%{ /* * rcfile_y.y -- Run control file parser for fetchmail * * For license terms, see the file COPYING in this directory. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(STDC_HEADERS) #include #endif #if defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H) #include #endif #include #include "fetchmail.h" struct query cmd_opts; /* where to put command-line info */ struct query *querylist; /* head of server list (globally visible) */ int yydebug; /* in case we didn't generate with -- debug */ static struct query current; /* current server record */ static int prc_errflag; static void record_current(); static void user_reset(); %} %union { int proto; int number; char *sval; } %token DEFAULTS POLL SKIP AKA LOCALDOMAINS PROTOCOL %token AUTHENTICATE TIMEOUT KPOP KERBEROS %token ENVELOPE USERNAME PASSWORD FOLDER SMTPHOST MDA PRECONNECT LIMIT %token IS HERE THERE TO MAP WILDCARD %token SET BATCHLIMIT FETCHLIMIT LOGFILE DAEMON INTERFACE MONITOR %token PROTO %token STRING %token NUMBER %token NO KEEP FLUSH FETCHALL REWRITE FORCECR STRIPCR DNS PORT UIDL %% rcfile : /* empty */ | statement_list ; statement_list : statement | statement_list statement ; /* future global options should also have the form SET */ statement : SET LOGFILE MAP STRING {logfile = xstrdup($4);} | SET DAEMON NUMBER {poll_interval = $3;} /* * The way the next two productions are written depends on the fact that * userspecs cannot be empty. It's a kluge to deal with files that set * up a load of defaults and then have poll statements following with no * user options at all. */ | define_server serverspecs {record_current();} | define_server serverspecs userspecs ; define_server : POLL STRING {memset(¤t,'\0',sizeof(current)); save_str(¤t.server.names, -1,$2); current.server.skip = FALSE;} | SKIP STRING {memset(¤t,'\0',sizeof(current)); save_str(¤t.server.names, -1,$2); current.server.skip = TRUE;} | DEFAULTS {memset(¤t,'\0',sizeof(current)); save_str(¤t.server.names, -1,"defaults");} ; serverspecs : /* EMPTY */ | serverspecs serv_option ; alias_list : STRING {save_str(¤t.server.names,-1,$1);} | alias_list STRING {save_str(¤t.server.names,-1,$2);} ; domain_list : STRING {save_str(¤t.server.localdomains,-1,$1);} | domain_list STRING {save_str(¤t.server.localdomains,-1,$2);} ; serv_option : AKA alias_list | LOCALDOMAINS domain_list | PROTOCOL PROTO {current.server.protocol = $2;} | PROTOCOL KPOP { current.server.protocol = P_POP3; current.server.authenticate = A_KERBEROS; current.server.port = KPOP_PORT; } | UIDL {current.server.uidl = FLAG_TRUE;} | NO UIDL {current.server.uidl = FLAG_FALSE;} | PORT NUMBER {current.server.port = $2;} | AUTHENTICATE PASSWORD {current.server.authenticate = A_PASSWORD;} | AUTHENTICATE KERBEROS {current.server.authenticate = A_KERBEROS;} | TIMEOUT NUMBER {current.server.timeout = $2;} | ENVELOPE STRING {current.server.envelope = xstrdup($2);} | INTERFACE STRING { #ifdef linux interface_parse($2, ¤t.server); #else fprintf(stderr, "fetchmail: interface option is only supported under Linux\n"); #endif /* linux */ } | MONITOR STRING { #ifdef linux current.server.monitor = xstrdup($2); #else fprintf(stderr, "fetchmail: monitor option is only supported under Linux\n"); #endif /* linux */ } | DNS {current.server.dns = FLAG_TRUE;} | NO DNS {current.server.dns = FLAG_FALSE;} | NO ENVELOPE {current.server.envelope = STRING_DISABLED;} ; /* * The first and only the first user spec may omit the USERNAME part. * This is a backward-compatibility kluge to allow old