# Makefile for fetchmail SUBDIRS= intl m4 m4-local po AM_CFLAGS= @CEFLAGS@ AM_CPPFLAGS= @CPFLAGS@ -I$(top_srcdir)/intl -I$(top_builddir)/intl AM_LDFLAGS= @LDEFLAGS@ ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS= -I m4 -I m4-local AM_YFLAGS= -d BUILT_SOURCES= rcfile_y.h bin_PROGRAMS= fetchmail dist_bin_SCRIPTS= fetchmailconf dist_noinst_SCRIPTS= specgen.sh dist_man1_MANS= fetchmail.man fetchmailconf.man # for gettext (used by fetchmail.c, NOT by GNU gettext) localedir= $(datadir)/locale DEFS= @DEFS@ -DLOCALEDIR=\"$(localedir)\" noinst_LIBRARIES= libfm.a libfm_a_SOURCES= xmalloc.c base64.c rfc822.c report.c rfc2047e.c libfm_a_LIBADD= $(EXTRAOBJ) libfm_a_DEPENDENCIES= $(EXTRAOBJ) LDADD = libfm.a @LIBINTL@ $(LIBOBJS) DEPENDENCIES= libfm.a $(LIBOBJS) check_PROGRAMS= if NEED_TRIO noinst_LIBRARIES+= libtrio.a libtrio_a_SOURCES= trio/triostr.c trio/trio.c trio/trionan.c \ trio/trio.h trio/triop.h trio/triodef.h \ trio/trionan.h trio/triostr.h check_PROGRAMS+= regression regression_SOURCES= trio/regression.c LDADD += libtrio.a -lm TESTS= regression endif fetchmail_SOURCES= fetchmail.h getopt.h \ i18n.h kerberos.h md5.h mx.h netrc.h ntlm.h \ smbbyteorder.h smbdes.h smbmd4.h smbencrypt.h smtp.h \ socket.h tunable.h \ socket.c getpass.c pop2.c pop3.c imap.c etrn.c \ odmr.c fetchmail.c env.c idle.c options.c daemon.c \ driver.c transact.c sink.c smtp.c \ uid.c mxget.c md5ify.c cram.c kerberos.c gssapi.c \ opie.c rpa.c interface.c netrc.c \ unmime.c conf.c checkalias.c smbdes.c smbencrypt.c \ smbmd4.c smbutil.c ipv6-connect.c lock.c \ rcfile_l.l rcfile_y.y ucs/norm_charmap.c check_PROGRAMS += rfc822 unmime netrc rfc2047e rfc2047e_CFLAGS= -DTEST rfc822_CFLAGS= -DMAIN unmime_SOURCES= unmime.c unmime_CFLAGS= -DSTANDALONE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I$(builddir) netrc_SOURCES= netrc.c xmalloc.c report.c netrc_CFLAGS= -DSTANDALONE -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I$(builddir) # For some losing Unix makes. SHELL = /bin/sh @SET_MAKE@ fetchmail.spec: Makefile.in specgen.sh $(srcdir)/specgen.sh $(VERSION) >fetchmail.spec DISTDOCS= BUGS FAQ FEATURES NOTES OLDNEWS fetchmail-man.html \ fetchmail-FAQ.html design-notes.html esrs-design-notes.html todo.html \ fetchmail-features.html README.SSL README.NTLM # extra directories to ship distdirs = rh-config contrib beos EXTRA_DIST= $(DISTDOCS) fetchmail.spec $(distdirs) ucs/README.svn \ trio/CHANGES trio/README FAQ: fetchmail-FAQ.html AWK=$(AWK) $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/dist-tools/html2txt $(srcdir)/fetchmail-FAQ.html >$@ || { rm -f $@ ; exit 1 ; } FEATURES: fetchmail-features.html AWK=$(AWK) $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/dist-tools/html2txt $(srcdir)/fetchmail-features.html >$@ || { rm -f $@ ; exit 1 ; } NOTES: design-notes.html esrs-design-notes.html echo "This file contains two articles reformatted from HTML." > $@ \ && echo "------------------------------------------------------" >> $@ \ && echo "" >> $@ \ && AWK=$(AWK) $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/dist-tools/html2txt $(srcdir)/design-notes.html >>$@ \ && AWK=$(AWK) $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/dist-tools/html2txt $(srcdir)/esrs-design-notes.html >>$@ \ || { rm -f $@ ; exit 1 ; } TODO: todo.html AWK=$(AWK) $(SHELL) $(srcdir)/dist-tools/html2txt $(srcdir)/todo.html >$@ || { rm -f $@ ; exit 1 ; } fetchmail-man.html: fetchmail.man env - PATH=$$PATH $(srcdir)/dist-tools/manServer.pl $(srcdir)/fetchmail.man >$@ \ || { rm -f $@ ; exit 1 ; } dist-hook: cd $(distdir) && find $(distdirs) intl po -name .svn -type d -prune -exec rm -rf '{}' ';' cd $(distdir) && find $(distdirs) intl po -name '*~' -exec rm -f '{}' ';' # The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS. # Local Variables: # compile-command:"configure" # End: