MAINTAINER NOTES ================ Text documents are edited with vim "set tw=79 ai fo=atrq1w2" options. As of 6.4.31, fetchmail dropped its and uses pandoc to convert from roff/man to RST and then the Python docutils from RST to HTML. Other ways (through asciidoc) generate more or less quirky output which is of questionable portability. Debian testing and Ubuntu 18.04 minimum survival from Git checkout, 2021-12-04: # apt update && apt upgrade -y # apt install -y --no-install-recommends build-essential automake \ gettext gitk autopoint bison flex ca-certificates openssh-client \ netbase pkg-config bash libssl-dev git Redistributing requires additional packages: # apt install --no-install-recommends -y \ man lynx htmldoc asciidoc libcarp-always-perl lzip rsync \ python3-docutils pandoc $ git clone fetchmail.git $ cd fetchmail.git $ autoreconf -if $ mkdir -p _build && cd _build $ ../configure $ make check -j8 $ make distcheck -j8 Alpine Linux (cannot build distribution due to lack of pandoc/htmldoc): # apk add autoconf automake bison flex gettext gettext-dev gettext-lang git \ build-base openssl3-dev openssh-client-default py3-docutils Then continue with Debian's git clone ... above. Fedora Linux as of 34 cannot rebuild the distribution, it lacks HTMLDOC, but as of F36, the F33 package still seems to work. To install requisites: # dnf install -y automake bison ca-certificates gettext-devel git pkg-config \ openssl-devel vim-minimal findutils gcc make flex then continue with the git clone... above. Arch Linux: # pacman -Syu --noconfirm && pacman -S --noconfirm automake gcc autoconf flex \ bison gettext ca-certificates pkg-config make git And for redistributing: # pacman -S --noconfirm lynx htmldoc asciidoc lzip rsync perl-carp-always \ perl-encode-locale python-docutils pandoc OpenSUSE Linux (Tumbleweed should work, Leap may not be fit for redistributing): # zypper up -y # zypper in -y automake autoconf gcc bison flex pkgconf-pkg-config \ libopenssl-devel openssh git gcc gettext-tools tar make And for redistributing: # zypper in -y asciidoc lynx htmldoc perl-Carp-Always rsync lzip \ perl-Encode-Locale pandoc python-docutils