.\" For license terms, see the file COPYING in this directory. .TH fetchmail 8 .SH NAME fetchmail \- fetch mail from a POP, IMAP, or ETRN-capable ESMTP server .SH SYNOPSIS \fBfetchmail\fR [\fIoptions\fR] [\fImailserver...\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION .I fetchmail is a mail-retrieval and forwarding utility; it fetches mail from remote mailservers and forwards it to your local (client) machine's delivery system. You can then handle the retrieved mail using normal mail user agents such as \fIelm\fR(1) or \fIMail\fR(1). The \fBfetchmail\fR utility can be run in a daemon mode to repeatedly poll one or more systems at a specified interval. .PP The .I fetchmail program can gather mail from servers supporting any of the common mail-retrieval protocols: POP2, POP3, IMAP2bis, and IMAP4. It can also use the ESMTP ETRN extension. (The RFCs describing all these protocols are listed at the end of this document.) .PP While .I fetchmail is primarily intended to be used over on-demand TCP/IP links (such as SLIP or PPP connections), it may also be useful as a message transfer agent for sites which refuse for security reasons to permit (sender-initiated) SMTP transactions with sendmail. .PP As each message is retrieved \fIfetchmail\fR normally delivers it via SMTP to port 25 on the machine it is running on (localhost), just as though it were being passed in over a normal TCP/IP link. The mail will then be delivered locally via your system's MTA (Mail Delivery Agent, usually \fIsendmail\fR(8) but your system may use a different one such as \fIsmail\fR, \fImmdf\fR, or \fIqmail\fR). All the delivery-control mechanisms (such as \fI.forward\fR files) normally available through your system MTA and local delivery agents will therefore work. .PP The behavior of .I fetchmail is controlled by command-line options and a run control file, \fI~/.fetchmailrc\fR, the syntax of which we describe below. Command-line options override .I ~/.fetchmailrc declarations. .PP Each server name that you specify following the options on the command line will be queried. If you don't specify any servers on the command line, each server in your .I ~/.fetchmailrc file will be queried. .PP To facilitate the use of .I fetchmail In scripts, pipelines, etc., it returns an appropriate exit code upon termination -- see EXIT CODES below. .SH OPTIONS The following options modify the behavior of \fIfetchmail\fR. It is seldom necessary to specify any of these once you have a working \fI.fetchmailrc\fR file set up. .PP Almost all options have a corresponding keyword which can be used to declare them in a .I fetchmailrc file. .PP Some special options are not covered here, but are documented insttead in sections on AUTHENTICATION and DAEMON MODE which follows. .SS General Options .TP .B \-V, --version Displays the version information for your copy of .I fetchmail. No mail fetch is performed. Instead, for each server specified, all option information that would be computed if .I fetchmail. were connecting to that server is displayed. Any non-printables in passwords or other string names are shown as backslashed C-like escape sequences. This option is useful for verifying that your options are set the way you want them. .TP .B \-c, --check Return a status code to indicate whether there is mail waiting, without actually fetching or deleting mail (see EXIT CODES below). This option turns off daemon mode (in which it would be useless). It doesn't play well with queries to multiple sites, and doesn't work with ETRN. It's also prone to false positives if you leave read but undeleted mail in your server mailbox. .TP .B \-s, --silent Silent mode. Suppresses all progress/status messages that are normally echoed to standard error during a fetch. The --verbose option overrides this. .TP .B \-v, --verbose Verbose mode. All control messages passed between .I fetchmail and the mailserver are echoed to stderr. Overrides --silent. .SS Disposal Options .TP .B \-a, --all (Keyword: fetchall) Retrieve both old (seen) and new messages from the mailserver. The default is to fetch only messages the server has not marked seen. Note that POP2 retrieval behaves as though --all is always on (see RETRIEVAL FAILURE MODES below) and this option does not work with ETRN. .TP .B \-k, --keep (Keyword: keep) Keep retrieved messages on the remote mailserver. Normally, messages are deleted from the folder on the mailserver after they have been retrieved. Specifying the .B keep option causes retrieved messages to remain in your folder on the mailserver. This option does not work with ETRN. .TP .B \-K, --nokeep (Keyword: nokeep) Delete retrieved messages from the remote mailserver. This option forces retrieved mail to be deleted. It may be useful if you have specified a default of \fBkeep\fR in your \fI.fetchmailrc\fR. This option is forced on with ETRN. .TP .B \-F, --flush POP3/IMAP only. Delete old (previously retrieved) messages from the mailserver before retrieving new messages. This option does not work with ETRN. .SS Protocol and Query Options .TP .B \-p, \--protocol proto (Keyword: proto[col]) Specify the protocol to used when communicating with the remote mailserver. If no protocol is specified, .I fetchmail will try each of the supported protocols in turn, terminating after any successful attempt. .I proto may be one of the following: .RS .IP POP2 Post Office Protocol 2 .IP POP3 Post Office Protocol 3 .IP APOP Use POP3 with MD5 authentication. .IP RPOP Use POP3 with RPOP authentication. .IP KPOP Use POP3 with Kerberos V4 authentication on port 1109. .IP IMAP IMAP2bis, IMAP4, or IMAP4rev1 (\fIfetchmail\fR autodetects their capabilities). .IP IMAP-K4 IMAP4, or IMAP4rev1 (\fIfetchmail\fR autodetects their capabilities) with RFC 1731 Kerberos v4 authentication. .IP ETRN Use the ESMTP ETRN option. .RE All these alternatives work in basically the same way (communicating with standard server daemons to fetch mail already delivered to a mailbox on the server) except ETRN. The ETRN mode allows you to ask a compliant ESMTP server (such as BSD sendmail at release 8.8.0 or higher) to immediately open a sender-SMTP connection to your client machine and begin forwarding any items addressed to your client machine in the server's queue of undelivered mail. .TP .B \-U, --uidl (Keyword: uidl) Force UIDL use (effective only with POP3). Force client-side tracking of `newness' of messages. Use with `keep' to use a mailbox as a