path: root/trio/trio.h
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Import Trio 1.10 into fetchmail's trunk.Matthias Andree2004-11-101-0/+216
svn path=/trunk/; revision=3995
2'>32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420
# This is script will connect to your isp (if not already connected),
#   send any outgoing mail and retrieve any incoming mail.  If this
#   program made the connection, it will also break the connection
#   when it is done.
# Bill Adams
# bill@evil.inetarena.com
# Revision History
# 1.0.1   05 Sep 1998  baa  Massive updates to work with fetchmail.
# Get the latest version from my home-page:
#  http://www.inetarena.com/~badams/computerstuff.html
#  following the 'Stuff I Have Written' link.
# License: GNU, but tell me of any improvements or changes.
use strict;

my $suck;
my $rdate;
my ($my_syslog, $debug, $verbose);

my $start_time = time;
my $mailhost = 'mail';
my $sendmail_queue_dir = '/var/spool/mqueue/';	#Need trailing slash!
my $interface = 'ppp0';         #Watch this interface
my $max_tries = 1;		#How many times to try and re-dial
my $retry_delay = 300;	        #How long to wait to retry (in seconds)
my $connect_timeout = 45;	#How long to wait for connection

#For the log file, be sure to put the >, >>, or | depending on
#  what you want it to do.  I have also written a little program
#  called simple_syslog that you can pipe the data to.
my $log_file = '>/dev/null';    #Where to put the data.
$log_file = '>>/var/log/mailqueue.pl';
#$log_file = '>/dev/console';

my $this_hour = +[localtime()]->[2];

#Define this to get mail between midnight and 5 am
#$suck = '/var/spool/suck/get.news.inn';

#Define this to set the time to a remote server
#$rdate = '/usr/bin/rdate -s clock1.unc.edu';

#Where are the programs are located.  You can specify the full path if needed.
my $pppd = 'pppd';
my $fetchmail = 'fetchmail'; #'etrn.pl';
my $sendmail = 'sendmail';

#Where is the etrn/fetchmail pid
my $fetchmail_pid = '/var/run/fetchmail.pid';

#Set the path to where we think everything will live.
$ENV{'PATH'} = ":/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:";
my $lockfile = "/var/run/mailqueue.lock";	#lockfile for this program
my $space = ' ';			#Never know when you might need space
my $program_name = $0;
$program_name = substr ($program_name, (rindex ($program_name, '/') + 1));
open SYSLOG, $log_file or die "Could not open $log_file\n\t";

sys_log ("Started by UID $<");
#$< = 0;					#suid root

#Other global vars
my $pppd_pid;

#Make sure we are root.  This has to be the case for everything
#  to work properly.
if ($< != 0) {
    sys_log ("Not root...exit");
    print STDERR "You are not root...sorry cannot run.\n";
    exit (1);

sub sys_log {
    #Writes a message to the log file.
    my ($message) = @_;
    print SYSLOG join(' ', 
		      ''.localtime(), #The '' puts it in a scaler context.
    print STDERR $message, "\n" if $debug;

#Get the command line args.
$verbose = 1;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++) {
    if ($ARGV[$i] eq '-v' || $ARGV[$i] eq '-verbose') {
	print "Running in verbose mode level ($verbose).\n";
    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-d' || $ARGV[$i] eq '-debug') {
	$verbose = 10;	#Some high value so everything gets printed
	print STDERR "Running in debug mode.\n";
    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-q' || $ARGV[$i] eq '-quiet') {
	$debug = 0;
	$verbose = 0; 
    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-max_tries') {
	if (not defined $ARGV[$i + 1]) {
	    printf STDERR "$0: Error: option -max_tries requires a value.\n";
	} else {
	    $max_tries = $ARGV[$i + 1];
    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-retry_delay') {
	if (not defined $ARGV[$i + 1]) {
	    printf STDERR "$0: Error: option -retry_delay requires a value.\n";
	} else {
	    $max_tries = $ARGV[$i + 1];
    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-interface') {
	if (not defined $ARGV[$i + 1]) {
	    printf STDERR "$0: Error: option -interface requires a value.\n";
	} else {
	    $max_tries = $ARGV[$i + 1];
    } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-mailhost') {
	if (not defined $ARGV[$i + 1]) {
	    printf STDERR "$0: Error: option -mailhost requires a value.\n";
	} else {
	    $mailhost = $ARGV[$i + 1];
    } else {
	print STDERR "Unknown command line option: [". $ARGV[$i]."]\n";

