path: root/driver.c
blob: d3f191ab6e69ef1165358f69c5a7e1957e51430d (plain)
151pre { line-height: 125%; }
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.highlight .hll { background-color: #ffffcc }
.highlight .c { color: #888888 } /* Comment */
.highlight .err { color: #a61717; background-color: #e3d2d2 } /* Error */
.highlight .k { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword */
.highlight .ch { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Hashbang */
.highlight .cm { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Multiline */
.highlight .cp { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold } /* Comment.Preproc */
.highlight .cpf { color: #888888 } /* Comment.PreprocFile */
.highlight .c1 { color: #888888 } /* Comment.Single */
.highlight .cs { color: #cc0000; font-weight: bold; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Comment.Special */
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.highlight .gr { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Error */
.highlight .gh { color: #333333 } /* Generic.Heading */
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.highlight .gt { color: #aa0000 } /* Generic.Traceback */
.highlight .kc { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Constant */
.highlight .kd { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Declaration */
.highlight .kn { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Namespace */
.highlight .kp { color: #008800 } /* Keyword.Pseudo */
.highlight .kr { color: #008800; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Reserved */
.highlight .kt { color: #888888; font-weight: bold } /* Keyword.Type */
.highlight .m { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number */
.highlight .s { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String */
.highlight .na { color: #336699 } /* Name.Attribute */
.highlight .nb { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin */
.highlight .nc { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Class */
.highlight .no { color: #003366; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Constant */
.highlight .nd { color: #555555 } /* Name.Decorator */
.highlight .ne { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Exception */
.highlight .nf { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function */
.highlight .nl { color: #336699; font-style: italic } /* Name.Label */
.highlight .nn { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Namespace */
.highlight .py { color: #336699; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Property */
.highlight .nt { color: #bb0066; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Tag */
.highlight .nv { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable */
.highlight .ow { color: #008800 } /* Operator.Word */
.highlight .w { color: #bbbbbb } /* Text.Whitespace */
.highlight .mb { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Bin */
.highlight .mf { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Float */
.highlight .mh { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Hex */
.highlight .mi { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer */
.highlight .mo { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Oct */
.highlight .sa { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Affix */
.highlight .sb { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Backtick */
.highlight .sc { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Char */
.highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */
.highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */
.highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */
.highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */
.highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */
.highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */
.highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */
.highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */
.highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */
.highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */
.highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */
.highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */
.highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */
.highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
.highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
.highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
<refentry id='rpm2lsm.1'>
<refnamediv id='name'>
<refpurpose>generate Linux Software Map entries from RPMs</refpurpose>
<refsynopsisdiv id='synopsis'>

  <arg choice='opt'>-a <replaceable>author</replaceable></arg>
  <arg choice='opt'>-k <replaceable>keywords</replaceable></arg>
  <arg choice='opt'>-p <replaceable>platforms</replaceable></arg>
  <arg choice='opt'>-m <replaceable>maintainer</replaceable></arg>
  <arg choice='plain'><replaceable>rpmfile</replaceable></arg>


<refsect1 id='description'><title>DESCRIPTION</title>
<para>This tool extracts tag information from an RPM file to generate a
Linux Software Map (version 3) entry on standard output.  Command-line
switches support adding LSM fields that have no equivalents in RPMs.
Here are the field-generation rules:</para>
<variablelist remap='TP'>
<para>Taken straight from the RPM Name field.</para>
<para>Taken straight from the RPM Version field.</para>
<para>LSM-generation time in YYYY-MM-DD format.</para>
<para>Taken straight from the RPM Description field.</para>
<para>Taken from the value of the <option>-k</option> command-line option.
If no such option is given, it is omitted.</para>
<para>Taken from the value of the <option>-a</option> command-line
option.  If no such option is given, it looks for an AUTHORS file in
the current directory (GNU convention) and uses that.  If no AUTHORS
file is present, your email addess and full name from the password
<para>Taken from the value of the <option>-m</option> command-line
option.  If that was not given, taken from the RPM Packager field.  
If that was not given, fill in the Author name.</para>
<para>The first (site) line is taken from the RPM URL field.  Second
and subsequent lines list tarballs and RPMs that match on name, version
number, and release number with the RPM algument.  For each file,
size in 1K blocks is filled in.
<para>This field is not generated.</para>
<para>This field is not generated.</para>
<para>Taken from the value of the <option>-p</option> command-line option.
If no such option is given, 'All' is filled in.</para>
<para>Taken straight from the RPM License field.</para>

<para>These are all the fields supported in LSM version 3.  You can see the 
<ulink url='http://ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/LSM-TEMPLATE'>
LSM template
for full details.</para>

<refsect1 id='author'><title>AUTHOR</title>
<para>Eric S. Raymond <email>esr@thyrsus.com</email>.
For updates, see <ulink url="http://www.catb.org/~esr/software.html">

<refsect1 id='see_also'><title>SEE ALSO</title>
9 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 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1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 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2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 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 * driver.c -- generic driver for mail fetch method protocols
 * Copyright 1997 by Eric S. Raymond
 * For license terms, see the file COPYING in this directory.

#include  "config.h"
#include  <stdio.h>
#include  <setjmp.h>
#include  <errno.h>
#include  <ctype.h>
#include  <string.h>
#include  <memory.h>
#endif /* HAVE_MEMORY_H */
#if defined(STDC_HEADERS)
#include  <stdlib.h>
#if defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H)
#include <unistd.h>
#if defined(HAVE_STDARG_H)
#include  <stdarg.h>
#include  <varargs.h>
#if defined(HAVE_ALLOCA_H)
#include <alloca.h>
#ifdef _AIX
 #pragma alloca
#if defined(HAVE_SYS_ITIMER_H)
#include <sys/itimer.h>
#include  <sys/time.h>
#include  <signal.h>

#ifndef HAVE_STRFTIME /* For ctime prototype */
#include  <sys/types.h>
#include  <time.h>

#include <netdb.h>
#include "mx.h"

#ifdef KERBEROS_V4
#if defined (__bsdi__)
#include <des.h> /* order of includes matters */
#include <krb.h>
#define krb_get_err_text(e) (krb_err_txt[e])
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__linux__)
#define krb_get_err_text(e) (krb_err_txt[e])
#include <krb.h>
#include <des.h>
#include <krb.h>
#include <des.h>
#endif /* ! defined (__FreeBSD__) */
#endif /* ! defined (__bsdi__) */
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#endif /* KERBEROS_V4 */
#ifdef KERBEROS_V5
#include <krb5.h>
#include <com_err.h>
#endif /* KEREROS_V5 */

#include  "fetchmail.h"
#include  "socket.h"
#include  "smtp.h"

/* BSD portability hack...I know, this is an ugly place to put it */
#if !defined(SIGCHLD) && defined(SIGCLD)

#if INET6
#define	SMTP_PORT	"smtp"	/* standard SMTP service port */
#else /* INET6 */
#define	SMTP_PORT	25	/* standard SMTP service port */
#endif /* INET6 */

#ifndef strstr		/* glibc-2.1 declares this as a macro */
extern char *strstr();	/* needed on sysV68 R3V7.1. */
#endif /* strstr */

int fetchlimit;		/* how often to tear down the server connection */
int batchcount;		/* count of messages sent in current batch */
flag peek_capable;	/* can we peek for better error recovery? */
int pass;		/* how many times have we re-polled? */

static const struct method *protocol;
static jmp_buf	restart;

char tag[TAGLEN];
static int tagnum;
#define GENSYM	(sprintf(tag, "A%04d", ++tagnum % TAGMOD), tag)

static char shroud[PASSWORDLEN];	/* string to shroud in debug output */
static int mytimeout;			/* value of nonreponse timeout */
static int msglen;			/* actual message length */
static int mimemsg;			/* bitmask indicating MIME body-type */

/* use these to track what was happening when the nonresponse timer fired */
#define GENERAL_WAIT	0	/* unknown wait type */
#define SERVER_WAIT	1	/* waiting for mailserver response */
#define LISTENER_WAIT	2	/* waiting for listener initialization */
#define FORWARDING_WAIT	3	/* waiting for listener response */
static phase;

static void set_timeout(int timeleft)
/* reset the nonresponse-timeout */
#ifndef __EMX__
    struct itimerval ntimeout;

    ntimeout.it_interval.tv_sec = ntimeout.it_interval.tv_usec = 0;
    ntimeout.it_value.tv_sec  = timeleft;
    ntimeout.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
    setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &ntimeout, (struct itimerval *)NULL);

static void timeout_handler (int signal)
/* handle server-timeout SIGALRM signal */
    longjmp(restart, 1);

#define XMIT_ACCEPT		1
#define XMIT_REJECT		2
#define XMIT_ANTISPAM		3	
static int accept_count, reject_count;

#define MX_RETRIES	3

static int is_host_alias(const char *name, struct query *ctl)
/* determine whether name is a DNS alias of the hostname */
    struct hostent	*he;
    struct mxentry	*mxp, *mxrecords;

    struct hostdata *lead_server = 
	ctl->server.lead_server ? ctl->server.lead_server : &ctl->server;