baby news drop for a group of users; if the mailbox is periodically purged, every member will get a chance to read the message. .TP .B \-P, --port (Keyword: port) The option permits you to specify a TCP/IP port to connect on. This option will seldom be necessary as all the supported protocols have well-established default port numbers. .TP .B \-r folder, --folder folder (Keyword: folder[s]) Causes a specified non-default mail folder on the mailserver (or comma-separated list of folders) to be retrieved. The syntax of the folder name is server-dependent. This option is not available under POP3 or ETRN. .SS Delivery Control Options .TP .B \-S host, --smtphost host (Keyword: smtp[host]) Specify a hunt list of hosts to forward mail to (one or more hostnames, comma-separated). In ETRN mode, set the host that the mailserver is asked to ship mail to. Hosts are tried in list order; the first one that is up becomes the forwarding or ETRN target for the current run. .TP .B \-m, \--mda (Keyword: mda) You can force mail to be passed to an MDA directly (rather than forwarded to port 25) with the -mda or -m option. If \fIfetchmail\fR is running as root, it sets its userid to that of the target user while delivering mail through an MDA. Some possible MDAs are "/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem", "/usr/lib/sendmail -oem", "/usr/bin/formail", and "/usr/bin/deliver". Local delivery addresses will be inserted into the MDA command wherever you place a %s. Do \fInot\fR use an MDA invocation like "sendmail -oem -t" that dispatches on the contents of To/Cc/Bcc, it will create mail loops and bring the just wrath of many postmasters down upon your head. .SS Resource Limit Control Options .TP .B \-l, --limit (Keyword: limit) Takes a maximum octet size argument. Messages larger than this size will not be fetched, not be marked seen, and will be left on the server (in foreground sessions, the progress messages will note that they are "oversized"). An explicit --limit of 0 overrides any limits set in your run control file. This option is intended for those needing to strictly control fetch time in interactive mode. It may not be used with daemon mode, as users would never receive a notification that messages were waiting. This option does not work with ETRN. .TP .B -b, --batchlimit (Keyword: batchlimit) Specify the maximum number of messages that will be shipped to an SMTP listener before the connection is deliberately torn down and rebuilt (defaults to 0, meaning no limit). An explicit --batchlimit of 0 overrides any limits set in your run control file. While \fBsendmail\fR(8) normally initiates delivery of a message immediately after receiving the message terminator, some SMTP listeners are not so prompt. MTAs like \fIqmail\fR(8) and \fIsmail\fR(8) may wait till the delivery socket is shut down to deliver. This may produce annoying delays when .IR fetchmail (8) is processing very large batches. Setting the batch limit to some nonzero size will prevent these delays. This option does not work with ETRN. .TP .B -B, --fetchlimit (Keyword: fetchlimit) Limit the number of messages accepted from a given server in a single poll. By default there is no limit. An explicit --fetchlimit of 0 overrides any limits set in your run control file. This option does not work with ETRN. .SS Authentication Options .TP .B \-u name, --username name (Keyword: user[name]) Specifies the user identification to be used when logging in to the mailserver. The appropriate user identification is both server and user-dependent. The default is your login name on the client machine that is running .I fetchmail. See USER AUTHENTICATION below for a complete description. .TP .B \-I specification, --interface specification (Keyword: interface) Require that a specific interface device be up and have a specific local IP address (or range) before polling. Frequently .I fetchmail is used over a transient point-to-point TCP/IP link established directly to a mailserver via SLIP or PPP. That is a relatively secure channel. But when other TCP/IP routes to the mailserver exist (e.g. when the link is connected to an alternate ISP), your username and password may be vulnerable to snooping (especially when daemon mode automatically polls for mail, shipping a clear password over the net at predictable intervals). The --interface option may be used to prevent this. When the specified link is not up or is not connected to a matching IP address, polling will be skipped. The format is: .sp interface/iii.iii.iii.iii/mmm.mmm.mmm.mmm .sp The field before the first slash is the interface name (i.e. sl0, ppp0 etc.). The field before the second slash is the acceptable IP address. The field after the second slash is a mask which specifies a range of IP addresses to accept. If no mask is present is assumed (i.e. an exact match). This option is currently only supported under Linux. .TP .B \-M interface, --monitor interface (Keyword: monitor) Daemon mode can cause transient links which are automatically taken down after a period of inactivity (e.g. PPP links) to remain up indefinitely. This option identifies a system TCP/IP interface to be monitored for activity. After each poll interval, if the link is up but no other activity has occurred on the link, then the poll will be skipped. This option is currently only supported under Linux. .TP .B \-A, --auth (Keyword: auth[enticate]) This option permits you to specify a preauthentication type (see USER AUTHENTICATION below for details). The possible values are \&`\fBpassword\fR' and `\fBkerberos\fR' (or, for excruciating exactness, `\fBkerberos_v4\fR'). This option is provided primarily for developers; choosing KPOP protocol automatically selects Kerberos preauthentication, and all other alternatives use password authentication (though APOP uses a generated one-time key as the password and IMAP-K4 uses RFC1731 Kerberos v4 authentication). This option does not work with ETRN. .SS Miscellaneous Options .TP .B \-f pathname, --fetchmailrc pathname Specify a non-default name for the .I .fetchmailrc run control file. Unless the --version option is also on, the file must have permissions no more open than 0600 (u=rw,g=,o=) or else be /dev/null. .TP .B \-i pathname, --idfile pathname Specify an alternate name for the .fetchids file used to save POP3 UIDs. .TP .B \-n, --norewrite (Keyword: no rewrite) Normally, .I fetchmail edits RFC-822 address headers (To, From, Cc, Bcc, and