$| = 1 if $verbose;			#Output un-buffered if we are verbose

#Do some checking for programs
&check_program ($my_syslog) || die "$0 -> Error: $my_syslog is required\n";
($fetchmail = &check_program ($fetchmail)) 
    || die "$0 -> Error: Could not find fetchmail/etrn\n";
($pppd = &check_program ($pppd))
    || die "$0 -> Error: Could not find pppd\n";
(-d $sendmail_queue_dir) || die "$0 -> Error: The sendmail queue directory\n\t[$sendmail_queue_dir] does not exist or is not a directory.\n";
($sendmail = &check_program ($sendmail)) 
    || die "$0 -> Error: Could not find $sendmail\n";

#Do some process locking.  This kills any already running processes.
if (-s $lockfile) {
    my $pid = `cat $lockfile`; chop $pid;
    if (not &process_is_dead ($pid)) {
	print STDERR "$0 -> Process locked by pid $pid killing it.\n" 
	    if $verbose;
	kill 15, $pid;
	waitpid ($pid, 0); #This has no effect.
    sys_log ("Removing stale lock for pid $pid") if $verbose;
    unlink ($lockfile) || die $!;
open (LOCK, '>'.$lockfile) || die "$0: Could not create lockfile $lockfile\n";
print LOCK $$, "\n";
close LOCK;

#print out some info if needed.
if ($debug) {
    print STDERR "             Max tries: $max_tries\n";
    print STDERR "      Dial Retry Delay: $retry_delay seconds.\n";
    print STDERR "Interface set to watch: $interface\n";
    print STDERR " Mailhost set to watch: $mailhost\n";
    print STDERR "    Connection timeout: $connect_timeout\n";
    print STDERR "              Sendmail: $sendmail\n";
    print STDERR "                  pppd: $pppd\n";
    print STDERR "     fetchmail/etrn.pl: $fetchmail\n";
    print STDERR "\n\n";
((-x $pppd) && (-x $sendmail) && (-x $fetchmail)) 
	|| die "Still some problem with programs.\n\tRun with -d to see if the path is specified for sendmail,\n\tpppd and fetchmail/etrn.pl";

while ($max_tries--) {
    my $child_pid;
    unless ($child_pid = fork)  {
	#This is the child process that waits for a connection to be made
	#  and then sends the local mail queue and then sends a request to
	#  get the remote mail queue
	my $count = $connect_timeout;
	while (&interface_is_down ($interface) && $count--) {sleep (1)}
	if ($count < 1) {exit (1)}
	#Send any queued mail.  I had another routine that would
	#  fork and watch sendmail with a timeout, but that is kinda
	#  flaky depending on how big your queue size is. So
	#  now just call it and wait for it to return.  If you have bad
	#  messages in your queue, this can hang.
	sys_log ("Have connection->sending any local mail.") if $verbose;
	system("$sendmail -q");

	sys_log ("Checking remote queue on ($mailhost)");

	my $result;
	my $daemon = 0;
	my $pid;
	#In case we have a pid, read it and find out if it is
	#  still valid or not.
	if (defined $fetchmail_pid and -f $fetchmail_pid) {
	    if (not open PID, $fetchmail_pid) {
		sys_log("Could not open $fetchmail_pid");
	    $pid = <PID>;
	    if ($pid =~ m|([0-9]+)\s+([0-9]*)|) {
		$pid = $1;
		$daemon = $2;
	    close PID;
	    sys_log("Have PID file ($fetchmail_pid) with PID $pid $daemon");
	    #In the case of fetchmail, we need to see if it is
	    #  still running in case there is a stale lock file.
	    if (&process_is_dead($pid)) {
		sys_log("  It is no longer running");
		$daemon = 0; $pid = 0}
	if (not $pid or ($pid and $daemon)) {
	    #Either it is not running or it is running and a daemon.
	    sys_log("Running $fetchmail [$daemon]");
	    my $result = (system ($fetchmail))/256;
	    sys_log($fetchmail.' exited with status '.$result) if $debug;
	} else {
	    sys_log("$fetchmail already running...");