     * The first two checks are optimizations that will catch a good
     * many cases.
     * (1) check against the `true name' deduced from the poll label
     * and the via option (if present) at the beginning of the poll cycle.  
     * Odds are good this will either be the mailserver's FQDN or a suffix of
     * it with the mailserver's domain's default host name omitted.
     * (2) Then check the rest of the `also known as'
     * cache accumulated by previous DNS checks.  This cache is primed
     * by the aka list option.
     * Any of these on a mail address is definitive.  Only if the
     * name doesn't match any is it time to call the bind library.
     * If this happens odds are good we're looking at an MX name.
    if (strcasecmp(lead_server->truename, name) == 0)
    else if (str_in_list(&lead_server->akalist, name, TRUE))
    else if (!ctl->server.dns)

     * The only code that calls the BIND library is here and in the
     * start-of-query probe with gethostbyname(3).
     * We know DNS service was up at the beginning of this poll cycle.
     * If it's down, our nameserver has crashed.  We don't want to try
     * delivering the current message or anything else from this
     * mailbox until it's back up.
    else if ((he = gethostbyname(name)) != (struct hostent *)NULL)
	if (strcasecmp(ctl->server.truename, he->h_name) == 0)
	    goto match;
	switch (h_errno)
	case HOST_NOT_FOUND:	/* specified host is unknown */
	case NO_ADDRESS:	/* valid, but does not have an IP address */

	case NO_RECOVERY:	/* non-recoverable name server error */
	case TRY_AGAIN:		/* temporary error on authoritative server */
	    if (outlevel != O_SILENT)
		putchar('\n');	/* terminate the progress message */
	    error(0, 0,
		"nameserver failure while looking for `%s' during poll of %s.",
		name, ctl->server.pollname);

     * We're only here if DNS was OK but the gethostbyname() failed
     * with a HOST_NOT_FOUND or NO_ADDRESS error.
     * Search for a name match on MX records pointing to the server.
    h_errno = 0;
    if ((mxrecords = getmxrecords(name)) == (struct mxentry *)NULL)
	switch (h_errno)
	case HOST_NOT_FOUND:	/* specified host is unknown */
	case NO_ADDRESS:	/* valid, but does not have an IP address */

	case NO_RECOVERY:	/* non-recoverable name server error */
	case TRY_AGAIN:		/* temporary error on authoritative server */
	    error(0, -1,
		"nameserver failure while looking for `%s' during poll of %s.",
		name, ctl->server.pollname);
	for (mxp = mxrecords; mxp->name; mxp++)
	    if (strcasecmp(ctl->server.truename, mxp->name) == 0)
		goto match;

    /* add this name to relevant server's `also known as' list */
    save_str(&lead_server->akalist, name, 0);
#endif /* HAVE_RES_SEARCH */

static void map_name(name, ctl, xmit_names)
/* add given name to xmit_names if it matches declared localnames */
const char *name;		/* name to map */
struct query *ctl;		/* list of permissible aliases */
struct idlist **xmit_names;	/* list of recipient names parsed out */
    const char	*lname;
    int sl;
    int off = 0;
    lname = idpair_find(&ctl->localnames, name);
    if (!lname && ctl->wildcard)
	lname = name;

    if (lname != (char *)NULL)
         * If the name of the user begins with a 
         * qmail virtual domain prefix, remove
         * the prefix
	if (ctl->server.qvirtual)
	   if (!strncasecmp(lname,ctl->server.qvirtual,sl)) off=sl; 
	if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
	    error(0, 0, "mapped %s to local %s", name, lname+off);
	save_str(xmit_names, lname+off, XMIT_ACCEPT);

void find_server_names(hdr, ctl, xmit_names)
/* parse names out of a RFC822 header into an ID list */
const char *hdr;		/* RFC822 header in question */
struct query *ctl;		/* list of permissible aliases */
struct idlist **xmit_names;	/* list of recipient names parsed out */
    if (hdr == (char *)NULL)
	char	*cp;

	for (cp = nxtaddr(hdr);
	     cp != NULL;
	     cp = nxtaddr(NULL))
	    char	*atsign;

	    if ((atsign = strchr(cp, '@'))) {
		struct idlist	*idp;

		 * Does a trailing segment of the hostname match something
		 * on the localdomains list?  If so, save the whole name
		 * and keep going.
		for (idp = ctl->server.localdomains; idp; idp = idp->next) {
		    char	*rhs;

		    rhs = atsign + (strlen(atsign) - strlen(idp->id));
		    if (rhs > atsign &&
			(rhs[-1] == '.' || rhs[-1] == '@') &&
			strcasecmp(rhs, idp->id) == 0)
			if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
			    error(0, 0, "passed through %s matching %s", 
				  cp, idp->id);
			save_str(xmit_names, cp, XMIT_ACCEPT);
		/* if we matched a local domain, idp != NULL */
		if (idp) continue;

		 * Check to see if the right-hand part is an alias
		 * or MX equivalent of the mailserver.  If it's
		 * not, skip this name.  If it is, we'll keep
		 * going and try to find a mapping to a client name.
		if (!is_host_alias(atsign+1, ctl))
		    save_str(xmit_names, cp, XMIT_REJECT);
		atsign[0] = '\0';

	    map_name(cp, ctl, xmit_names);

static char *parse_received(struct query *ctl, char *bufp)
/* try to extract real address from the Received line */
/* If a valid Received: line is found, we return the full address in
 * a buffer wich can be parsed from nxtaddr().  This is to ansure that
 * the local domain part of the address can be passed along in 
 * find_server_names() if it contains one.
 * Note: We should return a dummy header containing the address 
 * which makes nxtaddr() behave correctly. 
    char *ok = (char *)NULL;
    static char rbuf[HOSTLEN + USERNAMELEN + 4]; 

     * Try to extract the real envelope addressee.  We look here
     * specifically for the mailserver's Received line.
     * Note: this will only work for sendmail, or an MTA that
     * shares sendmail's convention for embedding the envelope
     * address in the Received line.  Sendmail itself only
     * does this when the mail has a single recipient.
    if ((ok = strstr(bufp, "by ")) && isspace(ok[-1]))
	char	*sp, *tp;

	/* extract space-delimited token after "by " */
	for (sp = ok + 3; isspace(*sp); sp++)
	tp = rbuf;
	for (; !isspace(*sp); sp++)
	    *tp++ = *sp;
	*tp = '\0';

	 * If it's a DNS name of the mail server, look for the
	 * recipient name after a following "for".  Otherwise
	 * punt.
	if (is_host_alias(rbuf, ctl) &&
	    (ok = strstr(sp, "for ")) && 
	    tp = rbuf;
	    sp = ok + 4;
	    *tp++ = ':';	/* Here is the hack.  This is to be friend */
	    *tp++ = ' ';	/* with nxtaddr()... */
	    if (*sp == '<')
	    while (*sp == '@')		/* skip routes */
		while (*sp && *sp++ != ':')
	    while (*sp && *sp != '>' && *sp != ';')
		if (!isspace(*sp))
		    *tp++ = *sp++;
		    /* uh oh -- whitespace here can't be right! */
		    ok = (char *)NULL;
	    *tp++ = '\n';
	    *tp = '\0';
	    if (strlen(rbuf) <= 3)	/* apparently nothing has been found */
		ok = NULL;
	} else
	    ok = (char *)NULL;

    if (!ok)
	if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE) {
	    char *lf = rbuf + strlen(rbuf)-1;
	    *lf = '\0';
	    error(0, 0, "found Received address `%s'", rbuf+2);
	    *lf = '\n';

static int smtp_open(struct query *ctl)
/* try to open a socket to the appropriate SMTP server for this query */ 
    /* maybe it's time to close the socket in order to force delivery */
    if (NUM_NONZERO(ctl->batchlimit) && (ctl->smtp_socket != -1) && batchcount++ == ctl->batchlimit)
	ctl->smtp_socket = -1;
	batchcount = 0;

    /* if no socket to any SMTP host is already set up, try to open one */
    if (ctl->smtp_socket == -1) 
	 * RFC 1123 requires that the domain name in HELO address is a
	 * "valid principal domain name" for the client host. If we're
	 * running in invisible mode, violate this with malice
	 * aforethought in order to make the Received headers and
	 * logging look right.
	 * In fact this code relies on the RFC1123 requirement that the
	 * SMTP listener must accept messages even if verification of the
	 * HELO name fails (RFC1123 section 5.2.5, paragraph 2).
	 * How we compute the true mailhost name to pass to the
	 * listener doesn't affect behavior on RFC1123- violating
	 * listener that check for name match; we're going to lose
	 * on those anyway because we can never give them a name
	 * that matches the local machine fetchmail is running on.
	 * What it will affect is the listener's logging.
	struct idlist	*idp;
	char *id_me = use_invisible ? ctl->server.truename : fetchmailhost;
	int oldphase = phase;

	errno = 0;

	 * Run down the SMTP hunt list looking for a server that's up.
	 * Use both explicit hunt entries (value TRUE) and implicit 
	 * (default) ones (value FALSE).
	oldphase = phase;

	for (idp = ctl->smtphunt; idp; idp = idp->next)
	    char	*cp, *parsed_host = alloca(strlen(idp->id) + 1);
#ifdef INET6 
	    char	*portnum = SMTP_PORT;
	    int		portnum = SMTP_PORT;
#endif /* INET6 */

	    ctl->smtphost = idp->id;  /* remember last host tried. */

	    strcpy(parsed_host, idp->id);
	    if ((cp = strrchr(parsed_host, '/')))
		*cp++ = 0;
#ifdef INET6 
		portnum = cp;
		portnum = atoi(cp);
#endif /* INET6 */

	    if ((ctl->smtp_socket = SockOpen(parsed_host,portnum,NULL)) == -1)