Reply-To) in fetched mail so that any mail IDs local to the server are expanded to full addresses (@ and the mailserver hostname are appended). This enables replies on the client to get addressed correctly (otherwise your mailer might think they should be addressed to local users on the client machine!). This option disables the rewrite. (This option is provided to pacify people who are paranoid about having an MTA edit mail headers and want to know they can prevent it, but it is generally not a good idea to actually turn off rewrite.) When using ETRN, the rewrite option is ineffective. .TP .B -E, --envelope (Keyword: envelope) This option changes the header .I fetchmail assumes will carry a copy of the mail's envelope address. Normally this is `X-Envelope-To' but as this header is not standard, practice varies. See the discussion of multidrop address handling below. As a special case, `envelope "Received"' enables parsing of sendmail-style Received lines. This is the default, and it should not be necessary unless you have globally disable Received parsing with `no envelope' in the \fI.fetchmailrc\fR file. .SH USER AUTHENTICATION Every mode except ETRN requires authentication of the client. Normal user authentication in .I fetchmail is very much like the authentication mechanism of .I ftp(1). The correct user-id and password depend upon the underlying security system at the mailserver. .PP If the mailserver is a Unix machine on which you have an ordinary user account, your regular login name and password are used with .I fetchmail. If you use the same login name on both the server and the client machines, you needn't worry about specifying a user-id with the .B \-u option \-\- the default behavior is to use your login name on the client machine as the user-id on the server machine. If you use a different login name on the server machine, specify that login name with the .B \-u option. e.g. if your login name is 'jsmith' on a machine named 'mailgrunt', you would start .I fetchmail as follows: .IP fetchmail -u jsmith mailgrunt .PP The default behavior of .I fetchmail is to prompt you for your mailserver password before the connection is established. This is the safest way to use .I fetchmail and ensures that your password will not be compromised. You may also specify your password in your .I ~/.fetchmailrc file. This is convenient when using .I fetchmail in daemon mode or with scripts. .PP If you do not specify a password, and .I fetchmail cannot extract one from your .I .fetchmailrc file, it will look for a .I .netrc file in your home directory before requesting one interactively; if an entry matching the mailserver is found in that file, the password will be used. See the .IR ftp (1) man page for details of the syntax of the .I .netrc file. (This feature may allow you to avoid duplicating password information in more than one file.) .PP On mailservers that do not provide ordinary user accounts, your user-id and password are usually assigned by the server administrator when you apply for a mailbox on the server. Contact your server administrator if you don't know the correct user-id and password for your mailbox account. .PP Early versions of POP3 (RFC1081, RFC1225) supported a crude form of independent authentication using the .I rhosts file on the mailserver side. Under this RPOP variant, a fixed per-user ID equivalent to a password was sent in clear over a link to a reserved port, with the command RPOP rather than PASS to alert the server that it should do special checking. RPOP is supported by .I fetchmail (you can specify `protocol RPOP' to have the program send `RPOP' rather than `PASS') but its use is strongly discouraged. This facility was vulnerable to spoofing and was withdrawn in RFC1460. .PP RFC1460 introduced APOP authentication. In this variant of POP3, you register an APOP password on your server host (the program to do this with on the server is probably called \fIpopauth\fR(8)). You put the same password in your .I .fetchmailrc file. Each time .I fetchmail logs in, it sends a cryptographically secure hash of your password and the server greeting time to the server, which can verify it by checking its authorization database. .PP If your \fIfetchmail\fR was built with Kerberos support and you specify Kerberos preauthentication (either with --auth or the \fI.fetchmailrc\fR option \fBauthenticate kerberos_v4\fR) it will try to get a Kerberos ticket from the mailserver at the start of each query. .PP If you use IMAP-K4, \fIfetchmail\fR will expect the IMAP server to have RFC1731-conformant AUTHENTICATE KERBEROS_V4 capability, and will use it. .PP If you are using POP3, and the server issues a one-time-password challenge conforming to RFC1938, \fIfetchmail\fR will use your password as a pass phrase to generate the required response. This avoids sending secrets over the net unencrypted. .SH DAEMON MODE The .B --daemon or .B -d option runs .I fetchmail in daemon mode. You must specify a numeric argument which is a polling interval in seconds. .PP In daemon mode, .I fetchmail puts itself in background and runs forever, querying each specified host and then sleeping for the given polling interval. .PP Simply invoking .IP fetchmail -d 900 .PP will, therefore, poll all the hosts described in your .I ~/.fetchmailrc file (except those explicitly excluded with the `skip' verb) once every fifteen minutes. .PP It is possible to set a polling interval in your .I ~/.fetchmailrc file by saying `set demon ', where is an integer number of seconds. If you do this, fetchmail will always start in daemon mode unless you override it with the command-line option --daemon 0 or -d0. .PP Only one daemon process is permitted per user; in daemon mode, .I fetchmail makes a per-user lockfile to guarantee this. The option .B --quit will kill a running daemon process. Otherwise, calling fetchmail with a daemon in the background sends a wakeup signal to the daemon, forcing it to poll mailservers immediately. (The wakeup signal is SIGHUP if fetchmail is running as root, SIGUSR1 otherwise.) .PP The .B -t or .B --timeout option (keyword: timeout)allows you to set a server-nonresponse timeout in seconds. If a mailserver does not send a greeting message or respond to commands for the given number of seconds, \fIfetchmail\fR will hang up on it. Without such a timeout \fIfetchmail\fR might hang up indefinitely trying to fetch mail from a down host. This would be particularly