path: root/gamechest/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'gamechest/')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gamechest/ b/gamechest/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8629624
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gamechest/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+Usage: --gamelist=GAMELIST.YAML --gamedir=GAMEDIR
+import logging
+import os
+from logging import debug, info, warning, critical
+import docopt
+import yaml
+import gi
+from . import gamemanager
+gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
+from gi.repository import Gtk as gtk, GLib as glib, GdkPixbuf as gdkpixbuf
+from gi.repository.GdkPixbuf import Pixbuf
+class GameList:
+ def __init__(self, gamelist, gamedir):
+ debug(f'managing gamedir {gamedir}')
+ debug(f'reading gamelist from {gamelist}')
+ with open(gamelist) as stream:
+ self.yaml_data = yaml.safe_load(stream)
+ self.gamedir = gamedir
+ debug('loaded data: %d bytes', len(self.yaml_data))
+class Handler:
+ def __init__(self, builder, gamelist, gamelist_dir, gamedir):
+ self.builder = builder
+ self.gamelist = gamelist
+ self.gamelist_dir = gamelist_dir
+ self.gamedir = gamedir
+ repository_host = gamelist.yaml_data['repository']['host']
+ repository_path = gamelist.yaml_data['repository']['path']
+ self.game_installer = gamemanager.GameInstaller(
+ repository_host, repository_path, gamedir)
+ self.game_remover = gamemanager.GameRemover(
+ repository_host, repository_path, gamedir)
+ self.game_status = gamemanager.GameStatus(
+ repository_host, repository_path, gamedir)
+ self.game_title = builder.get_object('game_title')
+ self.game_image = builder.get_object('game_image')
+ self.game_characteristics = builder.get_object('game_characteristics')
+ self.game_description = builder.get_object('game_description')
+ self.btn_install = builder.get_object('btn_install')
+ self.btn_update = builder.get_object('btn_update')
+ self.btn_remove = builder.get_object('btn_remove')
+ self.game_install_stop_btn = builder.get_object('game_install_stop_btn')
+ self.game_install_progress = builder.get_object('game_install_progress')
+ self.global_progression = builder.get_object('global_progression')
+ self.game_install_timeout_id = None
+ self.current_selected_game = None
+ self.game_image_pixbuf = None
+ def on_destroy(self, *args):
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ def on_quit_clicked(self, *args):
+ print('quit')
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ def gamelist_on_changed(self, selection, *args):
+ model, treeiter = selection.get_selected()
+ if treeiter is None:
+ return
+ index = model[treeiter][2]
+ #print("You selected", self.gamelist['games'][model[treeiter][2]])
+ debug('selected index: %d', index)
+ game_item = self.gamelist.yaml_data['games'][index]
+ self.current_selected_game = game_item
+ info("You selected (title): %s", game_item['title'])
+ self.game_title.set_label(game_item['title'])
+ if image := game_item.get('image', None):
+ image_path = f'{self.gamelist_dir}/{image}'
+ debug('image path: %s', image_path)
+ if os.path.exists(image_path):
+ #self.game_image.set_from_file(image_path)
+ self.game_image_pixbuf = Pixbuf.new_from_file(image_path)
+ self.game_image_draw()
+ self.game_characteristics.set_text(
+ game_item.get('characteristics', 'Unfilled characteristics'))
+ description = game_item.get('description', 'No description')
+ self.game_description.set_text(description)
+ if self.game_status.exists(game_item['name']):
+ debug('game status exists')
+ self.btn_install.hide()
+ else:
+ debug('game status does not exist')
+ def game_image_on_draw(self, widget, cr, *args):
+ self.game_image_draw()
+ def game_image_draw(self):
+ if not self.game_image_pixbuf:
+ return
+ orig_width = self.game_image_pixbuf.get_width()
+ orig_height = self.game_image_pixbuf.get_height()
+ dest_width = self.game_image.get_allocated_width()
+ dest_height = self.game_image.get_allocated_height()
+ ratio_width = dest_width / orig_width
+ ratio_height = dest_height / orig_height
+ ratio = min(ratio_width, ratio_height)
+ #width, height = self.game_image.get_allocated_size()
+ pixbuftmp = self.game_image_pixbuf.scale_simple(
+ orig_width*ratio,
+ orig_height*ratio,
+ gdkpixbuf.InterpType.BILINEAR)
+ self.game_image.set_from_pixbuf(pixbuftmp)
+ def on_draw(self, widget, cr, data):
+ context = widget.get_style_context()
+ width = widget.get_allocated_width()
+ height = widget.get_allocated_height()
+ Gtk.render_background(context, cr, 0, 0, width, height)
+ r, g, b, a = data["color"]
+ cr.set_source_rgba(r, g, b, a)
+ cr.rectangle(0, 0, width, height)
+ cr.fill()
+ ############################################################
+ # install management
+ ############################################################
+ def game_install_on_clicked(self, *args):
+ if not self.current_selected_game:
+ return
+ self.game_install_timeout_id = \
+ glib.timeout_add(250, self.game_install_on_timeout, None)
+ game_item = self.current_selected_game
+ self.game_installer.start(game_item)
+ # set progress bar to 0.0001 in order to update them the first time on
+ # timeout (most useful for global advance)
+ self.global_progression.set_fraction(0.0001)
+ self.game_install_progress.set_fraction(0.0001)
+ def game_install_stop(self):
+ if not self.game_install_timeout_id:
+ return
+ glib.source_remove(self.game_install_timeout_id)
+ self.game_install_timeout_id = None
+ self.game_installer.stop()
+ #self.game_install_progress.set_fraction(1)
+ self.game_install_stop_btn.hide()
+ def game_installstop_on_clicked(self, *args):
+ self.game_install_stop()
+ def game_install_on_timeout(self, *args):
+ status, progress1, progress2 = self.game_installer.poll()
+ #print(f'status {status} progress1 {progress1} progress2 {progress2}')
+ old_progress1 = self.global_progression.get_fraction()
+ if (progress1/100) != old_progress1:
+ self.global_progression.set_fraction(progress1/100)
+ self.global_progression.set_text(f'global {progress1:.2f}%')
+ old_progress2 = self.game_install_progress.get_fraction()
+ if (progress2/100) != old_progress2:
+ self.game_install_progress.set_fraction(progress2/100)
+ self.game_install_progress.set_text(f'step {progress2:.2f}%')
+ # returning False value means stop timer
+ if status == self.game_installer.State.ONGOING:
+ return True
+ self.game_install_stop()
+ return False
+def main():
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ logging.getLogger().handlers[0].setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
+ "gamechest: %(levelname)s: %(funcName)s:%(lineno)s: %(message)s"))
+ args = docopt.docopt(__doc__)
+ debug('args: %s', args)
+ gamelist_dir = (
+ os.path.dirname(args['--gamelist'])
+ + '/.'
+ + os.path.basename(args['--gamelist'])
+ + '.d'
+ )
+ gamelist = GameList(args['--gamelist'], args['--gamedir'])
+ builder = gtk.Builder()
+ builder.add_from_file('')
+ builder.connect_signals(
+ Handler(builder, gamelist, gamelist_dir, args['--gamedir']))
+ window = builder.get_object('window2')
+ window.show_all()
+ gamelist_store = builder.get_object('gamelist_store')
+ gamelist_store.clear()
+ for index, game in enumerate(gamelist.yaml_data['games']):
+ gamelist_store.append((False, game['title'], index))
+ info('%d games loaded', len(gamelist.yaml_data['games']))
+ gtk.main()