	    /* first, probe for ESMTP */
	    if (SMTP_ok(ctl->smtp_socket) == SM_OK &&
		    SMTP_ehlo(ctl->smtp_socket, id_me,
			  &ctl->server.esmtp_options) == SM_OK)
	       break;  /* success */

	     * RFC 1869 warns that some listeners hang up on a failed EHLO,
	     * so it's safest not to assume the socket will still be good.
	    ctl->smtp_socket = -1;

	    /* if opening for ESMTP failed, try SMTP */
	    if ((ctl->smtp_socket = SockOpen(parsed_host,portnum,NULL)) == -1)

	    if (SMTP_ok(ctl->smtp_socket) == SM_OK && 
		    SMTP_helo(ctl->smtp_socket, id_me) == SM_OK)
		break;  /* success */

	    ctl->smtp_socket = -1;
	phase = oldphase;

    if (outlevel >= O_VERBOSE && ctl->smtp_socket != -1)
	error(0, 0, "forwarding to %s", ctl->smtphost);


/* these are shared by stuffline, readheaders and readbody */
static FILE *sinkfp;
static RETSIGTYPE (*sigchld)();
static int sizeticker;

static int stuffline(struct query *ctl, char *buf)
/* ship a line to the given control block's output sink (SMTP server or MDA) */
    int	n, oldphase;
    char *last;

    /* The line may contain NUL characters. Find the last char to use
     * -- the real line termination is the sequence "\n\0".
    last = buf;
    while ((last += strlen(last)) && (last[-1] != '\n'))

    /* fix message lines that have only \n termination (for qmail) */
    if (ctl->forcecr)
        if (last - 1 == buf || last[-2] != '\r')
	    last[-1] = '\r';
	    *last++  = '\n';
	    *last    = '\0';

    oldphase = phase;
    phase = FORWARDING_WAIT;

     * SMTP byte-stuffing.  We only do this if the protocol does *not*
     * use .<CR><LF> as EOM.  If it does, the server will already have
     * decorated any . lines it sends back up.
    if (*buf == '.')
	if (protocol->delimited)	/* server has already byte-stuffed */
	    if (ctl->mda)
		/* writing to SMTP, leave the byte-stuffing in place */;
        else /* if (!protocol->delimited)	-- not byte-stuffed already */
	    if (!ctl->mda)
		SockWrite(ctl->smtp_socket, buf, 1);	/* byte-stuff it */
		/* leave it alone */;

    /* we may need to strip carriage returns */
    if (ctl->stripcr)
	char	*sp, *tp;

	for (sp = tp = buf; sp < last; sp++)
	    if (*sp != '\r')
		*tp++ =  *sp;
	*tp = '\0';
        last = tp;

    n = 0;
    if (ctl->mda)
	n = fwrite(buf, 1, last - buf, sinkfp);
    else if (ctl->smtp_socket != -1)
	n = SockWrite(ctl->smtp_socket, buf, last - buf);

    phase = oldphase;


#define EMPTYLINE(s)	((s)[0] == '\r' && (s)[1] == '\n' && (s)[2] == '\0')

static int readheaders(sock, fetchlen, reallen, ctl, num)
/* read message headers and ship to SMTP or MDA */
int sock;		/* to which the server is connected */
long fetchlen;		/* length of message according to fetch response */
long reallen;		/* length of message according to getsizes */
struct query *ctl;	/* query control record */
int num;		/* index of message */
    struct addrblk
	int		offset;
	struct addrblk	*next;
    struct addrblk	*to_addrchain = NULL;
    struct addrblk	**to_chainptr = &to_addrchain;
    struct addrblk	*resent_to_addrchain = NULL;
    struct addrblk	**resent_to_chainptr = &resent_to_addrchain;

    char		buf[MSGBUFSIZE+1];
    char		return_path[HOSTLEN + USERNAMELEN + 4]; 
    int			from_offs, reply_to_offs, resent_from_offs;
    int			app_from_offs, sender_offs, resent_sender_offs;
    int			env_offs;
    char		*headers, *received_for, *destaddr, *rcv, *cp;
    int 		n, linelen, oldlen, ch, remaining, skipcount;
    struct idlist 	*idp, *xmit_names;
    flag		good_addresses, bad_addresses, has_nuls;
    flag		no_local_matches = FALSE;
    flag		headers_ok;
    int			olderrs;

    sizeticker = 0;
    has_nuls = headers_ok = FALSE;
    return_path[0] = '\0';
    olderrs = ctl->errcount;

    /* read message headers */
    headers = received_for = NULL;
    from_offs = reply_to_offs = resent_from_offs = app_from_offs = 
	sender_offs = resent_sender_offs = env_offs = -1;
    oldlen = 0;
    msglen = 0;
    skipcount = 0;
    mimemsg = 0;

    for (remaining = fetchlen; remaining > 0 || protocol->delimited; remaining -= linelen)
	char *line;

	line = xmalloc(sizeof(buf));
	linelen = 0;
	line[0] = '\0';
	do {
	    if ((n = SockRead(sock, buf, sizeof(buf)-1)) == -1) {
	    linelen += n;
	    msglen += n;

	    /* lines may not be properly CRLF terminated; fix this for qmail */
	    if (ctl->forcecr)
		cp = buf + strlen(buf) - 1;
		if (*cp == '\n' && (cp == buf || cp[-1] != '\r'))
		    *cp++ = '\r';
		    *cp++ = '\n';
		    *cp++ = '\0';

	    line = (char *) realloc(line, strlen(line) + strlen(buf) +1);

	    strcat(line, buf);

	    /* check for end of headers */
	    if (EMPTYLINE(line))
		headers_ok = TRUE;
		has_nuls = (linelen != strlen(line));
		goto process_headers;

	     * Check for end of message immediately.  If one of your folders
	     * has been mangled, the delimiter may occur directly after the
	     * header.
	    if (protocol->delimited && line[0] == '.' && EMPTYLINE(line+1))
		has_nuls = (linelen != strlen(line));
		goto process_headers;
	} while
	    /* we may need to grab RFC822 continuations */
	    ((ch = SockPeek(sock)) == ' ' || ch == '\t');

	/* write the message size dots */
	if ((outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_VERBOSE) && linelen > 0)
	    sizeticker += linelen;
	    while (sizeticker >= SIZETICKER)
		sizeticker -= SIZETICKER;

	/* we see an ordinary (non-header, non-message-delimiter line */
	has_nuls = (linelen != strlen(line));

	 * The University of Washington IMAP server (the reference
	 * implementation of IMAP4 written by Mark Crispin) relies
	 * on being able to keep base-UID information in a special
	 * message at the head of the mailbox.  This message should
	 * neither be deleted nor forwarded.
#ifdef POP2_ENABLE
	 * We disable this check under POP2 because there's no way to
	 * prevent deletion of the message.  So at least we ought to 
	 * forward it to the user so he or she will have some clue
	 * that things have gone awry.
	if (protocol->port != 109)
#endif /* POP2_ENABLE */
	    if (num == 1 && !strncasecmp(line, "X-IMAP:", 7)) {

	 * This code prevents fetchmail from becoming an accessory after
	 * the fact to upstream sendmails with the `E' option on.  This
	 * can result in an escaped Unix From_ line at the beginning of
	 * the headers.  If fetchmail just passes it through, the client
	 * listener may think the message has *no* headers (since the first)
	 * line it sees doesn't look RFC822-conformant) and fake up a set.
	 * What the user would see in this case is bogus (synthesized)
	 * headers, followed by a blank line, followed by the >From, 
	 * followed by the real headers, followed by a blank line,
	 * followed by text.
	 * We forestall this lossage by tossing anything that looks
	 * like an escaped From_ line in headers.  These aren't RFC822
	 * so our conscience is clear...
	if (!strncasecmp(line, ">From ", 6))

	 * If we see a Status line, it may have been inserted by an MUA
	 * on the mail host, or it may have been inserted by the server
	 * program after the headers in the transaction stream.  This
	 * can actually hose some new-mail notifiers such as xbuffy,
	 * which assumes any Status line came from a *local* MDA and
	 * therefore indicates that the message has been seen.
	 * Some buggy POP servers (including at least the 3.3(20)
	 * version of the one distributed with IMAP) insert empty
	 * Status lines in the transaction stream; we'll chuck those
	 * unconditionally.  Nonempty ones get chucked if the user
	 * turns on the dropstatus flag.
	    char	*cp;
	    if (!strncasecmp(line, "Status:", 7))
		cp = line + 7;
	    else if (!strncasecmp(line, "X-Mozilla-Status:", 17))
		cp = line + 17;
		cp = NULL;
	    if (cp) {
		while (*cp && isspace(*cp)) cp++;
		if (!*cp || ctl->dropstatus)

	if (ctl->rewrite)
	    line = reply_hack(line, ctl->server.truename);

