path: root/test/arduino_make.sh
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authorvg <vgm+dev@devys.org>2020-07-07 16:24:01 +0200
committervg <vgm+dev@devys.org>2020-07-07 16:24:01 +0200
commit66dcf910bd4744d8ced56cb9586aa937a1a2d4c5 (patch)
treedf4dca1ae4af1e5df0be0d1f4f2cd0d54751f8e8 /test/arduino_make.sh
first commitHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'test/arduino_make.sh')
1 files changed, 1359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/arduino_make.sh b/test/arduino_make.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a4aaee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/arduino_make.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,1359 @@
+# ardmake: A command-line Arduino make/build environment. 2009-12-08
+# For instructions, run with the argument "help"!
+# This script is Copyright (c) 2009 Kimmo Kulovesi <http://arkku.com/>.
+# Use at your own risk only. Released under GPL, see below for details.
+# Please mark any modified copies as such, and retain the original
+# copyright notice in all relevant files, usage, and documentation.
+# This script runs the Makefile included with Arduino to compile and
+# upload projects on the command-line. This script sets all
+# board-specific variables automatically according to the board type,
+# as well as detects and adds libraries automatically based on the
+# #include-directives in the program (i.e. with the same convenience
+# as the graphical Arduino environment). This script also supports
+# burning bootloaders, setting fuses, uploading pre-compiled binaries,
+# and using certain external programming devices (e.g. for stand-alone
+# microcontrollers).
+# In short, this script can completely replace the Arduino IDE for
+# typical Arduino/ATMega development, and in some cases it can even
+# do more than the IDE. The intended user is a relatively experienced
+# command-line user, who wants to combine the power of their chosen
+# editor and tools with the development speed and convenience of
+# the Arduino platform. Beginners will probably be more comfortable
+# starting with the simple graphical Arduino IDE.
+# This script is not an official part of Arduino, but since it is
+# in active use by its author, it will probably be rapidly updated
+# to support any new Arduino releases (and some care has been
+# taken to minimise the changes necessary to support each release).
+# Install Arduino somewhere, e.g. /opt/arduino or ~/arduino. If you
+# are using additional core types (e.g. Sanguino) or custom board
+# types (e.g. ADABoot), also install them. Custom libraries can be
+# installed in e.g. ~/sketchbook/libraries, or anywhere you like.
+# Install the AVR version of GCC (e.g. package name avr-gcc) and
+# AVRDUDE (you can probably use the one bundled with Arduino if you
+# prefer). Preferably install versions packaged for your specific
+# Linux distribution (e.g. with apt-get install avr-gcc avrdude).
+# Put this script somewhere along your PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin,
+# ~/bin, or wherever you like to install programs). This script is
+# distributed by the author as "arduino_make.sh" due to historical
+# reasons, but "ardmake" is the suggested name (shorter to type and
+# all). Run this script with the parameter "help" and read about
+# configuring and usage (usually only the board type needs to be set
+# and you are good to go).
+# Last been tested with Arduino version 0017 on Ubuntu 9.04, with
+# avr-gcc and avrdude installed from Ubuntu packages. While this script
+# should run in non-Linux environments, there are some dependencies to
+# GNU tools (e.g. GNU Make), so GNU/Linux should be considered the
+# preferred/intended environment for running this.
+# December 2009 - Added a "serial monitor" (target "serial") with
+# limited support for serial speed autodetection
+# from the Arduino program.
+# - Added support for using the "arduino" protocol
+# in avrdude when available; this eliminates the
+# need to reset the device with "stty". The old
+# behaviour can be restored by using the target
+# "upload_autoreset" instead of "upload".
+# - Added support for downloading with external
+# programmers.
+# - Added basic support for reading configurations
+# for external programming devices from the
+# file hardware/programmers.txt, in addition to
+# the built-in isp and dragon targets. This should
+# enable the use of parallel programmers.
+# - Added target "programmers" for listing supported
+# external programming devices.
+# - Don't do autoreset when uploading with external
+# programmers.
+# - Removed unnecessary debug outputs.
+# - Additional documentation in the script file.
+# November 2009 - Major bugfix for boards with CPU frequency other
+# than 16MHz.
+# - Possibly fixed the __cxa_pure_virtual issue.
+# - Forcing user to define ARDUINO_BOARD explicitly
+# since using an incorrect board type can cause
+# nasty hidden errors.
+# - Added reset commands to upload and download
+# when not using the Makefile.
+# - Added dependency on the board type, i.e. if the
+# board type is changed, everything gets rebuilt.
+# - Added target "boards" to list available boards.
+# - Changed default library path to include the
+# "~/sketchbook/libraries" directory, similarly to
+# the current Arduino IDE.
+# - Made building locally the default and fixed
+# the problem of dependency files being built in
+# the core directory.
+# - Implemented reading configuration from
+# ~/.ardmake.conf and ardmake.conf in the
+# sketch directory.
+# - Fixed build dependencies with Sanguino.
+# - Rewrote most of the help texts.
+# - Fixed compatibility with mawk. Thanks to Tom
+# Parkin for reporting this!
+# October 2009 - Support AVRISP and burning bootloaders.
+# - Support building object files into the
+# applet directory instead of the core and
+# library directories.
+# - Generate automatic dependecies for libraries
+# - Support uploading specified .hex or .bin
+# directly without compiling anything
+# - Support downloading flash memory from
+# microcontroller to .hex or .bin file
+# - Replace the slightly broken build target:
+# - Proper dependencies
+# - Show correct file name and line numbers for errors
+# - Display program size compared to controller capacity
+# September 2009 - Support Arduino 017
+# March 2009 - Support Arduino 014
+# February 2009 - Initial version
+# The default port for the Arduino is set to "/dev/arduino", which
+# requires udev rules (but avoids the problem of changing ttyUSB names).
+# Alternatively, it can be changed in this file. The udev rule that
+# works for the Arduino clone that I have is this:
+# KERNEL=="ttyUSB*", ATTRS{product}=="FT232R USB UART", \
+# ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0403", \
+# SYMLINK+="arduino arduino_$attr{serial}", GROUP="avrprog", MODE="0660"
+# You will probably want to change the group to "dialout", or create
+# the "avrprog" group on your system (like I did). On Ubuntu Linux, place
+# the rule in a file inside "/etc/udev/rules.d", e.g. "80-arduino.rules".
