#!/usr/bin/perl -T # manServer - Unix man page to HTML converter # Rolf Howarth, rolf@squarebox.co.uk # Version 1.07 16 July 2001 # Version 1.07+ma1 2006-03-31 Matthias Andree # add trailing slash of URLs # support https, too $version = "1.07+ma1"; $manServerUrl = "manServer $version"; use Socket; $ENV{'PATH'} = "/bin:/usr/bin"; initialise(); $request = shift @ARGV; # Usage: manServer [-dn] filename | manServer [-s port] $root = ""; $cgiMode = 0; $bodyTag = "BODY bgcolor=#F0F0F0 text=#000000 link=#0000ff vlink=#C000C0 alink=#ff0000"; if ($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'} ne "") { *OUT = *STDOUT; open(LOG, ">>/tmp/manServer.log"); chmod(0666, '/tmp/manServer.log'); $root = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; $url = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}; if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") { $args = ; chop $args; } else { $args = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } $url .= "?".$args if ($args); $cgiMode = 1; $date = &fmtTime(time); $remoteHost = $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'} || $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; $referer = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}; $userAgent = $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}; print LOG "$date\t$remoteHost\t$url\t$referer\t$userAgent\n"; processRequest($url); } elsif ($request eq "-s" || $request eq "") { *LOG = *STDERR; startServer(); } else { $cmdLineMode = 1; if ($request =~ m/^-d(\d)/) { $debug = $1; $request = shift @ARGV; } *OUT = *STDOUT; *LOG = *STDERR; $file = findPage($request); man2html($file); } exit(0); ##### Mini HTTP Server #### sub startServer { ($port) = @ARGV; $port = 8888 unless $port; $sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8'; ($name, $aliases, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp'); ($name, $aliases, $port) = getservbyname($port, 'tcp') unless $port =~ /^\d+$/; while(1) { $this = pack($sockaddr, AF_INET, $port, "\0\0\0\0"); select(NS); $| = 1; select(stdout); socket(S, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto) || die "socket: $!"; if (bind(S, $this)) { last; } else { print STDERR "Failed to bind to port $port: $!\n"; ++$port; } } listen(S, 5) || die "connect: $!"; select(S); $| = 1; select(stdout); while(1) { print LOG "Waiting for connection on port $port\n"; ($addr = accept(NS,S)) || die $!; #print "accept ok\n"; ($af,$rport,$inetaddr) = unpack($sockaddr,$addr); @inetaddr = unpack('C4',$inetaddr); print LOG "Got connection from ", join(".",@inetaddr), "\n"; while () { if (m/^GET (\S+)/) { $url = $1; } last if (m/^\s*$/); } *OUT = *NS; processRequest($url); close NS ; } } sub processRequest { $url = $_[0]; print LOG "Request = $url, root = $root\n"; if ( ($url =~ m/^([^?]*)\?(.*)$/) || ($url =~ m/^([^&]*)&(.*)$/) ) { $request = $1; $args = $2; } else { $request = $url; $args = ""; } @params = split(/[=&]/, $args); for ($i=0; $i<=$#params; ++$i) { $params[$i] =~ tr/+/ /; $params[$i] =~ s/%([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg; } %params = @params; $request = $params{'q'} if ($params{'q'}); $searchType = $params{'t'}; $debug = $params{'d'}; $processed = 0; $file = ""; if ($searchType) { print OUT "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\n" unless ($cgiMode); print OUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print OUT "

Searching not yet implemented

\n"; print LOG "Searching not implemented\n"; $processed = 1; } elsif ($request eq "/" || $request eq "") { print OUT "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\n" unless ($cgiMode); print OUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print LOG "Home page\n"; homePage(); $processed = 1; } elsif ($request =~ m,^/.*/$,) { print OUT "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\n" unless ($cgiMode); print OUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print LOG "List directory\n"; listDir($request); $processed = 1; } elsif (-f $request || -f "$request.gz" || -f "$request.bz2") { # Only allow fully specified files if they're in our manpath foreach $md (@manpath) { $dir = $md; if (substr($request,0,length($dir)) eq $dir) { print OUT "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\n" unless ($cgiMode); print OUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; man2html($request); $processed = 1; last; } } } else { $file = findPage($request); if (@multipleMatches) { print OUT "HTTP/1.0 200 Ok\n" unless ($cgiMode); print OUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print LOG "Multiple matches\n"; printMatches(); $processed = 1; } elsif ($file) { print OUT "HTTP/1.0 301 Redirected\n" unless ($cgiMode); $file .= "&d=$debug" if ($debug); print OUT "Location: $root$file\n\n"; print LOG "Redirect to $root$file\n"; $processed = 1; } } unless ($processed) { print OUT "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found\n" unless ($cgiMode); print OUT "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print OUT "\nNot Found\n<$bodyTag>\n"; print OUT "

Not Found

\nFailed to find man page /$request\n"; print OUT "

Main Index\n\n"; print STDERR "Failed to find /$request\n" unless ($cgi

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<title>Fetchmail's Test List</title>
<table width="100%" cellpadding=0 summary="Canned page header"><tr>
<td width="30%">Back to <a href="/index.html">Home Page</a>
<td width="30%" align=right>Wed Oct 15 18:43:10 EDT 2003
<hr />
<h1>Fetchmail's Test List</h1>

<p>Here are the server types on my regression-test list:</p>

<table border=1 width=80% align=center summary="Server list">
<td><strong>Protocol &amp; Version:</strong></td>
<td><strong>Special Options:</strong></td>
<tr><td>IMAP: CommuniGate IMAP server</td><td>IMAPrev1 STARTTLS AUTH=CRAM-MD5 AUTH=DIGEST-MD5</td>
<tr><td>POP3: CommuniGate POP3 server</td><td>CAPA LAST APOP CRAM-MD5</td>
<tr><td>POP3: IntraStore POP3 mail server</td><td>!CAPA LAST</td>
<tr><td>APOP: IntraStore POP3 mail server</td><td>!CAPA LAST APOP</td>
<tr><td>IMAP: IntraStore IMAP mail server</td><td>IMAPrev1 IDLE AUTH=CRAM-MD5 AUTH=SKEY AUTH=ANONYMOUS</td>
<tr><td>POP3: Eudora EIMS</td><td>CAPA LAST APOP SASL CRAM-MD5 NTLM</td>
<tr><td>POP3: gmx.de pop server</td><td>!CAPA UIDL</td>
<tr><td>IMAP: IMail IMAP server</td><td>IMAP4rev1 AUTH=CRAM-MD5</td>
<tr><td>IMAP: Microsoft Exchange</td><td>IDLE AUTH=NTLM</td>
<tr><td>POP3: qpopper 3.1.2 (Eudora) patched with mysql</td><td>CAPA UIDL</td>
<tr><td>IMAP: Courier IMAP</td><td>IMAP4rev1</td>
<tr><td>POP3: Courier POP3</td><td>CAPA UIDL</td>
<tr><td>APOP: Qpopper using APOP</td><td>!CAPA</td>
<tr><td>IMAP: UW IMAP</td><td>IMAPrev1</td>
<tr><td>IMAP: Courier IMAP</td><td>IMAP4rev1</td>
<tr><td>POP3: Qpopper 4.0.5</td><td>CAPA UIDL</td>

