#!/usr/bin/python # # A GUI configurator for generating Fetchmail configuration files. from Tkinter import * from Dialog import * import sys import time import os import string # # Define the data structures the GUIs will be tossing around # class Controls: def __init__(self): self.poll_interval = 300 # Default to 5-minute timeout self.syslog = FALSE # Use syslogd for logging? self.logfile = None # No logfile, initially self.idfile = os.environ["HOME"] + "/.fetchids" # Default idfile, initially self.invisible = FALSE # Suppress Received line & spoof? self.servers = [] # List of included sites def __repr__(self): str = ""; if self.syslog != ControlDefaults.syslog: str = str + ("set syslog\n") elif self.logfile: str = str + ("set logfile \"%s\"\n" % (self.logfile,)); if self.idfile != ControlDefaults.idfile: str = str + ("set idfile \"%s\"\n" % (self.idfile,)); if self.poll_interval != ControlDefaults.poll_interval: str = str + ("set daemon %s\n" % (self.poll_interval,)) for site in self.servers: str = str + repr(site) return str def __str__(self): return "[Controls: " + repr(self) + "]" class Server: def __init__(self): self.pollname = None # Poll label self.via = None # True name of host self.active = TRUE # Poll status self.interval = 0 # Skip interval self.protocol = 'auto' # Default to auto protocol self.port = 0 # Port number to use self.uidl = FALSE # Don't use RFC1725 UIDLs by default self.auth = 'password' # Default to password authentication self.timeout = 300 # 5-minute timeout self.envelope = 'Received' # Envelope-address header self.envskip = 0 # Number of envelope headers to skip self.qvirtual = None # Name prefix to strip self.aka = [] # List of DNS aka names self.dns = TRUE # Enable DNS lookup on multidrop self.localdomains = [] # Domains to be considered local self.interface = None # IP address and range self.monitor = None # IP address and range self.users = [] # List of user entries for site self.typemap = ( ('pollname', 'String'), ('via', 'String'), ('active', 'Boolean'), ('interval', 'Int'), ('protocol', 'String'), ('interval', 'Int'), ('port', 'Int'), ('uidl', 'Boolean'), ('auth', 'String'), ('timeout', 'Int'), ('envelope', 'String'), ('envskip', 'Int'), ('qvirtual', 'String'), # leave aka out ('dns', 'Boolean'), # leave localdomains out ('interface', 'String'), ('monitor', 'String')) def dump(self, folded): str = "" if self.active: str = str + "poll" else: str = str + "skip" str = str + (" " + self.pollname) if self.via: str = str + " via " + self.via if self.protocol != ServerDefaults.protocol: str = str + " with proto " + self.protocol if self.port != defaultports[self.protocol] and self.port != 0: str = str + " port " + `self.port` if self.timeout != ServerDefaults.timeout: str = str + " timeout " + `self.timeout` if self.interval != ServerDefaults.interval: str = str + " interval " + `self.interval` if self.envelope != ServerDefaults.envelope or self.envskip != ServerDefaults.envskip: if self.envskip: str = str + " envelope " + self.envskip + " " + self.envelope else: str = str + " envelope " + self.envelope if self.qvirtual != ServerDefaults.qvirtual: str = str + " qvirtual " + self.qvirtual if self.auth != ServerDefaults.auth: str = str + " auth " + self.auth if self.dns != ServerDefaults.dns or self.uidl != ServerDefaults.uidl: str = str + " and options" if self.dns != ServerDefaults.dns: str = str + flag2str(self.dns, 'dns') if self.uidl != ServerDefaults.uidl: str = str + flag2str(self.uidl, 'uidl') if folded: str = str + "\n " else: str = str + " " if self.aka: str = str + "aka" for x in self.aka: str = str + " " + x if self.aka and self.localdomains: str = str + " " if self.localdomains: str = str + ("localdomains") for x in self.localdomains: str = str + " " + x if (self.aka or self.localdomains): if folded: str = str + "\n " else: str = str + " " if self.interface: str = str + "interface " + self.interface if self.monitor: str = str + "monitor " + self.monitor if (self.interface or self.monitor): if folded: str = str + "\n" if str[-1] == " ": str = str[0:-1] for user in self.users: str = str + repr(user) str = str + "\n" return str; def __repr__(self): return self.dump(TRUE) def __str__(self): return "[Server: " + self.dump(FALSE) + "]" class User: def __init__(self): self.remote = "" # Remote username self.localnames = None # Local names self.password = "" # Password for mail account access self.mailboxes = None # Remote folders to retrieve from self.smtphost = 'localhost' # Host to forward to self.smtpaddress = None; # Append this to MAIL FROM line self.preconnect = "" # Connection setup