+# If you have many devices with the same product and vendor ids,
+# as may be the case with a popular chip like FT232R, you can
+# add the condition "ATTRS{serial}" to your udev rules. You can
+# see the serial if you first use the above rules and then look at
+# the symlink "arduino_SERIAL" where SERIAL is the serial number
+# of that particular device. Then create one rule for each of your
+# devices' serial numbers (add ATTRS{serial}=="MySerial", right
+# before SYMLINK in the above rules).
+# COMPILER ERROR ABOUT __cxa_pure_virtual
+# Some versions of Arduino and avr-gcc cause an error about a missing
+# function "__cxa_pure_virtual" in programs where C++ classes are used.
+# To fix this problem, add the following line anywhere in your program:
+# extern "C" void __cxa_pure_virtual() {}
+# This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License,
+# or (at your option) any later version.
+# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this script. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Read the configuration file (if any):
+for conf in "./$CONFNAME" "$HOME/.$CONFNAME"; do
+ if [ -r "$conf" ]; then
+ eval "$(awk -v FS== '{ sub(/^[ \t]*/, ""); sub(/^(set|export)[ ]*/, "");
+ if (/^A(RDUINO_|AVR)[A-Za-z0-9_]*=[^;<>`]*$/) {
+ print "[ -z \"$" $1 "\" ] && " $0
+ }
+ next }' "$conf")"
+ #echo "Loaded configuration file \"$conf\"."
+ fi
+# Defaults configuration:
+# Path to avr tools (/usr/bin if installed from Linux distribution packages)
+[ -z "$AVR_TOOLS_PATH" ] && AVR_TOOLS_PATH=/usr/bin
+# Path to avrdude (/usr/bin if installed from Linux distribution packages)
+[ -z "$AVRDUDE_PATH" ] && AVRDUDE_PATH=/usr/bin
+# Path to search for additional Arduino libraries (separated by : colons).
+# The "official" script directory at hardware/libraries is always searched!
+if [ -z "$ARDUINO_LIBRARY_PATH" ]; then
+ ARDUINO_LIBRARY_PATH="../libraries:$HOME/sketchbook/libraries"
+# Try to figure out Arduino install directory (first from environment
+# variable ARDUINO_DIR, then ~/arduino, then opt/arduino)
+if [ -n "$ARDUINO_DIR" ]; then
+ INSTALL_DIR="$HOME/arduino"
+ if [ ! -x "$INSTALL_DIR/arduino" -a -x '/opt/arduino/arduino' ]; then
+ INSTALL_DIR='/opt/arduino'
+ fi
+# Build locally unless a shared build is specifically requested:
+if [ ! "$ARDUINO_BUILD" = "shared" ]; then
+# The extension for Arduino program files (.pde at the time of writing, but
+# this is the same as for Processing - .ade would be more fitting)
+# Command to reset serial port:
+RESET_COMMAND="stty hupcl; sleep 0.1; true"
+basename="$(basename "$0")"
+# Check the configuration:
+if [ ! -r "$BOARDFILE" ]; then
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+ERROR: Could not read "$BOARDFILE".
+Please set ARDUINO_DIR correctly so that \$ARDUINO_DIR/hardware/boards.txt
+is the location of the boards.txt in your Arduino installation.
+You can configure ARDUINO_DIR either in the environment, or in the
+configuration file ~/.$CONFNAME, e.g.:
+ echo ARDUINO_DIR=$HOME/arduino-0017 >>~/.$CONFNAME
+Run "$basename help" for instructions.
+ exit 1
+[ ! -x "$AVRDUDE_PATH/avrdude" ] && AVRDUDE_PATH="$INSTALL_DIR/hardware/tools"
+[ ! -x "$AVRDUDE_PATH/avrdude" ] && AVRDUDE_PATH="$(dirname $(which avrdude))"
+if [ ! -x "$AVRDUDE_PATH/avrdude" ]; then
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+ERROR: Could not find an executable avrdude!
+Please set AVRDUDE_PATH correctly so that \$AVRDUDE_PATH/avrdude is
+the correct avrdude executable. If you do not have avrdude installed,
+see if it's available in your system packages, e.g. on Ubuntu Linux
+you should be able to use:
+ sudo apt-get install avrdude
+ exit 1
+[ ! -e "$AVRDUDE_CONFIG" ] && AVRDUDE_CONFIG="/etc/avrdude.conf"
+[ ! -e "$AVRDUDE_CONFIG" ] && AVRDUDE_CONFIG="$INSTALL_DIR/hardware/tools/avrdude.conf"
+[ ! -x "$AVR_TOOLS_PATH/avr-gcc" ] && AVR_TOOLS_PATH="$INSTALL_DIR/hardware/tools"
+[ ! -x "$AVR_TOOLS_PATH/AVR_TOOLS" ] && AVR_TOOLS_PATH="$(dirname $(which avr-gcc))"
+if [ ! -x "$AVR_TOOLS_PATH/avr-gcc" ]; then
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+ERROR: Could not find an executable avr-gcc!
+Please set AVR_TOOLS_PATH correctly so that \$AVR_TOOLS_PATH/avr-gcc is
+the correct avr-gcc executable. Other avr build tools (binutils, etc)
+should be installed at the same location. If you do not have avr-gcc
+installed, see if it's available in your system packages, e.g. on
+Ubuntu Linux you should be able to use:
+ sudo apt-get install gcc-avr
+ exit 1
+# Usage:
+if [ "$1" = 'help' -o "$1" = '--help' -o "$1" = '-h' ]; then
+ cat | less <<EOF
+Command-line Arduino programming helper (make and library handler),
+copyright (c) 2009 Kimmo Kulovesi <http://arkku.com/>. This script
+is provided as free software under GPL with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+Usage: $basename [target] [options for Make]
+This script provides a command-line build environment for Arduino,
+by wrapping the call to Make and setting parameters for it over those
+defined in the Arduino Makefile. Supported features include library
+autodetection from #include-directives (just like the graphical IDE),
+custom library paths, all board types (including custom ones), external
+programming devices, downloading programs from the microcontroller, etc.