	 * OK, this is messy.  If we're forwarding by SMTP, it's the
	 * SMTP-receiver's job (according to RFC821, page 22, section
	 * 4.1.1) to generate a Return-Path line on final delivery.
	 * The trouble is, we've already got one because the
	 * mailserver's SMTP thought *it* was responsible for final
	 * delivery.
	 * Stash away the contents of Return-Path for use in generating
	 * MAIL FROM later on, then prevent the header from being saved
	 * with the others.  In effect, we strip it off here.
	 * If the SMTP server conforms to the standards, and fetchmail gets the
	 * envelope sender from the Return-Path, the new Return-Path should be
	 * exactly the same as the original one.
	 * We do *not* want to ignore empty Return-Path headers.  These should
	 * be passed through as a way of indicating that a message should
	 * not trigger bounces if delivery fails.  What we *do* need to do is
	 * make sure we never try to rewrite such a blank Return-Path.
	if (!strncasecmp("Return-Path:", line, 12))
	    strcpy(return_path, line);
	    if (!ctl->mda) {

	if (!headers)
	    oldlen = strlen(line);
	    headers = xmalloc(oldlen + 1);
	    (void) strcpy(headers, line);
	    line = headers;
	    int	newlen;

	    newlen = oldlen + strlen(line);
	    headers = (char *) realloc(headers, newlen + 1);
	    if (headers == NULL) {
	    strcpy(headers + oldlen, line);
	    line = headers + oldlen;
	    oldlen = newlen;

	if (!strncasecmp("From:", line, 5))
	    from_offs = (line - headers);
	else if (!strncasecmp("Reply-To:", line, 9))
	    reply_to_offs = (line - headers);
	else if (!strncasecmp("Resent-From:", line, 12))
	    resent_from_offs = (line - headers);
	else if (!strncasecmp("Apparently-From:", line, 16))
	    app_from_offs = (line - headers);
	else if (!strncasecmp("Sender:", line, 7))
	    sender_offs = (line - headers);
	else if (!strncasecmp("Resent_Sender:", line, 14))
	    resent_sender_offs = (line - headers);

 	else if (!strncasecmp("Message-Id:", buf, 11))
	    if (ctl->server.uidl)
	        char id[IDLEN+1];

		buf[IDLEN+12] = 0;		/* prevent stack overflow */
 		sscanf(buf+12, "%s", id);
 	        if (!str_find( &ctl->newsaved, num))
 		    struct idlist *new = save_str(&ctl->newsaved,id,UID_SEEN);
		    new->val.status.num = num;

	else if (!MULTIDROP(ctl))

	else if (!strncasecmp("To:", line, 3)
			|| !strncasecmp("Cc:", line, 3)
			|| !strncasecmp("Bcc:", line, 4)
			|| !strncasecmp("Apparently-To:", line, 14))
	    *to_chainptr = xmalloc(sizeof(struct addrblk));
	    (*to_chainptr)->offset = (line - headers);
	    to_chainptr = &(*to_chainptr)->next; 
	    *to_chainptr = NULL;

	else if (!strncasecmp("Resent-To:", line, 10)
			|| !strncasecmp("Resent-Cc:", line, 10)
			|| !strncasecmp("Resent-Bcc:", line, 11))
	    *resent_to_chainptr = xmalloc(sizeof(struct addrblk));
	    (*resent_to_chainptr)->offset = (line - headers);
	    resent_to_chainptr = &(*resent_to_chainptr)->next; 
	    *resent_to_chainptr = NULL;

	else if (ctl->server.envelope != STRING_DISABLED)
	    if (ctl->server.envelope 
			&& strcasecmp(ctl->server.envelope, "Received"))
		if (env_offs == -1 && !strncasecmp(ctl->server.envelope,
		    if (skipcount++ != ctl->server.envskip)
		    env_offs = (line - headers);
	    else if (!received_for && !strncasecmp("Received:", line, 9))
		if (skipcount++ != ctl->server.envskip)
		received_for = parse_received(ctl, line);

     * We want to detect this early in case there are so few headers that the
     * dispatch logic barfs.
    if (!headers_ok)
	if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
	    error(0,0,"message delimiter found while scanning headers");

     * Hack time.  If the first line of the message was blank, with no headers
     * (this happens occasionally due to bad gatewaying software) cons up
     * a set of fake headers.  
     * If you modify the fake header template below, be sure you don't
     * make either From or To address @-less, otherwise the reply_hack
     * logic will do bad things.
    if (headers == (char *)NULL)
	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
#endif /* HAVE_SNPRINTF */
	"From: <FETCHMAIL-DAEMON@%s>\r\nTo: %s@localhost\r\nSubject: Headerless mail from %s's mailbox on %s\r\n",
		fetchmailhost, user, ctl->remotename, ctl->server.truename);
	headers = xstrdup(buf);

     * We can now process message headers before reading the text.
     * In fact we have to, as this will tell us where to forward to.

    /* Decode MIME encoded headers. We MUST do this before
     * looking at the Content-Type / Content-Transfer-Encoding
     * headers (RFC 2046).
    if (ctl->mimedecode) {
    /* Check for MIME headers indicating possible 8-bit data */
    mimemsg = MimeBodyType(headers);

     * If there is a Return-Path address on the message, this was
     * almost certainly the MAIL FROM address given the originating
     * sendmail.  This is the best thing to use for logging the
     * message origin (it sets up the right behavior for bounces and
     * mailing lists).  Otherwise, fall down to the next available 
     * envelope address wich is the most probable real sender 
     * respectively.  *** The order is important! ***
     * This is especially useful when receiving mailing list
     * messages in multidrop mode.  if a local address doesn't
     * exist, the bounce message won't be returned blindly to the 
     * author or to the list itself but rather to the list manager
     * (ex: specified by "Sender:") wich is less anoying.  This is
     * true for most mailing list packages.
    if( !return_path[0] ){
	char *ap = NULL;
	if (resent_sender_offs >= 0 && (ap = nxtaddr(headers + resent_sender_offs)));
	else if (sender_offs >= 0 && (ap = nxtaddr(headers + sender_offs)));
	else if (resent_from_offs >= 0 && (ap = nxtaddr(headers + resent_from_offs)));
	else if (from_offs >= 0 && (ap = nxtaddr(headers + from_offs)));
	else if (reply_to_offs >= 0 && (ap = nxtaddr(headers + reply_to_offs)));
	else if (app_from_offs >= 0 && (ap = nxtaddr(headers + app_from_offs)));
	if (ap) strcpy( return_path, ap );

    /* cons up a list of local recipients */
    xmit_names = (struct idlist *)NULL;
    bad_addresses = good_addresses = accept_count = reject_count = 0;
    /* is this a multidrop box? */
    if (MULTIDROP(ctl))
	if (env_offs > -1)	    /* We have the actual envelope addressee */
	    find_server_names(headers + env_offs, ctl, &xmit_names);
	else if (received_for)
	     * We have the Received for addressee.  
	     * It has to be a mailserver address, or we
	     * wouldn't have got here.
	     * We use find_server_names() to let local 
	     * hostnames go through.
	    find_server_names(received_for, ctl, &xmit_names);
	else {
	     * We haven't extracted the envelope address.
	     * So check all the "Resent-To" header addresses if 
	     * they exist.  If and only if they don't, consider
	     * the "To" adresses.
	    register struct addrblk *nextptr;
	    if (resent_to_addrchain) {
		/* delete the "To" chain and substitute it 
		 * with the "Resent-To" list 
		while (to_addrchain) {
		    nextptr = to_addrchain->next;
		    to_addrchain = nextptr;
		to_addrchain = resent_to_addrchain;
		resent_to_addrchain = NULL;
	    /* now look for remaining adresses */
	    while (to_addrchain) {
		find_server_names(headers+to_addrchain->offset, ctl, &xmit_names);
		nextptr = to_addrchain->next;
		to_addrchain = nextptr;
	if (!accept_count)
	    no_local_matches = TRUE;
	    save_str(&xmit_names, user, XMIT_ACCEPT);
	    if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
		error(0, 0, 
		      "no local matches, forwarding to %s",
    else	/* it's a single-drop box, use first localname */
	save_str(&xmit_names, ctl->localnames->id, XMIT_ACCEPT);

     * Time to either address the message or decide we can't deliver it yet.
    if (ctl->errcount > olderrs)	/* there were DNS errors above */
	if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
	    error(0,0, "forwarding and deletion suppressed due to DNS errors");
    else if (ctl->mda)		/* we have a declared MDA */
	int	length = 0;
	char	*names, *before, *after;

	for (idp = xmit_names; idp; idp = idp->next)
	    if (idp->val.status.mark == XMIT_ACCEPT)

	destaddr = "localhost";

	length = strlen(ctl->mda) + 1;
	before = xstrdup(ctl->mda);

	/* sub user addresses for %T (or %s for backward compatibility) */
	cp = (char *)NULL;
	if (strstr(before, "%s") || (cp = strstr(before, "%T")))
	    char	*sp;

	    if (cp && cp[1] == 'T')
		cp[1] = 's';

	    /* \177 had better be out-of-band for MDA commands */
	    for (sp = before; *sp; sp++)
		if (*sp == '%' && sp[1] != 's' && sp[1] != 'T')
		    *sp = '\177';