annoying for a \fIfetchmail\fR running in background. .PP The .B -L or .B --logfile option (keyword: set logfile) allows you to redirect status messages emitted while in daemon mode into a specified logfile (follow the option with the logfile name). The logfile is opened for append, so previous messages aren't deleted. This is primarily useful for debugging configurations. .PP The .B --syslog option (keyword: syslog) allows you to redirect status and error messages emitted to the .IR syslog (3) system daemon if available. Messages are logged with an id of \fBfetchmail\fR, the facility \fBLOG_MAIL\fR, and priorities \fBLOG_ERR\fR, \fBLOG_ALERT\fR or \fBLOG_INFO\fR. This option is intended for logging status and error messages which indicate the status of the daemon and the results while fetching mail from the server(s). Error messages for command line options and parsing the \fI.fetchmailrc\fR file are still written to stderr, or the specified log file if the .B -L or .B --logfile option was used. .PP The .B \-N or --nodetach option suppresses detachment of the daemon process from its control terminal. This is primarily useful for debugging. .PP Note that while running in daemon mode polling a POP2 or POP3 server, transient errors (such as DNS failures or sendmail delivery refusals) may force the fetchall option on for the duration of the next polling cycle. This is a robustness feature. It means that if a message is fetched (and thus marked seen by the mailserver) but not delivered locally due to some transient error, it will be re-fetched during the next poll cycle. (The IMAP logic doesn't delete messages until they're delivered, so this problem does not arise.) .SH RETRIEVAL FAILURE MODES The protocols \fIfetchmail\fR uses to talk to mailservers are next to bulletproof. In normal operation forwarding to port 25, no message is ever deleted (or even marked for deletion) on the host until the SMTP listener on the client has acknowledged to \fIfetchmail\fR that the message has been accepted for delivery. When forwarding to an MDA, however, there is more possibility of error (because there's no way for fetchmail to get a reliable positive acknowledgement from the MDA). .PP The normal mode of \fIfetchmail\fR is to try to download only `new' messages, leaving untouched (and undeleted) messages you have already read directly on the server (or fetched with a previous \fIfetchmail --keep\fR). But you may find that messages you've already read on the server are being fetched (and deleted) even when you don't specify --all. There are several reasons this can happen. .PP One could be that you're using POP2. The POP2 protocol includes no representation of `new' or `old' state in messages, so \fIfetchmail\fR must treat all messages as new all the time. But POP2 is obsolete, so this is unlikely. .PP Under POP3, blame RFC1725. That version of the POP3 protocol specification removed the LAST command, and some POP servers follow it (you can verify this by invoking \fIfetchmail -v\fR to the mailserver and watching the response to LAST early in the query). The \fIfetchmail\fR code tries to compensate by using POP3's UID feature, storing the identifiers of messages seen in each session until the next session, in the \fI.fetchids\fR file. But this doesn't track messages seen with other clients, or read directly with a mailer on the host but not deleted afterward. A better solution would be to switch to IMAP. .PP Another potential POP3 problem might be servers that insert messages in the middle of mailboxes (some VMS implementations of mail are rumored to do this). The \fIfetchmail\fR code assumes that new messages are appended to the end of the mailbox; when this is not true it may treat some old messages as new and vice versa. The only real fix for this problem is to switch to IMAP. .PP The IMAP code uses the presence or absence of the server flag \eSeen to decide whether or not a message is new. Under Unix, it counts on your IMAP server to notice the BSD-style Status flags set by mail user agents and set the \eSeen flag from them when appropriate. All Unix IMAP servers we know of do this, though it's not specified by the IMAP RFCs. If you ever trip over a server that doesn't, the symptom will be that messages you have already read on your host will look new to the server. In this (unlikely) case, only messages you fetched with \fIfetchmail --keep\fR will be both undeleted and marked old. .PP In ETRN mode, \fIfetchmail\fR does not actually retrieve messages; instead, it asks the server's SMTP listener to start a queue flush to the client via SMTP. Therefore it sends only undelivered messages. .SH SPAM FILTERING Many SMTP listeners allow administrators to set up `spam filters' that block unsolicited email from specified domains. A MAIL FROM line that triggers this feature will elicit an SMTP response which (unfortunately) varies according to the listener. .PP Newer versions of .I sendmail return an error code of 571. This return value is blessed by RFC1893 as "Delivery not authorized, message refused". .PP According to current drafts of the replacement for RFC821, the correct thing to return in this situation is 550 "Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable" (the draft adds "[E.g., mailbox not found, no access, or command rejected for policy reasons]."). .PP The .I exim MTA returns 501 "Syntax error in parameters or arguments" , but will move to 550 soon. .PP The .I fetchmail code recognizes any of these error codes and discards the message. This is the .I only circumstance under which fetchmail ever discards mail. .P If .I fetchmail is fetching from an IMAP server, the antispam response will be detected and the message rejected immediately after the headers have been fetched, without reading the message body. Thus, you won't pay for downloading spam message bodies. .SH THE RUN CONTROL FILE The preferred way to set up fetchmail is to write a \&\fI.fetchmailrc\fR file in your home directory. When there is a conflict between the command-line arguments and the arguments in this file, the command-line arguments take precedence. .PP To protect the security of your passwords, when --version is not on your \fI~/.fetchmailrc\fR may not have more than 0600 (u=rw,g=,o=) permissions; .I fetchmail will complain and exit otherwise. .PP You may read the \fI.fetchmailrc\fR file as a list of commands to be executed when .I fetchmail is called with no