+Setup and installation:
+ 1) Install Arduino, e.g.:
+ wget http://arduino.googlecode.com/files/arduino-0017.tgz
+ tar xvzf arduino-0017.tgz; ln -s arduino-0017 arduino
+ 2) Install avrdude and GCC for AVR, e.g. on Ubuntu & Debian:
+ apt-get install avrdude gcc-avr
+ 3) Configure your Arduino installation directory, e.g.
+ export ARDUINO_DIR=/path/to/arduino
+ 3) Configure your Arduino board, e.g.:
+ export ARDUINO_BOARD=diecimila
+ 4) Configure your Arduino serial port device, e.g.:
+ export ARDUINO_PORT=/dev/ttyUSB0
+ The variable ARDUINO_BOARD must be set to the short name of the
+ board you are using. To list available board types, use the
+ command "$basename boards".
+ By default, this script attempts to find an Arduino installation
+ in ~/arduino and /opt/arduino. If it's neither of these, specify
+ the variable ARDUINO_DIR accordingly.
+ The serial device defaults to /dev/<corename> (e.g. /dev/arduino),
+ and to /dev/ttyUSB0 if that is not available. A specific port may
+ be configured by setting the variable ARDUINO_PORT. Linux admins
+ may wish to specify udev rules so that the port device is constant
+ (e.g. /dev/arduino); for details on that, see the comments at the top
+ of this script file, i.e. "$0".
+Configuring variables:
+ The configuration variables for this script (as detailed above)
+ can be set in the file ~/.$CONFNAME, e.g.:
+ echo ARDUINO_BOARD=atmega328 >~/.$CONFNAME
+ To override all or part of this global configuration, a
+ program-specific configuration file called $CONFNAME can be
+ created inside each sketch directory, if desired. Any settings
+ found in the sketch directory $CONFNAME take precedence over
+ the settings in the user's ~/.$CONFNAME.
+ You may also configure any or all of these variables in the
+ environment. Variables configured in the environment take
+ precedence over those in any configuration file! This allows
+ you to specify variables directly on the command-line, e.g.:
+ ARDUINO_DIR=~/arduino-0014 $basename
+To create and upload an Arduino sketch:
+ 1) Create a directory for your program ("sketch"), e.g.
+ mkdir -p ~/sketchbook/Blink
+ 2) Create your program .$EXT inside the directory, e.g.:
+ cd ~/sketchbook/Blink; vim Blink.$EXT
+ 3) Compile your program by running this script:
+ $basename
+ 4) After a succesful compilation, upload to your board:
+ $basename upload
+ Libraries are automatically detected from the #include-directives
+ used. The libraries installed together with your Arduino are
+ always available. Custom libraries are searched for in the
+ directory ~/sketchbook/libraries and in ../libraries (i.e. in
+ the directory libraries in the same directory as your sketch
+ directory is in).
+ The custom library locations can be overridden by specifying
+ the variable ARDUINO_LIBRARY_PATH as a colon-separated list of
+ directories, e.g.:
+ ARDUINO_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/arduino_libs:/opt/arduino_libs
+There are also other make targets that you may use instead of
+compile (the default) and upload. The target is specified as the first
+command-line argument, and it can be any target in the Makefile. Special
+targets handled by $basename are:
+compile (default): Compile the applet (.hex file) ready for uploading.
+ Do this first after making changes to your program!
+upload: Upload the applet to the microcontroller. See above
+ about the configuration variable ARDUINO_PORT. Usage:
+ $basename upload
+ To upload a pre-compiled file to the microcontroller,
+ you can specify a filename after upload on the
+ command line. The file must have the extension
+ .hex for Intel hex format, or the extension .bin
+ for raw binary format. For example:
+ $basename upload myprog.hex
+dragon: Just like "upload", but an AVRISP (or clone) or
+ an AVRDragon device is used to upload instead. These
+ can be used to upload to a stand-alone microcontroller
+ in ISP mode.
+ The AVRDragon is an USB device and the port is
+ autodetected. For AVRISP and clones, the default
+ ports are /dev/avrisp and /dev/ttyUSB0, but the
+ port can be overridden by setting AVRISP_PORT.
+programmer: Like "isp" and "dragon", except the target must
+ be followed by the short name of a programmer
+ defined in hardware/programmers.txt. This allows
+ you to use any external programmer define there, e.g.:
+ $basename programmer parallel
+download: Download the microcontroller's flash memory to
+ the file specified as the next command line
+ parameter. The file name MUST have either the
+ extension .hex for Intel hex format, or the
+ extension .bin for raw binary format. For example:
+ $basename download backup.bin
+ External programmers can be used by specifying
+ "download" after the programmer, e.g.:
+ $basename isp download backup.hex
+serial: Start a serial monitor on the serial port. The port
+ device defaults to the programming port (ARDUINO_PORT),
+ but it can be specified on the command line. The
+ speed can often be autodetected from the program in
+ the current directory if it uses Serial.begin(speed),
+ but the speed defaults to 9600 and can be specified
+ on the command line. Examples:
+ $basename serial
+ $basename serial 19200
+ $basename serial /dev/ttyS0
+ $basename serial /dev/ttyUSB1 2400
+boards: List available board types.
+programmers: List available external programmer types.
+coff: Build an applet .cof file for debugging/etc.
+lss: Build an applet .lss file to show annotated assembler.
+ Targets for burning a bootloader (requires a programming device!):
+bootloader: Program the fuses and burn a bootloader. The
+ filenames and settings are obtained from the
+ file ARDUINO_DIR/harware/boards.txt according
+ to the board type (ARDUINO_BOARD).
+ The bootloader can only be burned with an external
+ programmer. If the settings in boards.txt are not
+ applicable to your programmer device (as is
+ probably the case), you can specify the external
+ programmer at the end of the command line.
