Fix Berlios Bug #4725 (doesn't build on Darwin, incomplete types in sink.c - timeval missing; trying to shuffle fetchmail.h before sys/resource.h). (possibly fixed in SVN r4296) Fix Yves Boisjoly's AUTH NTLM problem without breaking AUTH MSN. Fix Jim Correia's MacOS X arpa/nameser.h|res_search vs. HEADER|-lresolv RFC2047 encode X-Fetchmail-Warning? X-Fetchmail-Warning: Empfängeradresse stimmt mit keinem lokalen Namen überein X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at X-Amavis-Alert: BAD HEADER Non-encoded 8-bit data (char C3 hex) in message header 'X-Fetchmail-Warning': X-Fetchmail-Warning: +Empf\303\244ngeradresse ro... check if --monitor still works properly and complete CAN_MONITOR vs. interface checks complete CAN_MONITOR replacement put all getaddrinfo compat cruft into an easy-to-use m4 macro for autoconf and snippet for automake, so people can just use it without further hassle.