path: root/po/tr.po
diff options
authorMatthias Andree <matthias.andree@gmx.de>2009-08-05 17:32:31 +0000
committerMatthias Andree <matthias.andree@gmx.de>2009-08-05 17:32:31 +0000
commit3341cc4c85b751239db0fd9f3800f71a16d6cdc9 (patch)
treed0ba43bdd0785b203c93562c81a0a3e9b13f5f20 /po/tr.po
parent4258e29cb74d684adfb655ac515fc6834d2e140a (diff)
Add fetchmail-SA-2009-01.txt and hook it to the tarball.
Note that the subjectAltName part of the patch is untested. svn path=/branches/BRANCH_6-3/; revision=5392
Diffstat (limited to 'po/tr.po')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
a> 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171

 * rcfile_l.l -- lexer for the run control file
 * For license terms, see the file COPYING in this directory.
#include <string.h>

#include "config.h"
#include "fetchmail.h"
#include "rcfile_y.h"

int prc_lineno = 1;

/* this doesn't work with Linux lex, see the INSTALL file */
%o 6000
%a 4000
%p 3000


set		{ return SET; }
logfile		{ return LOGFILE; }
daemon		{ return DAEMON; }
syslog		{ return SYSLOG; }
invisible	{ return INVISIBLE; }

defaults 	{ return DEFAULTS; }
server 		{ return POLL; }
poll		{ return POLL; }
skip		{ return SKIP; }
via		{ return VIA; }
aka		{ return AKA; }
local(domains)	{ return LOCALDOMAINS; }
proto(col)? 	{ return PROTOCOL; }
port		{ return PORT; }
interval	{ return INTERVAL; }
auth(enticate)?	{ return AUTHENTICATE; }
kerberos_v4	{ return KERBEROS4; }
kerberos	{ return KERBEROS4; }
timeout		{ return TIMEOUT;}
envelope	{ return ENVELOPE; }
qvirtual	{ return QVIRTUAL; }

user(name)?	{ return USERNAME; }
pass(word)?	{ return PASSWORD; }
folder(s)? 	{ return FOLDER; }
smtp(host)?	{ return SMTPHOST; }
mda		{ return MDA; }
pre(connect)?	{ return PRECONNECT; }
post(connect)?	{ return POSTCONNECT; }
interface	{ return INTERFACE; }
monitor		{ return MONITOR; }
batchlimit	{ return BATCHLIMIT; }
fetchlimit	{ return FETCHLIMIT; }
expunge		{ return EXPUNGE; }

is		{ return IS; }
here		{ return HERE; }
there		{ return THERE; }
to		{ return TO; }
=		{ return MAP; }
"*"		{ return WILDCARD; }

no/[kfrsdu \t].*	{ return NO;}

keep		{ return KEEP; }
flush		{ return FLUSH; }
fetchall	{ return FETCHALL; }
rewrite		{ return REWRITE; }
forcecr		{ return FORCECR; }
stripcr		{ return STRIPCR; }
pass8(bits)?	{ return PASS8BITS; }
dropstatus?	{ return DROPSTATUS; }
dns		{ return DNS; }
uidl		{ return UIDL; }

limit		{ return LIMIT; }

with		{/* EMPTY */}
and		{/* EMPTY */}
has		{/* EMPTY */}
wants		{/* EMPTY */}
options		{/* EMPTY */}
[;:,]		{/* EMPTY */}

(auto)|(AUTO)	{ yylval.proto = P_AUTO;  return PROTO; }
(pop2)|(POP2)	{ yylval.proto = P_POP2;  return PROTO; }
(pop3)|(POP3)	{ yylval.proto = P_POP3;  return PROTO; }
(imap-k4)|(IMAP-K4)   { yylval.proto = P_IMAP_K4;  return PROTO; }
(imap)|(IMAP)	{ yylval.proto = P_IMAP;  return PROTO; }
(apop)|(APOP)   { yylval.proto = P_APOP;  return PROTO; }
(etrn)|(ETRN)   { yylval.proto = P_ETRN;  return PROTO; }
(kpop)|(KPOP)	{ return KPOP; }

remote(folder)? {
			"fetchmail: `remote' keyword is gone, use `folder'\n");

(#.*)?\\?\n	{ prc_lineno++;	}   /* newline is ignored */

[0-9]+		{ yylval.number = atoi(yytext); return NUMBER; }

\"[^\"]*\"	{
			char buf[POPBUFSIZE];

			yytext[strlen(yytext)-1] = '\0';
			escapes(yytext+1, buf);
			yylval.sval = (char *) xstrdup(buf);
			return STRING;
[^=;:, \t\r\n]+	{
			char buf[POPBUFSIZE];

			escapes(yytext, buf);
			yylval.sval = (char *) xstrdup(buf);
			return STRING;

[ \t\r]+	;	/* whitespace */


void escapes(cp, tp)
/* process standard C-style escape sequences in a string */
const char	*cp;	/* source string with escapes */
char		*tp;	/* target buffer for digested string */
    while (*cp)
	int	cval = 0;

	if (*cp == '\\' && strchr("0123456789xX", cp[1]))
	    char *dp, *hex = "00112233445566778899aAbBcCdDeEfF";
	    int dcount = 0;

	    if (*++cp == 'x' || *cp == 'X')
		for (++cp; (dp = strchr(hex, *cp)) && (dcount++ < 2); cp++)
		    cval = (cval * 16) + (dp - hex) / 2;
	    else if (*cp == '0')
		while (strchr("01234567",*cp) != (char*)NULL && (dcount++ < 3))
		    cval = (cval * 8) + (*cp++ - '0');
		while ((strchr("0123456789",*cp)!=(char*)NULL)&&(dcount++ < 3))
		    cval = (cval * 10) + (*cp++ - '0');
	else if (*cp == '\\')		/* C-style character escapes */
	    switch (*++cp)
	    case '\\': cval = '\\'; break;
	    case 'n': cval = '\n'; break;
	    case 't': cval = '\t'; break;
	    case 'b': cval = '\b'; break;
	    case 'r': cval = '\r'; break;
	    default: cval = *cp;
	    cval = *cp++;
	*tp++ = cval;
    *tp = '\0';