<p>If you control a post-office server that is not one of the types listed
here, please consider lending me a test account.  Note that I do <em>not</em>
need shell access, just the permissions to send mail to a mailbox the server
looks at and to fetch mail off of it.</p>

<p>I'd like to have weird things like a POP2 server on here.  Also more
closed-source servers because they tend to be broken in odd
ways. These are the real robustness tests.</p>

<hr />
<table width="100%" cellpadding=0 summary="Canned page header"><tr>
<td width="30%">Back to <a href="/index.html">Home Page</a>
<td width="30%" align=right>Wed Oct 15 18:43:10 EDT 2003

<br clear="left" />
ined"; } outputLine( "\\f$c$joined\\fP " ); plainOutput("\n") if ($noFill); } elsif ($c eq "SM") # Single word smaller { outputLine("\\s-1$joined\\s0 "); $doneLine = 0 unless ($joined); } elsif ($c eq "SB") # Single word bold and small { outputLine("\\fB\\s-1$joined\\s0\\fP "); } elsif (m/^\.[BI]R (\S+)\s?\(\s?([0-9lL][0-9a-zA-Z]*)\s?\)(.*)$/) { # Special form, .BR is generally used for references to other pages # Annoyingly, some people have more than one per line... # Also, some people use .IR ... for ($i=1; $i<=$#p; $i+=2) { $pair = $p[$i]." ".$p[$i+1]; if ($p[$i+1] eq "(") { $pair .= $p[$i+2].$p[$i+3]; $i += 2; } if ($pair =~ m/^(\S+)\s?\(\s?([0-9lL][0-9a-zA-Z]*)\s?\)(.*)$/) { if ($cmdLineMode) { outputLine( "\\fB$1\\fR($2)$3\n" ); } else { outputLine( "$1($2)$3\n" ); } } else { outputLine( "$pair\n" ); } } } elsif ($c eq "BR" || $c eq "BI" || $c eq "IB" || $c eq "IR" || $c eq "RI" || $c eq "RB") { $f1 = (substr($c ,0,1)); $f2 = (substr($c,1,1)); # Check if first param happens to be a section name $id = $contents{"\U$p[1]"}; if ($id && $p[1] =~ m/^[A-Z]/) { $p[1] = "$p[1]"; } for ($i=1; $i<=$#p; ++$i) { $f = ($i%2 == 1) ? $f1 : $f2; outputLine("\\f$f$p[$i]"); } outputLine("\\fP "); plainOutput("\n") if ($noFill); } elsif ($c eq "nf" || $c eq "Bd") # No fill { startNoFill(); } elsif ($c eq "fi" || $c eq "Ed") # Fill { endNoFill(); } elsif ($c eq "HP") { $indent = evalnum($p[1]); if ($trapOnBreak) { plainOutput("
\n"); } else { # Outdent first line, ie. until next break $trapOnBreak = 1; $trapAction = *trapHP; newParagraph($indent); plainOutput( "\n" ); $colState = 2; } } elsif ($c eq "IP") { $trapOnBreak = 0; $tag = $p[1]; $indent = evalnum($p[2]); newParagraph($indent); outputLine("\n$tag\n\n"); $colState = 1; lineBreak(); } elsif ($c eq "TP") { $trapOnBreak = 0; $trapLine = 1; # Next line is tag, then next column $doneLine = 0; # (But don't count this line) $trapAction = *trapTP; $indent = evalnum($p[1]); $tag = lookahead(); chop $tag; $i = ($indent ? $indent : $prevailingIndent) ; $w = width($tag); if ($w > $i) { plainOutput("\n") if ($debug); newParagraph($indent); $trapAction = *trapHP; plainOutput( "\n" ); $colState = 2; } else { newParagraph($indent); plainOutput( "\n" ); $colState = 0; } $body = lookahead(); $lookaheadPtr = 0; if ($body =~ m/^\.[HILP]?P/) { chop $body; plainOutput("\n"); $trapLine = 0; } } elsif ($c eq "LP" || $c eq "PP" || $c eq "P" || $c eq "Pp") # Paragraph { $trapOnBreak = 0; $prevailingIndent = 6; if ($indent[$indentLevel] > 0 && $docListStyle eq "") { $line = lookahead(); if ($line =~ m/^\.(TP|IP|HP)/) { plainOutput("\n"); } elsif ($line =~ m/^\.RS/) { plainOutput("

\n"); } else { endRow(); $foundTag = ""; $lookaheadPtr = 0; do { $line = lookahead(); if ($line =~ m/^\.(TP|HP|IP|RS)( \d+)?/) { $indent = $2; $indent = $prevailingIndent unless ($2); if ($indent == $indent[$indentLevel]) { $foundTag = $1; } $line = ""; } } while ($line ne "" && $line !~ m/^\.(RE|SH|SS|PD)/); $lookaheadPtr = 0; if ($foundTag) { plainOutput("\n"); plainOutput("\n"); $colState = 2; } else { plainOutput("\n"); setIndent(0); } } } else { plainOutput("

\n"); } lineBreak(); } elsif ($c eq "br") # Break { if ($trapOnBreak) { # Should this apply to all macros that cause a break? $trapOnBreak = 0; &$trapAction(); } $needBreak = 1 if ($textSinceBreak); } elsif ($c eq "sp") # Space { lineBreak(); plainOutput("