popclient files * to keep working. */ userspecs : user1opts {record_current(); user_reset();} | user1opts explicits { record_current(); user_reset(); fprintf(stderr, "Warning: user entry with no `user' keyword\n"); } | explicits ; explicits : explicitdef {record_current(); user_reset();} | explicits explicitdef {record_current(); user_reset();} ; explicitdef : userdef user0opts ; userdef : USERNAME STRING {current.remotename = xstrdup($2);} | USERNAME mapping_list HERE | USERNAME STRING THERE {current.remotename = xstrdup($2);} ; user0opts : /* EMPTY */ | user0opts user_option ; user1opts : user_option | user1opts user_option ; localnames : WILDCARD {current.wildcard = TRUE;} | mapping_list {current.wildcard = FALSE;} | mapping_list WILDCARD {current.wildcard = TRUE;} ; mapping_list : mapping | mapping_list mapping ; mapping : STRING {save_str_pair(¤t.localnames, $1, NULL);} | STRING MAP STRING {save_str_pair(¤t.localnames, $1, $3);} ; smtphunt : STRING {save_str(¤t.smtphunt, -1, $1);} | smtphunt STRING {save_str(¤t.smtphunt, -1, $2);} ; user_option : TO localnames HERE | TO localnames | IS localnames HERE | IS localnames | IS STRING THERE {current.remotename = xstrdup($2);} | PASSWORD STRING {current.password = xstrdup($2);} | FOLDER STRING {current.mailbox = xstrdup($2);} | SMTPHOST smtphunt | MDA STRING {current.mda = xstrdup($2);} | PRECONNECT STRING {current.preconnect = xstrdup($2);} | KEEP {current.keep = FLAG_TRUE;} | FLUSH {current.flush = FLAG_TRUE;} | FETCHALL {current.fetchall = FLAG_TRUE;} | REWRITE {current.rewrite = FLAG_TRUE;} | FORCECR {current.forcecr = FLAG_TRUE;} | STRIPCR {current.stripcr = FLAG_TRUE;} | NO KEEP {current.keep = FLAG_FALSE;} | NO FLUSH {current.flush = FLAG_FALSE;} | NO FETCHALL {current.fetchall = FLAG_FALSE;} | NO REWRITE {current.rewrite = FLAG_FALSE;} | NO FORCECR {current.forcecr = FLAG_FALSE;} | NO STRIPCR {current.stripcr = FLAG_FALSE;} | LIMIT NUMBER {current.limit = $2;} | FETCHLIMIT NUMBER {current.fetchlimit = $2;} | BATCHLIMIT NUMBER {current.batchlimit = $2;} ; %% /* lexer interface */ extern char *rcfile; extern int prc_lineno; extern char *yytext; extern FILE *yyin; static struct query *hosttail; /* where to add new elements */ void yyerror (const char *s) /* report a syntax error */ { error_at_line( 0, 0, rcfile, prc_lineno, "%s at %s", s, yytext ); prc_errflag++; } int prc_filecheck(pathname) /* check that a configuration file is secure */ const char *pathname; /* pathname for the configuration file */ { struct stat statbuf; /* special case, useful for debugging purposes */ if (strcmp("/dev/null", pathname) == 0) return(0); /* the run control file must have the same uid as the REAL uid of this process, it must have permissions no greater than 600, and it must not be a symbolic link. We check these conditions here. */ errno = 0; if (lstat(pathname, &statbuf) < 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) return(0); else { error(0, errno, "lstat: %s", pathname); return(PS_IOERR); } } if ((statbuf.st_mode & S_IFLNK) == S_IFLNK) { fprintf(stderr, "File %s must not be a symbolic link.\n", pathname); return(PS_AUTHFAIL); } if (statbuf.st_mode & ~(S_IFREG | S_IREAD | S_IWRITE)) { fprintf(stderr, "File %s must have no more than -rw------ permissions.\n", pathname); return(PS_AUTHFAIL); } if (statbuf.st_uid != getuid()) { fprintf(stderr, "File %s must be owned by you.\n", pathname); return(PS_AUTHFAIL); } return(0); } int prc_parse_file (pathname) /* digest the configuration into a linked list of host records */ const char *pathname; /* pathname for the configuration file */ { prc_errflag = 0; querylist = hosttail = (struct query *)NULL; /* Check that the file is secure */ if ((prc_errflag = prc_filecheck(pathname)) != 0) return(prc_errflag); if (errno == ENOENT) return(0); /* Open the configuration and feed it to the lexer. */ if ((yyin = fopen(pathname,"r")) == (FILE *)NULL) { error(0, errno, "open: %s", pathname); return(PS_IOERR); } yyparse(); /* parse entire file */ fclose(yyin); if (prc_errflag) return(PS_SYNTAX); else return(0); } static void user_reset(void) /* clear the global current record (server parameters) used by the parser */ { struct hostdata save; /* * Purpose of this code is to initialize the new server block, but * preserve whatever server name was previously set. Also * preserve server options unless the command-line explicitly * overrides them. */ save = current.server; memset(¤t, '\0', sizeof(current)); current.server = save; } struct query *hostalloc(init) /* append a host record to the host list */ struct query *init; /* pointer to block containing initial values */ { struct query *node; /* allocate new node */ node = (struct query *) xmalloc(sizeof(struct query)); /* initialize it */ memcpy(node, init, sizeof(struct query)); /* append to end of list */ if (hosttail != (struct query *) 0) hosttail->next = node; /* list contains at least one element */ else querylist = node; /* list is empty */ hosttail = node; return(node); } static void record_current(void) /* register current parameters and append to the host list */ { #define FLAG_FORCE(fld) if (cmd_opts.fld) current.fld = cmd_opts.fld FLAG_FORCE(server.protocol); FLAG_FORCE(server.port); FLAG_FORCE(server.authenticate); FLAG_FORCE(server.timeout); FLAG_FORCE(server.envelope); FLAG_FORCE(server.skip); FLAG_FORCE(server.dns); #ifdef linux FLAG_FORCE(server.interface); FLAG_FORCE(server.monitor); FLAG_FORCE(server.interface_pair); #endif /* linux */ FLAG_FORCE(remotename); FLAG_FORCE(password); FLAG_FORCE(mailbox); if (cmd_opts.smtphunt) save_str(¤t.smtphunt, -1, cmd_opts.smtphunt->id); FLAG_FORCE(mda); FLAG_FORCE(preconnect); FLAG_FORCE(keep); FLAG_FORCE(flush); FLAG_FORCE(fetchall); FLAG_FORCE(rewrite); FLAG_FORCE(forcecr); FLAG_FORCE(stripcr); FLAG_FORCE(limit); FLAG_FORCE(fetchlimit); FLAG_FORCE(batchlimit); #undef FLAG_FORCE (void) hostalloc(¤t); } void optmerge(struct query *h2, struct query *h1) /* merge two options records; empty fields in h2 are filled in from h1 */ { append_str_list(&h2->server.localdomains, &h1->server.localdomains); append_str_list(&h2->localnames, &h1->localnames); append_str_list(&h2->smtphunt, &h1->smtphunt); #define FLAG_MERGE(fld) if (!h2->fld) h2->fld = h1->fld FLAG_MERGE(server.protocol); FLAG_MERGE(server.port); FLAG_MERGE(server.authenticate); FLAG_MERGE(server.timeout); FLAG_MERGE(server.envelope); FLAG_MERGE(server.skip); FLAG_MERGE(server.dns); #ifdef linux FLAG_MERGE(server.interface); FLAG_MERGE(server.monitor); FLAG_MERGE(server.interface_pair); #endif /* linux */ FLAG_MERGE(remotename); FLAG_MERGE(password); FLAG_MERGE(mailbox); FLAG_MERGE(mda); FLAG_MERGE(preconnect); FLAG_MERGE(keep); FLAG_MERGE(flush); FLAG_MERGE(fetchall); FLAG_MERGE(rewrite); FLAG_MERGE(forcecr); FLAG_MERGE(stripcr); FLAG_MERGE(limit); FLAG_MERGE(fetchlimit); FLAG_MERGE(batchlimit); #undef FLAG_MERGE } /* easier to do this than cope with variations in where the library lives */ int yywrap(void) {return 1;} /* rcfile_y.y ends here */