 * $Id: doc_register.h,v 1.3 2008/10/12 12:09:51 breese Exp $
 * Copyright (C) 2001 Bjorn Reese and Daniel Stenberg.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
 * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
 * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

/** @addtogroup UserDefined User-defined Formatted Printing Functions.
Functions for using customized formatting specifiers.


cc ... -ltrio -lm

#include <trio.h>
#include <triop.h>


This documentation is incomplete.

@b User-defined @b Specifier

The user-defined specifier consists of a start character (\074 = '<'), an
optional namespace string followed by a namespace separator (\072 = ':'),
a format string, an optional skipping separator (\174 = '|'), and an end
character (\076 = '>').

The namespace string can consist of alphanumeric characters, and is used to
define a named reference (see below). The namespace is case-sensitive. If no
namespace is specified, then we use an unnamed reference (see below).

The format can consist of any character except the end character ('>'), the
namespace separator (':'), the skipping separator ('|'), and the nil character

Any modifier can be used together with the user-defined specifier.

There are two formats for invoking a user-defined specifier. The first format
is an extension of the normal printf/scanf formatting. It uses the percent
character (\045 = '%') followed by optional qualifiers and a specifier. For

  trio_printf("%<format>\n", my_handle, my_data);

Some C compilers can issue a warning if there is a mismatch between specifiers
and arguments. Unfortunately, these warnings does not work with the first
format for user-defined specifiers. Therefore the second format has been
introduced. The second format can only be applied to user-defined specifiers.

The second format starts with a dollar character (\044 = '$') instead of the
percent character, and is followed by optional qualifiers and the user-defined
specifier. If the specifier contains a pipe character (\174 = '|'), then
everything between the pipe character and the end character ('>') is ignored.
The ignored part can be used to list the normal specifiers that the C compiler
uses to determine mismatches. For example:

  trio_printf("$<format|%p%p>\n", my_handle, my_data);

@b Registering

A user-defined specifier must be registered before it can be used.
Unregistered user-defined specifiers are ignored. The @ref trio_register
function is used to register a user-defined specifier. It takes two argument,
a callback function and a namespace, and it returns a handle. The handle must
be used to unregister the specifier later.

The following example registers a user-define specifier with the "my_namespace"

  my_handle = trio_register(my_callback, "my_namespace");

There can only be one user-defined specifier with a given namespace. There
can be an unlimited number (subject to maximum length of the namespace) of
different user-defined specifiers.

Passing NULL as the namespace argument results in an anonymous reference.
There can be an unlimited number of anonymous references.


There are two ways that a registered callback can be called. Either the
user-defined specifier must contain the registered namespace in the format
string, or the handle is passed as an argument to the formatted printing

If the namespace is used, then a user-defined pointer must be passed as an

  trio_printf("%<my_namespace:format>\n", my_data);

If the handle is used, then the user-defined specifier must not contain a
namespace. Instead the handle must be passed as an argument, followed by a
user-defined pointer:

  trio_printf("%<format>\n", my_handle, my_data);

The two examples above are equivalent.

There must be exactly one user-defined pointer per user-defined specifier.
This pointer can be used within the callback function with the
@ref trio_get_argument getter function (see below).

The format string is optional. It can be used within the callback function
with the @ref trio_get_format getter function.

@b Anonymous @b References
Anonymous references are specified by passing NULL as the namespace.

The handle must be passed as an argument followed by a user-defined pointer.
No namespace can be specified.

  anon_handle = trio_register(callback, NULL);
  trio_printf("%<format>\n", anon_handle, my_data);

@b Restrictions

@li The length of the namespace string cannot exceed 63 characters.
@li The length of the user-defined format string cannot exceed 255 characters.
@li User-defined formatting cannot re-define existing specifiers.
This restriction was imposed because the existing formatting specifiers have
a well-defined behaviour, and any re-definition would apply globally to an
application (imagine a third-party library changing the behaviour of a
specifier that is crusial to your application).


The callback function will be called if a matching user-defined specifier
is found within the formatting string. The callback function takes one input
parameter, an opaque reference which is needed by the private functions. It
returns an @c int, which is currently ignored. The prototype is

  int (*trio_callback_t)(void *ref);

See the Example section for full examples.


The following printing functions must only be used inside a callback function.
These functions will print to the same output medium as the printf function
which invoked the callback function. For example, if the user-defined
specifier is used in an sprintf function, then these print functions will
output their result to the same string.

@b Elementary @b Printing

There are a number of function to print elementary data types.