\n"); } elsif ($c eq "RS") # Block indent start { if ($indentLevel==0 && $indent[0]==0) { blockquote(); } else { $indent = $p[1]; $indent = $prevailingIndent unless ($indent); if ($indent > $indent[$indentLevel] && !$extraIndent) { $extraIndent = 1; ++$indentLevel; $indent[$indentLevel] = 0; setIndent($indent-$indent[$indentLevel-1]); plainOutput(" \n"); $colState = 1; } elsif ($indent < $indent[$indentLevel] || $colState==2) { endRow(); setIndent($indent); plainOutput(" \n"); $colState = 1; } ++$indentLevel; $indent[$indentLevel] = 0; } $prevailingIndent = 6; } elsif ($c eq "RE") # Block indent end { if ($extraIndent) { endRow(); setIndent(0); --$indentLevel; $extraIndent = 0; } if ($indentLevel==0) { endParagraph(); if ($blockquote>0) { plainOutput("\n"); --$blockquote; } } else { endRow(); setIndent(0); --$indentLevel; } $prevailingIndent = $indent[$indentLevel]; $prevailingIndent = 6 unless($prevailingIndent); } elsif ($c eq "DT") # default tabs { @tabstops = (); } elsif ($c eq "ta") # Tab stops { @tabstops = (); for ($i=0; $i<$#p; ++$i) { $ts = $p[$i+1]; $tb = 0; if ($ts =~ m/^\+/) { $tb = $tabstops[$i-1]; $ts =~ s/^\+//; } $ts = evalnum($ts); $tabstops[$i] = $tb + $ts; } plainOutput("\n") if ($debug); } elsif ($c eq "It") # List item (mdoc) { lineBreak(); if ($docListStyle eq "-tag") { endRow() unless($multilineIt); if ($tagWidth) { setIndent($tagWidth); } else { setIndent(6); $width = ""; # let table take care of own width } if ($p[1] eq "Xo") { plainOutput(""); } else { $tag = &mdocStyle(@p[1..$#p]); $body = lookahead(); if ($body =~ m/^\.It/) { $multilineItNext = 1; } else { $multilineItNext = 0; } if ($multilineIt) { outputLine("
\n$tag\n"); } elsif ($multilineItNext || $tagWidth>0 && width($tag)>$tagWidth) { outputLine("$tag\n"); $colState = 2; } else { outputLine("$tag\n"); $colState = 1; } if ($multilineItNext) { $multilineIt = 1; } else { $multilineIt = 0; if ($colState==2) { plainOutput(" \n"); } else { plainOutput("\n"); } } } } else { plainOutput("

  • "); } lineBreak(); } elsif ($c eq "Xc") { if ($docListStyle eq "-tag") { plainOutput(" \n"); } } elsif ($c eq "Bl") # Begin list (mdoc) { push @docListStyles, $docListStyle; if ($p[1] eq "-enum") { plainOutput("
      \n"); $docListStyle = $p[1]; } elsif($p[1] eq "-bullet") { plainOutput("
        \n"); $docListStyle = $p[1]; } else { $docListStyle = "-tag"; if ($p[2] eq "-width") { $tagWidth = width($p[3]); if ($tagWidth < 6) { $tagWidth = 6; } } else { $tagWidth = 0; } $multilineIt = 0; } } elsif ($c eq "El") # End list { if ($docListStyle eq "-tag") { endRow(); setIndent(0); } elsif ($docListStyle eq "-bullet") { plainOutput("
      \n"); } else { plainOutput("
    \n"); } $docListStyle = pop @docListStyles; } elsif ($c eq "Os") { $right = $joined; } elsif ($c eq "Dd") { $left = $joined; } elsif ($c eq "Sx") # See section { $id = $contents{"\U$joined"}; if ($id && $joined =~ m/^[A-Z]/) { outputLine("".&mdocStyle(@p[1..$#p])."\n"); } else { my $x = &mdocStyle(@p[1..$#p]); $x =~ s/^ //; outputLine($x."\n"); } } elsif (&mdocCallable($c)) { my $x = &mdocStyle(@p); $x =~ s/^ //; outputLine($x."\n"); } elsif ($c eq "Bx") { outputLine("BSD $joined\n"); } elsif ($c eq "Ux") { outputLine("Unix $joined\n"); } elsif ($c eq "At") { outputLine("AT&T $joined\n"); } elsif ($c =~ m/[A-Z][a-z]/) # Unsupported doc directive { outputLine("
    .$c $joined\n"); } elsif ($c eq "") # Empty line (eg. troff comment) { $doneLine = 0; } else # Unsupported directive { # Unknown macros are ignored, and don't count as a line as far as trapLine goes $doneLine = 0; plainOutput("\n"); } } sub trapTP { $lookaheadPtr = 0; $body = lookahead(); if ($body =~ m/^\.TP/) { consume(); $trapLine = 1; # restore TP trap $doneLine = 0; # don't count this line plainOutput("
    \n"); } else { plainOutput("\n"); $colState = 1; } lineBreak(); } sub trapHP { $lookaheadPtr = 0; $body = lookahead(); if ($body =~ m/^\.([TH]P)/) { consume(); # Restore appropriate type of trap if ($1 eq "TP") { $trapLine = 1; $doneLine = 0; # don't count this line } else { $trapOnBreak = 1; } plainOutput("
    \n"); } else { plainOutput(" \n"); $colState = 1; } lineBreak(); } sub newParagraph { $indent = $_[0]; endRow(); startRow($indent); } sub startRow { $indent = $_[0]; $indent = $prevailingIndent unless ($indent); $prevailingIndent = $indent; setIndent($indent); plainOutput( "" ); } # End an existing HP/TP/IP/RS row sub endRow { if ($indent[$indentLevel] > 0) { lineBreak(); plainOutput( "\n" ); } } # Called when we output a line break tag. Only needs to be called once if # calling plainOutput, but should call before and after if using outputLine. sub lineBreak { $needBreak = 0; $textSinceBreak = 0; } # Called to reset all indents and pending paragraphs (eg. at the start of # a new top level section). sub endParagraph { ++$indentLevel; while ($indentLevel > 0) { --$indentLevel; if ($indent[$indentLevel] > 0) { endRow(); setIndent(0); } } } # Interpolate a number register (possibly autoincrementing) sub numreg { return 0 + $number{$_[0]}; } # Evaluate a numeric expression sub evalnum { $n = $_[0]; return "" if ($n eq ""); if ($n =~ m/i$/) # inches { $n =~ s/i//; $n *= 10; } return 0+$n; } sub setIndent { $tsb = $textSinceBreak; $indent = evalnum($_[0]); if ($indent==0 && $_[0] !~ m/^0/) { $indent = 6; } plainOutput("\n") if ($debug); if ($indent[$indentLevel] != $indent) { lineBreak(); if ($indent[$indentLevel] > 0) { plainOutput("") unless ($noSpace); plainOutput(""); } if ($indent > 0) { endNoFill(); $border = ""; $border = " border=1" if ($debug>2); #plainOutput("