	     * We go through this in order to be able to handle very
	     * long lists of users and (re)implement %s.
	    for (idp = xmit_names; idp; idp = idp->next)
		if (idp->val.status.mark == XMIT_ACCEPT)
		    length += (strlen(idp->id) + 1);

	    names = (char *)xmalloc(++length);
	    names[0] = '\0';
	    for (idp = xmit_names; idp; idp = idp->next)
		if (idp->val.status.mark == XMIT_ACCEPT)
		    strcat(names, idp->id);
		    strcat(names, " ");
	    after = (char *)xmalloc(length);
	    snprintf(after, length, before, names);
	    sprintf(after, before, names);
#endif /* SNPRINTF */
	    before = after;

	    for (sp = before; *sp; sp++)
		if (*sp == '\177')
		    *sp = '%';

	/* substitute From address for %F */
	if ((cp = strstr(before, "%F")))
	    char *from = return_path;
	    char	*sp;

	    /* \177 had better be out-of-band for MDA commands */
	    for (sp = before; *sp; sp++)
		if (*sp == '%' && sp[1] != 'F')
		    *sp = '\177';

	    length += strlen(from);
	    after = (char *)xmalloc(length);
	    cp[1] = 's';
	    snprintf(after, length, before, from);
	    sprintf(after, before, from);
#endif /* SNPRINTF */
	    before = after;

	    for (sp = before; *sp; sp++)
		if (*sp == '\177')
		    *sp = '%';

	if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
	    error(0, 0, "about to deliver with: %s", before);

	 * Arrange to run with user's permissions if we're root.
	 * This will initialize the ownership of any files the
	 * MDA creates properly.  (The seteuid call is available
	 * under all BSDs and Linux)
#endif /* HAVE_SETEUID */

	sinkfp = popen(before, "w");

	/* this will fail quietly if we didn't start as root */
#endif /* HAVE_SETEUID */

	if (!sinkfp)
	    error(0, 0, "MDA open failed");

	sigchld = signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
	char	*ap, options[MSGBUFSIZE], addr[128];

	/* build a connection to the SMTP listener */
	if ((smtp_open(ctl) == -1))
	    error(0, errno, "SMTP connect to %s failed",
		  ctl->smtphost ? ctl->smtphost : "localhost");

	 * Compute ESMTP options.
	options[0] = '\0';
	if (ctl->server.esmtp_options & ESMTP_8BITMIME) {
             if (ctl->pass8bits || (mimemsg & MSG_IS_8BIT))
		strcpy(options, " BODY=8BITMIME");
             else if (mimemsg & MSG_IS_7BIT)
		strcpy(options, " BODY=7BIT");

	if ((ctl->server.esmtp_options & ESMTP_SIZE) && reallen > 0)
	    sprintf(options + strlen(options), " SIZE=%ld", reallen);

	 * Try to get the SMTP listener to take the Return-Path
	 * address as MAIL FROM .  If it won't, fall back on the
	 * calling-user ID.  This won't affect replies, which use the
	 * header From address anyway.
	 * RFC 1123 requires that the domain name part of the
	 * MAIL FROM address be "canonicalized", that is a
	 * FQDN or MX but not a CNAME.  We'll assume the From
	 * header is already in this form here (it certainly
	 * is if rewrite is on).  RFC 1123 is silent on whether
	 * a nonexistent hostname part is considered canonical.
	 * This is a potential problem if the MTAs further upstream
	 * didn't pass canonicalized From/Return-Path lines, *and* the
	 * local SMTP listener insists on them.
	ap = (return_path[0]) ? return_path : user;
	if (SMTP_from(ctl->smtp_socket, ap, options) != SM_OK)
	    int smtperr = atoi(smtp_response);

	    if (smtperr == ctl->antispam)
		 * SMTP listener explicitly refuses to deliver mail
		 * coming from this address, probably due to an
		 * anti-spam domain exclusion.  Respect this.  Don't
		 * try to ship the message, and don't prevent it from
		 * being deleted.  Typical values:
		 * 571 = sendmail's "unsolicited email refused"
		 * 501 = exim's old antispam response
		 * 550 = exim's new antispam response (temporary)
		SMTP_rset(ctl->smtp_socket);	/* required by RFC1870 */

	     * Suppress error message only if the response specifically 
	     * meant `excluded for policy reasons'.  We *should* see
	     * an error when the return code is less specific.
	    if (smtperr >= 400)
		error(0, -1, "SMTP error: %s", smtp_response);

	    switch (smtperr)
	    case 452: /* insufficient system storage */
		 * Temporary out-of-queue-space condition on the
		 * ESMTP server.  Don't try to ship the message, 
		 * and suppress deletion so it can be retried on
		 * a future retrieval cycle.
		SMTP_rset(ctl->smtp_socket);	/* required by RFC1870 */

	    case 552: /* message exceeds fixed maximum message size */
	    case 553: /* invalid sending domain */
		 * Permanent no-go condition on the
		 * ESMTP server.  Don't try to ship the message, 
		 * and allow it to be deleted.
		SMTP_rset(ctl->smtp_socket);	/* required by RFC1870 */

	    default:	/* retry with invoking user's address */
		if (SMTP_from(ctl->smtp_socket, user, options) != SM_OK)
		    error(0, -1, "SMTP error: %s", smtp_response);
		    return(PS_SMTP);	/* should never happen */

	 * Now list the recipient addressees
	 * RFC 1123 requires that the domain name part of the
	 * RCPT TO address be "canonicalized", that is a FQDN
	 * or MX but not a CNAME.  Some listeners (like exim)
	 * enforce this.
	destaddr = ctl->smtpaddress ? ctl->smtpaddress : ( ctl->smtphost ? ctl->smtphost : "localhost");
	for (idp = xmit_names; idp; idp = idp->next)
	    if (idp->val.status.mark == XMIT_ACCEPT)
		if (strchr(idp->id, '@'))
		    strcpy(addr, idp->id);
		    snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr)-1, "%s@%s", idp->id, destaddr);
		    sprintf(addr, "%s@%s", idp->id, destaddr);
#endif /* HAVE_SNPRINTF */

		if (SMTP_rcpt(ctl->smtp_socket, addr) == SM_OK)
		    idp->val.status.mark = XMIT_ANTISPAM;
		    error(0, 0, 
			  "SMTP listener doesn't like recipient address `%s'",
	if (!good_addresses)
	    snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr)-1, "%s@%s", user, destaddr);
	    sprintf(addr, "%s@%s", user, destaddr);
#endif /* HAVE_SNPRINTF */

	    if (SMTP_rcpt(ctl->smtp_socket, addr) != SM_OK)
		error(0, 0, "can't even send to calling user!");

	/* tell it we're ready to send data */

    n = 0;
     * Some server/sendmail combinations cause problems when our
     * synthetic Received line is before the From header.  Cope
     * with this...
    if ((rcv = strstr(headers, "Received:")) == (char *)NULL)
	rcv = headers;
    if (rcv > headers)
	*rcv = '\0';
	n = stuffline(ctl, headers);
	*rcv = 'R';
    if (!use_invisible && n != -1)
	/* utter any per-message Received information we need here */
	sprintf(buf, "Received: from %s\n", ctl->server.truename);
	n = stuffline(ctl, buf);
	if (n != -1)
	     * We used to include ctl->remotename in this log line,
	     * but this can be secure information that would be bad
	     * to reveal.
	    sprintf(buf, "\tby %s (fetchmail-%s %s)\n",
	    n = stuffline(ctl, buf);
	    if (n != -1)
		time_t	now;

		buf[0] = '\t';
		if (good_addresses == 0)
			    "for <%s@%s> (by default); ",
			    user, destaddr);
		else if (good_addresses == 1)
		    for (idp = xmit_names; idp; idp = idp->next)
			if (idp->val.status.mark == XMIT_ACCEPT)
			    break;	/* only report first address */
		    if (strchr(idp->id, '@'))
			sprintf(buf+1, "for <%s>", idp->id);
			sprintf(buf+1, "for <%s/%s>", idp->id, destaddr);
		    sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), " (%s); ",
			    MULTIDROP(ctl) ? "multi-drop" : "single-drop");
		    buf[1] = '\0';

		 * Conform to RFC822.  This is typically going to emit
		 * a three-letter timezone for %Z, which is going to
		 * be marked "obsolete syntax" in 822bis.  Note that we
		 * generate a 4-digit year here.
		strftime(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf) - strlen(buf), 
			 "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\n", localtime(&now));
		 * This is really just a portability fallback, as the
		 * date format ctime(3) emits is not RFC822
		 * conformant.
		strcat(buf, ctime(&now));
#endif /* HAVE_STRFTIME */
		n = stuffline(ctl, buf);

    if (n != -1)
	n = stuffline(ctl, rcv);	/* ship out rest of headers */

    if (n == -1)
	error(0, errno, "writing RFC822 headers");
	if (ctl->mda)
	    if (sinkfp)
	    signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld);
    else if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
	fputs("#", stderr);

