path: root/smbdes.h
blob: f890fcd570d57ec73f3c0ac5634f77b15656d883 (plain)
extern void E_P16(unsigned char *p14,unsigned char *p16);
extern void E_P24(unsigned char *p21, unsigned char *c8, unsigned char *p24);
extern void D_P16(unsigned char *p14, unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out);
extern void E_old_pw_hash( unsigned char *p14, unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out);
extern void cred_hash1(unsigned char *out,unsigned char *in,unsigned char *key);
extern void cred_hash2(unsigned char *out,unsigned char *in,unsigned char *key);
extern void cred_hash3(unsigned char *out,unsigned char *in,unsigned char *key, int forw);
extern void SamOEMhash( unsigned char *data, unsigned char *key, int val);
a> 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897
  module:       rpa.c
  program:      fetchmail
  programmer:   Michael J. Palmer <106177.1156@compuserve.com>
  date:         29 August 1997
  compiler:     GCC 2.7.2
  environment:  RedHat 4.0 Linux 2.0.18
  description:  RPA authorisation code for POP3 client

  The sole entry point is POP3_auth_rpa()

  For license terms, see the file COPYING in this directory.


#include  "config.h"

#if defined(POP3_ENABLE) && defined(RPA_ENABLE)
#include  <stdio.h>
#include  <stdlib.h>
#include  <unistd.h>
#include  <ctype.h>
#include  <string.h>
#include  <sys/types.h>

#include  "socket.h"
#include  "fetchmail.h"
#include  "fm_md5.h"
#include  "i18n.h"

extern unsigned char line1[];
extern unsigned char line2[];
extern unsigned char line3[];

extern int linecount;

#ifndef NO_PROTO
  /* prototypes for internal functions */
  static int  POP3_rpa_resp(char* argbuf, int socket );
  static void LenAppend(char** pptr, int len);
  static int  LenSkip(char** pptr, int rxlen);
  static int  DecBase64(char* bufp);
  static void EncBase64(char* bufp, int len);
  static void ToUnicode(char** pptr, char delim, unsigned char* buf, int* plen,
			int conv);
  static int  SetRealmService(char* bufp);
  static void GenChallenge(unsigned char* buf, int len);
  static int  DigestPassphrase(char* passphrase,
			       unsigned char* rbuf, int unicodeit);
  static void CompUserResp();
  static int  CheckUserAuth();
  static void md5(const void* in, int len, unsigned char* out);

/* RPA protocol definitions */

#define         EARLYVER        "\x01\x00"  /* Earliest supp version */
#define         LATEVER         "\x03\x00"  /* Latest supp version   */
#define         HDR             0x60        /* ASN.1 SEQUENCE        */
#define         MECH            "\x06\x09\x60\x86\x48\x01\x86\xF8\x73\x01\x01"
#define         FLAGS           "\x00\x01"  /* Mutual authentication */
#define         STRMAX          128         /* Bytes in Unicode      */
#define         Tsl             14          /* Timestamp bytelen     */
#define         Pul             16          /* Passphrase digest len */
#define         Cul             16          /* Usr challenge bytelen */
#define         Rul             16          /* Usr response bytelen  */
#define         Aul             16          /* User auth bytelen     */
#define         Kusl            16          /* Session key bytelen   */

#define         UNIPASS         1           /* 1=Unicode 0=iso8859   */
#define         PS_RPA          42          /* Return code           */