+ For example, to burn the ADABoot bootloader for
+ ATMega168 using an AVRISP device, you would set
+ ARDUINO_BOARD="ADABoot168" and then run:
+ $basename bootloader isp
+ You can also follow the bootloader target with
+ a .bin or .hex filename to burn a custom
+ bootloader without entering it into boards.txt, e.g.:
+ $basename bootloader boot.hex programmer parallel
+fuses: Just program the fuses and set the lock bits
+ to unlock. For example:
+ $basename fuses isp
+ exit 0
+# Display list of available board types if requested:
+if [ "$1" = "boards" -o "$1" = "programmers" ]; then
+ if [ "$1" = "boards" ]; then
+ file="$BOARDFILE"
+ else
+ fi
+ echo "Available $1 in $file:"
+ awk -v FS== '$1 ~ /\.name/ {
+ sub(/\.name$/, "", $1)
+ printf("\t%-15s\t\"%s\"\n", $1, $2);
+ }' "$file"
+ if [ "$1" = "boards" ]; then
+ cat <<EOF
+To configure your board type, set the variable ARDUINO_BOARD
+either in the environment or in ~/.$CONFNAME, or in the
+file $CONFNAME inside your program's directory.
+ else
+ cat <<EOF
+To use an external programming device for uploading, you can use
+the target "programmer" followed by the device name (as listed above)
+instead of "upload", e.g.
+ $basename programmer parallel
+Also note that $basename has two built-in programming device types:
+1) AVRDragon in ISP mode, which can be invoked as:
+ $basename dragon
+2) AVRISP and clones (the most common third-party device sold online):
+ $basename isp
+The AVRDragon device requires no port configuration, nor do many of
+the programmers typically defined in hardware/programmers.txt. The
+serial port for the built-in AVRISP can be defined as AVRISP_PORT,
+while others use ARDUINO_PORT (and default to the /dev/<programmer_name>
+or /dev/ttyUSB0 if that is not available).
+ fi
+ exit 0
+# Die if no board type is set:
+if [ -z "$ARDUINO_BOARD" ]; then
+ cat <<EOF >&2
+ERROR: The variable ARDUINO_BOARD must be set to the type of Arduino
+board you are using. Accepted values are those appearing in Arduino's
+hardware/boards.txt, e.g. "diecimila", "mega", "lilypad", etc.
+The names are case-sensitive.
+To save a certain board type as your default, put the setting
+in ~/.$CONFNAME, e.g.:
+ echo ARDUINO_BOARD=diecimila >>~/.$CONFNAME
+To configure a project-specific board type, put the setting
+in the file $CONFNAME in the sketch directory, e.g.:
+ cd ~/sketchbook/MyProg
+Run "$basename help" for instructions.
+ exit 1
+# Try to read the hardware configuration for this board:
+eval $(awk -v FS== -v board="$ARDUINO_BOARD" '$1 ~ /\.name$/ {
+ if (boardname) { exit 0 }
+ sub(/\.name$/, "", $1)
+ if (board == $1 || board == $2) {
+ boardname = $2
+ speed=0; core=""; mcu=""; protocol="";
+ f_cpu=0; lfuse=""; hfuse=""; efuse="";
+ unlock_bits=""; lock_bits="";
+ bootloader_dir=""; bootlader_file="";
+ }
+ next
+ }
+ !boardname { next }
+ $1 ~ /\.upload\.protocol$/ { protocol = $2; next }
+ $1 ~ /\.upload\.speed$/ { speed = $2; next }
+ $1 ~ /\.upload\.maximum_size$/ {
+ max_size = $2; next
+ }
+ $1 ~ /\.build\.core$/ { core = $2; next }
+ $1 ~ /\.build\.f_cpu$/ { f_cpu = $2; next }
+ $1 ~ /\.build\.mcu$/ { mcu = $2; next }
+ $1 ~ /\.bootloader\.low_fuses$/ {
+ lfuse = $2; next
+ }
+ $1 ~ /\.bootloader\.high_fuses$/ {
+ hfuse = $2; next
+ }
+ $1 ~ /\.bootloader\.extended_fuses$/ {
+ efuse = $2; next
+ }
+ $1 ~ /\.bootloader\.unlock_bits$/ {
+ unlock_bits = $2; next
+ }
+ $1 ~ /\.bootloader\.lock_bits$/ {
+ lock_bits = $2; next
+ }
+ $1 ~ /\.bootloader\.path$/ {
+ bootloader_dir = $2; next
+ }
+ $1 ~ /\.bootloader\.file$/ {
+ bootloader_file = $2; next
+ }
+ END {
+ if (boardname) {
+ print "BOARDNAME=\"" boardname "\""
+ if (speed) {
+ gsub(/[^0-9]/, "", speed)
+ print "UPLOAD_RATE=\"" speed "\""
+ }
+ if (f_cpu) {
+ gsub(/[^0-9]/, "", f_cpu)
+ print "F_CPU=\"" f_cpu "\""
+ }
+ if (core) {
+ gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]/, "", core)
+ print "CORE=\"" core "\""
+ }
+ if (mcu) {
+ gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]/, "", mcu)
+ print "MCU=\"" mcu "\""
+ }
+ if (protocol) {
+ gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]/, "", protocol)
+ protocol "\""
+ }
+ if (max_size) {
+ gsub(/[^0-9]/, "", max_size)
+ print "MAX_SIZE=\"" max_size "\""
+ }
+ if (hfuse != "") {
+ gsub(/[^0-9xA-Fa-f]/, "", hfuse)
+ print "BL_HFUSE=\"" hfuse "\""
+ }
+ if (lfuse != "") {
+ gsub(/[^0-9xA-Fa-f]/, "", lfuse)
+ print "BL_LFUSE=\"" lfuse "\""
+ }
+ if (efuse != "") {
+ gsub(/[^0-9xA-Fa-f]/, "", efuse)
+ print "BL_EFUSE=\"" efuse "\""
+ }
+ if (lock_bits != "") {
+ gsub(/[^0-9xA-Fa-f]/, "", lock_bits)
+ print "BL_LOCK=\"" lock_bits "\""
+ }
+ if (unlock_bits != "") {
+ gsub(/[^0-9xA-Fa-f]/, "", unlock_bits)
+ print "BL_UNLOCK=\"" unlock_bits "\""
+ }
+ if (bootloader_dir && bootloader_file) {
+ gsub(/["]/, "\\\"", bootloader_dir)
+ gsub(/["]/, "\\\"", bootloader_file)
+ print "BL_PATH=\"" bootloader_dir "/" \
+ bootloader_file "\""
+ }
+ }
+ }' "$BOARDFILE")
+# Die if the board configuration was not found:
+if [ -z "$F_CPU" ]; then
+ cat <<EOF >&2
+ERROR: The board "$ARDUINO_BOARD" was not found in the configuration
+file "$BOARDFILE". The variable ARDUINO_BOARD
+must be set to the (case-sensitive) short name of the board,
+e.g. "diecimila" or "atmega328".