    /* write error notifications */
    if (no_local_matches || has_nuls || bad_addresses)
	int	errlen = 0;
	char	errhd[USERNAMELEN + POPBUFSIZE], *errmsg;

	errmsg = errhd;
	(void) strcpy(errhd, "X-Fetchmail-Warning: ");
	if (no_local_matches)
	    if (reject_count != 1)
		strcat(errhd, "no recipient addresses matched declared local names");
		for (idp = xmit_names; idp; idp = idp->next)
		    if (idp->val.status.mark == XMIT_REJECT)
		sprintf(errhd+strlen(errhd), "recipient address %s didn't match any local name", idp->id);

	if (has_nuls)
	    if (errhd[sizeof("X-Fetchmail-Warning: ")])
		strcat(errhd, "; ");
	    strcat(errhd, "message has embedded NULs");

	if (bad_addresses)
	    if (errhd[sizeof("X-Fetchmail-Warning: ")])
		strcat(errhd, "; ");
	    strcat(errhd, "SMTP listener rejected local recipient addresses: ");
	    errlen = strlen(errhd);
	    for (idp = xmit_names; idp; idp = idp->next)
		if (idp->val.status.mark == XMIT_ANTISPAM)
		    errlen += strlen(idp->id) + 2;

	    errmsg = alloca(errlen+3);
	    (void) strcpy(errmsg, errhd);
	    for (idp = xmit_names; idp; idp = idp->next)
		if (idp->val.status.mark == XMIT_ANTISPAM)
		    strcat(errmsg, idp->id);
		    if (idp->next)
			strcat(errmsg, ", ");


	strcat(errmsg, "\n");

	/* ship out the error line */
	if (sinkfp)
	    stuffline(ctl, errmsg);

    /* issue the delimiter line */
    cp = buf;
    *cp++ = '\r';
    *cp++ = '\n';
    *cp++ = '\0';
    stuffline(ctl, buf);

    return(headers_ok ? PS_SUCCESS : PS_TRUNCATED);

static int readbody(sock, ctl, forward, len)
/* read and dispose of a message body presented on sock */
struct query *ctl;	/* query control record */
int sock;		/* to which the server is connected */
int len;		/* length of message */
flag forward;		/* TRUE to forward */
    int	linelen;
    unsigned char buf[MSGBUFSIZE+1];
    unsigned char *inbufp = buf;
    flag issoftline = FALSE;

    /* pass through the text lines */
    while (protocol->delimited || len > 0)
	if ((linelen = SockRead(sock, inbufp, sizeof(buf)-1-(inbufp-buf)))==-1)
	    if (ctl->mda)
		if (sinkfp)
		signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld);

	/* write the message size dots */
	if (linelen > 0)
	    sizeticker += linelen;
	    while (sizeticker >= SIZETICKER)
		if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
		sizeticker -= SIZETICKER;
	len -= linelen;

	/* check for end of message */
	if (protocol->delimited && *inbufp == '.')
	    if (inbufp[1] == '\r' && inbufp[2] == '\n' && inbufp[3] == '\0')
	    else if (inbufp[1] == '\n' && inbufp[2] == '\0')
		msglen--;	/* subtract the size of the dot escape */

	msglen += linelen;

	if (ctl->mimedecode && (mimemsg & MSG_NEEDS_DECODE)) {
	    issoftline = UnMimeBodyline(&inbufp, (protocol->delimited && issoftline));
	    if (issoftline && (sizeof(buf)-1-(inbufp-buf) < 200)) {
		/* Soft linebreak, but less than 200 bytes left in
		 * input buffer. Rather than doing a buffer overrun,
		 * ignore the soft linebreak, NL-terminate data and
		 * deliver what we have now.
		 * (Who writes lines longer than 2K anyway?)
		*inbufp = '\n'; *(inbufp+1) = '\0';
		issoftline = 0;

	/* ship out the text line */
	if (forward && (!issoftline))
	    int	n = stuffline(ctl, buf);
	    inbufp = buf;

	    if (n < 0)
		error(0, errno, "writing message text");
		if (ctl->mda)
		    if (sinkfp)
		    signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld);
	    else if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
		fputc('*', stderr);


#ifdef KERBEROS_V4
kerberos_auth (socket, canonical) 
/* authenticate to the server host using Kerberos V4 */
int socket;		/* socket to server host */
#ifdef __FreeBSD__
char *canonical;	/* server name */
const char *canonical;	/* server name */
    char * host_primary;
    KTEXT ticket;
    MSG_DAT msg_data;
    Key_schedule schedule;
    int rem;
    ticket = ((KTEXT) (malloc (sizeof (KTEXT_ST))));
    rem = (krb_sendauth (0L, socket, ticket, "pop",
			 ((char *) (krb_realmofhost (canonical))),
			 ((unsigned long) 0),
			 ((struct sockaddr_in *) 0),
			 ((struct sockaddr_in *) 0),
    free (ticket);
    if (rem != KSUCCESS)
	error(0, -1, "kerberos error %s", (krb_get_err_text (rem)));
	return (PS_AUTHFAIL);
    return (0);
#endif /* KERBEROS_V4 */

#ifdef KERBEROS_V5
kerberos5_auth(socket, canonical)
/* authernticate to the server host using Kerberos V5 */
int socket;             /* socket to server host */
const char *canonical;  /* server name */
    krb5_error_code retval;
    krb5_context context;
    krb5_ccache ccdef;
    krb5_principal client = NULL, server = NULL;
    krb5_error *err_ret = NULL;

    krb5_auth_context auth_context = NULL;

    krb5_auth_con_init(context, &auth_context);

    if (retval = krb5_cc_default(context, &ccdef)) {
        error(0, 0, "krb5_cc_default: %s", error_message(retval));

    if (retval = krb5_cc_get_principal(context, ccdef, &client)) {
        error(0, 0, "krb5_cc_get_principal: %s", error_message(retval));

    if (retval = krb5_sname_to_principal(context, canonical, "pop",
           &server)) {
        error(0, 0, "krb5_sname_to_principal: %s", error_message(retval));

    retval = krb5_sendauth(context, &auth_context, (krb5_pointer) &socket,
         "KPOPV1.0", client, server,
         NULL,  /* no data to checksum */
         0,   /* no creds, use ccache instead */
         &err_ret, 0,

         NULL); /* don't need reply */

    krb5_free_principal(context, server);
    krb5_free_principal(context, client);
    krb5_auth_con_free(context, auth_context);

    if (retval) {
      if (err_ret && err_ret->text.length) {
          error(0, 0, "krb5_sendauth: %s [server says '%*s'] ",
          krb5_free_error(context, err_ret);
      } else
          error(0, 0, "krb5_sendauth: %s", error_message(retval));

    return 0;
#endif /* KERBEROS_V5 */

int do_protocol(ctl, proto)
/* retrieve messages from server using given protocol method table */
struct query *ctl;		/* parsed options with merged-in defaults */
const struct method *proto;	/* protocol method table */
    int ok, js, sock = -1;
    char *msg;
    void (*sigsave)();

#ifndef KERBEROS_V4
    if (ctl->server.preauthenticate == A_KERBEROS_V4)
	error(0, -1, "Kerberos V4 support not linked.");
#endif /* KERBEROS_V4 */

#ifndef KERBEROS_V5
    if (ctl->server.preauthenticate == A_KERBEROS_V5)
	error(0, -1, "Kerberos V5 support not linked.");
#endif /* KERBEROS_V5 */

    /* lacking methods, there are some options that may fail */
    if (!proto->is_old)
	/* check for unsupported options */
	if (ctl->flush) {
	    error(0, 0,
		    "Option --flush is not supported with %s",
	else if (ctl->fetchall) {
	    error(0, 0,
		    "Option --all is not supported with %s",
    if (!proto->getsizes && NUM_SPECIFIED(ctl->limit))
	error(0, 0,
		"Option --limit is not supported with %s",

    protocol = proto;
    pass = 0;
    tagnum = 0;
    tag[0] = '\0';	/* nuke any tag hanging out from previous query */
    ok = 0;

    /* set up the server-nonresponse timeout */
    sigsave = signal(SIGALRM, timeout_handler);
    mytimeout = ctl->server.timeout;

    if ((js = setjmp(restart)) == 1)
	if (phase == SERVER_WAIT)
	    error(0, 0,
		  "timeout after %d seconds waiting for server %s.",
		  ctl->server.timeout, ctl->server.pollname);
	else if (phase == FORWARDING_WAIT)
	    error(0, 0,
		  "timeout after %d seconds waiting for %s.",
		  ctl->mda ? "MDA" : "SMTP");
	else if (phase == LISTENER_WAIT)
	    error(0, 0,
		  "timeout after %d seconds waiting for listener to respond.");
	    error(0, 0, "timeout after %d seconds.", ctl->server.timeout);

	if (ctl->smtp_socket != -1)
	if (sock != -1)
	if (sinkfp)
	ok = PS_ERROR;
	char buf [POPBUFSIZE+1], *realhost;
	int *msgsizes, len, num, count, new, bytes, deletions = 0;
#if INET6
	int fetches, dispatches;
#else /* INET6 */
	int port, fetches, dispatches;
#endif /* INET6 */
	struct idlist *idp;

	/* execute pre-initialization command, if any */
	if (ctl->preconnect && (ok = system(ctl->preconnect)))
	    sprintf(buf, "pre-connection command failed with status %d", ok);
	    error(0, 0, buf);
	    ok = PS_SYNTAX;
	    goto closeUp;