@li @ref trio_print_int Print a signed integer. For example:
@li @ref trio_print_uint Print an unsigned integer.
@li @ref trio_print_double Print a floating-point number.
@li @ref trio_print_string Print a string. For example:
  trio_print_string("Hello World");
@li @ref trio_print_pointer Print a pointer.

@b Formatted @b Printing

The functions @ref trio_print_ref, @ref trio_vprint_ref, and
@ref trio_printv_ref outputs a formatted string just like its printf

  trio_print_ref(ref, "There are %d towels\n", 42);
  trio_print_ref(ref, "%<recursive>\n", recursive_writer, trio_get_argument(ref));


The following getter and setter functions must only be used inside a callback
function. They can either operate on the modifiers or on special data.

@b Modifiers

The value of a modifier, or a boolean indication of its presence or absence,
can be found or set with the getter and setter functions.
The generic prototypes of the these getter and setter functions are

  int  trio_get_???(void *ref);
  void trio_set_???(void *ref, int);

where @c ??? refers to a modifier. For example, to get the width of the
user-defined specifier use

  int width = trio_get_width(ref);

@b Special @b Data

Consider the following user-defined specifier, in its two possible referencing

  trio_printf("%<format>\n", namespace_writer, argument);
  trio_printf("%<namespace:format>\n", argument);

@ref trio_get_format will get the @p format string, and
@ref trio_get_argument} will get the @p argument parameter.
There are no associated setter functions.


The following examples show various types of user-defined specifiers. Although
each specifier is demonstrated in isolation, they can all co-exist within the
same application.

@b Time @b Example

Print the time in the format "HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND" if "time" is specified inside
the user-defined specifier.

  static int time_print(void *ref)
    const char *format;
    time_t *data;
    char buffer[256];

    format = trio_get_format(ref);
    if ((format) && (strcmp(format, "time") == 0)) {
      data = trio_get_argument(ref);
      if (data == NULL)
        return -1;
      strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%H:%M:%S", localtime(data));
      trio_print_string(ref, buffer);
    return 0;

  int main(void)
    void *handle;
    time_t now = time(NULL);

    handle = trio_register(time_print, "my_time");

    trio_printf("%<time>\n", handle, &now);
    trio_printf("%<my_time:time>\n", &now);

    return 0;

@b Complex @b Numbers @b Example

Consider a complex number consisting of a real part, re, and an imaginary part,

  struct Complex {
    double re;
    double im;

This example can print such a complex number in one of two formats.
The default format is "re + i im". If the alternative modifier is used, then
the format is "r exp(i theta)", where r is the length of the complex vector
(re, im) and theta is its angle.

  static int complex_print(void *ref)
    struct Complex *data;
    const char *format;

    data = (struct Complex *)trio_get_argument(ref);
    if (data) {
      format = trio_get_format(ref);

      if (trio_get_alternative(ref)) {
        double r, theta;

        r = sqrt(pow(data->re, 2) + pow(data->im, 2));
        theta = acos(data->re / r);
        trio_print_ref(ref, "%#f exp(i %#f)", r, theta);

      } else {
        trio_print_ref(ref, "%#f + i %#f", data->re, data->im);
    return 0;

  int main(void)
    void *handle;

    handle = trio_register(complex_print, "complex");

    /* Normal format. With handle and the with namespace */
    trio_printf("%<>\n", handle, &complex);
    trio_printf("%<complex:>\n", &complex);
    /* In exponential notation */
    trio_printf("%#<>\n", handle, &complex);
    trio_printf("%#<complex:unused data>\n", &complex);

    return 0;


@ref trio_register returns a handle, or NULL if an error occured.

@b SEE @b ALSO

@ref trio_printf


User-defined specifiers, @ref trio_register, and @ref trio_unregister are
not thread-safe. In multi-threaded applications they must be guarded by
mutexes. Trio provides two special callback functions, called ":enter" and
":leave", which are invoked every time a thread-unsafe operation is attempted.
As the thread model is determined by the application, these callback functions
must be implemented by the application.

The following callback functions are for demonstration-purposes only.
Replace their bodies with locking and unlocking of a mutex to achieve
  static int enter_region(void *ref)
    fprintf(stderr, "Enter Region\n");
    return 1;

  static int leave_region(void *ref)
    fprintf(stderr, "Leave Region\n");
    return 1;
These two callbacks must be registered before other callbacks are registered.
  trio_register(enter_region, ":enter");
  trio_register(leave_region, ":leave");

  another_handle = trio_register(another_callback, NULL);