/* RPA authentication items */

unsigned char   Cs[256];                    /* Service challenge     */
int             Csl;                        /* Length of "    "      */
unsigned char   Ts[Tsl+1];                  /* Timestamp incl \0     */
unsigned char   Nu[STRMAX];                 /* Username in Unicode   */
int             Nul;                        /* Length of " in bytes  */
unsigned char   Ns[STRMAX];                 /* Service in Unicode    */
int             Nsl;                        /* Length of " in bytes  */
unsigned char   Nr[STRMAX];                 /* Realm in Unicode      */
int             Nrl;                        /* Length of " in bytes  */
unsigned char   Pu[Pul];                    /* Passphrase after MD5  */
unsigned char   Cu[Cul];                    /* User challenge        */
unsigned char   Ru[Rul];                    /* User response         */
unsigned char   Au[Aul];                    /* User auth from Deity  */
unsigned char   Kusu[Kusl];                 /* Obscured Session key  */
unsigned char   Kus[Kusl];                  /* Session key           */

  function:      POP3_auth_rpa
  description:   send the AUTH RPA commands to the server, and
                 get the server's response. Then progress through the
                 RPA challenge/response protocol until we are
                 (hopefully) granted authorisation.
    userid       user's id@realm e.g. myuserid@csi.com
    passphrase   user's passphrase
                 (upper lower or mixed case as the realm has chosen.
                 spec allows various options :-(   )
    socket       socket to which the server is connected.

  return value:  zero if success, else non-zero.
  calls:         SockPrintf, POP3_rpa_resp, EncBase64, DecBase64,
                 LenAppend, GenChallenge
  globals:       read outlevel.

int POP3_auth_rpa (char *userid, char *passphrase, int socket)
    int      ok,rxlen,verh,verl,i,rll;
    char buf [POPBUFSIZE];
    char *bufp;
    int      status,aulin,kuslin;
    const char* stdec[4] = { N_("Success") ,
		       N_("Restricted user (something wrong with account)") ,
		       N_("Invalid userid or passphrase") ,
		       N_("Deity error") };

    /* Initiate RPA authorisation */

    SockPrintf(socket,"AUTH RPA\r\n");

    if (outlevel >= O_MONITOR)
	report(stdout, "> AUTH RPA\n");

    /* Create unicode user name in Nu.              */
    /* Create MD5 digest of user's passphrase in Pu */

    bufp = userid;
    ToUnicode(&bufp, '@', Nu, &Nul, 1);  /* User (lowercase) */
    DigestPassphrase(passphrase, Pu, UNIPASS);

    /* Get + response from server (RPA ready) */

    if ((ok = POP3_rpa_resp(buf,socket)) != 0)
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_MONITOR)
	    report(stdout, "%s\n",buf);


    /* Assemble Token 1 in buf */

    bufp    = buf;
    *bufp++ = HDR;
    LenAppend(&bufp,      17);
    memcpy(bufp, MECH,    11); bufp += 11;
    memcpy(bufp, EARLYVER, 2); bufp += 2;
    memcpy(bufp, LATEVER,  2); bufp += 2;
    memcpy(bufp, FLAGS,    2); bufp += 2;

    /* Send Token 1, receive Token 2 */

    EncBase64(buf, bufp-buf);
#ifndef TESTMODE
    if (outlevel >= O_MONITOR)
	report(stdout, "> %s\n",buf);
    if ((ok = POP3_rpa_resp(buf,socket)) != 0)
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_MONITOR)
	    report(stdout, "%s\n",buf);
    if ((rxlen = DecBase64(buf)) == 0)
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
	    report(stderr, GT_("RPA token 2: Base64 decode error\n"));
    bufp = buf;
    *(buf+rxlen) = 0;  /* Terminates realm list */
    if (LenSkip(&bufp,rxlen) == 0) return(PS_RPA);

    /* Interpret Token 2 */

    verh = (unsigned char)*(bufp++); verl = (unsigned char)*(bufp++);
    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	report(stdout, GT_("Service chose RPA version %d.%d\n"),verh,verl);
    Csl  = (unsigned char)*(bufp++);
    memcpy(Cs, bufp, Csl);
    bufp += Csl;
    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	report(stdout, GT_("Service challenge (l=%d):\n"),Csl);
	for (i=0; i<Csl; i++)
	    report_build(stdout, "%02X ",Cs[i]);
	report_complete(stdout, "\n");
    memcpy(Ts, bufp, Tsl);
    Ts[Tsl] = 0;
    bufp += Tsl;
    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	report(stdout, GT_("Service timestamp %s\n"),Ts);
    rll = (unsigned char)*(bufp++) << 8; rll = rll | (unsigned char)*(bufp++);
    if ((bufp-buf+rll) != rxlen)
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
	    report(stderr, GT_("RPA token 2 length error\n"));
    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	report(stdout, GT_("Realm list: %s\n"),bufp);
    if (SetRealmService(bufp) != 0)
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
	    report(stderr, GT_("RPA error in service@realm string\n"));