+Run "$basename boards" to list known board types, or
+"$basename help" for general instructions.
+ exit 1
+# Some defaults for board types, e.g. if the user has placed a custom
+# board in boards.txt and didn't define everything:
+[ -z "$CORE" ] && CORE=arduino
+[ -z "$MAX_SIZE" ] && MAX_SIZE=14336
+[ -z "$MCU" ] && MCU="$ARDUINO_BOARD"
+[ -z "$UPLOAD_RATE" ] && UPLOAD_RATE=19200
+# Set some helper variables based on the Arduino location:
+[ ! -e "$MAKEFILE" ] && MAKEFILE="$INSTALL_DIR/hardware/cores/arduino/Makefile"
+# Check for the wiring_serial.c bug in some versions of Arduino:
+if grep -q -s -F 'wiring_serial.c' "$MAKEFILE"; then
+ if [ ! -e "$ARDUINO/wiring_serial.c" ]; then
+ echo '/* Empty file created due to bug in Arduino Makefile */' \
+ >"$ARDUINO/wiring_serial.c"
+ if [ ! -e "$ARDUINO/wiring_serial.c" ]; then
+ cat <<EOF >&2
+WARNING: The file "$ARDUINO/wiring_serial.c" is referred to in
+the Makefile, but it does not exist. This is a bug in some Arduino
+versions, and will probably lead to failed builds. To remedy, please
+create the file (it can be empty) or remove the reference from the
+Makefile ("$MAKEFILE").
+ fi
+ fi
+# Correct the programmer "stk500" specified for pretty much every
+# Arduino board to "stk500v1" (which is the correct, more specific
+# option for avrdude):
+[ "$AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER" = "stk500" ] && AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER='stk500v1'
+# Configure the programmer port location:
+if [ -n "$ARDUINO_PORT" ]; then
+ PORT="/dev/$CORE"
+ if [ ! -e "$PORT" ]; then
+ if [ ! -e "$PORT" ]; then
+ PORT='/dev/avr'
+ [ ! -e "$PORT" ] && PORT='/dev/ttyUSB0'
+ fi
+ fi
+# Serial monitor:
+if [ "$1" = "serial" ]; then
+ shift
+ if [ -c "$1" ]; then
+ PORT="$1"
+ shift
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "$PORT" ]; then
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+ERROR: Serial port device "$PORT" not found.
+You can either specify the port as the variable ARDUINO_PORT, or give an
+alternative port on the command line, e.g.:
+ $basename serial /dev/ttyUSB1
+The speed of the serial port is normally autodetected from typical
+programs using the Arduino Serial library, but it can be specified
+on the command line, e.g. for 9600 bps:
+ $basename serial /dev/ttyUSB0 9600
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ TARGET="$(basename "$(pwd)").$EXT"
+ if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ SPEED="$1"
+ elif [ -r "$TARGET" ]; then
+ SPEED=$(awk -v baud="${ARDUINO_BAUD:-9600}" '/Serial[0-9]*\.begin/ {
+ sub(/^.*Serial[^0-9]*/, "");
+ sub(/[^0-9].*$/, "");
+ if ($0 != "" && $0 > 0) { baud = $0; exit }
+ }
+ END { print baud }' "$TARGET")
+ else
+ fi
+ if tty >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+Starting serial monitor on port $PORT at $SPEED bps.
+Your input will be sent to the serial port. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
+ fi
+ stty -F "$PORT" ospeed "$SPEED" ispeed "$SPEED" \
+ cs8 ignbrk -ignpar -cstopb -hupcl -echo \
+ -ixon -crtscts -imaxbel
+ cat <"$PORT" &
+ catpid=$!
+ trap '[ -n "$catpid" ] && kill $catpid; catpid=""' EXIT INT QUIT TERM
+ if [ -e "$PORT" ]; then
+ cat >"$PORT"
+ exit $?
+ else
+ echo "Error: Serial device \"$PORT\" does not exist!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# Display verification that the correct board was selected:
+cat <<EOF
+Read settings for ARDUINO_BOARD="$ARDUINO_BOARD":
+# Configure AVRDUDE here, since the Makefile included with Arduino
+# has non-working paths hard-coded:
+AVRDUDE_MCU=$(echo "$MCU" | awk '
+ $1 ~ /^atmega/ { sub(/^atmega/, "m", $1); print $1; exit }
+ $1 ~ /^attiny/ { sub(/^attiny/, "t", $1); print $1; exit }
+ $1 ~ /^at90s/ { sub(/^at90s/, "t", $1); print $1; exit }
+ $1 ~ /^at90pwm/ { sub(/^at90/, "t", $1); print $1; exit }')
+# Allow targets "bootloader" and "fuses" for burning the bootloader
+# or setting the fuses, respectively, e.g. for preparing a DIY
+# Arduino clone with a blank ATMega device.
+if [ "$1" = "bootloader" -o "$1" = "fuses" ]; then
+ program_fuses='yes'
+ [ "$1" = "bootloader" ] && burn_bootloader='yes'
+ shift
+ [ ! -x "$AVRDUDE_PATH/avrdude" ] && AVRDUDE_PATH=''
+ if [ -z "$BL_HFUSE" -o -z "$BL_LFUSE" -o -z "$BL_EFUSE" -o \
+ -z "$BL_UNLOCK" -o -z "$BL_PATH" ]
+ then
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+ERROR: boards.txt did not define the information necessary for burning
+a bootloader and/or setting the fuses. You must ensure that the file
+$INSTALL_DIR/hardware/boards.txt is available and contains the following
+settings for your board type (currently "$ARDUINO_BOARD"):
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ BOOTLOADER_FILE="$INSTALL_DIR/hardware/bootloaders/$BL_PATH"
+ if [ -n "$1" -a -r "$1" ] && echo "$1" | grep -E -q -s '\.(hex|bin)$' ; then
+ shift
+ elif [ ! -r "$BOOTLOADER_FILE" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Bootloader file "$BOOTLOADER_FILE" is not readable!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ cat <<EOF
+This command will set the following:
+ [ -n "$burn_bootloader" ] && echo "Bootloader: $BOOTLOADER_FILE"
+ cat <<EOF
+Fuses: high=$BL_HFUSE low=$BL_LFUSE extended=$BL_EFUSE
+Burning a bootloader and/or setting the fuse bits is potentially
+dangerous and incorrect settings can make your device stop working!
