#include "pulse.h" #include #include #include #include #include enum Action { ACTION_DEFAULTS, ACTION_LIST, ACTION_LISTCARDS, ACTION_LISTPROFILES, ACTION_GETVOL, ACTION_SETVOL, ACTION_GETBAL, ACTION_SETBAL, ACTION_ADJBAL, ACTION_INCREASE, ACTION_DECREASE, ACTION_MUTE, ACTION_UNMUTE, ACTION_TOGGLE, ACTION_ISMUTED, ACTION_SETDEFAULT, ACTION_GETPROFILE, ACTION_SETPROFILE, ACTION_MOVE, ACTION_KILL, ACTION_INVALID, }; static enum DeviceType opt_devtype; static enum Action opt_action; static const char* opt_device; static const char* opt_card; static const int kMinVolume = 0; static const int kMaxVolume = 150; static const int kMinBalance = -100; static const int kMaxBalance = 100; static const char* type_to_string(enum DeviceType t) { switch (t) { case DEVTYPE_SINK: return "sink"; case DEVTYPE_SOURCE: return "source"; case DEVTYPE_SINK_INPUT: return "sink input"; case DEVTYPE_SOURCE_OUTPUT: return "source output"; } /* impossibiru! */ return NULL; } static enum Action string_to_action(const char* str) { static std::map actionmap = { { "defaults", ACTION_DEFAULTS }, { "list", ACTION_LIST }, { "list-cards", ACTION_LISTCARDS }, { "list-profiles", ACTION_LISTPROFILES }, { "get-volume", ACTION_GETVOL }, { "set-volume", ACTION_SETVOL }, { "get-balance", ACTION_GETBAL }, { "set-balance", ACTION_SETBAL }, { "adj-balance", ACTION_ADJBAL }, { "increase", ACTION_INCREASE }, { "decrease", ACTION_DECREASE }, { "mute", ACTION_MUTE }, { "unmute", ACTION_UNMUTE }, { "toggle", ACTION_TOGGLE }, { "is-muted", ACTION_ISMUTED }, { "set-default", ACTION_SETDEFAULT }, { "get-profile", ACTION_GETPROFILE }, { "set-profile", ACTION_SETPROFILE }, { "move", ACTION_MOVE }, { "kill", ACTION_KILL } }; try { return actionmap.at(str); } catch(std::out_of_range) { errx(1, "error: Invalid action specified: %s", str); } } static enum DeviceType string_to_devtype_or_die(const char* str) { static std::map typemap = { { "sink", DEVTYPE_SINK }, { "source", DEVTYPE_SOURCE }, { "sink-input", DEVTYPE_SINK_INPUT }, { "source-output", DEVTYPE_SOURCE_OUTPUT }, }; try { return typemap.at(str); } catch(std::out_of_range) { errx(1, "error: Invalid device type specified: %s", str); } } static Device* string_to_device(PulseClient& ponymix, string arg, enum DeviceType type) { switch (type) { case DEVTYPE_SINK: return ponymix.GetSink(arg); case DEVTYPE_SOURCE: return ponymix.GetSource(arg); case DEVTYPE_SOURCE_OUTPUT: return ponymix.GetSourceOutput(arg); case DEVTYPE_SINK_INPUT: return ponymix.GetSinkInput(arg); default: return nullptr; } } static Device* string_to_device_or_die(PulseClient& ponymix, string arg, enum DeviceType type) { Device* device = string_to_device(ponymix, arg, type); if (device == nullptr) errx(1, "no match found for device: %s", arg.c_str()); return device; } static void Print(const Device& device) { printf("%s %d: %s\n" " %s\n" " Avg. Volume: %d%%%s\n", type_to_string(device.Type()), device.Index(), device.Name().c_str(), device.Desc().c_str(), device.Volume(), device.Muted() ? " [muted]" : ""); } static void Print(const Card& card) { printf("%s\n", card.Name().c_str()); } static void Print(const Profile& profile, bool active) { printf("%s: %s%s\n", profile.name.c_str(), profile.desc.c_str(), active ? " [active]" : ""); } static int ShowDefaults(PulseClient& ponymix, int, char*[]) { const auto& info = ponymix.GetDefaults(); Print(*ponymix.GetSink(info.sink)); Print(*ponymix.GetSource(info.source)); return 0; } static int List(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char*[]) { if (argc != 0) errx(1, "error: list requires 0 arguments"); const auto& sinks = ponymix.GetSinks(); for (const auto& s : sinks) Print(s); const auto& sources = ponymix.GetSources(); for (const auto& s : sources) Print(s); const auto& sinkinputs = ponymix.GetSinkInputs(); for (const auto& s : sinkinputs) Print(s); const auto& sourceoutputs = ponymix.GetSourceOutputs(); for (const auto& s : sourceoutputs) Print(s); return 0; } static int ListCards(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char*[]) { if (argc != 0) errx(1, "error: list-cards requires 0 arguments"); const auto& cards = ponymix.GetCards(); for (const auto& c : cards) Print(c); return 0; } static int ListProfiles(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char*[]) { if (argc != 0) errx(1, "error: list-profiles requires 0 arguments"); // TODO: figure out how to get a list of cards? auto card = ponymix.GetCard(opt_card); if (card == nullptr) errx(1, "error: no match found for card: %s", opt_card); const auto& profiles = card->Profiles(); for (const auto& p : profiles) Print(p, p.name == card->ActiveProfile().name); return 0; } static int GetVolume(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char*[]) { if (argc != 0) errx(1, "error: get-volume requires 0 