arguments. .SS Run Control Syntax .PP Comments begin with a '#' and extend through the end of the line. Otherwise the file consists of a series of server entries or global option statements in a free-format, token-oriented syntax. .PP There are four kinds of tokens: grammar keywords, numbers (i.e. decimal digit sequences), unquoted strings, and quoted strings. A quoted string is bounded by double quotes and may contain whitespace (and quoted digits are treated as a string). An unquoted string is any whitespace-delimited token that is neither numeric, string quoted nor contains the special characters `,', `;', `:', or `='. .PP Any amount of whitespace separates tokens in server entries, but is otherwise ignored. You may use standard C-style escapes (\en, \et, \eb, octal, and hex) to embed non-printable characters or string delimiters in strings. .PP Each server entry consists of one of the keywords `poll' or `skip', followed by a server name, followed by server options, followed by any number of user descriptions. .PP For backward compatibility, the word `server' is a synonym for `poll'. .PP You can use the noise keywords `and', `with', \&`has', `wants', and `options' anywhere in an entry to make it resemble English. They're ignored, but but can make entries much easier to read at a glance. The punctuation characters ':', ';' and \&',' are also ignored. .PP .SS Poll vs. Skip The `poll' verb tells fetchmail to query this host when it is run with no arguments. The `skip' verb tells .I fetchmail not to poll this host unless it is explicitly named on the command line. (The `skip' verb allows you to experiment with test entries safely, or easily disable entries for hosts that are temporarily down.) .PP .SS Keyword/Option Summary Here are the legal server options. Keyword suffixes enclosed in square brackets are optional. Those corresponding to command-line options are followed by `-' and the appropriate option letter. .TS l l lw34. Keyword Opt Function _ via \& T{ Specify DNS name of mailserver, overriding poll name T} proto[col] -p T{ Specify protocol (case insensitive): POP2, POP3, IMAP, IMAP-K4, APOP, KPOP T} port -P T{ Specify TCP/IP service port T} auth[enticate] -A T{ Set preauthentication type (default `password') T} timeout -t T{ Server inactivity timout in seconds (default 300) T} envelope -E T{ Specify envelope-address header name T} no envelope \& T{ Disable looking for envelope address T} aka \& T{ Specify alternate DNS names of mailserver T} interface -I T{ specify IP interface(s) that must be up for server poll to take place T} monitor -M T{ Specify IP address to monitor for activity T} dns \& T{ Enable DNS lookup for multidrop (default) T} no dns \& T{ Disable DNS lookup for multidrop T} uidl -U T{ Force POP3 to use client-side UIDLs T} no uidl \& T{ Turn off POP3 use of client-side UIDLs (default) T} .TE Here are the legal user options: .TS l l lw34. Keyword Opt Function _ user[name] -u T{ Set remote user name (local user name if name followed by `here') T} is \& T{ Connect local and remote user names T} to \& T{ Connect local and remote user names T} pass[word] \& T{ Specify remote account password T} folder -r T{ Specify remote folder to query T} smtphost -S T{ Specify smtp host(s) to forward to T} mda -m T{ Specify MDA for local delivery T} preconnect \& T{ Command to be executed before each connection T} keep -k T{ Don't delete seen messages from server T} flush -F T{ Flush all seen messages before querying T} fetchall -a T{ Fetch all messages whether seen or not T} rewrite \& T{ Rewrite destination addresses for reply (default) T} stripcr \& T{ Strip carriage returns from ends of lines T} forcecr \& T{ Force carriage returns at ends of lines T} pass8bits \& T{ Force BODY=8BITMIME to ESMTP listener T} dropstatus \& T{ Strip Status lines out of incoming mail T} no keep -K T{ Delete seen messages from server (default) T} no flush \& T{ Don't flush all seen messages before querying (default) T} no fetchall \& T{ Retrieve only new messages (default) T} no rewrite \& T{ Don't rewrite headers T} no stripcr \& T{ Don't strip carriage returns (default) T} no forcecr \& T{ Don't force carriage returns at EOL (default) T} no pass8bits \& T{ Don't force BODY=8BITMIME to ESMTP listener (default) T} no dropstatus \& T{ Don't drop Status headers (default) T} limit -l T{ Set message size limit T} batchlimit -b T{ Max # messages to fetch in single connect T} fetchlimit -B T{ Max # messages to forward in single connect T} syslog \& T{ Do error logging through syslog(3). T} .TE .SS Keywords Not Corresponding To Option Switches .PP The `folder' and `smtphost' options (unlike their command-line equivalents) can take a space- or comma-separated list of names following them. .PP All options correspond to the obvious command-line arguments, except the following: `via', `interval', `aka', `is', `to', `dns'/`no dns', \&`password', \&`preconnect', `localdomains', `stripcr'/`no stripcr', \&`forcecr'/`no forcecr', `pass8bits'/`no pass8bits' `dropstatus/no dropstatus', and `no envelope'. .PP The `via' option is for use with ssh, or if you want to have more than one configuration pointing at the same site. If it is present, the string argument will be taken as the actual DNS name of the mailserver host to query. This will override the argument of poll, which can then simply be a distinct label for the configuration (e.g. what you would give on the command line to explicitly query this host). If the `via' name is `localhost', the poll name will also still be used as a possible match in multidrop mode; otherwise the `via' name will be used instead and the poll name will be purely a label. .PP The `interval' option (which takes a numeric argument) allows you to poll a server less frequently than the basic poll interval. If you say \&`interval N' the server this option is attached to will only be queried every N poll intervals. .PP The `is' or `to' keywords associate the following local (client) name(s) (or server-name to client-name mappings separated by =) with the mailserver user name in the entry. If an is/to list has `*' as its last name, unrecognized names are simply passed through. .PP A single local name can be used to support redirecting your mail when your username on the client machine is different from your name on the mailserver. When there is only a single local name, mail is forwarded to that local username regardless of the message's Received, To, Cc, and