    /* Assemble Token 3 in buf */

    bufp      = buf;
    *(bufp++) = HDR;
    LenAppend(&bufp, 11+2+strlen(userid)+1+Cul+1+Rul );
    memcpy(bufp, MECH, 11); bufp += 11;
    *(bufp++) = 0;
    *(bufp++) = strlen(userid);
    memcpy(bufp,userid,strlen(userid)); bufp += strlen(userid);
    *(bufp++) = Cul;
    memcpy(bufp, Cu, Cul);  bufp += Cul;
    *(bufp++) = Rul;
    memcpy(bufp, Ru, Rul);  bufp += Rul;

    /* Send Token 3, receive Token 4 */

#ifndef TESTMODE
    if (outlevel >= O_MONITOR)
	report(stdout, "> %s\n",buf);
    if ((ok = POP3_rpa_resp(buf,socket)) != 0)
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_MONITOR)
	    report(stdout, "%s\n",buf);
    if ((rxlen = DecBase64(buf)) == 0)
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
	    report(stderr, GT_("RPA token 4: Base64 decode error\n"));
    bufp = buf;
    if (LenSkip(&bufp,rxlen) == 0) return(PS_RPA);

    /* Interpret Token 4 */

    aulin = (unsigned char)*(bufp++);
    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	report(stdout, GT_("User authentication (l=%d):\n"),aulin);
	for (i=0; i<aulin; i++)
	    report_build(stdout, "%02X ",bufp[i]);
	report_complete(stdout, "\n");
    if (aulin == Aul) memcpy(Au, bufp, Aul);
    bufp += aulin;
    kuslin = *(bufp++);
    if (kuslin == Kusl) memcpy(Kusu, bufp, Kusl); /* blinded */
    bufp += kuslin;
    if (verh == 3)
	status = *(bufp++);
	if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	    report(stdout, GT_("RPA status: %02X\n"),status);
    else status = 0;
    if ((bufp - buf) != rxlen)
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
	    report(stderr, GT_("RPA token 4 length error\n"));
    if (status != 0)
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT) {
	    if (status < 4) {
		report(stderr, GT_("RPA rejects you: %s\n"),GT_(stdec[status]));
	    } else {
		report(stderr, GT_("RPA rejects you, reason unknown\n"));
    if (Aul != aulin)
	       GT_("RPA User Authentication length error: %d\n"),aulin);
    if (Kusl != kuslin)
	report(stderr, GT_("RPA Session key length error: %d\n"),kuslin);
    if (CheckUserAuth() != 0)
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
	    report(stderr, GT_("RPA _service_ auth fail. Spoof server?\n"));
    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	report(stdout, GT_("Session key established:\n"));
	for (i=0; i<Kusl; i++)
	    report_build(stdout, "%02X ",Kus[i]);
	report_complete(stdout, "\n");

    /* Assemble Token 5 in buf and send (not in ver 2 though)  */
    /* Version 3.0 definitely replies with +OK to this. I have */
    /* no idea what sort of response previous versions gave.   */

    if (verh != 2)
	bufp      = buf;
	*(bufp++) = HDR;
	LenAppend(&bufp, 1 );
	*(bufp++) = 0x42;
#ifndef TESTMODE
	if (outlevel >= O_MONITOR)
	    report(stdout, "> %s\n",buf);
	if ((ok = POP3_rpa_resp(buf,socket)) != 0)
	    if (outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_MONITOR)
		report(stdout, "%s\n",buf);

    if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
	report(stdout, GT_("RPA authorisation complete\n"));


  function:      POP3_rpa_resp
  description:   get the server's response to an RPA action.
                 Return received base64 string if successful
    argbuf       buffer to receive the string.
    socket       socket to which the server is connected.

  return value:  zero if okay, else return code.
  calls:         SockGets
  globals:       reads outlevel.

static int POP3_rpa_resp (char *argbuf, int socket)
    int ok;
    char buf [POPBUFSIZE];
    char *bufp;
    int sockrc;

    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	report(stdout,  GT_("Get response\n"));
#ifndef TESTMODE
    sockrc = gen_recv(socket, buf, sizeof(buf));
    if (linecount == 1) strcpy(buf,line1);
    if (linecount == 2) strcpy(buf,line2);
    if (linecount == 3) strcpy(buf,line3);
/*  report(stdout, "--> "); fflush(stderr);  */
/*  scanf("%s",&buf)                         */
    sockrc = PS_SUCCESS;
    if (sockrc == PS_SUCCESS) {
	bufp = buf;
	if ((*buf) == '+')
/*      if (*bufp == ' ') bufp++; */
	    if (argbuf != NULL)
	else if (strcmp(buf,"-ERR") == 0)
	    ok = PS_ERROR;
	else ok = PS_PROTOCOL;

	ok = PS_SOCKET;
    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	report(stdout,  GT_("Get response return %d [%s]\n"), ok, buf);
    buf[sockrc] = 0;

  function:      LenAppend
  description:   Store token length encoded as per ASN.1 DER rules
                 buffer pointer stepped on appropriately.
                 Copes with numbers up to 32767 at least.
    buf          pointer to buffer to receive result
    len          length value to encode

  return value:  none
  calls:         none
  globals:       none

static void LenAppend(char **pptr_, int len)
    unsigned char **pptr = (unsigned char **)pptr_;

    if (len < 0x80)
	**pptr = len; (*pptr)++;
    else if (len < 0x100)
	**pptr = 0x81; (*pptr)++;
	**pptr = len;  (*pptr)++;
	**pptr = 0x82;       (*pptr)++;
	**pptr = len >> 8;   (*pptr)++;
	**pptr = len & 0xFF; (*pptr)++;

  function:      LenSkip
  description:   Check token header, length, and mechanism, and
                 skip past these.
    pptr         pointer to buffer pointer
    rxlen        number of bytes after base64 decode

  return value:  0 if error, else token length value
  calls:         none
  globals:       reads outlevel.

int LenSkip(char **pptr, int rxlen)
    int len;
    char *save;
    save = *pptr;
    if ((unsigned char)**pptr != HDR)
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
	    report(stderr, GT_("Hdr not 60\n"));
    if (((unsigned char)(**pptr) & 0x80) == 0 )
	len = (unsigned char)**pptr; (*pptr)++;
    else if ((unsigned char)(**pptr) == 0x81)
	len = (unsigned char)*(*pptr+1); (*pptr) += 2;
    else if ((unsigned char)(**pptr) == 0x82)
	len = ((unsigned char)(*(*pptr+1)) << 8) | (unsigned char)*(*pptr+2);
	(*pptr) += 3;
    else len = 0;
    if (len==0)
	if (outlevel>O_SILENT)
	    report(stderr, GT_("Token length error\n"));
    else if (((*pptr-save)+len) != rxlen)
	if (outlevel>O_SILENT)
	    report(stderr, GT_("Token Length %d disagrees with rxlen %d\n"),len,rxlen);
	len = 0;
    else if (memcmp(*pptr,MECH,11))
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
	    report(stderr, GT_("Mechanism field incorrect\n"));
	len = 0;
    else (*pptr) += 11;  /* Skip mechanism field */

  function:      DecBase64
  description:   Decode a Base64 string, overwriting the original.
                 Note that result cannot be longer than input.