+Note that an external programmer is required for this operation,
+i.e. you can't burn the bootloader via Arduino's own USB.
+Press Return to continue (at your own risk), or Ctrl-C to cancel!
+ read press_enter >/dev/null 2>&1
+# Change the target "dragon" to "upload", but perform the upload using
+# the AVRDragon in ISP mode instead of the instead of the typical Arduino
+# programming method (e.g. for DIY projects using the same microprocessor
+# as an Arduino but not having the programming capability themselves).
+# Similarly change the target "isp" to "upload", but perform the upload
+# using an AVRISP (or clone thereof).
+if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ if [ "$1" = "dragon" ]; then
+ # Uploading with the AVR Dragon:
+ PORT='usb'
+ target='upload'
+ if [ "$2" = "download" ]; then target="$2"; shift; fi
+ elif [ "$1" = "isp" ]; then
+ # Uploading via AVRISP with the stk500v2 protocol:
+ if [ -n "$AVRISP_PORT" ]; then
+ elif [ -e '/dev/avrisp' ]; then
+ PORT='/dev/avrisp'
+ else
+ PORT='/dev/ttyUSB0'
+ fi
+ target='upload'
+ if [ "$2" = "download" ]; then target="$2"; shift; fi
+ elif [ "$1" = "programmer" ]; then
+ shift
+ if [ -z "$AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: No programming device specified on the command-line!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ ! -r "$PROGRAMMERFILE" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Could not read \"$PROGRAMMERFILE\"!" >&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Read custom configuration for an external programming device:
+ eval $(awk -v FS== -v prog="$AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER" '$1 ~ /\.name$/ {
+ if (progname) { exit 0 }
+ sub(/\.name$/, "", $1)
+ if (prog == $1 || prog == $2) {
+ progname = $2; communication="";
+ protocol=""; delay=""; port="";
+ }
+ next
+ }
+ !progname { next }
+ $1 ~ /\.communication$/ { communication = $2; next }
+ $1 ~ /\.protocol$/ { protocol = $2; next }
+ $1 ~ /\.delay$/ { delay = $2; next }
+ END {
+ if (progname) {
+ print "AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_NAME=\"" progname "\""
+ gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]/, "", communication)
+ print "AVR_COMMUNICATION=\"" communication "\""
+ gsub(/[^0-9]/, "", delay)
+ print "UPLOAD_DELAY=\"" delay "\""
+ if (protocol) {
+ gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.:-]/, "", protocol)
+ print "AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER=\"" protocol "\""
+ }
+ }
+ # Die if the specified programmer was not found in programmers.txt:
+ if [ -z "$AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_NAME" ]; then
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+view a list of the available programmer types with the command:
+ $basename programmers
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Set up the ports according to means of communication:
+ if [ "$AVR_COMMUNICATION" = 'usb' ]; then
+ PORT='usb'
+ else
+ if [ "$AVR_COMMUNICATION" = 'serial' ]; then
+ if [ ! "$PORT" = "$ARDUINO_PORT" -o ! -e "$PORT" ]; then
+ if [ -e "/dev/$AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER" ]; then
+ elif [ ! -e "$PORT" ]; then
+ PORT='/dev/ttyUSB0'
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ # DEBUG: Specifying port for parallel programmers?
+ PORT=''
+ fi
+ fi
+ target='upload'
+ if [ "$2" = "download" ]; then target="$2"; shift; fi
+ echo " Programming device..... $AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER_NAME"
+ elif [ '(' "$1" = "upload" -o "$1" = "download" ')' \
+ -a "$AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER" = "stk500v1" ]
+ then
+ -c list_all 2>&1 | grep -q -s '^ *arduino *= .*conf'; then
+ # Use the "arduino" programmer with autoreset built in,
+ # if it's available in the avrdude version we are using.
+ target="$1"
+ else
+ target="$1_autoreset"
+ fi
+ else
+ target="$1"
+ fi
+ shift
+ target='compile'
+# Show the configuration:
+cat <<EOF
+ Core................... $CORE
+ Core directory......... $ARDUINO
+ Microcontroller........ $MCU ($AVRDUDE_MCU)
+ Clock frequency........ $(echo "$F_CPU" | sed 's/UL$//') Hz
+ Programming protocol... $AVRDUDE_PROGRAMMER
+ Port................... ${PORT:-(unspecified)}
+ Maximum upload size.... ${MAX_SIZE:-?} bytes
+# Program the fuses (usually as the first step for burning a bootloader):
+if [ -n "$program_fuses" ]; then
+ $AVRDUDE_FLAGS -e -U "lock:w:$BL_UNLOCK:m" \
+ -U "efuse:w:$BL_EFUSE:m" -U "hfuse:w:$BL_HFUSE:m" \
+ -U "lfuse:w:$BL_LFUSE:m" || exit 1
+ cat <<EOF
+Programmed fuses: high=$BL_HFUSE low=$BL_LFUSE extended=$BL_EFUSE
+Setting lock bits to unlock: $BL_UNLOCK
+# Burn the bootloader:
+if [ -n "$burn_bootloader" ]; then
+cat <<EOF
+Burning bootloader: $BOOTLOADER_FILE
+ sleep 5
+ $AVRDUDE_FLAGS -e -U "flash:w:$BOOTLOADER_FILE:a" -U "lock:w:$BL_LOCK:m"
+elif [ -n "$program_fuses" ]; then
+ exit 0
+# Upload custom file (.hex or .bin) with compiling:
+if [ '(' "$target" = "upload" -o "$target" = "upload_autoreset" ')' \
+ -a -r "$1" ] && echo "$1" | grep -E -q -s '\.(hex|bin)$' ; then
+ echo "Uploading file '$1' to microcontroller..."
