path: root/src
diff options
authorVG <vg@devys.org>2015-07-24 17:37:15 +0200
committerVG <vg@devys.org>2015-07-24 17:37:15 +0200
commit531ad8f2baa5fefdf2f92c6473d5098f4bbeb1b5 (patch)
treefad0bcc078b735bd08120f0f02b3a73c1d763d6b /src
parentab212a360ed1c0d10a1f6bf02beee28979a30922 (diff)
remove src and build.py since they are not used
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 306 deletions
diff --git a/src/base.vim b/src/base.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 037a9dd..0000000
--- a/src/base.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-" reStructuredText tables plugin
-" Language: Python (ft=python)
-" Maintainer: Vincent Driessen <vincent@datafox.nl>
-" Version: Vim 7 (may work with lower Vim versions, but not tested)
-" URL: http://github.com/nvie/vim-rst-tables
-" This plugin is a more flexible reimplementation of the ideas and the
-" existing Vim plugin by Hugo Ruscitti:
-" http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3041
-" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
-if exists("g:loaded_rst_tables_ftplugin")
- finish
-let loaded_rst_tables_ftplugin = 1
-python << endpython
-" Add mappings, unless the user didn't want this.
-" The default mapping is registered, unless the user remapped it already.
-if !exists("no_plugin_maps") && !exists("no_rst_table_maps")
- if !hasmapto('ReformatTable(')
- noremap <silent> <leader><leader>c :call ReformatTable()<CR>
- endif
- if !hasmapto('ReflowTable(')
- noremap <silent> <leader><leader>f :call ReflowTable()<CR>
- endif
diff --git a/src/rst_tables.py b/src/rst_tables.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 50f5b3b..0000000
--- a/src/rst_tables.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-import vim
-import re
-import textwrap
-from vim_bridge import bridged
-def get_table_bounds():
- row, col = vim.current.window.cursor
- upper = lower = row
- try:
- while vim.current.buffer[upper - 1].strip():
- upper -= 1
- except IndexError:
- pass
- else:
- upper += 1
- try:
- while vim.current.buffer[lower - 1].strip():
- lower += 1
- except IndexError:
- pass
- else:
- lower -= 1
- match = re.match('^(\s*).*$', vim.current.buffer[upper-1])
- return (upper, lower, match.group(1))
-def join_rows(rows, sep='\n'):
- """Given a list of rows (a list of lists) this function returns a
- flattened list where each the individual columns of all rows are joined
- together using the line separator.
- """
- output = []
- for row in rows:
- # grow output array, if necessary
- if len(output) <= len(row):
- for i in range(len(row) - len(output)):
- output.extend([[]])
- for i, field in enumerate(row):
- field_text = field.strip()
- if field_text:
- output[i].append(field_text)
- return map(lambda lines: sep.join(lines), output)
-def line_is_separator(line):
- return re.match('^[\t +=-]+$', line)
-def has_line_seps(raw_lines):
- for line in raw_lines:
- if line_is_separator(line):
- return True
- return False
-def partition_raw_lines(raw_lines):
- """Partitions a list of raw input lines so that between each partition, a
- table row separator can be placed.
- """
- if not has_line_seps(raw_lines):
- return map(lambda x: [x], raw_lines)
- curr_part = []
- parts = [curr_part]
- for line in raw_lines:
- if line_is_separator(line):
- curr_part = []
- parts.append(curr_part)
- else:
- curr_part.append(line)
- # remove any empty partitions (typically the first and last ones)
- return filter(lambda x: x != [], parts)
-def unify_table(table):
- """Given a list of rows (i.e. a table), this function returns a new table
- in which all rows have an equal amount of columns. If all full column is
- empty (i.e. all rows have that field empty), the column is removed.