Bcc headers. In this case .I fetchmail never does DNS lookups. .PP When there is more than one local name (or name mapping) the \fIfetchmail\fR code does look at the Received, To, Cc, and Bcc headers of retrieved mail (this is `multidrop mode'). It looks for addresses with hostname parts that match your poll name or your `via', `aka' or `localdomains' options, and usually also for hostname parts which DNS tells it are aliases of the mailserver. See the discussion of `dns', `localdomains', and `aka' for details on how matching addresses are handled. If \fIfetchmail\fR cannot match any mailserver usernames or localdomain addresses, the default recipient is the calling user. .PP The `dns' option (normally on) controls the way addresses from multidrop mailboxes are checked. On, it enables logic to check each host address that doesn't match an `aka' or `localdomains' declaration by looking it up with DNS. When a mailserver username is recognized attached to a matching hostname part, its local mapping is added to the list of local recipients. .PP The `aka' option is for use with multidrop mailboxes. It allows you to pre-declare a list of DNS aliases for a server. This is an optimization hack that allows you to trade space for speed. When .IR fetchmail , while processing a multidrop mailbox, grovels through message headers looking for names of the mailserver, pre-declaring common ones can save it from having to do DNS lookups. .PP The `localdomains' option allows you to declare a list of domains which fetchmail should consider local. When fetchmail is parsing address lines in multidrop modes, and a trailing segment of a host name matches a declared local domain, that address is passed through to the listener or MDA unaltered (local-name mappings are \fInot\fR applied). .PP If you are using `localdomains', you may also need to specify \&`no envelope', which disables \fIfetchmail\fR's normal attempt to deduce an envelope address from the Received line or X-Envelope-To header or whatever header has been previously set by `envelope'. If you set `no envelope' in the defaults entry it is possible to undo that in individual entries by using `envelope '. As a special case, \&`envelope "Received"' restores the default parsing of Received lines. .PP The \fBpassword\fR option requires a string argument, which is the password to be used with the entry's server. .PP The `preconnect' keyword allows you to specify a shell command to be executed just before each time .I fetchmail establishes a mailserver connection. This may be useful if you are attempting to set up secure POP connections with the aid of .IR ssh (1). .PP The `forcecr' option controls whether lines terminated by LF only are given CRLF termination before forwarding. Strictly speaking RFC821 requires this, but few MTAs enforce the requirement it so this option is normally off (only one such MTA, qmail, is in significant use at time of writing). .PP The `stripcr' option controls whether carriage returns are stripped out of retrieved mail before it is forwarded. It is normally not necessary to set this, because it defaults to `on' (CR stripping enabled) when there is an MDA declared but `off' (CR stripping disabled) when forwarding is via SMTP. If `stripcr' and `forcecr' are both on, `stripcr' will override. .PP The `pass8bits' option exists to cope with Microsoft mail programs that stupidly slap a "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" on everything. With this option off (the default) and such a header present, .I fetchmail declares BODY=7BIT to an ESMTP-capable listener; this causes problems for messages actually using 8-bit ISO or KOI-8 character sets, which will be garbled by having the high bits of all characters stripped. If \&`pass8bits' is on, .I fetchmail is forced to declare BODY=8BITMIME to any ESMTP-capable listener. If the listener is 8-bit-clean (as all the major ones now are) the right thing will probably result. .PP The `dropstatus' option controls whether nonempty Status lines are retained in fetched mail (the default) or discarded. Retaining them allows your MUA to see what messages (if any) were marked seen on the client. On the other hand, it can confuse some new-mail notifiers, which assume that anything with a Status line in it has been seen. (Note: the empty Status lines inserted by some buggy POP servers are unconditionally discarded.) .PP .SS Miscellaneous Run Control Options The words `here' and `there' have useful English-like significance. Normally `user eric is esr' would mean that mail for the remote user `eric' is to be delivered to `esr', but you can make this clearer by saying `user eric there is esr here', or reverse it by saying `user esr here is eric there' .PP Legal protocol identifiers for use with the `protocol' keyword are: auto (or AUTO) pop2 (or POP2) pop3 (or POP3) imap (or IMAP) imap-k4 (or IMAP-K4) apop (or APOP) kpop (or KPOP) .PP Legal authentication types are `password' or `kerberos'. The former specifies authentication by normal transmission of a password (the password may be plaintext or subject to protocol-specific encryption as in APOP); the second tells \fIfetchmail\fR to try to get a Kerberos ticket at the start of each query instead, and send an arbitrary string as the password. .PP Specifying `kpop' sets POP3 protocol over port 1109 with Kerberos V4 preauthentication. These defaults may be overridden by later options. .PP There are currently three global option statements; `set logfile = ' followed by a string sets the same global specified by --logfile. A command-line --logfile option will override this. Also, `set daemon' sets the poll interval as --daemon does. This can be overridden by a command-line --daemon option; in particular --daemon 0 can be used to force foreground operation. Finally, `set syslog' sends log messages to syslogd(8). .SH CONFIGURATION EXAMPLES Basic format is: .nf poll SERVERNAME protocol PROTOCOL username NAME password PASSWORD .fi .PP Example: .nf poll pop.provider.net protocol pop3 username jsmith password secret1 .fi .PP Or, using some abbreviations: .nf poll pop.provider.net proto pop3 user jsmith password secret1 .fi .PP Multiple servers may be listed: .nf poll pop.provider.net proto pop3 user jsmith pass secret1 poll other.provider.net proto pop2 user John.Smith pass My^Hat .fi Here's a version of those two with more whitespace and some noise words: .nf poll pop.provider.net proto pop3 user jsmith, with password secret1, is jsmith here; poll other.provider.net proto pop2: user John.Smith, with password My^Hat, is John.Smith here; .fi This version is much easier to read and doesn't cost significantly more (parsing is done only once, at startup time). .PP If you need to include whitespace in a parameter string, enclose the string in double quotes. Thus: .nf poll mail.provider.net with proto pop3: user jsmith there has password "u can't krak this" is jws here and wants mda "/bin/mail" .fi You may have an initial server description headed by the keyword `defaults' instead of `poll' followed by a name. Such a record is interpreted as defaults for all queries to use. It may be overwritten by individual server descriptions. So, you could write: .nf defaults proto pop3 user jsmith poll pop.provider.net pass secret1 poll mail.provider.net user jjsmith there has password secret2 .fi It's possible to specify more than one user per server (this is only likely to be useful when running fetchmail in daemon mode as root). The `user' keyword leads off a user description, and every user specification in a multi-user entry must include it. Here's an example: .nf poll pop.provider.net proto pop3 port 3111 user jsmith with pass secret1 is smith here user jones with pass secret2 is jjones here .fi This associates the local username `smith' with the pop.provider.net username `jsmith' and the local username `jjones' with the pop.provider.net username `jones'. .PP Here's what a simple retrieval configuration for a multi-drop mailbox looks like: .nf poll pop.provider.net: user maildrop with pass secret1 to golux hurkle=happy snark here .fi This says that the mailbox of account `maildrop' on the server is a multi-drop box, and that messages in it should be parsed for the server user names `golux', `hurkle', and `snark'. It further specifies that `golux' and `snark' have the same name on the client as on the server, but mail for server user `hurkle' should be delivered to client user `happy'. .PP Here's an example of another kind of multidrop connection: .nf poll pop.provider.net localdomains loonytoons.org: user maildrop with pass secret1 to esr * here .fi This also says that the mailbox of account `maildrop' on the server is a multi-drop box. It tells fetchmail that any address in the loonytoons.org domain (including subdomain addresses like `joe@daffy.loonytoons.org') should be passed through to the local SMTP listener without modification. Be careful of mail loops if you do this! .PP Here's an example configuration using ssh. The queries go through an ssh connecting local port 1234 to port 110 on mailhost.net; the preconnect command sets up the ssh. .nf poll mailhost.net via localhost port 1234 with pop3: preconnect "ssh -f -L 1234:mailhost.net:110 mailhost.net sleep 20 /dev/null"; .fi .SH THE USE AND ABUSE OF MULTIDROP MAILBOXES Use the multiple-local-recipients feature with caution -- it can bite. Also note that all multidrop features are ineffective in ETRN mode. .SS Header vs. Envelope addresses The fundamental problem is that by having your mailserver toss several peoples' mail in a box, you may have thrown away potentially vital information about who each piece of mail was actually addressed to (the `envelope address', as opposed to the header addresses in the RFC822 To/Cc/Bcc headers). This `envelope address' is the address you need in order to reroute mail properly. .PP Sometimes .I fetchmail can deduce the envelope address. If the mailserver MTA is .I sendmail and the item of mail had just one recipient, the MTA will have written a `for' clause that gives the envelope addressee into its Received header. But this doesn't work reliably for other MTAs, nor if there is more than one recipient. By default, \fIfetchmail\fR looks for envelope addresses in these lines; you can restore this default with -E "Received" or \&`envelope Received'. .PP Alternatively, some SMTP listeners and/or mail servers insert a header in each message containing a copy of the envelope addresses. This header (when it exists) is often `X-Envelope-To'. Fetchmail's assumption about this can be changed with the -E or `envelope' option. Note that writing an envelope header of this kind exposes the names of recipients to all receivers of the messages; it is therefore regarded by some administrators as a security/privacy problem. .PP Sometimes, unfortunately, neither of these methods works. When they both fail, fetchmail must fall back on the contents of To/Cc/Bcc headers to try to determine recipient addressees -- and these are not reliable. In particular, mailing-list software often ships mail with only the list broadcast address in the To header. .PP When .I fetchmail cannot deduce a recipient address that is local, and the intended recipient address was anyone other than fetchmail's invoking user, mail will get lost. This is what makes the multidrop feature risky. .SS Good Ways To Use Multidrop Mailboxes Multiple local names can be used to administer a mailing list from the client side of a \fIfetchmail\fR collection. Suppose your name is \&`esr', and you want to both pick up your own mail and maintain a mailing list called (say) "fetchmail-friends", and you want to keep the alias list on your client machine. .PP On your server, you can alias \&`fetchmail-friends' to `esr'; then, in your \fI.fetchmailrc\fR, declare \&`to esr fetchmail-friends here'. Then, when mail including `fetchmail-friends' as a local address gets fetched, the list name will be appended to the list of recipients your SMTP listener sees. Therefore it will undergo alias expansion locally. Be sure to include `esr' in the local alias expansion of fetchmail-friends, or you'll never see mail sent only to the list. Also be sure that your listener has the "me-too" option set (sendmail's -oXm command-line option or OXm declaration) so your name isn't removed from alias expansions in messages you send. .PP This trick is not without its problems, however. You'll begin to see this when a message comes in that is addressed only to a mailing list you do \fInot\fR have declared as a local name. Each such message will feature an `X-Fetchmail-Warning' header which is generated because fetchmail cannot find a valid local name in the recipient addresses. Such messages default (as was described above) to being sent to the local user running .IR fetchmail , but the program has no way to know that that's actually the right thing. .SS