arguments"); auto device = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); printf("%d\n", device->Volume()); return 0; } static int SetVolume(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) errx(1, "error: set-volume requires exactly 1 argument"); auto device = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); long volume; try { volume = std::stol(argv[0]); } catch (std::invalid_argument _) { errx(1, "error: failed to convert string to integer: %s", argv[0]); } if (!ponymix.SetVolume(*device, volume)) return 1; printf("%d\n", device->Volume()); return 0; } static int GetBalance(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char*[]) { if (argc != 0) errx(1, "error: get-balance requires 0 arguments"); auto device = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); printf("%d\n", device->Balance()); return 0; } static int SetBalance(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) errx(1, "error: set-balance requires exactly 1 argument"); auto device = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); long balance; try { balance = std::stol(argv[0]); } catch (std::invalid_argument _) { errx(1, "error: failed to convert string to integer: %s", argv[0]); } if (!ponymix.SetBalance(*device, balance)) return 1; printf("%d\n", device->Balance()); return 0; } static int AdjBalance(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) errx(1, "error: adj-balance requires exactly 1 argument"); auto device = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); long balance; try { balance = std::stol(argv[0]); } catch (std::invalid_argument _) { errx(1, "error: failed to convert string to integer: %s", argv[0]); } if (!ponymix.SetBalance(*device, device->Balance() + balance)) return 1; printf("%d\n", device->Balance()); return 0; } static int IncreaseVolume(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) errx(1, "error: increase requires exactly 1 argument"); auto device = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); long delta; try { delta = std::stol(argv[0]); } catch (std::invalid_argument _) { errx(1, "error: failed to convert string to integer: %s", argv[0]); } if (!ponymix.SetVolume(*device, device->Volume() + delta)) return 1; printf("%d\n", device->Volume()); return 0; } static int DecreaseVolume(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) errx(1, "error: decrease requires exactly 1 argument"); auto device = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); long delta; try { delta = std::stol(argv[0]); } catch (std::invalid_argument _) { errx(1, "error: failed to convert string to integer: %s", argv[0]); } if (!ponymix.SetVolume(*device, device->Volume() - delta)) return 1; printf("%d\n", device->Volume()); return 0; } static int Mute(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char*[]) { if (argc != 0) errx(1, "error: mute requires 0 arguments"); auto device = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); if (!ponymix.SetMute(*device, true)) return 1; printf("%d\n", device->Volume()); return 0; } static int Unmute(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char*[]) { if (argc != 0) errx(1, "error: unmute requires 0 arguments"); auto device = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); if (!ponymix.SetMute(*device, false)) return 1; printf("%d\n", device->Volume()); return 0; } static int ToggleMute(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char*[]) { if (argc != 0) errx(1, "error: toggle requires 0 arguments"); auto device = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); if (!ponymix.SetMute(*device, !ponymix.IsMuted(*device))) return 1; printf("%d\n", device->Volume()); return 0; } static int IsMuted(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char*[]) { if (argc != 0) errx(1, "error: is-muted requires 0 arguments"); auto device = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); return !ponymix.IsMuted(*device); } static int SetDefault(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char*[]) { if (argc != 0) errx(1, "error: set-default requires 0 arguments"); auto device = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); return !ponymix.SetDefault(*device); } static int GetProfile(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char*[]) { if (argc != 0) errx(1, "error: get-profile requires 0 arguments"); auto card = ponymix.GetCard(opt_card); if (card == nullptr) errx(1, "error: no match found for card: %s", opt_card); printf("%s\n", card->ActiveProfile().name.c_str()); return true; } static int SetProfile(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) errx(1, "error: set-profile requires 1 argument"); auto card = ponymix.GetCard(opt_card); if (card == nullptr) errx(1, "error: no match found for card: %s", opt_card); return !ponymix.SetProfile(*card, argv[0]); } static int Move(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc != 1) errx(1, "error: move requires 1 argument"); // this assignment is a lie. stfu g++ enum DeviceType target_devtype = opt_devtype; switch (opt_devtype) { case DEVTYPE_SOURCE: opt_devtype = DEVTYPE_SOURCE_OUTPUT; case DEVTYPE_SOURCE_OUTPUT: target_devtype = DEVTYPE_SOURCE; break; case DEVTYPE_SINK: opt_devtype = DEVTYPE_SINK_INPUT; case DEVTYPE_SINK_INPUT: target_devtype = DEVTYPE_SINK; break; } // Does this even work? auto source = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); auto target = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, argv[0], target_devtype); return !ponymix.Move(*source, *target); } static int Kill(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char*[]) { if (argc != 0) errx(1, "error: set-default requires 0 arguments"); auto device = string_to_device_or_die(ponymix, opt_device, opt_devtype); return !ponymix.Kill(*device); } static int (*fn[])(PulseClient& ponymix, int argc, char* argv[]) = { [ACTION_DEFAULTS] = ShowDefaults, [ACTION_LIST] = List, [ACTION_LISTCARDS] = ListCards, [ACTION_LISTPROFILES] = ListProfiles, [ACTION_GETVOL] = GetVolume, [ACTION_SETVOL] = SetVolume, [ACTION_GETBAL] = GetBalance, [ACTION_SETBAL] = SetBalance, [ACTION_ADJBAL] = AdjBalance, [ACTION_INCREASE] = IncreaseVolume, [ACTION_DECREASE] = DecreaseVolume, [ACTION_MUTE] = Mute, [ACTION_UNMUTE] = Unmute, [ACTION_TOGGLE] = ToggleMute, [ACTION_ISMUTED] = IsMuted, [ACTION_SETDEFAULT] = SetDefault, [ACTION_GETPROFILE] = GetProfile, [ACTION_SETPROFILE] = SetProfile, [ACTION_MOVE] = Move, [ACTION_KILL] = Kill, }; void usage() { printf("usage: %s [options] ...\n", program_invocation_short_name); fputs("\nOptions:\n" " -h, --help display this help and exit\n\n" " -c, --card CARD target card (index or name)\n" " -d, --device DEVICE target device (index or name)\n" " -t, --devtype TYPE device type\n" " --source alias to -t source\n" " --input alais to -t source\n" " --sink alias to -t sink\n" " --output alias to -t sink\n" " --sink-input alias to -t sink-input\n" " --source-output alias to -t source-output\n", stdout); fputs("\nCommon Commands:\n" " list list available devices\n" " list-cards list available cards\n" " get-volume get volume for device\n" " set-volume VALUE set volume for device\n" " get-balance get balance for device\n" " set-balance VALUE set balance for device\n" " adj-balance VALUE increase or decrease balance for device\n" " increase VALUE increase volume\n", stdout); fputs(" decrease VALUE decrease volume\n" " mute mute device\n" " unmute unmute device\n" " toggle toggle mute\n" " is-muted check if muted\n", stdout); fputs("\nCard Commands:\n" " list-profiles list available profiles for a card\n" " get-profile get active profile for card\n" " set-profile PROFILE set profile for a card\n" "\nDevice Commands:\n" " defaults list default devices (default command)\n" " set-default DEVICE set default device by ID\n" "\nApplication Commands:\n" " move DEVICE move target device to DEVICE\n" " kill DEVICE kill target DEVICE\n", stdout); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } bool parse_options(int argc, char** argv) { static const struct option opts[] = { { "card", required_argument, 0, 'c' }, { "device", required_argument, 0, 'd' }, { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, { "type", required_argument, 0, 't' }, { "sink", no_argument, 0, 0x100 }, { "output", no_argument, 0, 0x101 }, { "source", no_argument, 0, 0x102 }, { "input", no_argument, 0, 0x103 }, { "sink-input", no_argument, 0, 0x104 }, { "source-output", no_argument, 0, 0x105 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, }; for (;;) { int opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "c:d:ht:", opts, NULL); if (opt == -1) break; switch (opt) { case 'c': opt_card = optarg; break; case 'd': opt_device = optarg; break; case 'h': usage(); break; case 't': opt_devtype = string_to_devtype_or_die(optarg); break; case 0x100: case 0x101: opt_devtype = DEVTYPE_SINK; break; case 0x102: case 0x103: opt_devtype = DEVTYPE_SOURCE; break; case 0x104: opt_devtype = DEVTYPE_SINK_INPUT; break; case 0x105: opt_devtype = DEVTYPE_SOURCE_OUTPUT; break; default: return false; } } return true; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { PulseClient ponymix("ponymix"); ponymix.Populate(); // defaults opt_action = ACTION_DEFAULTS; opt_devtype = DEVTYPE_SINK; opt_device = ponymix.GetDefaults().sink.c_str(); opt_card = ponymix.GetCards()[0].Name().c_str(); if (!parse_options(argc, argv)) return 1; argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc > 0) { opt_action = string_to_action(argv[0]); argc--; argv++; } return fn[opt_action](ponymix, argc, argv); } // vim: set et ts=2 sw=2: