#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright 2020 vg # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT ''' Usage: solver.py -h|--help solver.py [-p] YAML_GRID solver.py --print YAML_GRID Options: -h, --help Display this help message -p Display solution with parents [DEFAULT is without parents] --print Display only the original (unresolved) grid ''' import copy import zlib import docopt import yaml class Kana: types = ('void', 'norm', 'froz', 'rock', 'myst', 'slim', 'ar_u', 'ar_r', 'ar_d', 'ar_l') slime_merge_types = ('norm', 'froz', 'ar_u', 'ar_r', 'ar_d', 'ar_l') def __init__(self, type_name, kana=None): self.type_name = type_name self.kana = kana #print(type_name) #print(kana) assert type_name in self.types # missing yet: 'n' and 'y...' and 'w...' are not we all vowels if kana: if type_name == 'slim': assert kana[0] in 'aiueo' else: assert kana[0] in 'kstnhmryw' assert kana[1] in 'aiueo' def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (self.type_name, self.kana) def __eq__(self, other): return self.type_name == other.type_name and self.kana == other.kana kana_void = Kana('void') class KanaGrid: actions = ('reveal', 'up', 'right', 'down', 'left') def __init__(self, size, grid, action_count=0, score=0, myst_count=0, parent=None): self.width = size[0] self.height = size[1] self.grid = grid self.action_count = action_count self.score = score self.myst_count = myst_count self.parent = parent def copy(self): return KanaGrid( (self.width, self.height), copy.copy(self.grid), action_count=self.action_count, score=self.score, myst_count=self.myst_count, parent=self.parent, ) def is_swappable(self, pos1, pos2): kana1 = self.get_kana(pos1) kana2 = self.get_kana(pos2) table_ok = { 'norm': ('norm', 'froz', 'ar_u', 'ar_r', 'ar_d', 'ar_l'), 'froz': ('norm', 'ar_u', 'ar_r', 'ar_d', 'ar_l'), 'ar_u': ('norm', 'froz', 'ar_d' ), 'ar_r': ('norm', 'froz', 'ar_l'), 'ar_d': ('norm', 'froz', 'ar_u' ), 'ar_l': ('norm', 'froz', 'ar_r' ), } if kana1.type_name in table_ok: if kana2.type_name in table_ok[kana1.type_name]: ar_vect_ok = { 'ar_u': ( 0, -1), 'ar_l': (-1, 0), 'ar_d': ( 0, 1), 'ar_r': ( 1, 0), } vect1_target = ar_vect_ok.get(kana1.type_name, None) vect2_target = ar_vect_ok.get(kana2.type_name, None) if vect1_target or vect2_target: vect1 = (pos2[0] - pos1[0], pos2[1] - pos1[1]) vect2 = (pos1[0] - pos2[0], pos1[1] - pos2[1]) if vect1 != vect1_target and vect2 != vect2_target: return False return True return False def action(self, pos, action_type): kana = self.get_kana(pos) if action_type == 'reveal': if kana.type_name == 'myst': new_grid = self.copy() new_grid.action_count += 1 new_grid.set_kana(pos, Kana('norm', kana.kana)) return new_grid elif action_type in ('up', 'right', 'down', 'left'): pos_map = { 'up': (pos[0], pos[1]-1), 'right': (pos[0]+1, pos[1]), 'down': (pos[0], pos[1]+1), 'left': (pos[0]-1, pos[1]), } pos_dest = pos_map[action_type] if kana.type_name == 'slim': kana2 = self.get_kana(pos_dest) if kana2.type_name in Kana.slime_merge_types and kana2.kana: new_grid = self.copy() new_grid.action_count += 1 new_kana1 = Kana('void') new_kana2 = Kana( kana2.type_name, kana2.kana[0] + kana.kana[0], ) new_grid.set_kana(pos, new_kana1) new_grid.set_kana(pos_dest, new_kana2) return new_grid elif self.is_swappable(pos, pos_dest): new_grid = self.copy() new_grid.action_count += 1 new_grid.swap_kana(pos, pos_dest) return new_grid def generate_valid_pos_for_chain(self): for y in range(self.height): for x in range(self.width): kana = self.get_kana((x, y)) if kana.kana and kana.type_name != 'slim': yield (x, y) def populate_chain(self, pos1, chain_positions): myst_count = 0 if pos1 in chain_positions: return myst_count kana1 = self.get_kana(pos1) if kana1.type_name == 'myst': myst_count += 1 chain_positions.add(pos1) pos2_list = [ (pos1[0], pos1[1]-1), # up (pos1[0]+1, pos1[1]), # right (pos1[0], pos1[1]+1), # down (pos1[0]-1, pos1[1]), # left ] for pos2 in pos2_list: if pos2 in chain_positions: continue kana2 = self.get_kana(pos2) if kana2.kana and kana2.type_name != 'slim': if is_kana_compatible(kana1, kana2): myst_count += self.populate_chain(pos2, chain_positions) return myst_count def longest_chain(self): already_evaluated_pos = set() highest_length = 0 highest_length_chain = 0 highest_myst_count = 0 for pos in self.generate_valid_pos_for_chain(): if pos in already_evaluated_pos: continue chain = set() myst_count = self.populate_chain(pos, chain) already_evaluated_pos = already_evaluated_pos.union(chain) if myst_count > highest_myst_count: highest_myst_count = myst_count if highest_length < len(chain): highest_length = len(chain) highest_length_chain = chain return highest_length, highest_myst_count #, highest_length_chain # easy to add if needed def update_score(self): self.score, self.myst_count = self.longest_chain() def get_hash(self): data = ''.join(( str(self.width), str(self.height), str(self.grid), str(self.action_count), )) return zlib.crc32(data.encode('utf8')) def get_kana(self, pos): if pos[0] < 0 or pos[0] >= self.width: return kana_void elif pos[1] < 0 or pos[1] >= self.height: return kana_void return self.grid[pos[0]+pos[1]*self.width] def set_kana(self, pos, kana): if pos[0] < 0 or pos[0] >= self.width: return elif pos[1] < 0 or pos[1] >= self.height: return self.grid[pos[0]+pos[1]*self.width] = kana def swap_kana(self, pos1, pos2): kana_dst = self.get_kana(pos2) if kana_dst.type_name in ('froz', 'fblk'): pos_tmp = pos1 pos1 = pos2 pos2 = pos_tmp kana_dst = self.get_kana(pos2) kana_src = self.get_kana(pos1) pos_src = pos1 pos_dst = pos2 vect = (pos2[0] - pos1[0], pos2[1] - pos1[1]) while self.is_swappable(pos_src, pos_dst): #print("swap between src %s (%s) dst %s (%s)" # % (kana_src, pos_src, kana_dst, pos_dst)) self.set_kana(pos_src, kana_dst) self.set_kana(pos_dst, kana_src) if kana_src.type_name not in ('froz', 'fblk') : break pos_src = pos_dst pos_dst = (pos_dst[0] + vect[0], pos_dst[1] + vect[1]) kana_dst = self.get_kana(pos_dst) def load(input_dict): grid = [] for serialized_kana in input_dict['grid']: if serialized_kana[0] == 'void': grid.append(kana_void) else: grid.append(Kana(serialized_kana[0], serialized_kana[1])) return KanaGrid(input_dict['size'], grid) def dump(self, stream): raise NotImplemented def __repr__(self): self.update_score() return ( ('KanaGrid (cnt: %d, score: %d): \n ' % (self.action_count, self.score)) + '\n '.join(repr_grid(self.grid, (self.width, self.height)).splitlines()) ) def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.width == other.width and self.height == other.height and self.grid == other.grid and self.action_count == other.action_count ) def repr_grid(grid, grid_size): indicator_map = { 'norm': (' ', ' '), 'froz': ('\x1b[36m[', ']\x1b[0m'), 'rock': (' \x1b[1;40m', '\x1b[0m '), 'myst': ('\x1b[33m?', '?\x1b[0m'), 'slim': ('\x1b[32m~', '~\x1b[0m'), 'ar_u': ('\x1b[31m∧\x1b[0m', '\x1b[31m∧\x1b[0m'), 'ar_r': ('\x1b[31m>\x1b[0m', '\x1b[31m>\x1b[0m'), 'ar_d': ('\x1b[31m∨\x1b[0m', '\x1b[31m∨\x1b[0m'), 'ar_l': ('\x1b[31m<\x1b[0m', '\x1b[31m<\x1b[0m'), } lines = [] kana_iter = iter(grid) for y in range(grid_size[1]): line = '' for x in range(grid_size[0]): kana = next(kana_iter) tname = kana.type_name kkana = kana.kana if not kkana: kkana = ' ' if tname == 'void': line += ' ' elif tname in indicator_map: line += '|%s%2s%s|' % ( indicator_map[tname][0], kkana, indicator_map[tname][1], ) lines.append(line) return '\n'.join(lines) def display_grid(grid, grid_size): print(repr_grid(grid, grid_size)) def is_kana_compatible(kana1, kana2): if kana1.type_name == 'slim' or kana2.type_name == 'slim': return False if kana1.kana[0] == kana2.kana[0] or kana1.kana[1] == kana2.kana[1]: return True return False def generate_possible_grids(kanagrid): for y in range(kanagrid.height): for x in range(kanagrid.width): for action_type in KanaGrid.actions: new_grid = kanagrid.action((x, y), action_type) if new_grid and new_grid.grid != kanagrid.grid: yield (x, y), action_type, new_grid def generate_all_possible_grids(grid, grids, max_actions): for pos, action_type, new_grid in generate_possible_grids(grid): grid_hash = new_grid.get_hash() if grid_hash in grids or new_grid.action_count > max_actions: continue grids[grid_hash] = new_grid new_grid.parent = grid generate_all_possible_grids(new_grid, grids, max_actions) def repr_grid_with_parents(grid): items = [] while grid: items.append(str(grid)) grid = grid.parent return '\n'.join(reversed(items)) def print_score_over(node, target_score): node.grid.update_score() if node.grid.score >= target_score: print("="*80) print(node_repr_with_parents(node)) return for child in node.children: print_score_over(child, target_score) def main(): args = docopt.docopt(__doc__) with open(args['YAML_GRID'], encoding='utf8') as stream: input_dict = yaml.safe_load(stream) kanagrid = KanaGrid.load(input_dict) target_score = input_dict['target_score'] max_actions = input_dict['max_actions'] print('Size: %dx%d' % (kanagrid.width, kanagrid.height)) print('Target score: %d' % target_score) print('Max actions: %d' % max_actions) print('Initial grid:') print(kanagrid) if args['--print']: return del input_dict grids = {} generate_all_possible_grids(kanagrid, grids=grids, max_actions=max_actions) for grid in grids.values(): grid.update_score() if grid.score >= target_score and grid.myst_count == 0: print("="*80) if args['-p']: print(repr_grid_with_parents(grid)) else: print(grid) if __name__ == '__main__': main()