+ if [ "$target" = "upload_autoreset" ]; then
+ ( eval "$RESET_COMMAND" ) <"$PORT" 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ $AVRDUDE_FLAGS -U "flash:w:$1:a"
+# Download flash to file (.hex or .bin, Intel Hex or raw binary format):
+if [ '(' "$target" = "download" -o "$target" = "download_autoreset" ')' \
+ -a -n "$1" ] && \
+ echo "$1" | grep -E -q -s '\.(hex|bin)$' ; then
+ echo "Downloading flash memory to file '$1'..."
+ if [ "$target" = "download_autoreset" ]; then
+ ( eval "$RESET_COMMAND" ) <"$PORT" 2>/dev/null
+ fi
+ -U "flash:r:$1:$(echo "$1" | sed 's/^.*hex$/i/; s/^.*bin$/r/')"
+# Escape AVRDUDE_CONFIG path for the Makefile:
+# Try to discover the program name:
+TARGET=$(basename "$(pwd)")
+for f in *.$EXT; do
+ TARGET=$(echo "$f" | sed "s/\.$EXT$//")
+ break
+if [ ! -e "./$TARGET.$EXT" ]; then
+ cat >&2 <<EOF
+ERROR: No sketch found! To create a program, make a directory with the
+program name, e.g. MyProg, and write the program code inside that
+directory in a file with the same name but with the extension ".$EXT".
+For example:
+ mkdir MyProg; cd MyProg; vim MyProg.$EXT
+ $basename
+Run "$basename help" for instructions!
+ exit 1
+# Figure out what libraries are being used:
+ sed 's/ /\\ /g; s/[^+-9:=@A-Z_a-z!]//g; s/:/ /g')
+echo 'Looking for libraries in these directories:'
+for libpath in $ARDUINO_LIBRARY_PATH "$LIBRARY_DIR"; do
+ echo " $libpath/"
+# Check an included header for matching .c, .cpp and/or .S files
+# (simply by filename) and add any of those to the sources.
+check_header () {
+ local libname="$1"
+ local base="$2"
+ local inlib="$3"
+ local pfx="$base/$libname"
+ [ ! -e "$pfx.h" ] && return 1
+ check_for_libraries "$pfx.h"
+ local makepfx="$pfx"
+ if [ "$base" = "$ARDUINO" ]; then
+ # Beautify the Arduino directory path
+ makepfx="\$(ARDUINO)/$libname"
+ elif [ -n "$inlib" ]; then
+ # Beautify the Arduino library directory path
+ if echo "$base" | grep -q -s -F "$LIBRARY_DIR/$inlib/utility"
+ then
+ makepfx="\$(LIBRARIES_DIR)/$inlib/utility/$libname"
+ elif echo "$base" | grep -q -s -F "$LIBRARY_DIR/$inlib"
+ then
+ makepfx="\$(LIBRARIES_DIR)/$inlib/$libname"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -e "$pfx.c" ]; then
+ check_for_libraries "$pfx.c" "$inlib" && \
+ LIBSRC="$LIBSRC $makepfx.c"
+ fi
+ if [ -e "$pfx.cpp" ]; then
+ check_for_libraries "$pfx.cpp" "$inlib" && \
+ LIBCXXSRC="$LIBCXXSRC $makepfx.cpp"
+ fi
+ [ -e "$pfx.S" ] && LIBASRC="$LIBASRC $makepfx.S"
+ return 0
+# Check a file for new libraries we need to include. This is done simply
+# by locating the #include-lines in the C/C++ sources. Obviously no
+# pre-processor conditionals or such are supported, but for simple purposes
+# this seems to work reasonably well. (All examples included with Arduino
+# version 013 compile correctly.)
+check_for_libraries () {
+ [ ! -r "$1" ] && return 1
+ if echo "$LIBCHECK_FILES" | grep -q -s -F " |$1| "; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local basedir=$(dirname "$1")
+ local inlib="$2"
+ # Note: Print.cpp is a standard dependency for Arduino programs, but
+ # the dependency was not included in the official Makefile up to and
+ # including version 0014. If this script is used with old versions of
+ # Arduino, compilation may fail due to missing Print.cpp. The suggested
+ # solution is to update Arduino, but if that is not possible you can
+ # add "Print" after the closing ")" on the line before "do":
+ for lib in $(awk -F '[<>"]' '/^[ ]*#include [<"]/ { sub(/\.h[p]*$/, "", $2);
+ gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.:/-]/, "", $2);
+ print $2; next }' "$1" 2>/dev/null)
+ do
+ local found=''
+ local libpath=''
+ local libname="$lib"
+ local header="$ARDUINO/$libname.h"
+ local base=''
+ for libpath in $ARDUINO_LIBRARY_PATH "$LIBRARY_DIR"; do
+ local libdir="$libpath/$libname"
+ if [ -e "$libdir" ]; then
+ if check_for_libraries "$libdir/$libname.h" "$libname"; then
+ if [ "$libpath" = "$LIBRARY_DIR" ]; then
+ echo "Including Arduino library: $libname"
+ [ -e "$libdir/utility" ] && \
+ CINCS="$CINCS -I\$(LIBRARIES_DIR)/$libname/utility"
+ else
+ echo "Including local library: $libname"
+ CINCS="$CINCS -I$libdir"
+ [ -e "$libdir/utility" ] && \
+ CINCS="$CINCS -I$libdir/utility"
+ fi
+ fi
+ check_header "$libname" "$libdir" "$libname"
+ found=1
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -z "$found" ]; then
+ for base in "$ARDUINO" "$basedir" "$basedir/utility"; do
+ check_header "$libname" "$base" "$inlib" && break
+ done
+ fi
+ done
+ return 0
+check_for_libraries "$TARGET.$EXT"