self.postconnect = "" # Connection wrapup self.mda = "" # Mail Delivery Agent self.antispam = 571; # Listener's spam-block code self.keep = FALSE # Keep messages self.flush = FALSE # Flush messages self.fetchall = FALSE # Fetch old messages self.rewrite = TRUE # Rewrite message headers self.forcecr = FALSE # Force LF -> CR/LF self.stripcr = FALSE # Strip CR self.pass8bits = FALSE # Force BODY=7BIT self.mimedecode = FALSE # Undo MIME armoring self.dropstatus = FALSE # Drop incoming Status lines self.limit = 0 # Message size limit self.fetchlimit = 0 # Max messages fetched per batch self.batchlimit = 0 # Max message forwarded per batch self.expunge = 1 # Interval between expunges (IMAP) self.typemap = ( ('remote', 'String'), # leave out mailboxes and localnames ('password', 'String'), ('smtphost', 'String'), ('smtpaddress', 'String'), ('preconnect', 'String'), ('postconnect', 'String'), ('mda', 'String'), ('antispam', 'Int'), ('keep', 'Boolean'), ('flush', 'Boolean'), ('fetchall', 'Boolean'), ('rewrite', 'Boolean'), ('forcecr', 'Boolean'), ('stripcr', 'Boolean'), ('pass8bits', 'Boolean'), ('mimedecode', 'Boolean'), ('dropstatus', 'Boolean'), ('limit', 'Int'), ('fetchlimit', 'Int'), ('batchlimit', 'Int'), ('expunge', 'Int')) def __repr__(self): str = " " str = str + "user " + self.remote + " there "; if self.password: str = str + "with password " + self.password + ' ' if self.localnames: str = str + "is" for x in self.localnames: str = str + " " + x str = str + " here" if (self.keep != UserDefaults.keep or self.flush != UserDefaults.flush or self.fetchall != UserDefaults.fetchall or self.rewrite != UserDefaults.rewrite or self.forcecr != UserDefaults.forcecr or self.stripcr != UserDefaults.stripcr or self.pass8bits != UserDefaults.pass8bits or self.mimedecode != UserDefaults.mimedecode or self.dropstatus != UserDefaults.dropstatus): str = str + " options" if self.keep != UserDefaults.keep: str = str + flag2str(self.keep, 'keep') if self.flush != UserDefaults.flush: str = str + flag2str(self.flush, 'flush') if self.fetchall != UserDefaults.fetchall: str = str + flag2str(self.fetchall, 'fetchall') if self.rewrite != UserDefaults.rewrite: str = str + flag2str(self.rewrite, 'rewrite') if self.forcecr != UserDefaults.forcecr: str = str + flag2str(self.forcecr, 'forcecr') if self.stripcr != UserDefaults.stripcr: str = str + flag2str(self.stripcr, 'stripcr') if self.pass8bits != UserDefaults.pass8bits: str = str + flag2str(self.pass8bits, 'pass8bits') if self.mimedecode != UserDefaults.mimedecode: str = str + flag2str(self.mimedecode, 'mimedecode') if self.dropstatus != UserDefaults.dropstatus: str = str + flag2str(self.dropstatus, 'dropstatus') if self.limit != UserDefaults.limit: str = str + " limit " + `self.limit` if self.fetchlimit != UserDefaults.fetchlimit: str = str + " fetchlimit " + `self.fetchlimit` if self.batchlimit != UserDefaults.batchlimit: str = str + " batchlimit " + `self.batchlimit` if self.expunge != UserDefaults.expunge: str = str + " expunge " + `self.expunge` if self.mailboxes: str = str + "\n folder" for x in self.mailboxes: str = str + " " + x str = str + " here" return str; def __str__(self): return "[User: " + repr(self) + "]" # # Helper code # defaultports = {"auto":0, "POP2":109, "POP3":110, "APOP":110, "KPOP":1109, "IMAP":143, "IMAP-K4":143, "ETRN":25} protolist = ("auto", "POP2", "POP3", "APOP", "KPOP", "IMAP", "IMAP-K4", "ETRN") authlist = ("password", "kerberos") listboxhelp = { 'title' : 'List Selection Help', 'banner': 'List Selection', 'text' : """ You must select an item in the list box (by clicking on it). """} def flag2str(value, string): # make a string representation of a .fetchmailrc flag or negated flag str = "" if value != None: str = str + (" ") if value == FALSE: str = str + ("no ") str = str + string; return str class LabeledEntry(Frame): # widget consisting of entry field with caption to left def bind(self, key, action): self.E.bind(key, action) def focus_set(self): self.E.focus_set() def __init__(self, Master, text, textvar, lwidth, ewidth=12): Frame.__init__(self, Master) self.L = Label(self, {'text':text, 'width':lwidth, 'anchor':'w'}) self.E = Entry(self, {'textvar':textvar, 'width':ewidth}) self.L.pack({'side':'left'}) self.E.pack({'side':'left', 'expand':'1', 'fill':'x'}) def ButtonBar(frame, legend, ref, alternatives, depth, command): # array of radio buttons, caption to left, picking from a string list bar = Frame(frame) width = len(alternatives) / depth; Label(bar, text=legend).pack(side=LEFT) for column in range(width): subframe = Frame(bar) for row in range(depth): ind = width * row + column Radiobutton(subframe, {'text':alternatives[ind], 'variable':ref, 'value':alternatives[ind], 'command':command}).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) subframe.pack(side=LEFT) bar.pack(side=TOP); return bar def helpwin(helpdict): # help message window with a self-destruct button helpwin = Toplevel() helpwin.title(helpdict['title']) helpwin.iconname(helpdict['title']) Label(helpwin, text=helpdict['banner']).pack() textwin = Message(helpwin, text=helpdict['text'], width=600) textwin.pack() Button(helpwin, text='Done', command=lambda x=helpwin: Widget.destroy(x), relief=SUNKEN, bd=2).pack() class ListEdit(Frame): # edit a list of values (duplicates not allowed) with a supplied editor hook def __init__(self, newlegend, list, editor, master, helptxt): self.editor = editor self.list = list # Set up a widget to accept new elements self.newval = StringVar(master) newwin = LabeledEntry(master, newlegend, self.newval, '12') newwin.bind('', self.handleNew) newwin.bind('', self.handleNew) newwin.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, anchor=E) # Edit the existing list listframe = Frame(master) scroll = Scrollbar(listframe) listwidget = Listbox(listframe, height=0, selectmode='browse') listframe.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) listwidget.config(yscrollcommand=scroll.set, relief=SUNKEN) listwidget.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH) scroll.config(command=listwidget.yview, relief=SUNKEN) scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH) listwidget.config(selectmode=SINGLE, setgrid=TRUE) listwidget.bind('', self.handleList); listwidget.bind('', self.handleList); self.listwidget = listwidget bf = Frame(master); if self.editor: Button(bf, text='Edit', command=self.editItem).pack(side=LEFT) Button(bf, text='Delete', command=self.deleteItem).pack(side=LEFT) if helptxt: self.helptxt = helptxt Button(bf, text='Help', fg='blue', command=self.help).pack(side=RIGHT) bf.pack(fill=X) def help(self): helpwin(self.helptxt) def handleList(self, event): self.editItem(); def handleNew(self, event): item = self.newval.get() entire = self.listwidget.get(0, self.listwidget.index('end')); if item and (not entire) or (not item in self.listwidget.get(0, self.listwidget.index('end'))): self.listwidget.insert('end', item) if self.list != None: self.list.append(item) self.newval.set('') def editItem(self): select = self.listwidget.curselection() if not select: helpwin(listboxhelp) else: index = select[0] if index and self.editor: label = self.listwidget.get(index); apply(self.editor, (label,)) def deleteItem(self): select = self.listwidget.curselection() if not select: helpwin(listboxhelp) else: index = select[0] if index: self.listwidget.delete(index) if self.list != None: del self.list[index] def ConfirmQuit(frame, context): ans = Dialog(frame, title = 'Quit?', text = 'Really quit ' + context + ' without saving?', bitmap = 'question', strings = ('Yes', 'No'), default = 1) return ans.num == 0 # # First, code to set the global fetchmail run controls. # novicehelp = { 'title' : 'Fetchmail novice configurator help', 'banner': 'Novice configurator help', 'text' : """ In the `Novice Configurator Controls' panel, you can: Press `Save' to save the new fetchmail configuration you have created. Press `Quit' to exit without saving. Press `Help' to bring up this help message. In the `Novice Configuration' panel, you will set up the basic data needed to create a simple fetchmail setup. These include: 1. The name of the remote site you want to query. 2. Your login name on that site. 3. Your password on that site. 4. A protocol to use (POP, IMAP, ETRN, etc.) 5. A polling interval. The novice-configuration code will assume that you want to forward mail to a local sendmail listener with no special options. """} experthelp = { 'title' : 'Fetchmail expert configurator help', 'banner': 'Expert configurator help', 'text' : """ In the `Expert Configurator Controls' panel, you can: Press `Save' to save the new fetchmail configuration you have edited. Press `Quit' to exit without saving. Press `Help' to bring up this help message. In the `Run Controls' panel, you can set the following options that control how fetchmail runs: Poll interval Number of seconds to wait between polls in the background. If zero, fetchmail will run in foreground. Logfile If empty, emit progress and error messages to stderr. Otherwise this gives the name of the files to write to. This field is ignored if the "Log to syslog?" option is on. Idfile If empty, store seen-message IDs in .fetchids under user's home directory. If nonempty, use given file name. Invisible: If false (the default) fetchmail generates a Received line into each message and generates a HELO from the machine it is running on. If true, fetchmail generates no Received line and HELOs as if it were the remote site. In the `Remote Mail Configurations' panel, you can: 1. Enter the name of a new remote mail server you want fetchmail to query. To do this, simply enter a label for the poll configuration in the `New Server:' box. The label should be a DNS name of the server (unless you are using ssh or some other tunneling method and will fill in the `via' option on the site configuration screen). 2. Change the configuration of an existing site. To do this, find the site's label in the listbox and double-click it. This will take you to a site configuration dialogue. """} class ControlEdit(Frame): def postControls(self): self.poll_interval = StringVar(self) self.poll_interval.set(`self.controls.poll_interval`) self.syslog = BooleanVar(self) self.syslog.set(self.controls.syslog) self.logfile = StringVar(self) if self.controls.logfile: self.logfile.set(self.controls.logfile); self.idfile = StringVar(self) if self.controls.idfile: self.idfile.set(self.controls.idfile); self.invisible = BooleanVar(self) self.invisible.set(self.controls.invisible) def expertEdit(self): gf = Frame(self, relief=RAISED, bd = 5) Label(gf, text='Fetchmail Run Controls', bd=2).pack(side=TOP, pady=10) df = Frame(gf, relief=RAISED, bd=2) # Set the poll interval de = LabeledEntry(df, ' Poll interval:', self.poll_interval, '14') de.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E) df.pack(); sf = Frame(gf, relief=RAISED, bd=2) # Use syslog for logging? Checkbutton(sf, {'text':'Log to syslog?', 'variable':self.syslog, 'relief':GROOVE}).pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W) # Set the logfile log = LabeledEntry(sf, ' Logfile:', self.logfile, '14') log.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E) sf.pack(fill=X) # Invisible mode? Checkbutton(gf, {'text':'Invisible mode?', 'variable':self.invisible, 'relief':GROOVE}).pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W) # Set the idfile log = LabeledEntry(gf, ' Idfile:', self.idfile, '14') log.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E) gf.pack(fill=X) def GatherControls(self): self.controls.poll_interval = self.poll_interval.get() self.controls.logfile = self.logfile.get() self.controls.idfile = self.idfile.get() self.controls.syslog = self.syslog.get() self.controls.invisible = self.invisible.get() def save(self): self.GatherControls() sys.stdout.write("# Configuration created %s\n" % time.ctime(time.time())) sys.stdout.write(`self.controls`) self.quit() # # Server editing stuff. # remotehelp = { 'title' : 'Remote site help', 'banner': 'Remote sites', 'text' : """ When you add a site name to the list here, you initialize an entry telling fetchmail how to poll a new site. When you select a sitename (by double- clicking it, or by single-clicking to select and then clicking the Edit button), you will open a window to configure that site. """} serverhelp = { 'title' : 'Server options help', 'banner': 'Server Options', 'text' : """ The server options screen controls fetchmail options that apply to one of your mailservers. Once you have a mailserver configuration set up as you like it, you can select `Save' to store it in the server list maintained in the main configuration window. If you wish to discard changes to a server configuration, select `Quit'. """} controlhelp = { 'title' : 'Run Control help', 'banner': 'Run Controls', 'text' : """ If the `Poll normally' checkbox is on, the host is polled as part of the normal operation of fetchmail when it is run with no arguments. If it is off, fetchmail will only query this host when it is given as a command-line argument. The `True name of server' box should specify the actual DNS name to query. By default this is the same as the poll name. Normally each host described in the file is queried once each poll cycle. If `Cycles to skip between polls' is greater than 0, that's the number of poll cycles that are skipped between the times this post is actually polled. The `Server timeout' is the number of seconds fetchmail will wait for a reply from the mailserver before concluding it is hung and giving up. """} protohelp = { 'title' : 'Protocol and Port help', 'banner': 'Protocol and Port', 'text' : """ These options control the remote-mail protocol and TCP/IP service port used to query this server. The `Protocol' button bar offers you a choice of all the different protocols available. The `auto' protocol is a special mode that probes the host ports for POP3 and IMAP to see if either is available. Normally the TCP/IP service port to use is dictated by the protocol choice. The `Port' field lets you set a non-standard port. """} sechelp = { 'title' : 'Security option help', 'banner': 'Security', 'text' : """ The `interface' option, if given, specifies the only device through which fetchmail is permitted to connect to servers. Specifying this may protect you from a spoofing attack if your client machine has more than one IP gateway address and some of the gateways are to insecure nets. The `monitor' option allows you to specify a range of IP addresses to monitor for activity. If these addresses are not active, fetchmail will not poll. This option may be used to prevent fetchmail from triggering an expensive dial-out if the interface is not already active. The `interface' and `monitor' options are available only for Linux systems. See the fetchmail manual page for details on these. """} multihelp = { 'title' : 'Multidrop option help', 'banner': 'Multidrop', 'text' : """ These options are only useful with multidrop mode. See the manual page for extended discussion. """} suserhelp = { 'title' : 'User list help', 'banner': 'User list', 'text' : """ When you add a user name to the list here, you initialize an entry telling fetchmail to poll the site on behalf of the new user. When you select a username (by double- clicking it, or by single-clicking to select and then clicking the Edit button), you will open a window to configure the user's options on that site. """} def dispose_window(master, legend, help): dispose = Frame(master, relief=RAISED, bd=5) Label(dispose, text=legend).pack(side=TOP,pady=10) Button(dispose, text='Save', fg='blue', command=master.save).pack(side=LEFT) Button(dispose, text='Quit', fg='blue', command=master.nosave).pack(side=LEFT) Button(dispose, text='Help', fg='blue', command=lambda: helpwin(help)).pack(side=RIGHT) dispose.pack(fill=X) return dispose class ServerEdit(Frame): def __init__(self, host, servers, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) Pack.config(self) self.master.title('Fetchmail host ' + host); self.master.iconname('Fetchmail host ' + host); self.server = None for site in servers: if site.pollname == host: self.server = site if (self.server == None): self.server = Server() self.server.pollname = host self.server.via = host servers.append(self.server) self.post() self.expertEdit(host) # self.grab_set() # self.focus_set() # self.wait_window() def post(self): # we can't abstract this away, execs would happen in the wrong scope for x in self.server.typemap: target = "self." + x[0] source = "self.server." + x[0] if x[1] == 'Boolean': exec target + " = BooleanVar(self)" if eval(source): exec target + ".set(" + source + ")" elif x[1] == 'String': exec target + " = StringVar(self)" if eval(source): exec target + ".set(" + source + ")" elif x[1] == 'Int': exec target + " = IntVar(self)" if eval(source): exec target + ".set(" + source + ")" def gather(self): for x in self.server.typemap: setattr(self.server, x[0], getattr(self, x[0]).get()) def nosave(self): if ConfirmQuit(self, 'server option editing'): Widget.destroy(self.master) def save(self): self.gather() Widget.destroy(self.master) def refreshPort(self): proto = self.protocol.get() self.port.set(defaultports[proto]) if not proto in ("POP3", "APOP", "KPOP"): self.uidl = FALSE def expertEdit(self, host): topwin = dispose_window(self, "Server options for " + host, serverhelp) leftwin = Frame(self); leftwidth = '25'; ctlwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5) Label(ctlwin, text="Run Controls").pack(side=TOP) Checkbutton(ctlwin, text='Poll ' + host + ' normally?', variable=self.active).pack(side=TOP) LabeledEntry(ctlwin, 'True name of ' + host + ':', self.via, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X) LabeledEntry(ctlwin, 'Cycles to skip between polls:', self.interval, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X) LabeledEntry(ctlwin, 'Server timeout (seconds):', self.timeout, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X) Button(ctlwin, text='Help', fg='blue', command=lambda: helpwin(controlhelp)).pack(side=RIGHT) ctlwin.pack(fill=X) protwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5) Label(protwin, text="Protocol and Port").pack(side=TOP) pb = ButtonBar(protwin, '', self.protocol, protolist, 2, self.refreshPort) LabeledEntry(protwin, 'On server TCP/IP port:', self.port, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X) Checkbutton(protwin, text="POP3: track `seen' with client-side UIDLs?", variable=self.uidl).pack(side=TOP) Button(protwin, text='Help', fg='blue', command=lambda: helpwin(protohelp)).pack(side=RIGHT) protwin.pack(fill=X) userwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5) Label(userwin, text="User entries for " + host).pack(side=TOP) ListEdit("New user: ", None, self.edituser, userwin, suserhelp) userwin.pack(fill=X) leftwin.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N, fill=X); rightwin = Frame(self); mdropwin = Frame(rightwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5) Label(mdropwin, text="Multidrop options").pack(side=TOP) LabeledEntry(mdropwin, 'Envelope address header:', self.envelope, '22').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) LabeledEntry(mdropwin, 'Envelope headers to skip:', self.envskip, '22').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) LabeledEntry(mdropwin, 'Name prefix to strip:', self.qvirtual, '22').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) Checkbutton(mdropwin, text="Enable multidrop DNS lookup?", variable=self.dns).pack(side=TOP) Label(mdropwin, text="DNS aliases").pack(side=TOP) ListEdit("New alias: ", self.server.aka, None, mdropwin, None) Label(mdropwin, text="Domains to be considered local").pack(side=TOP) ListEdit("New domain: ", self.server.localdomains, None, mdropwin, multihelp) mdropwin.pack(fill=X) secwin = Frame(rightwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5) # Pushes the window depth past 480 # Label(secwin, text="Security").pack(side=TOP) # Don't actually let users set this. KPOP sets it implicitly # ButtonBar(secwin, 'Authorization mode:', # self.auth, authlist, 1, None).pack(side=TOP) if os.popen("uname").readlines()[0] == 'Linux\n': LabeledEntry(secwin, 'Interface to check before poll:', self.interface, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X) LabeledEntry(secwin, 'IP range to monitor:', self.monitor, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X) Button(secwin, text='Help', fg='blue', command=lambda: helpwin(sechelp)).pack(side=RIGHT) secwin.pack(fill=X) rightwin.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N); def edituser(self, user): UserEdit(user, self.server, Toplevel()) # # User editing stuff # userhelp = { 'title' : 'User option help', 'banner': 'User options', 'text' : """ You may use this panel to set options that may differ between individual users on your site. Note: if a site entry has more than one local user, messages will be retrieved in multidrop mode. This complicates the configuration issues; see the manual page section on multidrop mode. """} localhelp = { 'title' : 'Local name help', 'banner': 'Local names', 'text' : """ The local name(s) in a user entry are the people on the client machine who should receive mail from the poll described. Note: if a user entry has more than one local name, messages will be retrieved in multidrop mode. This complicates the configuration issues; see the manual page section on multidrop mode. """} class UserEdit(Frame): def __init__(self, username, server, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) Pack.config(self) self.master.title('Fetchmail user ' + username + ' querying ' + server.pollname); self.master.iconname('Fetchmail user ' + username); self.user = None for user in server.users: if user.remote == username: self.user = user if self.user == None: self.user = User() self.user.remote = user self.user.localnames = [user] server.users.append(self.user) self.post() self.expertEdit() # self.grab_set() # self.focus_set() # self.wait_window() def post(self): # we can't abstract this away, execs would happen in the wrong scope for x in self.user.typemap: target = "self." + x[0] source = "self.user." + x[0] if x[1] == 'Boolean': exec target + " = BooleanVar(self)" if eval(source): exec target + ".set(" + source + ")" elif x[1] == 'String': exec target + " = StringVar(self)" if eval(source): exec target + ".set(" + source + ")" elif x[1] == 'Int': exec target + " = IntVar(self)" if eval(source): exec target + ".set(" + source + ")" def gather(self): for x in self.user.typemap: setattr(self.user, x[0], getattr(self, x[0]).get()) def nosave(self): if ConfirmQuit(self, 'user option editing'): Widget.destroy(self.master) def save(self): self.gather() Widget.destroy(self.master) def expertEdit(self): dispose_window(self, "User options for " + self.user.remote, userhelp) leftwin = Frame(self); secwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5) Label(secwin, text="Authentication").pack(side=TOP) LabeledEntry(secwin, 'Password:', self.password, '12').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) #XXX The mailboxes member is actually a list # LabeledEntry(secwin, 'Folder(s):', # self.mailboxes, '12').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) secwin.pack(fill=X, anchor=N) names = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5) Label(names, text="Local names").pack(side=TOP) ListEdit("New name: ", self.user.localnames, None, names, localhelp) names.pack(fill=X, anchor=N) targwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5) Label(targwin, text="Forwarding Options").pack(side=TOP) LabeledEntry(targwin, 'System to forward to:', self.smtphost, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Append to MAIL FROM line:', self.smtpaddress, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Connection setup command:', self.preconnect, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Connection wrapup command:', self.postconnect, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Local delivery agent:', self.mda, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Listener spam-block code:', self.antispam, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) targwin.pack(fill=X, anchor=N) leftwin.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, anchor=N) rightwin = Frame(self) optwin = Frame(rightwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5) Label(optwin, text="Processing Options").pack(side=TOP) Checkbutton(optwin, text="Suppress deletion of messages after reading", variable=self.keep).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) Checkbutton(optwin, text="Flush seen messages before retrieval", variable=self.flush).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) Checkbutton(optwin, text="Fetch old messages as well as new", variable=self.fetchall).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) Checkbutton(optwin, text="Rewrite To/Cc/Bcc messages to enable reply", variable=self.rewrite).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) Checkbutton(optwin, text="Force CR/LF at end of each line", variable=self.forcecr).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) Checkbutton(optwin, text="Strip CR from end of eacgh line", variable=self.stripcr).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) Checkbutton(optwin, text="Pass 8 bits even though SMTP says 7BIT", variable=self.pass8bits).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) Checkbutton(optwin, text="Undo MIME armoring on header and body", variable=self.mimedecode).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) Checkbutton(optwin, text="Drop Status lines from forwarded messages", variable=self.dropstatus).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W) optwin.pack(fill=X) limwin = Frame(rightwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5) Label(limwin, text="Resource Limits").pack(side=TOP) LabeledEntry(limwin, 'Message size limit:', self.limit, '30').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) LabeledEntry(limwin, 'Max messages to fetch per poll:', self.fetchlimit, '30').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) LabeledEntry(limwin, 'Max messages to forward per poll:', self.batchlimit, '30').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) LabeledEntry(limwin, 'Interval between expunges (IMAP):', self.expunge, '30').pack(side=TOP, fill=X) limwin.pack(fill=X) rightwin.pack(side=LEFT) # # ExpertConfigure drives the expert-mode configuration dialogue. # It may call multiple instances of ServerEdit to do its job. # class ExpertConfigure(Frame, ControlEdit): def __init__(self, configuration, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.master.title('fetchmail expert configurator'); self.master.iconname('fetchmail expert configurator'); self.configuration = configuration Pack.config(self) dispose_window(self, 'Expert Configurator Controls', experthelp) self.postControls() self.expertEdit() self.makeSitelist(master) def makeSitelist(self, master): lf = Frame(master, relief=RAISED, bd=5) Label(lf, text='Remote Mail Server Configurations', bd=2).pack(side=TOP, pady=10) ListEdit('New Server:', map(lambda x: x.pollname, self.configuration.servers), self.editSite, lf, remotehelp) lf.pack(fill=X) def editSite(self, site): print "Editing " + site; ServerEdit(site, self.configuration.servers, Toplevel()) def nosave(self): if ConfirmQuit(self, "expert configuration editor"): self.quit() # # Here's the novice configurator code. Takes one site, one name, one # protocol designation, and creates a simple .fetchmailrc # class NoviceConfigure(Frame, ControlEdit): def __init__(self, configuration, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.master.title('fetchmail novice configurator'); self.master.iconname('fetchmail novice configurator'); self.configuration = configuration; Pack.config(self) dispose = Frame(self, relief=RAISED, bd=5) Label(dispose, text='Novice Configurator Controls', bd=2).pack(side=TOP, pady=10) Button(dispose, text='Save', fg='blue', command=self.save).pack(side=LEFT) Button(dispose, text='Quit', fg='blue', command=self.nosave).pack(side=LEFT) Button(dispose, text='Help', fg='blue', command=lambda: helpwin(novicehelp)).pack(side=RIGHT) dispose.pack(side=TOP, fill=X); novice = Frame(self, relief=RAISED, bd=5) Label(novice, text='Novice Configuration Window', bd=2).pack(side=TOP, pady=10) #XXX Must make these controls work -- see novice help above # LabeledEntry(novice, 'Remote host to query:', # self.remote_host).pack(side=TOP, fill=X) # LabeledEntry(novice, 'Your login name on the remote host:', # self.remote_name).pack(side=TOP, fill=X) # LabeledEntry(novice, 'Your password on the remote host:', # self.remote_passwd).pack(side=TOP, fill=X) novice.pack(side=TOP, fill=X); def save(self): #XXX Save code must go here self.quit() def nosave(self): if ConfirmQuit(self, "novice configuration editor"): self.quit() # # And this is the main sequence # class MainWindow(Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Frame.__init__(self, master) self.master.title('fetchmail configurator main'); self.master.iconname('fetchmail configurator main'); Pack.config(self) Label(self, text='Configurator Main Window', bd=2).pack(side=TOP, pady=10) Message(self, text=""" Use `Novice Configuration' for basic fetchmail setup; with this, you can easily set up a single-drop connection to one remote mail server. """, width=600).pack(side=TOP) Button(self, text='Novice Configuration', fg='blue', command=self.novice).pack() Message(self, text=""" Use `Expert Configuration' for advanced fetchmail setup, including multiple-site or multidrop connections. """, width=600).pack(side=TOP) Button(self, text='Expert Configuration', fg='blue', command=self.expert).pack() Message(self, text=""" Or you can just select `Quit' to leave the configurator now. """, width=600).pack(side=TOP) Button(self, text='Quit', fg='blue', command=self.leave).pack() def novice(self): self.destroy() NoviceConfigure(Configuration) def expert(self): self.destroy() ExpertConfigure(Configuration) def leave(self): if ConfirmQuit(self, "configuration editor"): self.quit() def intersect(list1, list2): # Compute set intersection of lists res = [] for x in list1: if x in list2: res.append(x) return res def setdiff(list1, list2): # Compute set difference of lists res = [] for x in list1: if not x in list2: res.append(x) return res def copy_instance(toclass, fromdict): # Initialize a class object of given type from a conformant dictionary. class_sig = toclass.__dict__.keys(); class_sig.sort() dict_keys = fromdict.keys(); dict_keys.sort() common = intersect(class_sig, dict_keys) if 'typemap' in class_sig: class_sig.remove('typemap') if tuple(class_sig) != tuple(dict_keys): print "Conformability error" # print "Class signature: " + `class_sig` # print "Dictionary keys: " + `dict_keys` print "Not matched in class signature: " + `setdiff(class_sig, common)` print "Not matched in dictionary keys: " + `setdiff(dict_keys, common)` sys.exit(1) else: for x in dict_keys: setattr(toclass, x, fromdict[x]) if __name__ == '__main__': # Compute defaults ControlDefaults = Controls() ServerDefaults = Server() UserDefaults = User() # Read the existing configuration tmpfile = "/tmp/fetchmailconf." + `os.getpid()` sys.stdout.write("Reading configuration...") os.system("fetchmail --configdump >" + tmpfile) execfile(tmpfile) sys.stdout.write("Done.\n") os.remove(tmpfile) # The tricky part -- initializing objects from the configuration global # `Configuration' is the top level of the object tree we're going to mung Configuration = Controls() copy_instance(Configuration, configuration) Configuration.servers = []; for server in configuration['servers']: Newsite = Server() copy_instance(Newsite, server) Configuration.servers.append(Newsite) Newsite.users = []; for user in server['users']: Newuser = User() copy_instance(Newuser, user) Newsite.users.append(Newuser) # Temporary for debugging: print "This is a dump of the configuration we read:\n" + `Configuration` sys.exit(0) # OK, now run the configuration edit MainWindow().mainloop() # The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS # Local Variables: # mode:python # End: