.TH ponymix "1" "August 12" "ponymix" "User Commands" .SH NAME ponymix \- cli volume control for PulseAudio .SH SYNOPSIS \fBponymix\fP [options] \fIoperation\fP [args] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBponymix\fP is a command line volume control for PulseAudio, letting you perform many operations on both device and application sinks and source. .SH OPTIONS .PP .IP "\fB\-d\fR, \fB\-\-device\fR" Control input and output devices. .IP "\fB\-a\fR, \fB\-\-app\fR" Control the playback and recording streams. .IP "\fB\-o\fR[\fB=\fR\fISINK\fR]\fR, \fB\-\-sink\fR[\fB=\fR\fISINK\fR], \fB\-\-output\fR[\fB=\fR\fISINK\fR]" Specify the sink to control. If the argument is omitted, the default sink is used. \fISINK\fR must be the numeric index of the sink. .IP "\fB\-i\fR[\fB=\fR\fISOURCE\fR]\fR, \fB\-\-source\fR[\fB=\fR\fISOURCE\fR], \fB\-\-input\fR[\fB=\fR\fISOURCE\fR]" Specify the source to control. If the argument is omitted, the default source is assumed. \fISOURCE\fR must be the numeric index of the source. .PP When neither \fB\-o\fR nor \fB\-i\fR are specified, the default source is used. When neither \fB\-d\fR nor \fB\-a\fR are specified, devices are operated on. .SH OPERATIONS .SS Common Operations These options work on both devices and applications. .PP .IP "\fBlist\fR" List all available sinks and sources. .IP "\fBget-volume\fR" Get the volume of the target. .IP "\fBset-volume\fR \fIVALUE\fR" Set the volume of the target. VALUE is an integer between 0 and 150. .IP "\fBget-balance\fR" Get the balance of the target. .IP "\fBset-balance\fR \fIVALUE\fR" Set the balance of the target. VALUE is an integer from -100 (all left) to 100 (all right). .IP "\fBadj-balance\fR \fIVALUE\fR" Adjust balance by the integer increment VALUE. The resulting balance has the same bounds as those set by \fBset-balance\fR. The end-of-options indicator (\fI--\fR) is required when passing a negative increment. .IP "\fBincrease\fR \fIVALUE\fR" Increase the volume percentage of target device or application by integer VALUE. Increasing the volume in this way is capped at 100. .IP "\fBdecrease\fR \fIVALUE\fR" Decrease the volume percentage of target by the integer VALUE. Decreasing the volume in this way is capped at 0. .IP "\fBmute\fR, \fBunmute\fR, \fBtoggle\fR" Mute, unmute, or toggle the mute status on the target. .IP "\fBis-muted\fR" Check if the target is muted. ponymix will exit with the status 0 if muted, and non-zero otherwise. .SS Device Operations .PP .IP "\fBdefaults\fR" Display the default sink and source. .IP "\fBset-default\fR \fIDEVICE_ID\fR" Set the default sink or source by numeric index, depending on whether \fI\-i\fR or \fI\-o\fR was set. .SS Application Operations .IP "\fBmove\fR \fIAPP_ID\fR \fIDEVICE_ID\fR" Move the application's stream by numeric index to another device by numeric index. .IP "\fBkill\fR \fIAPP_ID\fR" Kill an application's stream by numeric index. .SH AUTHORS .nf Dave Reisner Simon Gomizelj .fi .SH SEE ALSO .BR pulseaudio (1)