Bad Ways To Abuse Multidrop Mailboxes Multidrop mailboxes and .I fetchmail serving multiple users in daemon mode do not mix. The problem, again, is mail from mailing lists, which typically does not have an individual recipient address on it. Unless .I fetchmail can deduce an envelope address, such mail will only go to the account running fetchmail (probably root). .PP If you're tempted to use .I fetchmail to retrieve mail for multiple users from a single mail drop via POP or IMAP, think again. It would be smarter to just let it sit in the mailserver's queue and use ETRN mode to trigger SMTP sends periodically (of course, this means you have to poll more frequently than the mailserver's expiry period). If you can't arrange this, try setting up a UUCP feed. .SS Speeding Up Multidrop Checking Normally, when multiple user are declared .I fetchmail extracts recipient addresses as described above and checks each host part with DNS to see if it's an alias of the mailserver. If so, the name mappings described in the to ... here declaration are done and the mail locally delivered. .PP This is the safest but also slowest method. To speed it up, pre-declare mailserver aliases with `aka'; these are checked before DNS lookups are done. If you're certain your aka list contains .B all DNS aliases of the mailserver (and all MX names pointing at it) you can declare `no dns' to suppress DNS lookups entirely and \fIonly\fR match against the aka list. .SH EXIT CODES To facilitate the use of .I fetchmail in shell scripts, an exit code is returned to give an indication of what occurred during a given connection. .PP The exit codes returned by .I fetchmail are as follows: .IP 0 One or more messages were successfully retrieved. .IP 1 There was no mail awaiting retrieval. (There may have been old mail still on the server but not selected for retrieval.) .IP 2 An error was encountered when attempting to open a socket for the POP connection. If you don't know what a socket is, don't worry about it -- just treat this as an 'unrecoverable error'. .IP 3 The user authentication step failed. This usually means that a bad user-id, password, or APOP id was specified. .IP 4 Some sort of fatal protocol error was detected. .IP 5 There was a syntax error in the arguments to .I fetchmail. .IP 6 The run control file had bad permissions. .IP 7 There was an error condition reported by the server. Can also fire if .I fetchmail timed out while waiting for the server. .IP 8 Client-side exclusion error. This means .I fetchmail either found another copy of itself already running, or failed in such a way that it isn't sure whether another copy is running. .IP 9 The user authentication step failed because the server responded "lock busy". Try again after a brief pause! This error is not implemented for all protocols, nor for all servers. If not implemented for your server, "3" will be returned instead, see above. May be returned when talking to qpopper or other servers that can respond with "lock busy" or some similar text containing the word "lock". .IP 10 The .I fetchmail. run failed while trying to do an SMTP port open or transaction. .IP 11 Internal error. You should see a message on standard error with details. .PP When .I fetchmail queries more than one host, return status is 0 if \fIany\fR query successfully retrieved mail. Otherwise the returned error status is that of the last host queried. .SH AUTHOR Eric S. Raymond . This program is descended from and replaces .IR popclient , by Carl Harris ; the internals are quite different, but some of its interface design is directly traceable to that ancestral program. .SH FILES .TP 5 ~/.fetchmailrc default run control file .TP 5 ~/.fetchids default location of file associating hosts with last message IDs seen (used only with newer RFC1725-compliant POP3 servers supporting the UIDL command). .TP 5 ~/.netrc your FTP run control file, which (if present) will be searched for passwords as a last resort before prompting for one interactively. .TP 5 ~/.fetchmail lock file to help prevent concurrent runs (non-root mode). .TP 5 /var/run/fetchmail.pid lock file to help prevent concurrent runs (root mode). .SH ENVIRONMENT For correct initialization, .I fetchmail requires either that both the USER and HOME environment variables are correctly set, or that \fBgetpwuid\fR(3) be able to retrieve a password entry from your user ID. .SH SIGNALS If a .I fetchmail daemon is running as root, SIGHUP wakes it up from its sleep phase and forces a poll of all non-skipped servers (this is in accordance with the usual conventions for system daemons). .PP If .I fetchmail is running in daemon mode as non-root, use SIGUSR1 to wake it (this is so SIGHUP due to logout can retain the default action of killing it). .PP Running .I fetchmail in foreground while a background fetchmail is running will do whichever of these is appropriate to wake it up. .SH BUGS AND KNOWN PROBLEMS The RFC822 parser used in multidrop mode chokes on some @-addresses that are technically legal but bizarre. Strange uses of quoting and embedded comments are likely to confuse it. .PP Use of any of the supported protocols other than POP3 with OTP, APOP, KPOP, IMAP-K4, or ETRN requires that the program send unencrypted passwords over the TCP/IP connection to the mailserver. This creates a risk that name/password pairs might be snaffled with a packet sniffer or more sophisticated monitoring software. Under Linux, the --interface option can be used to restrict polling to availability of a specific interface device with a specific local IP address, but snooping is still possible if (a) either host has a network device that can be opened in promiscuous mode, or (b) the intervening network link can be tapped. .PP Send comments, bug reports, gripes, and the like to Eric S. Raymond . An HTML FAQ is available at the fetchmail home page; surf to http://www.ccil.org/~esr/fetchmail or do a WWW search for pages with `fetchmail' in their titles. .SH SEE ALSO elm(1), mail(1), sendmail(8), popd(8), imapd(8) .SH APPLICABLE STANDARDS .TP 5 SMTP/ESMTP: RFC 821, RFC 1869, RFC 1652, RFC 1870, RFC1983, RFC 1985 .TP 5 mail: RFC 822 .TP 5 POP2: RFC 937 .TP 5 POP3: RFC 1081, RFC 1225, RFC 1460, RFC 1725, RFC 1939 .TP 5 APOP: RFC 1460, RFC 1725, RFC 1939 .TP 5 RPOP: RFC 1081, RFC 1225 .TP 5 IMAP2/IMAP2BIS: RFC 1176, RFC 1732 .TP 5 IMAP4: RFC 1730, RFC 1731, RFC 1732, RFC 2060, RFC 2061 .TP 5 ETRN: RFC 1985 .TP 5 OTP: RFC 1938