    bufp         buffer

  return value:  0 if error, else number of bytes in decoded result
  calls:         none
  globals:       reads outlevel.

static int DecBase64(char *bufp)
    unsigned int   newx, bits=0, cnt=0, i, part=0;
    unsigned char  ch;
    char* outp=bufp;
    char* inp=bufp;
    while((ch=(unsigned char)*(inp++)) != 0)
	if ((ch != '=') && (ch != ' ') && (ch != '\n') && (ch != '\r'))
	    if      ((ch>='A') && (ch <= 'Z'))   newx = ch - 'A';
	    else if ((ch>='a') && (ch <= 'z'))   newx = ch - 'a' + 26;
	    else if ((ch>='0') && (ch <= '9'))   newx = ch - '0' + 52;
	    else if ( ch=='+'                )   newx = 62;
	    else if ( ch=='/'                )   newx = 63;
	    else {
	        report(stderr,  GT_("dec64 error at char %d: %x\n"), (int)(inp - bufp), ch);
	    part=((part & 0x3F)*64) + newx;
	    bits += 6;
	    if (bits >= 8)
		bits -= 8;
		*outp = (part >> bits);
		cnt++; outp++;
    if (outlevel >= O_MONITOR)
	report(stdout, GT_("Inbound binary data:\n"));
	for (i=0; i<cnt; i++)
	    report_build(stdout, "%02X ",(unsigned char)bufp[i]);
	    if (((i % 16)==15) || (i==(cnt-1)))
		report_complete(stdout, "\n");

  function:      EncBase64
  description:   Encode into Base64 string, overwriting the original.
                 Note that result CAN be longer than input, the buffer
                 is assumed to be big enough. Result string is
                 terminated with \0.

    bufp         buffer
    len          number of bytes in buffer (>0)

  return value:  none
  calls:         none
  globals:       reads outlevel;

static void EncBase64(char *bufp, int len)
    char* outp;
    unsigned char  c1,c2,c3;
    char x[]="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
    int  i;

    if (outlevel >= O_MONITOR)
	report(stdout, GT_("Outbound data:\n"));
	for (i=0; i<len; i++)
	    report_build(stdout, "%02X ",(unsigned char)bufp[i]);
	    if (((i % 16)==15) || (i==(len-1)))
		report_complete(stdout, "\n");
    outp = bufp + (((len-1)/3)*4);
    *(outp+4) = 0;
    /* So we can do the update in place, start at the far end! */
    for (i=((len-1)/3)*3; i>=0; i-=3)
	c1 = (unsigned char)bufp[i];
	if ((i+1) < len) c2 = (unsigned char)bufp[i+1]; else c2=0;
	if ((i+2) < len) c3 = (unsigned char)bufp[i+2]; else c3=0;
	*(outp) = x[c1/4];
	*(outp+1) = x[((c1 & 3)*16) + (c2/16)];
	if ((i+1) < len) *(outp+2) = x[((c2 & 0x0F)*4) + (c3/64)];
	else *(outp+2) = '=';
	if ((i+2) < len) *(outp+3) = x[c3 & 0x3F];
	else *(outp+3) = '=';
	outp -= 4;

  function:      ToUnicode
  description:   Convert ASCII (or iso-8859-1) byte string into
                 Unicode. Ensure length isn't too long (STRMAX).

    pptr         pointer to input buffer
    delim        delimiter character (in addition to \0)
    buf          buffer where Unicode will go
    plen         pointer to length variable (# bytes output)
    conv         1 to convert to lowercase, 0 leaves alone

  return value:  none
  calls:         none
  globals:       reads outlevel;

static void ToUnicode(char **pptr /* input string*/,
	char delim, unsigned char *buf /* output buffer */,
	int *plen, int conv)
    unsigned char *p;
    int i;
    *plen = 0; p=buf;
    while ( ((**pptr)!=delim) && ((**pptr)!=0) && ((*plen)<STRMAX) )
	*(p++) = 0;
	if (conv)
	    *(p++) = tolower((unsigned char)**pptr);
	    *(p++) = (**pptr);
	(*plen) += 2;
    if ( ((**pptr)!=delim) && ((**pptr)!=0) && ((*plen)==STRMAX) )
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
	    report(stderr, GT_("RPA String too long\n"));
	*plen = 0;
    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	report(stdout, GT_("Unicode:\n"));
	for (i=0; i<(*plen); i++)
	    report_build(stdout, "%02X ",buf[i]);
	    if (((i % 16)==15) || (i==((*plen)-1)))
		report_complete(stdout, "\n");

  function:      SetRealmService
  description:   Select a realm from list, and store it.

    bufp         pointer to buffer

  return value:  none
  calls:         none
  globals:       reads outlevel.
                 writes Ns Nsl Nr Nrl

static int SetRealmService(char *bufp)
    /* For the moment we pick the first available realm. It would */
    /* make more sense to verify that the realm which the user    */
    /* has given (as part of id) is in the list, and select it's  */
    /* corresponding service name.                                */
    ToUnicode(&bufp, '@', Ns, &Nsl, 1);  /* Service    */
    bufp++;                              /* Skip the @ */
    ToUnicode(&bufp, ' ', Nr, &Nrl, 1);  /* Realm name */
    if ((Nrl == 0) || (Nsl == 0))

  function:      GenChallenge
  description:   Generate a random User challenge

    buf          pointer to buffer
    len          length in bytes

  return value:  none
  calls:         none
  globals:       reads outlevel.
                 reads /dev/random

static void GenChallenge(unsigned char *buf, int len)
    int  i;
    FILE *devrandom;

    devrandom = fopen("/dev/urandom","rb");
    if (devrandom == NULL && outlevel > O_SILENT)
	report(stdout, GT_("RPA Failed open of /dev/urandom. This shouldn't\n"));
	report(stdout, GT_("    prevent you logging in, but means you\n"));
	report(stdout, GT_("    cannot be sure you are talking to the\n"));
	report(stdout, GT_("    service that you think you are (replay\n"));
	report(stdout, GT_("    attacks by a dishonest service are possible.)\n"));

    for(i=0; i<len; i++)
	buf[i] = devrandom ? fgetc(devrandom) : random();

    if (devrandom)
	fclose(devrandom);	/* should be safe, file mode was "r" */

    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	report(stdout, GT_("User challenge:\n"));
	for (i=0; i<len; i++)
	  report_build(stdout, "%02X ",buf[i]);
	  if (((i % 16)==15) || (i==(len-1)))
	    report_complete(stdout, "\n");

  function:      DigestPassphrase
  description:   Use MD5 to compute digest (Pu) of Passphrase
                 Don't map to lower case. We assume the user is
                 aware of the case requirement of the realm.
                 (Why oh why have options in the spec?!)
    passphrase   buffer containing string, \0 terminated
    rbuf         buffer into which digest goes

  return value:  0 if ok, else error code
  calls:         md5
  globals:       reads authentication items listed above.
                 writes Pu.

static int DigestPassphrase(char *passphrase,unsigned char *rbuf,
	int unicodeit)
    int   len;
    unsigned char  workarea[STRMAX];
    char* ptr;

    if (unicodeit)  /* Option in spec. Yuck. */
	ptr = passphrase;
	ToUnicode(&ptr, '\0', workarea, &len, 0); /* No case conv here */
	if (len == 0)

  function:      CompUserResp
  description:   Use MD5 to compute User Response (Ru) from
                 Pu Z(48) Nu Ns Nr Cu Cs Ts Pu

  arguments:     none

  return value:  none
  calls:         MD5
  globals:       reads authentication items listed above.
                 writes Ru.