    ") unless ($indent[$indentLevel] > 0); plainOutput("0); if ($noSpace) { plainOutput(" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>\n"); } else { plainOutput(" cellpadding=3>".($tsb ? "\n\n" : "\n") ); } #$width = " width=".($indent*5); # causes text to be chopped if too big $percent = $indent; if ($indentLevel > 0) { $percent = $indent * 100 / (100-$indentLevel[0]); } $width = " width=$percent%"; } $indent[$indentLevel] = $indent; } } # Process mdoc style macros recursively, as one of the macro arguments # may itself be the name of another macro to invoke. sub mdocStyle { return "" unless @_; my ($tag, @param) = @_; my ($rest, $term); # Don't format trailing punctuation if ($param[$#param] =~ m/^[.,;:]$/) { $term = pop @param; } if ($param[$#param] =~ m/^[)\]]$/) { $term = (pop @param).$term; } if ($param[0] =~ m,\\\\,) { print STDERR "$tag: ",join(",", @param),"\n"; } $rest = &mdocStyle(@param); if ($tag eq "Op") { $rest =~ s/ //; # remove first space return " \\fP[$rest]$term"; } elsif ($tag eq "Xr") # cross reference { my $p = shift @param; my $url = $p; if (@param==1) { $url .= ".".$param[0]; $rest = "(".$param[0].")"; } else { $rest = &mdocStyle(@param); } if ($cmdLineMode) { return " ".$p."".$rest.$term; } else { return " ".$p."".$rest.$term; } } elsif ($tag eq "Fl") { my ($sofar); while (@param) { $f = shift @param; if ($f eq "Ns") # no space { chop $sofar; } elsif (&mdocCallable($f)) { unshift @param, $f; return $sofar.&mdocStyle(@param).$term; } else { $sofar .= "-$f " } } return $sofar.$term; } elsif ($tag eq "Pa" || $tag eq "Er" || $tag eq "Fn" || $tag eq "Dv") { return "\\fC$rest\\fP$term"; } elsif ($tag eq "Ad" || $tag eq "Ar" || $tag eq "Em" || $tag eq "Fa" || $tag eq "St" || $tag eq "Ft" || $tag eq "Va" || $tag eq "Ev" || $tag eq "Tn" || $tag eq "%T") { return "\\fI$rest\\fP$term"; } elsif ($tag eq "Nm") { $defaultNm = $param[0] unless ($defaultNm); $rest = $defaultNm unless ($param[0]); return "\\fB$rest\\fP$term"; } elsif ($tag eq "Ic" || $tag eq "Cm" || $tag eq "Sy") { return "\\fB$rest\\fP$term"; } elsif ($tag eq "Ta") # Tab { # Tabs are used inconsistently so this is the best we can do. Columns won't line up. Tough. return "      $rest$term"; } elsif ($tag eq "Ql") { $rest =~ s/ //; return "`$rest'$term"; } elsif ($tag eq "Dl") { return "


    \n"; } elsif ($tag =~ m/^[ABDEOPQS][qoc]$/) { $lq = ""; $rq = ""; if ($tag =~ m/^A/) { $lq = "<"; $rq = ">"; } elsif ($tag =~ m/^B/) { $lq = "["; $rq = "]"; } elsif ($tag =~ m/^D/) { $lq = "\""; $rq = "\""; } elsif ($tag =~ m/^P/) { $lq = "("; $rq = ")"; } elsif ($tag =~ m/^Q/) { $lq = "\""; $rq = "\""; } elsif ($tag =~ m/^S/) { $lq = "\\'"; $rq = "\\'"; } elsif ($tag =~ m/^O/) { $lq = "["; $rq = "]"; } if ($tag =~ m/^.o/) { $rq = ""; } if ($tag =~ m/^.c/) { $lq = ""; } $rest =~ s/ //; return $lq.$rest.$rq.$term ; } elsif (&mdocCallable($tag)) # but not in list above... { return $rest.$term; } elsif ($tag =~ m/^[.,;:()\[\]]$/) # punctuation { return $tag.$rest.$term; } elsif ($tag eq "Ns") { return $rest.$term; } else { return " ".$tag.$rest.$term; } } # Determine if a macro is mdoc parseable/callable sub mdocCallable { return ($_[0] =~ m/^(Op|Fl|Pa|Er|Fn|Ns|No|Ad|Ar|Xr|Em|Fa|Ft|St|Ic|Cm|Va|Sy|Nm|Li|Dv|Ev|Tn|Pf|Dl|%T|Ta|Ql|[ABDEOPQS][qoc])$/); } # Estimate the output width of a string sub width { local($word) = $_[0]; $word =~ s,<[/A-Z][^>]*>,,g; # remove any html tags $word =~ s/^\.\S+\s//; $word =~ s/\\..//g; $x = length($word); $word =~ s/[ ()|.,!;:"']//g; # width of punctuation is about half a character return ($x + length($word)) / 2; } # Process a tbl table (between TS/TE tags) sub processTable { if ($troffTable == "1") { @troffRowDefs = (); @tableRows = (); $hadUnderscore = 0; while(1) { outputOrigLine(); if (m/;\s*$/) { $troffSeparator = quotemeta($1) if (m/tab\s*\((.)\)/); } else { s/\.\s*$//; s/\t/ /g; s/^[^lrcan^t]*//; # remove any 'modifiers' coming before tag # delimit on tags excluding s (viewed as modifier of previous column) s/([lrcan^t])/\t$1/g; s/^\t//; push @troffRowDefs, $_; last if ($origLine =~ m/\.\s*$/); } $_ = getLine(); preProcessLine(); } $troffTable = 2; return; } s/$troffSeparator/\t/g; if ($_ eq ".TE") { endTblRow(); flushTable(); $troffTable = 0; plainOutput("\n"); } elsif ($_ eq ".T&") { endTblRow(); flushTable(); $troffTable = 1; } elsif (m/[_=]/ && m/^[_=\t]*$/ && $troffCol==0) { if (m/^[_=]$/) { flushTable(); plainOutput("\n"); $hadUnderscore = 1; } elsif ($troffCol==0 && @troffRowDefs) { # Don't output a row, but this counts as a row as far as row defs go $rowDef = shift @troffRowDefs; @troffColDefs = split(/\t/, $rowDef); } } elsif (m/^\.sp/ && $troffCol==0 && !$hadUnderscore) { flushTable(); plainOutput("\n"); } elsif ($_ eq ".br" && $troffMultiline) { $rowref->[$troffCol] .= "
    \n"; } elsif ($_ !~ m/^\./) { $rowref = $tableRows[$#tableRows]; # reference to current row (last row in array) if ($troffCol==0 && @troffRowDefs) { $rowDef = shift @troffRowDefs; if ($rowDef =~ m/^[_=]/) { $xxx = $_; flushTable(); plainOutput("\n"); $hadUnderscore = 1; $_ = $xxx; $rowDef = shift @troffRowDefs; } @troffColDefs = split(/\t/, $rowDef); } if ($troffCol == 0 && !$troffMultiline) { $rowref = []; push(@tableRows, $rowref); #plainOutput(""); } #{ if (m/T}/) { $troffMultiline = 0; } if ($troffMultiline) { $rowref->[$troffCol] .= "$_\n"; return; } @columns = split(/\t/, $_); plainOutput("\n") if ($debug); while ($troffCol <= $#troffColDefs && @columns > 0) { $def = $troffColDefs[$troffCol]; $col = shift @columns; $col =~ s/\s*$//; $align = ""; $col = "\\^" if ($col eq "" && $def =~ m/\^/); $col = " " if ($col eq ""); $style1 = ""; $style2 = ""; if ($col ne "\\^") { if ($def =~ m/[bB]/ || $def =~ m/f3/) { $style1 = "\\fB"; $style2 = "\\fP"; } if ($def =~ m/I/ || $def =~ m/f2/) { $style1 = "\\fI"; $style2 = "\\fP"; } } if ($def =~ m/c/) { $align = " align=center"; } if ($def =~ m/[rn]/) { $align = " align=right"; } $span = $def; $span =~ s/[^s]//g; if ($span) { $align.= " colspan=".(length($span)+1); } #{ if ($col =~ m/T}/) { $rowref->[$troffCol] .= "$style2"; ++$troffCol; } elsif ($col =~ m/T{/) #} { $col =~ s/T{//; #} $rowref->[$troffCol] = "$style1$col"; $troffMultiline = 1; } else { $rowref->[$troffCol] = "$style1$col$style2"; ++$troffCol; } } endTblRow() unless ($troffMultiline); } } sub endTblRow { return if ($troffCol == 0); while ($troffCol <= $#troffColDefs) { $rowref->[$troffCol] = " "; #print OUT " "; ++$troffCol; } $troffCol = 0; #print OUT "\n" } sub flushTable { plainOutput("\n") if ($debug); # Treat rows with first cell blank or with more than one vertically # spanned row as a continuation of the previous line. # Note this is frequently a useful heuristic but isn't foolproof. for($r=0; $r<$#tableRows; ++$r) { $vspans = 0; for ($c=0; $c<=$#{$tableRows[$r+1]}; ++$c) {++$vspans if ($tableRows[$r+1][$c] =~ m,\\\^,);} if ((($vspans>1) || ($tableRows[$r+1][0] =~ m, ,)) && $#{$tableRows[$r]} == $#{$tableRows[$r+1]} && 0) { if ($debug) { plainOutput("\n"); plainOutput("\n"); plainOutput("\n"); } for ($c=0; $c<=$#{$tableRows[$r]}; ++$c) { $tableRows[$r][$c] .= $tableRows[$r+1][$c]; $tableRows[$r][$c] =~ s,\\\^,,g; # merging is stronger than spanning! $tableRows[$r][$c] =~ s,,
    ,; } @tableRows = (@tableRows[0..$r], @tableRows[$r+2 .. $#tableRows]); --$r; # process again } } # Turn \^ vertical span requests into rowspan tags for($r=0; $r<$#tableRows; ++$r) { for ($c=0; $c<=$#{$tableRows[$r]}; ++$c) { $r2 = $r+1; while ( $r2<=$#tableRows && ($tableRows[$r2][$c] =~ m,\\\^,) ) { ++$r2; } $rs = $r2-$r; if ($rs > 1) { plainOutput("\n") if ($debug); $tableRows[$r][$c] =~ s/=0; --$c) { if ($tableRows[$r][$c] =~ m/[$c]." -->\n") if ($debug); @$rowref = (@{$rowref}[0..$c-1], @{$rowref}[$c+1..$#$rowref]); } } } } # Finally, output the cells that are left for($r=0; $r<=$#tableRows; ++$r) { plainOutput("\n"); for ($c=0; $c <= $#{$tableRows[$r]}; ++$c) { outputLine($tableRows[$r][$c]); } plainOutput("\n"); } @tableRows = (); $troffCol = 0; plainOutput("\n") if ($debug); } # Use these for all font changes, including .ft, .ps, .B, .BI, .SM etc. # Need to add a mechanism to stack up these changes so tags match: ... etc. sub pushStyle { $result = ""; $type = $_[0]; $tag = $_[1]; print OUT "\n" if ($debug>1); return $result; } sub resetStyles { if (@styleStack) { print OUT "\n"; print OUT "

