%{ /* Copyright 1993-95 by Carl Harris, Jr. Copyright 1996 by Eric S. Raymond * All rights reserved. * For license terms, see the file COPYING in this directory. */ /*********************************************************************** module: rcfile_y.y project: fetchmail programmer: Carl Harris, ceharris@mal.com Extensively hacked and fixed by esr. description: configuration file parser ***********************************************************************/ #include #include extern char *rcfile; extern int prc_lineno; extern int prc_errflag; extern char *yytext; int yydebug; /* in case we didn't generate with -- debug */ %} %union { int proto; int flag; char *sval; } %token SERVER PROTOCOL LOCALNAME USERNAME PASSWORD FOLDER SMTPHOST MDA DEFAULTS %token PROTO %token STRING %token KEEP FLUSH FETCHALL REWRITE PORT SKIP /* these are actually used by the lexer */ %token FLAG_TRUE 2 %token FLAG_FALSE 1 %% rcfile : /* empty */ | statement_list ; statement_list : statement | statement_list statement ; statement : define_server serverspecs userspecs ; define_server : SERVER STRING {prc_setserver($2);} | DEFAULTS {prc_setserver("defaults");} ; serverspecs : /* EMPTY */ | serverspecs serv_option ; serv_option : PROTOCOL PROTO {prc_setproto($2);} | PORT STRING {prc_setport($2);} ; /* the first and only the first user spec may omit the USERNAME part */ userspecs : user1opts {prc_register(); prc_reset();} | user1opts explicits {prc_register(); prc_reset();} | explicits ; explicits : userdef {prc_register(); prc_reset();} | explicits userdef {prc_register(); prc_reset();} ; userdef : USERNAME STRING user0opts {prc_setremote($2);} ; user0opts : /* EMPTY */ | user0opts user_option ; user1opts : user_option | user1opts user_option ; user_option : LOCALNAME STRING {prc_setlocal($2);} | PASSWORD STRING {prc_setpassword($2);} | FOLDER STRING {prc_setfolder($2);} | SMTPHOST STRING {prc_setsmtphost($2);} | MDA STRING {prc_setmda($2);} | KEEP {prc_setkeep($1==FLAG_TRUE);} | FLUSH {prc_setflush($1==FLAG_TRUE);} | FETCHALL {prc_setfetchall($1==FLAG_TRUE);} | REWRITE {prc_setrewrite($1==FLAG_TRUE);} | SKIP {prc_setskip($1==FLAG_TRUE);} ; %% yyerror (s) char *s; { fprintf(stderr,"%s line %d: %s at %s\n", rcfile, prc_lineno, s, yytext); prc_errflag++; }