path: root/scripts/weechat-log-colorize
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/weechat-log-colorize')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/weechat-log-colorize b/scripts/weechat-log-colorize
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..695d888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/weechat-log-colorize
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2019 vg
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
+Description of program.
+Usage: weechat-log-colorize [options] [--] [FILENAME...]
+ weechat-log-colorize -h|--help
+ -h, --help Display this help message
+### standard modules
+import collections
+import datetime
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import textwrap
+import time
+import zlib
+### external modules
+import docopt
+import colorama.ansi as ansi
+from colorama.ansi import AnsiFore as ansif
+from colorama.ansi import AnsiStyle as ansis
+# This script is not compatible below python3.7.2, always abort (not in main
+# since the syntax itself can cause the script to fail later inconveniently).
+assert sys.hexversion >= 0x03070200
+nick_color_table = (
+ ansif.YELLOW,
+ ansif.RED,
+ ansif.BLUE,
+ ansif.GREEN,
+ ansif.MAGENTA,
+ )
+def c(*ansicodes):
+ return f'{ansi.CSI}{";".join(str(x) for x in ansicodes)}m'
+def colornickname(nickname):
+ hashed_nick = zlib.crc32(nickname.encode('utf8'))
+ color = nick_color_table[hashed_nick % len(nick_color_table)]
+ return f'{c(color)}{nickname}{c(0)}'
+def colortime(thetime):
+ return f'{c(ansif.LIGHTWHITE_EX)}{thetime.strftime("%T")}{c(0)}'
+def parse_log(fh):
+ old_line_date = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1)
+ total_size = 80
+ left_size = 21
+ right_size = total_size - left_size
+ for num, line in enumerate(fh):
+ # don't strip it at line level: if msg is empty, last \t separator
+ # gets trimmed and there is not enough values to unpack.
+ try:
+ s_date, s_nickname, s_msg = line.split('\t', maxsplit=2)
+ s_msg = s_msg.strip()
+ except ValueError:
+ print(f'line {num+1} is ill-formated, fix it and try-again: {line}',
+ file=sys.stderr)
+ raise
+ line_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(s_date, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
+ if line_date.date() != old_line_date.date():
+ old_line_date = line_date
+ print('_'*total_size)
+ print(f'date: {c(ansif.GREEN)}{line_date.strftime("%F %T")}{c(0)}')
+ print('-'*total_size)
+ if not s_msg:
+ continue
+ wrapped_msg = textwrap.wrap(s_msg, width=right_size-2)
+ print(f'{colortime(line_date)} {colornickname(s_nickname):>20s}:'
+ f' {wrapped_msg[0]}')
+ for wrapped_line in wrapped_msg[1:]:
+ print(' '*left_size, wrapped_line)
+def main():
+ 'function called only when script invoked directly on command line'
+ args = docopt.docopt(__doc__)
+ #with open(args[FILENAME], encoding='utf8') as fh:
+ parse_log(sys.stdin)