    resetStyles [".join(",", @styleStack)."]
    \n" if ($debug); } while (@styleStack) { $oldItem = pop @styleStack; ($oldTag) = ($oldItem =~ m/^.(\S+)/); print OUT ""; } $currentSize = 0; $currentShift = 0; } sub blockquote { print OUT "
    \n"; ++$blockquote; } sub endBlockquote { resetStyles(); while ($blockquote > 0) { print OUT "
    \n"; --$blockquote; } } sub indent { plainOutput(pushStyle("I", "TABLE")); $width = $_[0]; $width = " width=$width%" if ($width); plainOutput(" \n"); } sub outdent { plainOutput("\n"); plainOutput(pushStyle("I")); } sub inlineStyle { $_[0] =~ m/^(.)(.*)$/; if ($1 eq "f") { fontChange($2); } elsif ($1 eq "s" && ! $noFill) { sizeChange($2); } else { superSub($1); } } sub fontChange { $fnt = $_[0]; $fnt =~ s/^\(//; if ($fnt eq "P" || $fnt eq "R" || $fnt eq "1" || $fnt eq "") { $font = ""; } elsif ($fnt eq "B" || $fnt eq "3") { $font = "B"; } elsif ($fnt eq "I" || $fnt eq "2") { $font = "I"; } else { $font = "TT"; } return pushStyle("F", $font); } sub sizeChange { $size= $_[0]; if ($size =~ m/^[+-]/) { $currentSize += $size; } else { $currentSize = $size-10; } $currentSize = 0 if (! $size); $sz = $currentSize; $sz = -2 if ($sz < -2); $sz = 2 if ($sz > 2); if ($currentSize eq "0") { $size = ""; } else { $size = "FONT size=$sz"; } return pushStyle("S", $size); } sub superSub { $sub = $_[0]; ++$currentShift if ($sub eq "u"); --$currentShift if ($sub eq "d"); $tag = ""; $tag = "SUP" if ($currentShift > 0); $tag = "SUB" if ($currentShift < 0); return pushStyle("D", $tag); } sub startNoFill { print OUT "
    \n" unless($noFill);
    	$noFill = 1;
    sub endNoFill
    	print OUT "
    \n" if ($noFill); $noFill = 0; } sub processEqns { if ($eqnMode==2 && $_[0] =~ m/^\.EN/) { $eqnMode = 0; outputLine(flushEqn()); plainOutput("\n"); return; } $eqnBuffer .= $_[0]." "; } sub processEqnd { processEqns(@_); return flushEqn(); } sub flushEqn { @p = grep($_ !~ m/^ *$/, split(/("[^"]*"|\s+|[{}~^])/, $eqnBuffer) ); $eqnBuffer = ""; #return "[".join(',', @p)." -> ".&doEqn(@p)."]\n"; $res = &doEqn(@p); #$res =~ s,\\\((..),$special{$1}||"\\($1",ge; #$res =~ s,<,<,g; #$res =~ s,>,>,g; return $res; } sub doEqn { my @p = @_; my $result = ""; my $res; my $c; while (@p) { ($res, @p) = doEqn1(@p); $result .= $res; } return $result; } sub doEqn1 { my @p = @_; my $res = ""; my $c; $c = shift @p; if ($eqndefs{$c}) { @x = split(/\0/, $eqndefs{$c}); unshift @p, @x; $c = shift @p; } if ($c =~ m/^"(.*)"$/) { $res = $1; } elsif ($c eq "delim") { $c = shift @p; if ($c eq "off") { $eqnStart = ""; $eqnEnd = ""; } else { $c =~ m/^(.)(.)/; $eqnStart = quotemeta($1); $eqnEnd = quotemeta($2); } } elsif ($c eq "define" || $c eq "tdefine" || $c eq "ndefine") { $t = shift @p; $d = shift @p; $def = ""; if (length($d) != 1) { $def = $d; $def =~ s/^.(.*)./\1/; } else { while (@p && $p[0] ne $d) { $def .= shift @p; $def .= "\0"; } chop $def; shift @p; } $eqndefs{$t} = $def unless ($c eq "ndefine"); } elsif ($c eq "{") { my $level = 1; my $i; for ($i=0; $i<=$#p; ++$i) { ++$level if ($p[$i] eq "{"); --$level if ($p[$i] eq "}"); last if ($level==0); } $res = doEqn(@p[0..$i-1]); @p = @p[$i+1..$#p]; } elsif ($c eq "sup") { ($c,@p) = &doEqn1(@p); $res = "\\u$c\\d"; } elsif ($c eq "to") { ($c,@p) = &doEqn1(@p); $res = "\\u$c\\d "; } elsif ($c eq "sub" || $c eq "from") { ($c,@p) = &doEqn1(@p); $res = "\\d$c\\u"; } elsif ($c eq "matrix") { ($c,@p) = &doEqn1(@p); $res = "matrix ( $c )"; } elsif ($c eq "bold") { ($c,@p) = &doEqn1(@p); $res = "\\fB$c\\fP"; } elsif ($c eq "italic") { ($c,@p) = &doEqn1(@p); $res = "\\fI$c\\fP"; } elsif ($c eq "roman") { } elsif ($c eq "font" || $c eq "gfont" || $c eq "size" || $c eq "gsize") { shift @p; } elsif ($c eq "mark" || $c eq "lineup") { } elsif ($c eq "~" || $c eq "^") { $res = " "; } elsif ($c eq "over") { $res = " / "; } elsif ($c eq "half") { $res = "\\(12"; } elsif ($c eq "prime") { $res = "\\' "; } elsif ($c eq "dot") { $res = "\\u.\\d "; } elsif ($c eq "dotdot") { $res = "\\u..\\d "; } elsif ($c eq "tilde") { $res = "\\u~\\d "; } elsif ($c eq "hat") { $res = "\\u^\\d "; } elsif ($c eq "bar" || $c eq "vec") { $res = "\\(rn "; } elsif ($c eq "under") { $res = "_ "; } elsif ( $c eq "sqrt" || $c eq "lim" || $c eq "sum" || $c eq "pile" || $c eq "lpile" || $c eq "rpile" || $c eq "cpile" || $c eq "int" || $c eq "prod" ) { $res = " $c "; } elsif ($c eq "cdot") { $res = " . "; } elsif ($c eq "inf") { $res = "\\(if"; } elsif ($c eq "above" || $c eq "lcol" || $c eq "ccol") { $res = " "; } elsif ($c eq "sin" || $c eq "cos" || $c eq "tan" || $c eq "log" || $c eq "ln" ) { $res = " $c "; } elsif ($c eq "left" || $c eq "right" || $c eq "nothing") { } elsif ($c =~ m/^[A-Za-z]/) { $res = "\\fI$c\\fP"; } else { $res = $c; } return ($res, @p); } ##### Search manpath and initialise special char array ##### sub initialise { # Determine groff version if possible my $groffver = `groff -v`; $groffver =~ /^GNU groff version (\S+)/; $groffver = $1; # Parse the macro definition file for section names if (open(MACRO, "/usr/lib/tmac/tmac.an") || open(MACRO, "/usr/lib/tmac/an") || open(MACRO, "/usr/lib/groff/tmac/tmac.an") || open(MACRO, "/usr/lib/groff/tmac/an.tmac") || open(MACRO, "/usr/share/tmac/tmac.an") || open(MACRO, "/usr/share/tmac/an.tmac") || open(MACRO, "/usr/share/groff/tmac/tmac.an") || open(MACRO, "/usr/share/groff/tmac/an.tmac") || open(MACRO, "/usr/share/groff/$groffver/tmac/an.tmac") ) { while () { chop; if (m/\$2'([0-9a-zA-Z]+)' .ds ]D (.*)$/) { $sn = $2; unless ($sn =~ m/[a-z]/) { $sn = "\u\L$sn"; $sn =~ s/ (.)/ \u\1/g; } $sectionName{"\L$1"} = $sn; } if (m/\$1'([^']+)' .ds Tx "?(.*)$/) { $title{"$1"} = $2; } if (m/^.ds ]W (.*)$/) { $osver = $1; } } } else { print STDERR "Failed to read tmac.an definitions\n" unless ($cgiMode); } if (open(MACRO, "/usr/lib/tmac/tz.map")) { while () { chop; if (m/\$1'([^']+)' .ds Tz "?(.*)$/) { $title{"$1"} = $2; } } } # Prevent redefinition of macros that have special meaning to us $reservedMacros = '^(SH|SS|Sh|Ss)$'; # Predefine special number registers $number{'.l'} = 75; # String variables defined by man package $vars{'lq'} = '“'; $vars{'rq'} = '”'; $vars{'R'} = '\\(rg'; $vars{'S'} = '\\s0'; # String variables defined by mdoc package $vars{'Le'} = '\\(<='; $vars{'<='} = '\\(<='; $vars{'Ge'} = '\\(>='; $vars{'Lt'} = '<'; $vars{'Gt'} = '>'; $vars{'Ne'} = '\\(!='; $vars{'>='} = '\\(>='; $vars{'q'} = '"'; # see also special case in preProcessLine $vars{'Lq'} = '“'; $vars{'Rq'} = '”'; $vars{'ua'} = '\\(ua'; $vars{'ga'} = '\\(ga'; $vars{'Pi'} = '\\(*p'; $vars{'Pm'} = '\\(+-'; $vars{'Na'} = 'NaN'; $vars{'If'} = '\\(if'; $vars{'Ba'} = '|'; # String variables defined by ms package (access to accented characters) $vars{'bu'} = '»'; $vars{'66'} = '“'; $vars{'99'} = '”'; $vars{'*!'} = '¡'; $vars{'ct'} = '¢'; $vars{'po'} = '£'; $vars{'gc'} = '¤'; $vars{'ye'} = '¥'; #$vars{'??'} = '¦'; $vars{'sc'} = '§'; $vars{'*:'} = '¨'; $vars{'co'} = '©'; $vars{'_a'} = 'ª'; $vars{'<<'} = '«'; $vars{'no'} = '¬'; $vars{'hy'} = '­'; $vars{'rg'} = '®'; $vars{'ba'} = '¯'; $vars{'de'} = '°'; $vars{'pm'} = '±'; #$vars{'??'} = '²'; #$vars{'??'} = '³'; $vars{'aa'} = '´'; $vars{'mu'} = 'µ'; $vars{'pg'} = '¶'; $vars{'c.'} = '·'; $vars{'cd'} = '¸'; #$vars{'??'} = '¹'; $vars{'_o'} = 'º'; $vars{'>>'} = '»'; $vars{'14'} = '¼'; $vars{'12'} = '½'; #$vars{'??'} = '¾'; $vars{'*?'} = '¿'; $vars{'`A'} = 'À'; $vars{"'A"} = 'Á'; $vars{'^A'} = 'Â'; $vars{'~A'} = 'Ã'; $vars{':A'} = 'Ä'; $vars{'oA'} = 'Å'; $vars{'AE'} = 'Æ'; $vars{',C'} = 'Ç'; $vars{'`E'} = 'È'; $vars{"'E"} = 'É'; $vars{'^E'} = 'Ê'; $vars{':E'} = 'Ë'; $vars{'`I'} = 'Ì'; $vars{"'I"} = 'Í'; $vars{'^I'} = 'Î'; $vars{':I'} = 'Ï'; $vars{'-D'} = 'Ð'; $vars{'~N'} = 'Ñ'; $vars{'`O'} = 'Ò'; $vars{"'O"} = 'Ó'; $vars{'^O'} = 'Ô'; $vars{'~O'} = 'Õ'; $vars{':O'} = 'Ö'; #$vars{'mu'} = '×'; $vars{'NU'} = 'Ø'; $vars{'`U'} = 'Ù'; $vars{"'U"} = 'Ú'; $vars{'^U'} = 'Û'; $vars{':U'} = 'Ü'; #$vars{'??'} = 'Ý'; $vars{'Th'} = 'Þ'; $vars{'*b'} = 'ß'; $vars{'`a'} = 'à'; $vars{"'a"} = 'á'; $vars{'^a'} = 'â'; $vars{'~a'} = 'ã'; $vars{':a'} = 'ä'; $vars{'oa'} = 'å'; $vars{'ae'} = 'æ'; $vars{',c'} = 'ç'; $vars{'`e'} = 'è'; $vars{"'e"} = 'é'; $vars{'^e'} = 'ê'; $vars{':e'} = 'ë'; $vars{'`i'} = 'ì'; $vars{"'i"} = 'í'; $vars{'^i'} = 'î'; $vars{':i'} = 'ï'; #$vars{'??'} = 'ð'; $vars{'~n'} = 'ñ'; $vars{'`o'} = 'ò'; $vars{"'o"} = 'ó'; $vars{'^o'} = 'ô'; $vars{'~o'} = 'õ'; $vars{':o'} = 'ö'; $vars{'di'} = '÷'; $vars{'nu'} = 'ø'; $vars{'`u'} = 'ù'; $vars{"'u"} = 'ú'; $vars{'^u'} = 'û'; $vars{':u'} = 'ü'; #$vars{'??'} = 'ý'; $vars{'th'} = 'þ'; $vars{':y'} = 'ÿ'; # troff special characters and their closest equivalent $special{'em'} = '—'; $special{'hy'} = '-'; $special{'\-'} = '–'; # was - $special{'bu'} = 'o'; $special{'sq'} = '[]'; $special{'ru'} = '_'; $special{'14'} = '¼'; $special{'12'} = '½'; $special{'34'} = '¾'; $special{'fi'} = 'fi'; $special{'fl'} = 'fl'; $special{'ff'} = 'ff'; $special{'Fi'} = 'ffi'; $special{'Fl'} = 'ffl'; $special{'de'} = '°'; $special{'dg'} = '†'; # was 182, para symbol $special{'fm'} = "\\'"; $special{'ct'} = '¢'; $special{'rg'} = '®'; $special{'co'} = '©'; $special{'pl'} = '+'; $special{'mi'} = '-'; $special{'eq'} = '='; $special{'**'} = '*'; $special{'sc'} = '§'; $special{'aa'} = '´'; # was ' $special{'ga'} = '`'; # was ` $special{'ul'} = '_'; $special{'sl'} = '/'; $special{'*a'} = 'a'; $special{'*b'} = 'ß'; $special{'*g'} = 'y'; $special{'*d'} = 'd'; $special{'*e'} = 'e'; $special{'*z'} = 'z'; $special{'*y'} = 'n'; $special{'*h'} = 'th'; $special{'*i'} = 'i'; $special{'*k'} = 'k'; $special{'*l'} = 'l'; $special{'*m'} = 'µ'; $special{'*n'} = 'v'; $special{'*c'} = '3'; $special{'*o'} = 'o'; $special{'*p'} = 'pi'; $special{'*r'} = 'p'; $special{'*s'} = 's'; $special{'*t'} = 't'; $special{'*u'} = 'u'; $special{'*f'} = 'ph'; $special{'*x'} = 'x'; $special{'*q'} = 'ps'; $special{'*w'} = 'o'; $special{'*A'} = 'A'; $special{'*B'} = 'B'; $special{'*G'} = '|\\u_\\d'; $special{'*D'} = '/\'; $special{'*E'} = 'E'; $special{'*Z'} = 'Z'; $special{'*Y'} = 'H'; $special{'*H'} = 'TH'; $special{'*I'} = 'I'; $special{'*K'} = 'K'; $special{'*L'} = 'L'; $special{'*M'} = 'M'; $special{'*N'} = 'N'; $special{'*C'} = 'Z'; $special{'*O'} = 'O'; $special{'*P'} = '||'; $special{'*R'} = 'P'; $special{'*S'} = 'S'; $special{'*T'} = 'T'; $special{'*U'} = 'Y'; $special{'*F'} = 'PH'; $special{'*X'} = 'X'; $special{'*Q'} = 'PS'; $special{'*W'} = 'O'; $special{'ts'} = 's'; $special{'sr'} = 'v/'; $special{'rn'} = '\\u–\\d'; # was 175 $special{'>='} = '>='; $special{'<='} = '<='; $special{'=='} = '=='; $special{'~='} = '~='; $special{'ap'} = '~'; # was ~ $special{'!