static void CompUserResp(void)
    unsigned char  workarea[Pul+48+STRMAX*5+Tsl+Pul];
    unsigned char* p;
    p = workarea;
    memcpy(p , Pu,  Pul); p += Pul;
    memset(p , '\0', 48); p += 48;
    memcpy(p , Nu,  Nul); p += Nul;
    memcpy(p , Ns,  Nsl); p += Nsl;
    memcpy(p , Nr,  Nrl); p += Nrl;
    memcpy(p , Cu,  Cul); p += Cul;
    memcpy(p , Cs,  Csl); p += Csl;
    memcpy(p , Ts,  Tsl); p += Tsl;
    memcpy(p , Pu,  Pul); p += Pul;

  function:      CheckUserAuth
  description:   Use MD5 to verify Authentication Response to User (Au)
                 using  Pu Z(48) Ns Nu Nr Kusu Cs Cu Ts Kus Pu
                 Also creates unobscured session key Kus from obscured
                 one Kusu

  arguments:     none

  return value:  0 if ok, PS_RPA if mismatch
  calls:         MD5
  globals:       reads authentication items listed above.
                 writes Ru.

static int CheckUserAuth(void)
    unsigned char  workarea[Pul+48+STRMAX*7+Tsl+Pul];
    unsigned char* p;
    unsigned char  md5ans[16];
    int i;
    /* Create unobscured Kusu */
    p = workarea;
    memcpy(p , Pu,  Pul); p += Pul;
    memset(p , '\0', 48); p += 48;
    memcpy(p , Ns,  Nsl); p += Nsl;
    memcpy(p , Nu,  Nul); p += Nul;
    memcpy(p , Nr,  Nrl); p += Nrl;
    memcpy(p , Cs,  Csl); p += Csl;
    memcpy(p , Cu,  Cul); p += Cul;
    memcpy(p , Ts,  Tsl); p += Tsl;
    memcpy(p , Pu,  Pul); p += Pul;
    for (i=0; i<16; i++) Kus[i] = Kusu[i] ^ md5ans[i];
    /* Compute Au from our information */
    p = workarea;
    memcpy(p , Pu,  Pul); p += Pul;
    memset(p , '\0', 48); p += 48;
    memcpy(p , Ns,  Nsl); p += Nsl;
    memcpy(p , Nu,  Nul); p += Nul;
    memcpy(p , Nr,  Nrl); p += Nrl;
    memcpy(p , Kusu,Kusl);p += Kusl;
    memcpy(p , Cs,  Csl); p += Csl;
    memcpy(p , Cu,  Cul); p += Cul;
    memcpy(p , Ts,  Tsl); p += Tsl;
    memcpy(p , Kus, Kusl);p += Kusl;
    memcpy(p , Pu,  Pul); p += Pul;
    /* Compare the two */
    for (i=0; i<16; i++)
	if (Au[i] != md5ans[i]) return(PS_RPA);

  function:      md5
  description:   Apply MD5
    in           input byte stream
    len          length in bytes
    out          128 bit result buffer
  return value:  none
  calls:         MD5 primitives
  globals:       reads outlevel

static void md5(const void *in_,int len,unsigned char *out)
    int      i;
    MD5_CTX  md5context;
    const unsigned char *in = (const unsigned char *)in_;

    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	report(stdout, GT_("MD5 being applied to data block:\n"));
	for (i=0; i<len; i++)
	    report_build(stdout, "%02X ",in[i]);
	    if (((i % 16)==15) || (i==(len-1)))
		report_complete(stdout, "\n");
    MD5Init(   &md5context );
    MD5Update( &md5context, in, len );
    MD5Final(  out, &md5context );
    if (outlevel >= O_DEBUG)
	report(stdout, GT_("MD5 result is:\n"));
	for (i=0; i<16; i++)
	    report_build(stdout, "%02X ",out[i]);
	report_complete(stdout, "\n");
#endif /* POP3_ENABLE && RPA_ENABLE */

/* rpa.c ends here */