// Self #include "pulse.h" // C #include #include #include #include // C++ #include #include #include // External #include namespace { static void connect_state_cb(pa_context* context, void* raw) { enum pa_context_state *state = (enum pa_context_state*)raw; *state = pa_context_get_state(context); } static void success_cb(pa_context* context, int success, void* raw) { int *r = (int*)raw; *r = success; if (!success) { fprintf(stderr, "operation failed: %s\n", pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(context))); } } static void card_info_cb(pa_context* context, const pa_card_info* info, int eol, void* raw) { if (eol < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s error in %s: \n", __func__, pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(context))); return; } if (!eol) { vector* cards = (vector*)raw; cards->push_back(info); } } template static void device_info_cb(pa_context* context, const T* info, int eol, void* raw) { if (eol < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s error in %s: \n", __func__, pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(context))); return; } if (!eol) { vector* devices_ = (vector*)raw; devices_->push_back(info); } } static void server_info_cb(pa_context* context __attribute__((unused)), const pa_server_info* i, void* raw) { ServerInfo* defaults = (ServerInfo*)raw; defaults->sink = i->default_sink_name; defaults->source = i->default_source_name; } static pa_cvolume* value_to_cvol(long value, pa_cvolume *cvol) { return pa_cvolume_set(cvol, cvol->channels, fmax((double)(value + .5) * PA_VOLUME_NORM / 100, 0)); } static int volume_as_percent(const pa_cvolume* cvol) { return pa_cvolume_avg(cvol) * 100.0 / PA_VOLUME_NORM; } static int xstrtol(const char *str, long *out) { char *end = nullptr; if (str == nullptr || *str == '\0') return -1; errno = 0; *out = strtol(str, &end, 10); if (errno || str == end || (end && *end)) return -1; return 0; } } // anonymous namespace PulseClient::PulseClient(string client_name) : client_name_(client_name), volume_range_(0, 150), balance_range_(-100, 100) { enum pa_context_state state = PA_CONTEXT_CONNECTING; pa_proplist* proplist = pa_proplist_new(); pa_proplist_sets(proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME, client_name.c_str()); pa_proplist_sets(proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_ID, "com.falconindy.ponymix"); pa_proplist_sets(proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_VERSION, "0.1"); pa_proplist_sets(proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_ICON_NAME, "audio-card"); mainloop_ = pa_mainloop_new(); context_ = pa_context_new_with_proplist(pa_mainloop_get_api(mainloop_), nullptr, proplist); pa_proplist_free(proplist); pa_context_set_state_callback(context_, connect_state_cb, &state); pa_context_connect(context_, nullptr, PA_CONTEXT_NOFAIL, nullptr); while (state != PA_CONTEXT_READY && state != PA_CONTEXT_FAILED) { pa_mainloop_iterate(mainloop_, 1, nullptr); } if (state != PA_CONTEXT_READY) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to connect to pulse daemon: %s\n", pa_strerror(pa_context_errno(context_))); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } // // Pulse Client // PulseClient::~PulseClient() { pa_context_unref(context_); pa_mainloop_free(mainloop_); } void PulseClient::Populate() { populate_server_info(); populate_sinks(); populate_sources(); populate_cards(); } Card* PulseClient::GetCard(const uint32_t& index) { for (Card& card : cards_) { if (card.index_ == index) return &card; } return nullptr; } Card* PulseClient::GetCard(const string& name) { long val; vector res; if (xstrtol(name.c_str(), &val) == 0) { return GetCard(val); } else { return find_fuzzy(cards_, name); } } Card* PulseClient::GetCard(const Device& device) { for (Card& card : cards_) { if (device.card_idx_ == card.index_) return &card; } return nullptr; } Device* PulseClient::get_device(vector& devices, const uint32_t& index) { for (Device& device : devices) { if (device.index_ == index) return &device; } return nullptr; } Device* PulseClient::get_device(vector& devices, const string& name) { long val; vector res; if (xstrtol(name.c_str(), &val) == 0) { return get_device(devices, val); } else { return find_fuzzy(devices, name); } } Device* PulseClient::GetDevice(const uint32_t& index, enum DeviceType type) { switch (type) { case DEVTYPE_SINK: return GetSink(index); case DEVTYPE_SOURCE: return GetSource(index); case DEVTYPE_SINK_INPUT: return GetSinkInput(index); case DEVTYPE_SOURCE_OUTPUT: return GetSourceOutput(index); } throw std::runtime_error("Impossible DeviceType encountered in GetDevice"); } Device* PulseClient::GetDevice(const string& name, enum DeviceType type) { switch (type) { case DEVTYPE_SINK: return GetSink(name); case DEVTYPE_SOURCE: return GetSource(name); case DEVTYPE_SINK_INPUT: return GetSinkInput(name); case DEVTYPE_SOURCE_OUTPUT: return GetSourceOutput(name); } throw std::runtime_error("Impossible DeviceType encountered in GetDevice"); } const vector& PulseClient::GetDevices(enum DeviceType type) const { switch (type) { case DEVTYPE_SINK: return GetSinks(); case DEVTYPE_SOURCE: return GetSources(); case DEVTYPE_SINK_INPUT: return GetSinkInputs(); case DEVTYPE_SOURCE_OUTPUT: return GetSourceOutputs(); } throw std::runtime_error("Impossible DeviceType encountered in GetDevices"); } Device* PulseClient::GetSink(const uint32_t& index) { return get_device(sinks_, index); } Device* PulseClient::GetSink(const string& name) { return get_device(sinks_, name); } Device* PulseClient::GetSource(const uint32_t& index) { return get_device(sources_, index); } Device* PulseClient::GetSource(const string& name) { return get_device(sources_, name); } Device* PulseClient::GetSinkInput(const uint32_t& index) { return get_device(sink_inputs_, index); } Device* PulseClient::GetSinkInput(const string& name) { return get_device(sink_inputs_, name); } Device* PulseClient::GetSourceOutput(const uint32_t& index) { return get_device(source_outputs_, index); } Device* PulseClient::GetSourceOutput(const string& name) { return get_device(source_outputs_, name); } void PulseClient::mainloop_iterate(pa_operation* op) { int r; while (pa_operation_get_state(op) == PA_OPERATION_RUNNING) { pa_mainloop_iterate(mainloop_, 1, &r); } } template T* PulseClient::find_fuzzy(vector& haystack, const string& needle) { vector res; for (T& item : haystack) { if (item.name_.find(needle) != string::npos) res.push_back(&item); } switch (res.size()) { case 0: return nullptr; case 1: break; default: warnx("warning: ambiguous result for '%s', using '%s'", needle.c_str(), res[0]->name_.c_str()); } return res[0]; } void PulseClient::populate_cards() { cards_.clear(); pa_operation* op = pa_context_get_card_info_list(context_, card_info_cb, (void*)&cards_); mainloop_iterate(op); pa_operation_unref(op); } void PulseClient::populate_server_info() { pa_operation* op = pa_context_get_server_info(context_, server_info_cb, &defaults_); mainloop_iterate(op); pa_operation_unref(op); } void PulseClient::populate_sinks() { sinks_.clear(); pa_operation* op = pa_context_get_sink_info_list(context_, device_info_cb, (void*)&sinks_); mainloop_iterate(op); pa_operation_unref(op); sink_inputs_.clear(); op = pa_context_get_sink_input_info_list(context_, device_info_cb, (void*)&sink_inputs_); mainloop_iterate(op); pa_operation_unref(op); } void PulseClient::populate_sources() { sources_.clear(); pa_operation* op = pa_context_get_source_info_list(context_, device_info_cb, (void*)&sources_); mainloop_iterate(op); pa_operation_unref(op); source_outputs_.clear(); op = pa_context_get_source_output_info_list(context_, device_info_cb, (void*)&source_outputs_); mainloop_iterate(op); pa_operation_unref(op); } bool PulseClient::SetMute(Device& device, bool mute) { int success; if (device.ops_.Mute == nullptr) { warnx("device does not support muting."); return false; } pa_operation* op = device.ops_.Mute(context_, device.index_, mute, success_cb, &success); mainloop_iterate(op); pa_operation_unref(op); if (success) { device.mute_ = mute; if (notifier_.get()) { notifier_->Notify(mute ? NOTIFY_MUTE : NOTIFY_UNMUTE, device.volume_percent_, mute); } } return success; } bool PulseClient::SetVolume(Device& device, long volume) { int success; if (device.ops_.SetVolume == nullptr) { warnx("device does not support setting volume."); return false; } volume = volume_range_.Clamp(volume); const pa_cvolume *cvol = value_to_cvol(volume, &device.volume_); pa_operation* op = device.ops_.SetVolume(context_, device.index_, cvol, success_cb, &success); mainloop_iterate(op); pa_operation_unref(op); if (success) { device.update_volume(*cvol); if (notifier_.get()) notifier_->Notify(NOTIFY_VOLUME, device.volume_percent_, device.mute_); } return success; } bool PulseClient::IncreaseVolume(Device& device, long increment) { return SetVolume(device, device.volume_percent_ + increment); } bool PulseClient::DecreaseVolume(Device& device, long increment) { return SetVolume(device, device.volume_percent_ - increment); } bool PulseClient::SetBalance(Device& device, long balance) { int success; if (device.ops_.SetVolume == nullptr) { warnx("device does not support setting balance."); return false; } balance = balance_range_.Clamp(balance); pa_cvolume *cvol = pa_cvolume_set_balance(&device.volume_, &device.channels_, balance / 100.0); pa_operation* op = device.ops_.SetVolume(context_, device.index_, cvol, success_cb, &success); mainloop_iterate(op); pa_operation_unref(op); if (success) { device.update_volume(*cvol); if (notifier_.get()) notifier_->Notify(NOTIFY_BALANCE, device.balance_, false); } return success; } bool PulseClient::IncreaseBalance(Device& device, long increment) { return SetBalance(device, device.balance_ + increment); } bool PulseClient::DecreaseBalance(Device& device, long increment) { return SetBalance(device, device.balance_ - increment); } int PulseClient::GetVolume(const Device& device) const { return device.Volume(); } int PulseClient::GetBalance(const Device& device) const { return device.Balance(); } bool PulseClient::SetProfile(Card& card, const string& profile) { int success; pa_operation* op = pa_context_set_card_profile_by_index(context_, card.index_, profile.c_str(), success_cb, &success); mainloop_iterate(op); pa_operation_unref(op); if (success) { // Update the profile for (const Profile p : card.profiles_) { if (p.name == profile) { card.active_profile_ = p; break; } } } return success; } bool PulseClient::Move(Device& source, Device& dest) { int success; if (source.ops_.Move == nullptr) { warnx("source device does not support moving."); return false; } pa_operation* op = source.ops_.Move(context_, source.index_, dest.index_, success_cb, &success); mainloop_iterate(op); pa_operation_unref(op); return success; } bool PulseClient::Kill(Device& device) { int success; if (device.ops_.Kill == nullptr) { warnx("source device does not support being killed."); return false; } pa_operation* op = device.ops_.Kill(context_, device.index_, success_cb, &success); mainloop_iterate(op); pa_operation_unref(op); if (success) remove_device(device); return success; } bool PulseClient::SetDefault(Device& device) { int success; if (device.ops_.SetDefault == nullptr) { warnx("device does not support defaults"); return false; } pa_operation* op = device.ops_.SetDefault(context_, device.name_.c_str(), success_cb, &success); mainloop_iterate(op); pa_operation_unref(op); if (success) { switch (device.type_) { case DEVTYPE_SINK: defaults_.sink = device.name_; break; case DEVTYPE_SOURCE: defaults_.source = device.name_; break; default: errx(1, "impossible to set a default for device type %d", device.type_); } } return success; } void PulseClient::remove_device(Device& device) { vector* devlist; switch (device.type_) { case DEVTYPE_SINK: devlist = &sinks_; case DEVTYPE_SINK_INPUT: devlist = &sink_inputs_; break; case DEVTYPE_SOURCE: devlist = &sources_; break; case DEVTYPE_SOURCE_OUTPUT: devlist = &source_outputs_; break; } devlist->erase( std::remove_if( devlist->begin(), devlist->end(), [=](Device& d) { return d.index_ == device.index_; }), devlist->end()); } void PulseClient::EnableNotifications(Notifier* notifier) { notifier_.reset(notifier); } // // Cards // Card::Card(const pa_card_info* info) : index_(info->index), name_(info->name), owner_module_(info->owner_module), driver_(info->driver), active_profile_(*info->active_profile) { for (int i = 0; info->profiles[i].name != nullptr; i++) { profiles_.push_back(info->profiles[i]); } } // // Devices // Device::Device(const pa_sink_info* info) : type_(DEVTYPE_SINK), index_(info->index), name_(info->name ? info->name : ""), desc_(info->description), mute_(info->mute), card_idx_(info->card) { update_volume(info->volume); memcpy(&channels_, &info->channel_map, sizeof(pa_channel_map)); balance_ = pa_cvolume_get_balance(&volume_, &channels_) * 100.0; ops_.SetVolume = pa_context_set_sink_volume_by_index; ops_.Mute = pa_context_set_sink_mute_by_index; ops_.Kill = nullptr; ops_.Move = nullptr; ops_.SetDefault = pa_context_set_default_sink; } Device::Device(const pa_source_info* info) : type_(DEVTYPE_SOURCE), index_(info->index), name_(info->name ? info->name : ""), desc_(info->description), mute_(info->mute), card_idx_(info->card) { update_volume(info->volume); memcpy(&channels_, &info->channel_map, sizeof(pa_channel_map)); balance_ = pa_cvolume_get_balance(&volume_, &channels_) * 100.0; ops_.SetVolume = pa_context_set_source_volume_by_index; ops_.Mute = pa_context_set_source_mute_by_index; ops_.Kill = nullptr; ops_.Move = nullptr; ops_.SetDefault = pa_context_set_default_source; } Device::Device(const pa_sink_input_info* info) : type_(DEVTYPE_SINK_INPUT), index_(info->index), name_(info->name ? info->name : ""), mute_(info->mute), card_idx_(-1) { update_volume(info->volume); memcpy(&channels_, &info->channel_map, sizeof(pa_channel_map)); balance_ = pa_cvolume_get_balance(&volume_, &channels_) * 100.0; const char *desc = pa_proplist_gets(info->proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME); if (desc) desc_ = desc; ops_.SetVolume = pa_context_set_sink_input_volume; ops_.Mute = pa_context_set_sink_input_mute; ops_.Kill = pa_context_kill_sink_input; ops_.Move = pa_context_move_sink_input_by_index; ops_.SetDefault = nullptr; } Device::Device(const pa_source_output_info* info) : type_(DEVTYPE_SOURCE_OUTPUT), index_(info->index), name_(info->name ? info->name : ""), mute_(info->mute), card_idx_(-1) { update_volume(info->volume); volume_percent_ = volume_as_percent(&volume_); balance_ = pa_cvolume_get_balance(&volume_, &channels_) * 100.0; const char *desc = pa_proplist_gets(info->proplist, PA_PROP_APPLICATION_NAME); if (desc) desc_ = desc; ops_.SetVolume = pa_context_set_source_output_volume; ops_.Mute = pa_context_set_source_output_mute; ops_.Kill = pa_context_kill_source_output; ops_.Move = pa_context_move_source_output_by_index; ops_.SetDefault = nullptr; } void Device::update_volume(const pa_cvolume& newvol) { memcpy(&volume_, &newvol, sizeof(pa_cvolume)); volume_percent_ = volume_as_percent(&volume_); balance_ = pa_cvolume_get_balance(&volume_, &channels_) * 100.0; } // vim: set et ts=2 sw=2: