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The graph shows the population growth of the fetchmail project. The horizontal scale is days since baseline, which is when I started collecting statistics in October 1996 at version 1.9.0. Left vertical scale is number of participants. There is one data point for each release; therefore, the changes in density of marks indicate release frequency.
The peak in the earliest part of the graph (before the note "Bad addresses dropped") seems to be an artifact; I was not regularly dropping addresses that became invalid at the time. Turnover on the list seems to be about 5% per month (but that's my estimate, I don't have numbers on this).
The blue scatter of squares is total participants. The green scatter of crosses is the count of people on fetchmail-friends after I split the list. The violet scatter of x marks is the population of fetchmail-announce after the split.
The brown scatter of asterisks tracks project size in lines of code (right vertical axis). The scale relationship between this scatter and the other three is arbitrary.
This graph is quite revealing. Several trends stand out:
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