='} = '!='; $special{'->'} = '->'; $special{'<-'} = '<-'; $special{'ua'} = '^'; $special{'da'} = 'v'; $special{'mu'} = '×'; $special{'di'} = '÷'; $special{'+-'} = '±'; $special{'cu'} = 'U'; $special{'ca'} = '^'; $special{'sb'} = '('; $special{'sp'} = ')'; $special{'ib'} = '(='; $special{'ip'} = '=)'; $special{'if'} = 'oo'; $special{'pd'} = '6'; $special{'gr'} = 'V'; $special{'no'} = '¬'; $special{'is'} = 'I'; $special{'pt'} = '~'; $special{'es'} = 'Ø'; $special{'mo'} = 'e'; $special{'br'} = '|'; $special{'dd'} = '‡'; # was 165, yen $special{'rh'} = '=>'; $special{'lh'} = '<='; $special{'or'} = '|'; $special{'ci'} = 'O'; $special{'lt'} = '('; $special{'lb'} = '('; $special{'rt'} = ')'; $special{'rb'} = ')'; $special{'lk'} = '|'; $special{'rk'} = '|'; $special{'bv'} = '|'; $special{'lf'} = '|'; $special{'rf'} = '|'; $special{'lc'} = '|'; $special{'rc'} = '|'; # Not true troff characters but very common typos $special{'cp'} = '©'; $special{'tm'} = '®'; $special{'en'} = '-'; # Build a list of directories containing man pages @manpath = (); if (open(MPC, "/etc/manpath.config") || open(MPC, "/etc/man.config")) { while () { if (m/^(MANDB_MAP|MANPATH)\s+(\S+)/) { push(@manpath, $2); } } } @manpath = split(/:/, $ENV{'MANPATH'}) unless (@manpath); @manpath = ("/usr/man") unless (@manpath); } # Search through @manpath and construct @mandirs (non-empty subsections) sub loadManDirs { return if (@mandirs); print STDERR "Searching ",join(":", @manpath)," for mandirs\n" unless($cgiMode); foreach $tld (@manpath) { $tld =~ m/^(.*)$/; $tld = $1; # untaint manpath if (opendir(DIR, $tld)) { # foreach $d (<$tld/man[0-9a-z]*>) foreach $d (sort readdir(DIR)) { if ($d =~ m/^man\w/ && -d "$tld/$d") { push (@mandirs, "$tld/$d"); } } closedir DIR; } } } ##### Utility to search manpath for a given command ##### sub findPage { $request = $_[0]; $request =~ s,^/,,; @multipleMatches = (); $file = $_[0]; return $file if (-f $file || -f "$file.gz" || -f "$file.bz2"); # Search the path for the requested man page, which may be of the form: # "/usr/man/man1/ls.1", "ls.1" or "ls". ($page,$sect) = ($request =~ m/^(.+)\.([^.]+)$/); $sect = "\L$sect"; # Search the specified section first (if specified) if ($sect) { foreach $md (@manpath) { $dir = $md; $file = "$dir/man$sect/$page.$sect"; push(@multipleMatches, $file) if (-f $file || -f "$file.gz" || -f "$file.bz2"); } } else { $page = $request; } if (@multipleMatches == 1) { return pop @multipleMatches; } # If not found need to search through each directory loadManDirs(); foreach $dir (@mandirs) { ($s) = ($dir =~ m/man([0-9A-Za-z]+)$/); $file = "$dir/$page.$s"; push(@multipleMatches, $file) if (-f $file || -f "$file.gz" || -f "$file.bz2"); $file = "$dir/$request"; push(@multipleMatches, $file) if (-f $file || -f "$file.gz" || -f "$file.bz2"); if ($sect && "$page.$sect" ne $request) { $file = "$dir/$page.$sect"; push(@multipleMatches, $file) if (-f $file || -f "$file.gz" || -f "$file.bz2"); } } if (@multipleMatches == 1) { return pop @multipleMatches; } if (@multipleMatches > 1) { return ""; } # Ok, didn't find it using section numbers. Perhaps there's a page with the # right name but wrong section number lurking there somewhere. (This search is slow) # eg. page.1x in man1 (not man1x) directory foreach $dir (@mandirs) { opendir(DIR, $dir); foreach $f (readdir DIR) { if ($f =~ m/^$page\./) { $f =~ s/\.(gz|bz2)$//; push(@multipleMatches, "$dir/$f"); } } } if (@multipleMatches == 1) { return pop @multipleMatches; } return ""; } sub loadPerlPages { my ($dir,$f,$name,@files); loadManDirs(); return if (%perlPages); foreach $dir (@mandirs) { if (opendir(DIR, $dir)) { @files = sort readdir DIR; foreach $f (@files) { next if ($f eq "." || $f eq ".." || $f !~ m/\./); next unless ("$dir/$f" =~ m/perl/); $f =~ s/\.(gz|bz2)$//; ($name) = ($f =~ m,(.+)\.[^.]*$,); $perlPages{$name} = "$dir/$f"; } closedir DIR; } } delete $perlPages{'perl'}; # too ubiquitous to be useful } sub fmtTime { my $time = $_[0]; my @days = qw (Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat); my @months = qw (Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec); my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$istdst) = localtime($time); return sprintf ("%s, %02d %s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", $days[$wday],$mday,$months[$mon],1900+$year,$hour,$min,$sec); }