- """
- max_fields = max(map(lambda row: len(row), table))
- empty_cols = [True] * max_fields
- output = []
- for row in table:
- curr_len = len(row)
- if curr_len < max_fields:
- row += [''] * (max_fields - curr_len)
- output.append(row)
- # register empty columns (to be removed at the end)
- for i in range(len(row)):
- if row[i].strip():
- empty_cols[i] = False
- # remove empty columns from all rows
- table = output
- output = []
- for row in table:
- cols = []
- for i in range(len(row)):
- should_remove = empty_cols[i]
- if not should_remove:
- cols.append(row[i])
- output.append(cols)
- return output
-def split_table_row(row_string):
- if row_string.find("|") >= 0:
- # first, strip off the outer table drawings
- row_string = re.sub(r'^\s*\||\|\s*$', '', row_string)
- return re.split(r'\s*\|\s*', row_string.strip())
- return re.split(r'\s\s+', row_string.rstrip())
-def parse_table(raw_lines):
- row_partition = partition_raw_lines(raw_lines)
- lines = map(lambda row_string: join_rows(map(split_table_row, row_string)),
- row_partition)
- return unify_table(lines)
-def table_line(widths, header=False):
- if header:
- linechar = '='
- else:
- linechar = '-'
- sep = '+'
- parts = []
- for width in widths:
- parts.append(linechar * width)
- if parts:
- parts = [''] + parts + ['']
- return sep.join(parts)
-def get_field_width(field_text):
- return max(map(lambda s: len(s), field_text.split('\n')))
-def split_row_into_lines(row):
- row = map(lambda field: field.split('\n'), row)
- height = max(map(lambda field_lines: len(field_lines), row))
- turn_table = []
- for i in range(height):
- fields = []
- for field_lines in row:
- if i < len(field_lines):
- fields.append(field_lines[i])
- else:
- fields.append('')
- turn_table.append(fields)
- return turn_table
-def get_column_widths(table):
- widths = []
- for row in table:
- num_fields = len(row)
- # dynamically grow
- if num_fields >= len(widths):
- widths.extend([0] * (num_fields - len(widths)))
- for i in range(num_fields):
- field_text = row[i]
- field_width = get_field_width(field_text)
- widths[i] = max(widths[i], field_width)
- return widths
-def get_column_widths_from_border_spec(slice):
- border = None
- for row in slice:
- if line_is_separator(row):
- border = row.strip()
- break
- if border is None:
- raise RuntimeError('Cannot reflow this table. Top table border not found.')
- left = right = None
- if border[0] == '+':
- left = 1
- if border[-1] == '+':
- right = -1
- return map(lambda drawing: max(0, len(drawing) - 2), border[left:right].split('+'))
-def pad_fields(row, widths):
- """Pads fields of the given row, so each field lines up nicely with the
- others.
- """
- widths = map(lambda w: ' %-' + str(w) + 's ', widths)
- # Pad all fields using the calculated widths
- new_row = []
- for i in range(len(row)):
- col = row[i]
- col = widths[i] % col.strip()
- new_row.append(col)
- return new_row
-def reflow_row_contents(row, widths):
- new_row = []
- for i, field in enumerate(row):
- wrapped_lines = textwrap.wrap(field.replace('\n', ' '), widths[i])
- new_row.append("\n".join(wrapped_lines))
- return new_row
-def draw_table(indent, table, manual_widths=None):
- if table == []:
- return []
- if manual_widths is None:
- col_widths = get_column_widths(table)
- else:
- col_widths = manual_widths
- # Reserve room for the spaces
- sep_col_widths = map(lambda x: x + 2, col_widths)
- header_line = table_line(sep_col_widths, header=True)
- normal_line = table_line(sep_col_widths, header=False)
- output = [indent+normal_line]
- first = True
- for row in table:
- if manual_widths:
- row = reflow_row_contents(row, manual_widths)
- row_lines = split_row_into_lines(row)
- # draw the lines (num_lines) for this row
- for row_line in row_lines:
- row_line = pad_fields(row_line, col_widths)
- output.append(indent+"|".join([''] + row_line + ['']))
- # then, draw the separator
- if first:
- output.append(indent+header_line)
- first = False
- else:
- output.append(indent+normal_line)
- return output
-def reformat_table():
- upper, lower, indent = get_table_bounds()
- slice = vim.current.buffer[upper - 1:lower]
- table = parse_table(slice)
- slice = draw_table(indent, table)
- vim.current.buffer[upper - 1:lower] = slice
-def reflow_table():
- upper, lower, indent = get_table_bounds()
- slice = vim.current.buffer[upper - 1:lower]
- widths = get_column_widths_from_border_spec(slice)
- table = parse_table(slice)
- slice = draw_table(indent, table, widths)
- vim.current.buffer[upper - 1:lower] = slice