 02 sts 0x0201, r31
+ 3f3c: e0 93 00 02 sts 0x0200, r30
+ 3f40: 31 97 sbiw r30, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f42: e4 91 lpm r30, Z+
+ 3f44: 8e 2f mov r24, r30
+ 3f46: 19 d0 rcall .+50 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ while (--length);
+ 3f48: 80 91 02 02 lds r24, 0x0202
+ 3f4c: 81 50 subi r24, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3f4e: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ 3f52: 88 23 and r24, r24
+ 3f54: 61 f7 brne .-40 ; 0x3f2e <main+0x12e>
+ 3f56: 0e c0 rjmp .+28 ; 0x3f74 <main+0x174>
+ }
+ /* Get device signature bytes */
+ else if(ch == STK_READ_SIGN) {
+ 3f58: 85 37 cpi r24, 0x75 ; 117
+ 3f5a: 39 f4 brne .+14 ; 0x3f6a <main+0x16a>
+ // READ SIGN - return what Avrdude wants to hear
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f5c: 41 d0 rcall .+130 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_0);
+ 3f5e: 8e e1 ldi r24, 0x1E ; 30
+ 3f60: 0c d0 rcall .+24 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_1);
+ 3f62: 84 e9 ldi r24, 0x94 ; 148
+ 3f64: 0a d0 rcall .+20 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ putch(SIGNATURE_2);
+ 3f66: 86 e0 ldi r24, 0x06 ; 6
+ 3f68: 96 cf rjmp .-212 ; 0x3e96 <main+0x96>
+ }
+ else if (ch == 'Q') {
+ 3f6a: 81 35 cpi r24, 0x51 ; 81
+ 3f6c: 11 f4 brne .+4 ; 0x3f72 <main+0x172>
+ // Adaboot no-wait mod
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_16MS);
+ 3f6e: 88 e0 ldi r24, 0x08 ; 8
+ 3f70: 2c d0 rcall .+88 ; 0x3fca <watchdogConfig>
+ verifySpace();
+ }
+ else {
+ // This covers the response to commands like STK_ENTER_PROGMODE
+ verifySpace();
+ 3f72: 36 d0 rcall .+108 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ }
+ putch(STK_OK);
+ 3f74: 80 e1 ldi r24, 0x10 ; 16
+ 3f76: 01 d0 rcall .+2 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ 3f78: 63 cf rjmp .-314 ; 0x3e40 <main+0x40>
+00003f7a <putch>:
+void putch(char ch) {
+#ifndef SOFT_UART
+ while (!(UCSR0A & _BV(UDRE0)));
+ UDR0 = ch;
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3f7a: 2a e0 ldi r18, 0x0A ; 10
+ 3f7c: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3f7e: 80 95 com r24
+ 3f80: 08 94 sec
+ 3f82: 10 f4 brcc .+4 ; 0x3f88 <putch+0xe>
+ 3f84: 59 98 cbi 0x0b, 1 ; 11
+ 3f86: 02 c0 rjmp .+4 ; 0x3f8c <putch+0x12>
+ 3f88: 59 9a sbi 0x0b, 1 ; 11
+ 3f8a: 00 00 nop
+ 3f8c: 15 d0 rcall .+42 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3f8e: 14 d0 rcall .+40 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3f90: 86 95 lsr r24
+ 3f92: 2a 95 dec r18
+ 3f94: b1 f7 brne .-20 ; 0x3f82 <putch+0x8>
+ [uartBit] "I" (UART_TX_BIT)
+ :
+ "r25"
+ );
+ 3f96: 08 95 ret
+00003f98 <getch>:
+ return getch();
+// Watchdog functions. These are only safe with interrupts turned off.
