# kana quest grid level 5.22 size: [7, 4] max_actions: 19 #max_actions: 22 target_score: 9 grid: [ [ar_d, ki ], [ar_d, null], [void, null], [slim, u ], [slim, o ], [void, null], [void, null], [ar_u, null], [norm, null], [norm, null], [norm, null], [norm, null], [norm, null], [ar_l, si ], [norm, null], [ar_d, null], [norm, null], [norm, null], [norm, null], [norm, null], [ar_l, nu ], [ar_u, null], [ar_u, sa ], [ar_u, 'no'], [ar_u, he ], [ar_u, ku ], [froz, ho ], [froz, ka ], ] # The kana 'no' need to be protected else the program convert it into False... # Too big to be run completly, some solutions: #KanaGrid (cnt: 19, score: 9): # |∧ ∧||∨ ∨| |~ u~| # | ||∧sa∧||