path: root/esrs-design-notes.html
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                         - GetMail - GotMail -

             1999 by Thomas Nesges <ThomaNesges@TNT-Computer.de>


The Installation is as simple as it could be.  Just create the directory
/usr/local/gotmail and copy all files to it. Ready.

If you decide to choose an other directory to copy the files to, don't forget
to change the path in the scripts.

GetMail starts with: getmail <option>

 clear  - stops fetchmail and kills the logfile
 fetch  - starts fetchmail
 got    - starts gotmail
 goth   - starts gotmail html
 send   - sends all mail from the mailqueue
 status - tails the logfile
 start  - starts fetchmail and tails the logfile
 stop   - stops fetchmail
 -v     - prints GetMails version number

GotMail can be startet without any parameters. It then prints a statistic
on the console. The only parameters so far are:

 html   - prints the output to an html file specified in gotmail.conf
 -v     - prints GotMails version number

GotMail is configured by a file named gotmail.conf either in the user's home
dir, in /etc or in /usr/local/gotmail. gotmail.conf itself is a shell script.
It just exports some variables to the environment. So it's syntax is like this:

 export <OPTION>=<VALUE>

Remember not to put spaces between <OPTION>=<VALUE> !!
You have the folllowing options:
  GOTM_ERR	yes|no		print error messages?
  GOTM_MSG	yes|no		print mail stats?
  GOTM_TIM	yes|no		print start/stop stats?
  GOTM_HED	yes|no		print a header?

 Special HTML options:
  GOTM_BGCOL	hex color	backgroundcolor
  GOTM_TXCOL	hex color	textcolor
  GOTM_ERRCOL	hex color	color of error messages
  GOTM_TIMCOL	hex color	color of start/stop stats
  GOTM_MSGCOL	hex color	color of mail stats
  GOTM_HTMLFILE	filename	filename for html output