

TPM Awesome License

A tmux plugin for opening urls from browser quickly without mouse.


📥 Installation

Prerequisites: * fzf * bash >= 4.0 (macOS ships with bash 3.2!)

Install using TPM

Add this line to your tmux config file, then hit prefix + I:

set -g @plugin 'wfxr/tmux-fzf-url'

Install manually

Clone this repo somewhere and source fzf-url.tmux at the config file.

📝 Usage

The default key-binding is u(of course prefix hit is needed), it can be modified by setting value to @fzf-url-bind at the tmux config like this:

set -g @fzf-url-bind 'x'

You can also extend the capture groups by defining @fzf-url-extra-filter:

# simple example for capturing files like 'abc.txt'
set -g @fzf-url-extra-filter 'grep -oE "\b[a-zA-Z]+\.txt\b"'

The plugin default captures the current screen. You can set history_limit to capture the scrollback history:

set -g @fzf-url-history-limit '2000'

You can use custom fzf options by defining @fzf-url-fzf-options.

# open tmux-fzf-url in a tmux v3.2+ popup
set -g @fzf-url-fzf-options '-w 50% -h 50% --multi -0 --no-preview --no-border'

💡 Tips

  • You can mark multiple urls and open them at once.
  • The tmux theme showed in the screenshot is tmux-power.

🔗 Other plugins

📃 License

MIT (c) Wenxuan Zhang