# fetchmaildistrib --- Distribute central fetchmail knowledge.
# The central fetchmail database, /etc/fetchmail, contains all accounts that
# are to be fetched by the root's daemon. Often, a user desires quicker
# access (e.g., when testing some email path). In such cases, the destination
# user (marked as is USER here in the poll lines) should set up a ~/.fetchmailrc
# for himself. This scripts generates such lines from the central file.
# By Rick van Rein.

# From stdin, select poll lines for user $1
function selectuser () {
	grep ^poll | grep "is $1 here"

for i in `cut -d: -f1 </etc/passwd`
do	homedir=`grep ^$i: /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f6`
	fetchfile=`selectuser $i </etc/fetchmailrc`
	if [ -z "$fetchfile" ]
	then	rm -f $homedir/.fetchmailrc
	else	cp /dev/null $homedir/.fetchmailrc
		chmod go-rwx $homedir/.fetchmailrc
		grep ^defaults /etc/fetchmailrc >>$homedir/.fetchmailrc
		selectuser $i </etc/fetchmailrc >>$homedir/.fetchmailrc