	/* open a socket to the mail server */
#if !INET6
	port = ctl->server.port ? ctl->server.port : protocol->port;
#endif /* !INET6 */
	realhost = ctl->server.via ? ctl->server.via : ctl->server.pollname;
#if INET6
	if ((sock = SockOpen(realhost, 
			     ctl->server.service ? ctl->server.service : protocol->service,
			     ctl->server.netsec)) == -1)
#else /* INET6 */
	if ((sock = SockOpen(realhost, port, NULL)) == -1)
#endif /* INET6 */
#if !INET6
#define EHOSTUNREACH (-1)
	    if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE || errno != EHOSTUNREACH)
		error_build("fetchmail: %s connection to %s failed: ", 
			     protocol->name, ctl->server.pollname);
		if (h_errno == HOST_NOT_FOUND)
		    error_complete(0, 0, "host is unknown");
		else if (h_errno == NO_ADDRESS)
		    error_complete(0, 0, "name is valid but has no IP address");
		else if (h_errno == NO_RECOVERY)
		    error_complete(0, 0, "unrecoverable name server error");
		else if (h_errno == TRY_AGAIN)
		    error_complete(0, 0, "temporary name server error");
		else if (h_errno)
		    error_complete(0, 0, "unknown DNS error %d", h_errno);
#endif /* HAVE_RES_SEARCH */
		    error_complete(0, errno, "local error");
#endif /* INET6 */
	    ok = PS_SOCKET;
	    goto closeUp;

#ifdef KERBEROS_V4
	if (ctl->server.preauthenticate == A_KERBEROS_V4)
	    ok = kerberos_auth(sock, ctl->server.truename);
 	    if (ok != 0)
		goto cleanUp;
#endif /* KERBEROS_V4 */

#ifdef KERBEROS_V5
	if (ctl->server.preauthenticate == A_KERBEROS_V5)
	    ok = kerberos5_auth(sock, ctl->server.truename);
 	    if (ok != 0)
		goto cleanUp;
#endif /* KERBEROS_V5 */

	/* accept greeting message from mail server */
	ok = (protocol->parse_response)(sock, buf);
	if (ok != 0)
	    goto cleanUp;

	/* try to get authorized to fetch mail */
	if (protocol->getauth)
	    if (protocol->password_canonify)
		(protocol->password_canonify)(shroud, ctl->password);
		strcpy(shroud, ctl->password);

	    ok = (protocol->getauth)(sock, ctl, buf);
	    if (ok != 0)
		if (ok == PS_LOCKBUSY)
		    error(0, -1, "Lock-busy error on %s@%s",
		    if (ok == PS_ERROR)
			ok = PS_AUTHFAIL;
		    error(0, -1, "Authorization failure on %s@%s", 
		goto cleanUp;

	ctl->errcount = fetches = 0;

	/* now iterate over each folder selected */
	for (idp = ctl->mailboxes; idp; idp = idp->next)
	    pass = 0;
	    do {
		dispatches = 0;

		if (outlevel >= O_VERBOSE)
		    if (idp->id)
			error(0, 0, "selecting or re-polling folder %s", idp->id);
			error(0, 0, "selecting or re-polling default folder");

		/* compute # of messages and number of new messages waiting */
		ok = (protocol->getrange)(sock, ctl, idp->id, &count, &new, &bytes);
		if (ok != 0)
		    goto cleanUp;

		 * We need the size of each message before it's
		 * loaded in order to pass via the ESMTP SIZE
		 * option.  If the protocol has a getsizes method,
		 * we presume this means it doesn't get reliable
		 * sizes from message fetch responses.
		if (count > 0 && proto->getsizes)
		    int	i;

		    msgsizes = (int *)alloca(sizeof(int) * count);
		    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
			msgsizes[i] = -1;

		    ok = (proto->getsizes)(sock, count, msgsizes);
		    if (ok != 0)
			goto cleanUp;

		    if (bytes == -1)
			bytes = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
			    bytes += msgsizes[i];

		/* show user how many messages we downloaded */
		if (idp->id)
		    (void) sprintf(buf, "%s at %s (folder %s)",
				   ctl->remotename, ctl->server.truename, idp->id);
		    (void) sprintf(buf, "%s at %s",
				   ctl->remotename, ctl->server.truename);
		if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
		    if (count == -1)		/* only used for ETRN */
			error(0, 0, "Polling %s", ctl->server.truename);
		    else if (count != 0)
			if (new != -1 && (count - new) > 0)
			    error_build("%d message%s (%d seen) for %s",
				  count, count > 1 ? "s" : "", count-new, buf);
			    error_build("%d message%s for %s", 
				  count, count > 1 ? "s" : "", buf);
			if (bytes == -1)
			    error_complete(0, 0, ".");
			    error_complete(0, 0, " (%d bytes).", bytes);
			/* these are pointless in normal daemon mode */
			if (pass == 1 && (poll_interval == 0 || outlevel == O_VERBOSE))
			    error(0, 0, "No mail for %s", buf); 

		/* very important, this is where we leave the do loop */ 
		if (count == 0)

		if (check_only)
		    if (new == -1 || ctl->fetchall)
			new = count;
		    ok = ((new > 0) ? PS_SUCCESS : PS_NOMAIL);
		    goto cleanUp;
		else if (count > 0)
		    flag	force_retrieval;

		     * What forces this code is that in POP2 and
		     * IMAP2bis you can't fetch a message without
		     * having it marked `seen'.  In POP3 and IMAP4, on the
		     * other hand, you can (peek_capable is set by 
		     * each driver module to convey this; it's not a
		     * method constant because of the difference between
		     * IMAP2bis and IMAP4).
		     * The result of being unable to peek is that if there's
		     * any kind of transient error (DNS lookup failure, or
		     * sendmail refusing delivery due to process-table limits)
		     * the message will be marked "seen" on the server without
		     * having been delivered.  This is not a big problem if
		     * fetchmail is running in foreground, because the user
		     * will see a "skipped" message when it next runs and get
		     * clued in.
		     * But in daemon mode this leads to the message
		     * being silently ignored forever.  This is not
		     * acceptable.
		     * We compensate for this by checking the error
		     * count from the previous pass and forcing all
		     * messages to be considered new if it's nonzero.
		    force_retrieval = !peek_capable && (ctl->errcount > 0);

		    /* read, forward, and delete messages */
		    for (num = 1; num <= count; num++)
			flag toolarge = NUM_NONZERO(ctl->limit)
			    && msgsizes && (msgsizes[num-1] > ctl->limit);
			flag fetch_it = !toolarge 
			    && (ctl->fetchall || force_retrieval || !(protocol->is_old && (protocol->is_old)(sock,ctl,num)));
			flag suppress_delete = FALSE;
			flag suppress_forward = FALSE;
			flag suppress_readbody = FALSE;
			flag retained = FALSE;

			 * This check copes with Post Office/NT's
			 * annoying habit of randomly prepending bogus
			 * LIST items of length -1.  Patrick Audley
			 * <paudley@pobox.com> tells us: LIST shows a
			 * size of -1, RETR and TOP return "-ERR
			 * System error - couldn't open message", and
			 * DELE succeeds but doesn't actually delete
			 * the message.
			if (msgsizes && msgsizes[num-1] == -1)
			    if (outlevel >= O_VERBOSE)
				error(0, 0, 
				      "Skipping message %d, length -1",
				      num - 1);

			/* we may want to reject this message if it's old */
			if (!fetch_it)
			    if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
				error_build("skipping message %d", num);
				if (toolarge)
				    error_build(" (oversized, %d bytes)",
			    flag wholesize = !protocol->fetch_body;

			    /* request a message */
			    ok = (protocol->fetch_headers)(sock,ctl,num, &len);
			    if (ok != 0)
				goto cleanUp;

			    /* -1 means we didn't see a size in the response */
			    if (len == -1 && msgsizes)
				len = msgsizes[num - 1];
				wholesize = TRUE;

			    if (outlevel > O_SILENT)
				error_build("reading message %d of %d",

				if (len > 0)
				    error_build(" (%d %sbytes)",
					len, wholesize ? "" : "header ");
				if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
				    error_complete(0, 0, "");
				    error_build(" ");

			    /* later we'll test for this before closing */
			    sinkfp = (FILE *)NULL;

			     * Read the message headers and ship them to the
			     * output sink.  
			    ok = readheaders(sock, len, msgsizes[num-1],
					     ctl, num);
			    if (ok == PS_RETAINED)
				suppress_forward = retained = TRUE;
			    else if (ok == PS_TRANSIENT)
				suppress_delete = suppress_forward = TRUE;
			    else if (ok == PS_REFUSED)
				suppress_forward = TRUE;
			    else if (ok == PS_TRUNCATED)
				suppress_readbody = TRUE;
			    else if (ok)
				goto cleanUp;

			     * If we're using IMAP4 or something else that
			     * can fetch headers separately from bodies,
			     * it's time to request the body now.  This
			     * fetch may be skipped if we got an anti-spam
			     * or other PS_REFUSED error response during
			     * read_headers.
			    if (protocol->fetch_body && !suppress_readbody) 
				if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
				    fputc('\n', stderr);

				if ((ok = (protocol->trail)(sock, ctl, num)))
				    goto cleanUp;
				len = 0;
				if (!suppress_forward)
				    if ((ok=(protocol->fetch_body)(sock,ctl,num,&len)))
					goto cleanUp;
				    if (outlevel > O_SILENT && !wholesize)
					error_build(" (%d body bytes) ", len);

