import vim import re from vim_bridge import bridged def get_table_bounds(): row, col = vim.current.window.cursor upper = lower = row try: while vim.current.buffer[upper - 1].strip(): upper -= 1 except IndexError: pass else: upper += 1 try: while vim.current.buffer[lower - 1].strip(): lower += 1 except IndexError: pass else: lower -= 1 return (upper, lower) def join_rows(rows, sep='\n'): """Given a list of rows (a list of lists) this function returns a flattened list where each the individual columns of all rows are joined together using the line separator. """ output = [] for row in rows: # grow output array, if necessary if len(output) <= len(row): for i in range(len(row) - len(output)): output.extend([[]]) for i, field in enumerate(row): field_text = field.strip() if field_text: output[i].append(field_text) return map(lambda lines: sep.join(lines), output) def unify_table(table): """Given a list of rows (i.e. a table), this function returns a new table in which all rows have an equal amount of columns. If all full column is empty (i.e. all rows have that field empty), the column is removed. """ max_fields = max(map(lambda row: len(row), table)) empty_cols = [True] * max_fields output = [] for row in table: curr_len = len(row) if curr_len < max_fields: row += [''] * (max_fields - curr_len) output.append(row) # register empty columns (to be removed at the end) for i in range(len(row)): if row[i].strip(): empty_cols[i] = False # remove empty columns from all rows table = output output = [] for row in table: cols = [] for i in range(len(row)): should_remove = empty_cols[i] if not should_remove: cols.append(row[i]) output.append(cols) return output def split_table_row(row_string): if row_string.find("|") >= 0: # first, strip off the outer table drawings row_string = re.sub(r'^\s*\||\|\s*$', '', row_string) return re.split(r'\s*\|\s*', row_string.strip()) return re.split(r'\s\s+', row_string.rstrip()) def parse_table(raw_lines): select_data_lines = lambda line: not re.match('^[\t +=-]+$', line) lines = filter(select_data_lines, raw_lines) lines = map(split_table_row, lines) return unify_table(lines) def table_line(widths, header=False): if header: linechar = '=' else: linechar = '-' sep = '+' parts = [] for width in widths: parts.append(linechar * width) if parts: parts = [''] + parts + [''] return sep.join(parts) def get_column_widths(table): widths = [] for row in table: num_fields = len(row) # dynamically grow if num_fields >= len(widths): widths.extend([0] * (num_fields - len(widths))) for i in range(num_fields): field_text = row[i] field_width = len(field_text) widths[i] = max(widths[i], field_width) return widths def pad_fields(table, widths=None): """Pads fields of the table, so each row lines up nicely with the others. If the widths param is None, the widths are calculated automatically. """ if widths is None: widths = get_column_widths(table) widths = map(lambda w: ' %-' + str(w) + 's ', widths) # Pad all fields using the calculated widths output = [] for row in table: new_row = [] for i in range(len(row)): col = row[i] col = widths[i] % col.strip() new_row.append(col) output.append(new_row) return output def draw_table(table): if table == []: return [] col_widths = get_column_widths(table) table = pad_fields(table, col_widths) # Reserve room for the spaces col_widths = map(lambda x: x + 2, col_widths) header_line = table_line(col_widths, header=True) normal_line = table_line(col_widths, header=False) output = [header_line] first = True for row in table: output.append("|".join([''] + row + [''])) if first: output.append(header_line) first = False else: output.append(normal_line) return output @bridged def reformat_table(): upper, lower = get_table_bounds() slice = vim.current.buffer[upper - 1:lower] table = parse_table(slice) slice = draw_table(table) vim.current.buffer[upper - 1:lower] = slice