


Generate UUID anchors to jump from place to place in text files

Installation with vundle

Just put Bundle 'git://git.devys.org/vim-uuid-anchor' in your ~/.vim/vimrc.

Manual Installation

  1. Clone the git repository:

    git clone git://git.devys.org/vim-uuid-anchor
    cd vim-uuid-anchor
  1. Copy the file ftplugin/uuid_anchor.vim to your ~/.vim/ftplugin directory


Table of content to real content example:

  1. Place yourself at the line of the item you want to be jumpable:

    1. item 1
    2. item 2 <-- You want to add a description while keeping this list
                  simple. Place your cursor here.
    3. item 3
  2. Place yourself in insert mode at the end of line, add a space and call the uuid function, with default vim configuration, press A ``, then ``,,uuid (assuming your leader is ','):

    1. item 1
    2. item 2 DCE564FB
    3. item 3
  3. Elsewhere in the text file, at the description's place in our example, you can paste the last generated uuid by pressing "up:

        Description with lots of text lines of the item 2.
        Another line of description.
        Last line of description.
  4. Later, when you want to jump from the item list to the description, or jump back, simply place your cursor on the uuid and press * or #.

  5. Be pleased by your new plugin and possibilities.


Unless specified otherwise, this project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. You should have received a copy of the MIT License along with this program. If not, see <https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>.

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Copyright © 2016 vg <vg@devys.org>