+void watchdogReset() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3f98: a8 95 wdr
+ LED_PIN |= _BV(LED);
+ return ch;
+ 3f9a: 29 e0 ldi r18, 0x09 ; 9
+ 3f9c: 30 e0 ldi r19, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3f9e: 48 99 sbic 0x09, 0 ; 9
+ 3fa0: fe cf rjmp .-4 ; 0x3f9e <getch+0x6>
+ 3fa2: 0a d0 rcall .+20 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3fa4: 09 d0 rcall .+18 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3fa6: 08 d0 rcall .+16 ; 0x3fb8 <uartDelay>
+ 3fa8: 88 94 clc
+ 3faa: 48 99 sbic 0x09, 0 ; 9
+ 3fac: 08 94 sec
+ 3fae: 2a 95 dec r18
+ 3fb0: 11 f0 breq .+4 ; 0x3fb6 <getch+0x1e>
+ 3fb2: 87 95 ror r24
+ 3fb4: f7 cf rjmp .-18 ; 0x3fa4 <getch+0xc>
+ 3fb6: 08 95 ret
+00003fb8 <uartDelay>:
+#if UART_B_VALUE > 255
+#error Baud rate too slow for soft UART
+void uartDelay() {
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3fb8: 98 e0 ldi r25, 0x08 ; 8
+ 3fba: 9a 95 dec r25
+ 3fbc: f1 f7 brne .-4 ; 0x3fba <uartDelay+0x2>
+ 3fbe: 08 95 ret
+00003fc0 <getLen>:
+ } while (--count);
+uint8_t getLen() {
+ getch();
+ 3fc0: eb df rcall .-42 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ length = getch();
+ 3fc2: ea df rcall .-44 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3fc4: 80 93 02 02 sts 0x0202, r24
+ return getch();
+ 3fc8: e7 cf rjmp .-50 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+00003fca <watchdogConfig>:
+ "wdr\n"
+ );
+void watchdogConfig(uint8_t x) {
+ 3fca: e0 e6 ldi r30, 0x60 ; 96
+ 3fcc: f0 e0 ldi r31, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3fce: 98 e1 ldi r25, 0x18 ; 24
+ 3fd0: 90 83 st Z, r25
+ WDTCSR = x;
+ 3fd2: 80 83 st Z, r24
+ 3fd4: 08 95 ret
+00003fd6 <appStart>:
+void appStart() {
+ watchdogConfig(WATCHDOG_OFF);
+ 3fd6: 80 e0 ldi r24, 0x00 ; 0
+ 3fd8: f8 df rcall .-16 ; 0x3fca <watchdogConfig>
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (
+ 3fda: ee 27 eor r30, r30
+ 3fdc: ff 27 eor r31, r31
+ 3fde: 09 94 ijmp
+00003fe0 <verifySpace>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ verifySpace();
+void verifySpace() {
+ if (getch() != CRC_EOP) appStart();
+ 3fe0: db df rcall .-74 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3fe2: 80 32 cpi r24, 0x20 ; 32
+ 3fe4: 09 f0 breq .+2 ; 0x3fe8 <verifySpace+0x8>
+ 3fe6: f7 df rcall .-18 ; 0x3fd6 <appStart>
+ putch(STK_INSYNC);
+ 3fe8: 84 e1 ldi r24, 0x14 ; 20
+ 3fea: c7 cf rjmp .-114 ; 0x3f7a <putch>
+ ::[count] "M" (UART_B_VALUE)
+ );
+void getNch(uint8_t count) {
+ 3fec: 1f 93 push r17
+ 3fee: 18 2f mov r17, r24
+00003ff0 <getNch>:
+ do getch(); while (--count);
+ 3ff0: d3 df rcall .-90 ; 0x3f98 <getch>
+ 3ff2: 11 50 subi r17, 0x01 ; 1
+ 3ff4: e9 f7 brne .-6 ; 0x3ff0 <getNch>
+ verifySpace();
+ 3ff6: f4 df rcall .-24 ; 0x3fe0 <verifySpace>
+ 3ff8: 1f 91 pop r17
+ 3ffa: 08 95 ret