+# Ensure the applet directory exists:
+ [ ! -d applet ] && mkdir applet
+if [ -e 'applet/board' -a ! "$BOARDFILE" -nt "applet/board" ]; then
+ configured_board="$(head -n 1 'applet/board')"
+ configured_board=''
+[ ! "$configured_board" = "$ARDUINO_BOARD" ] && echo "$ARDUINO_BOARD" >'applet/board'
+# Display library settings to the user:
+CINCS="-I. -I./utility -I\$(ARDUINO)$CINCS"
+if [ -n "$old_CINCS" ]; then
+ echo
+ echo "Includes = $CINCS"
+ #[ -n "$LIBSRC" ] && echo "LIBSRC =$LIBSRC"
+ #[ -n "$LIBASRC" ] && echo "LIBASRC =$LIBASRC"
+ #[ -n "$LIBCXXSRC" ] && echo "LIBCXXSRC =$LIBCXXSRC"
+ echo
+unset old_CINCS
+# Set the compiler options to better match the IDE:
+CTUNING='-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fshort-enums'
+CXXFLAGS='$(CDEFS) $(CINCS) -O$(OPT) -fno-exceptions $(CTUNING)'
+# Create the Makefile:
+if [ ! -e 'applet/Makefile' -o 'applet/board' -nt 'applet/Makefile' \
+ -o "$0" -nt 'applet/Makefile' ]; then
+ # Change the Make default target to our own:
+ echo 'compile: do_compile' >applet/Makefile
+ # Take the original Makefile, but remove the built-in dependency
+ # includes (so we can override them) and the original .elf target
+ # which we are replacing below:
+ sed '/^include $[(][^)]*\.d[)]/ d;
+ /^applet\/$[(]TARGET[)]\.elf: / d;
+ /^[ \t]*#/ d;
+ s/\.pde/\.$(EXT)/g' "$MAKEFILE" >>applet/Makefile
+ # Now the dirty parts, featuring some rather explicit Make:
+ echo -e 'do_compile: do_build show_size
+do_build: applet/$(TARGET).hex
+applet/$(TARGET).hex: applet/$(TARGET).elf
+applet/$(TARGET).elf: applet/$(TARGET).cpp applet/core.a
+\t$(CXX) $(ALL_CXXFLAGS) -Wl,--gc-sections $(LDFLAGS) -L. -Lapplet/ -o $@ $< applet/core.a
+\t@chmod a-x $@ >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+applet/$(TARGET).cpp: $(TARGET).$(EXT) $(ARDUINO)/main.cxx $(ARDUINO)/WProgram.h $(ARDMAKE_BOARD)
+\techo '\''#include "WProgram.h"'\'' >$@
+\t@echo '\''#line 1 "$<"'\'' >>$@
+\tcat $(TARGET).$(EXT) >>$@
+\t@echo '\''#line 1 "$(ARDUINO)/main.cxx"'\'' >>$@
+\tcat $(ARDUINO)/main.cxx >>$@
+\t@echo Program size:
+\t@$(HEXSIZE) | awk -v m="$(MAX_SIZE)" '\''{print;if(NR^1){s=$$4}} \\
+ END {printf("\\n%d/%d bytes (%.1f%% of capacity, %d bytes left)\\n\\n",\\
+ s,m,s*100.0/m,m-s);}'\''
+upload_autoreset: do_autoreset upload unreset
+\t@echo Sending reset to prepare for upload...
+\t( '"$RESET_COMMAND"' ) <$(PORT) 2>/dev/null
+\t@stty -hupcl <$(PORT) 2>/dev/null || true
+$(APPC): applet/%.o: %.c
+\t$(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+$(APPCXX): applet/%.o: %.cpp
+\t$(CXX) -c $(ALL_CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+$(APPA): applet/%.o: %.S
+\t$(CC) -c $(ALL_ASFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+$(APPC:.o=.d): applet/%.d: %.c
+\t$(CC) -M $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< | sed '\''s;^[^:]*:;applet/$*.o applet/$*.d:;'\'' >$@
+$(APPCXX:.o=.d): applet/%.d: %.cpp
+\t$(CXX) -M $(ALL_CXXFLAGS) $< | sed '\''s;^[^:]*:;applet/$*.o applet/$*.d:;'\'' >$@
+$(APPA:.o=.d): applet/%.d: %.S
+\t$(CC) -M $(ALL_ASFLAGS) $< | sed '\''s;^[^:]*:;applet/$*.o applet/$*.d:;'\'' >$@
+applet/$(TARGET).d: applet/$(TARGET).cpp
+vpath %.c applet/ $(sort $(dir $(OBJC)))
+vpath %.cpp applet/ $(sort $(dir $(OBJCXX)))
+vpath %.S applet/ $(sort $(dir $(OBJA)))
+include $(DEPS)' >>applet/Makefile
+ # Ensure applet/core.a gets re-built every time, because otherwise
+ # we won't get the correct dependencies:
+ if [ -z "$target" -o "$target" = "compile" -o "$target" = "all" ]; then
+ if [ -w "applet/core.a" ]; then
+ echo "rm -f applet/core.a"
+ rm -f "applet/core.a"
+ fi
+ fi
+# Don't do autoreset if we don't have a serial port:
+[ "$target" = "upload_autoreset" -a ! -c "$PORT" ] && target=upload
+# Substitute the Makefile "clean" target:
+if [ "$target" = "clean" ]; then
+ echo "Cleaning up..."
+ for ext in d o cpp h elf hex a s S lss cof; do
+ rm -f applet/*.$ext 2>/dev/null
+ done
+ rm -f applet/Makefile applet/board 2>/dev/null
+ # If we are building locally, do not try to clean inside Arduino dir:
+ [ -n "$BUILD_LOCALLY" ] && exit 0
+# Finally, execute Make:
+exec make -f applet/Makefile \
+ OBJC='$(sort $(SRC:.c=.o) $(abspath $(LIBSRC:.c=.o)))' \
+ OBJCXX='$(sort $(CXXSRC:.cpp=.o) $(abspath $(LIBCXXSRC:.cpp=.o)))' \
+ OBJA='$(sort $(ASRC:.S=.o) $(abspath $(LIBASRC:.S=.o)))' \
+ APPC='$(addprefix applet/,$(notdir $(OBJC)))' \
+ APPCXX='$(addprefix applet/,$(notdir $(OBJCXX)))' \
+ APPA='$(addprefix applet/,$(notdir $(OBJA)))' \
+ DEPS='$(OBJ:.o=.d) applet/$(TARGET).d' LST='$(OBJ:.o=.lst)' \
+ $target ${BUILD_LOCALLY:+BUILD_LOCALLY=1} "$@"