			    /* process the body now */
			    if (len > 0)
			        if (suppress_readbody)
				  /* When readheaders returns PS_TRUNCATED,
				     the body (which has no content
				     has already been read by readheaders,
				     so we say readbody returned PS_SUCCESS */
				  ok = PS_SUCCESS;
				  ok = readbody(sock,
			        if (ok == PS_TRANSIENT)
				    suppress_delete = suppress_forward = TRUE;
				else if (ok)
				    goto cleanUp;

				/* tell server we got it OK and resynchronize */
				if (protocol->trail)
				    if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
					fputc('\n', stderr);

				    ok = (protocol->trail)(sock, ctl, num);
				    if (ok != 0)
					goto cleanUp;

			    /* count # messages forwarded on this pass */
			    if (!suppress_forward)

			     * Check to see if the numbers matched?
			     * Yes, some servers foo this up horribly.
			     * All IMAP servers seem to get it right, and
			     * so does Eudora QPOP at least in 2.xx
			     * versions.
			     * Microsoft Exchange gets it completely
			     * wrong, reporting compressed rather than
			     * actual sizes (so the actual length of
			     * message is longer than the reported size).
			     * Another fine example of Microsoft brain death!
			     * Some older POP servers, like the old UCB
			     * POP server and the pre-QPOP QUALCOMM
			     * versions, report a longer size in the LIST
			     * response than actually gets shipped up.
			     * It's unclear what is going on here, as the
			     * QUALCOMM server (at least) seems to be
			     * reporting the on-disk size correctly.
			    if (msgsizes && msglen != msgsizes[num-1])
				if (outlevel >= O_VERBOSE)
				    error(0, 0,
					  "message %d was not the expected length (%d != %d)",
					  num, msglen, msgsizes[num-1]);

			    /* end-of-message processing starts here */

			    if (ctl->mda)
				int rc;

				/* close the delivery pipe, we'll reopen before next message */
				if (sinkfp)
				    rc = pclose(sinkfp);
				    rc = 0;
				signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld);
				if (rc)
				    error(0, -1, "MDA exited abnormally or returned nonzero status");
				    goto cleanUp;
			    else if (!suppress_forward)
				/* write message terminator */
				if (SMTP_eom(ctl->smtp_socket) != SM_OK)
				    error(0, -1, "SMTP listener refused delivery");
				    suppress_delete = TRUE;


			 * At this point in flow of control, either
			 * we've bombed on a protocol error or had
			 * delivery refused by the SMTP server
			 * (unlikely -- I've never seen it) or we've
			 * seen `accepted for delivery' and the
			 * message is shipped.  It's safe to mark the
			 * message seen and delete it on the server
			 * now.

			/* tell the UID code we've seen this */
			if (ctl->newsaved)
			    struct idlist	*sdp;

			    for (sdp = ctl->newsaved; sdp; sdp = sdp->next)
				if (sdp->val.status.num == num)
				    sdp->val.status.mark = UID_SEEN;

			/* maybe we delete this message now? */
			if (retained)
			    if (outlevel > O_SILENT) 
				error_complete(0, 0, " retained");
			else if (protocol->delete
				 && !suppress_delete
				 && (fetch_it ? !ctl->keep : ctl->flush))
			    if (outlevel > O_SILENT) 
				error_complete(0, 0, " flushed");
			    ok = (protocol->delete)(sock, ctl, num);
			    if (ok != 0)
				goto cleanUp;
#ifdef POP3_ENABLE
			    delete_str(&ctl->newsaved, num);
#endif /* POP3_ENABLE */
			else if (outlevel > O_SILENT) 
			    error_complete(0, 0, " not flushed");

			/* perhaps this as many as we're ready to handle */
			if (NUM_NONZERO(ctl->fetchlimit) && ctl->fetchlimit <= fetches)
			    goto no_error;
	    } while
		   * Only re-poll if we had some actual forwards, allowed
		   * deletions and had no errors.
		   * Otherwise it is far too easy to get into infinite loops.
		  (dispatches && protocol->retry && !ctl->keep && !ctl->errcount);

	ok = (protocol->logout_cmd)(sock, ctl);
	 * Hmmmm...arguably this would be incorrect if we had fetches but
	 * no dispatches (due to oversized messages, etc.)
	if (ok == 0)
	    ok = (fetches > 0) ? PS_SUCCESS : PS_NOMAIL;
	goto closeUp;

	if (ok != 0 && ok != PS_SOCKET)
	    (protocol->logout_cmd)(sock, ctl);

    msg = (char *)NULL;		/* sacrifice to -Wall */
    switch (ok)
    case PS_SOCKET:
	msg = "socket";
    case PS_AUTHFAIL:
	msg = "authorization";
    case PS_SYNTAX:
	msg = "missing or bad RFC822 header";
    case PS_IOERR:
	msg = "MDA";
    case PS_ERROR:
	msg = "client/server synchronization";
    case PS_PROTOCOL:
	msg = "client/server protocol";
    case PS_LOCKBUSY:
	msg = "lock busy on server";
    case PS_SMTP:
	msg = "SMTP transaction";
    case PS_DNS:
	msg = "DNS lookup";
    case PS_UNDEFINED:
	error(0, 0, "undefined");
    if (ok==PS_SOCKET || ok==PS_AUTHFAIL || ok==PS_SYNTAX 
		|| ok==PS_IOERR || ok==PS_ERROR || ok==PS_PROTOCOL 
		|| ok==PS_LOCKBUSY || ok==PS_SMTP)
	error(0,-1, "%s error while fetching from %s", msg, ctl->server.pollname);

    /* execute post-initialization command, if any */
    if (ctl->postconnect && (ok = system(ctl->postconnect)))
	char buf[80];

	sprintf(buf, "post-connection command failed with status %d", ok);
	error(0, 0, buf);
	if (ok == PS_SUCCESS)
	    ok = PS_SYNTAX;

    signal(SIGALRM, sigsave);

#if defined(HAVE_STDARG_H)
void gen_send(int sock, const char *fmt, ... )
/* assemble command in printf(3) style and send to the server */
void gen_send(sock, fmt, va_alist)
/* assemble command in printf(3) style and send to the server */
int sock;		/* socket to which server is connected */
const char *fmt;	/* printf-style format */
    char buf [MSGBUFSIZE+1];
    va_list ap;

    if (protocol->tagged)
	(void) sprintf(buf, "%s ", GENSYM);
	buf[0] = '\0';

#if defined(HAVE_STDARG_H)
    va_start(ap, fmt) ;
    vsnprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
    vsprintf(buf + strlen(buf), fmt, ap);

    strcat(buf, "\r\n");
    SockWrite(sock, buf, strlen(buf));

    if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
	char *cp;

	if (shroud && shroud[0] && (cp = strstr(buf, shroud)))
	    char	*sp;

	    sp = cp + strlen(shroud);
	    *cp++ = '*';
	    while (*sp)
		*cp++ = *sp++;
	    *cp = '\0';
	buf[strlen(buf)-2] = '\0';
	error(0, 0, "%s> %s", protocol->name, buf);

int gen_recv(sock, buf, size)
/* get one line of input from the server */
int sock;	/* socket to which server is connected */
char *buf;	/* buffer to receive input */
int size;	/* length of buffer */
    int oldphase = phase;	/* we don't have to be re-entrant */

    phase = SERVER_WAIT;
    if (SockRead(sock, buf, size) == -1)
	phase = oldphase;
	if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\n')
	    buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
	if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] == '\r')
	    buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
	if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
	    error(0, 0, "%s< %s", protocol->name, buf);
	phase = oldphase;

#if defined(HAVE_STDARG_H)
int gen_transact(int sock, char *fmt, ... )
/* assemble command in printf(3) style, send to server, accept a response */
int gen_transact(int sock, fmt, va_alist)
/* assemble command in printf(3) style, send to server, accept a response */
int sock;		/* socket to which server is connected */
const char *fmt;	/* printf-style format */
    int ok;
    char buf [MSGBUFSIZE+1];
    va_list ap;
    int oldphase = phase;	/* we don't have to be re-entrant */

    phase = SERVER_WAIT;

    if (protocol->tagged)
	(void) sprintf(buf, "%s ", GENSYM);
	buf[0] = '\0';

#if defined(HAVE_STDARG_H)
    va_start(ap, fmt) ;
    vsnprintf(buf + strlen(buf), sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
    vsprintf(buf + strlen(buf), fmt, ap);

    strcat(buf, "\r\n");
    SockWrite(sock, buf, strlen(buf));

    if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
	char *cp;

	if (shroud && shroud[0] && (cp = strstr(buf, shroud)))
	    char	*sp;

	    sp = cp + strlen(shroud);
	    *cp++ = '*';
	    while (*sp)
		*cp++ = *sp++;
	    *cp = '\0';
	buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';
	error(0, 0, "%s> %s", protocol->name, buf);

    /* we presume this does its own response echoing */
    ok = (protocol->parse_response)(sock, buf);

    phase = oldphase;

/* driver.c ends here */