	#Watch the directory for n seconds of inactivity.
	sys_log("Fetchmail done...watching $sendmail_queue_dir");
	&watch_dir ($sendmail_queue_dir, 10);
	sys_log ("Done polling for mail");
	if (-f $fetchmail_pid and not $daemon) {
	    #In case something went wrong and the fetchmail is still 
	    # running (and not a daemon)....
	    my $result = `$fetchmail -q`; chop $result;
	exit (0);
    #If a connection is needed, make it.
    if (&interface_is_down ($interface) && $pppd_pid == 0) {
	sys_log ("Try to connect with pppd") if $debug;
	# Fork pppd with a pid we can track.
	unless ($pppd_pid = fork) {
		exec ($pppd.' -detach');
    #Wait for the child to exit and check for errors
    waitpid ($child_pid, 0);
    my $child_status = ($? / 256);
    my $child_kill = $? % 256;
    if ($child_status == 0) {
	if ($this_hour <= 4 and defined $suck) {
	    sys_log ("Calling suck...");
	    print `$suck`;
	if (defined $rdate) {
	   sys_log ("Calling rtime...");
	   print `$rdate`;
	if ($pppd_pid) { 	#If we ran pppd, kill it
	    sys_log ("Killing pppd (pid $pppd_pid)");
	    kill 15, $pppd_pid;
	    waitpid ($pppd_pid, 0);	#Wait for clean exit of child
	sys_log ("Finished with cycle.");
	unlink ($lockfile);
	sys_log ("Total time: ".(time-$start_time)." seconds") if $debug;
	exit (0);
    # Reset to pppp_pid to zero if pppd is not running.
    if ($pppd_pid && &process_is_dead ($pppd_pid)) {$pppd_pid = 0}
    sys_log (join ('', "Warn: Did not connect -> Try ",
		   $max_tries, " more times...after ",
		   $retry_delay, " seconds"));
    if (not $max_tries) {
	sys_log ("Giving up...");
	exit (1);
    sleep ($retry_delay);
    sys_log ("ok...trying again.");

sub check_program {
    #See if a program is in the path
    my ($program) = @_;
    my $exists = 0;
    my $path_specified = 0;
    my $path;
    #catch the case where there is already a slash in the argument.

    if ($program =~ /\//) {
	$path_specified = 1;
	if (-x $program) {$exists = $program}

    my $exists;
    foreach $path (split(/:/, $ENV{'PATH'})) {
	next if length ($path) < 3;		#skip bogus path entries
	#be sure the there is a trailing slash
	if (substr ($path, -1, 1) ne '/') {$path .= '/'}
	#Check to see if it exists and is executable
	if (-x $path.$program) {$exists = $path.$program; last}
    if (not $exists) {
	if ($path_specified) {
	    print STDERR "$0 -> Warn: ". $program. 
		" is not executable or does not exist.\n";
	} else {
	    print STDERR "$0 -> Warn: [$program] was not found in path\n\t".
    return ($exists);

sub process_is_dead {
    #This is a cheap way to check for running processes.  I could use
    #  the /proc file-system in Linux but that would not be very 
    #  friendly to other OS's.
    #return 1 if pid is not in process list
    # This expects ps to return a header line and then another line if
    #  the process is running.  Also check for zombies
    my ($pid) = @_;
    my @results = split (/\n/, `ps $pid 2>/dev/null`);
    if (not defined $results[1]) {return  1}
    if ($results[1] =~ /zombie/i) {return 1}
    return 0;

sub interface_is_down {
    # return 1 (true) if the ip is down
    my ($interface) = @_;
    if (`ifconfig $interface` =~ /UP/) {
	return 0;
    } else {
	return 1;

sub watch_dir {
    #Watch the mailqueue directory for incoming files.
    #  The 'xf' files are the transfer (xfer) files on my system.
    #  If you find this is not the case, please email me.  To be safe,
    #  I check the latest mod time as long as xf files exist.  If no
    #  data has made it over in n seconds, we will assume that an
    #  error has occured and give up.

    my $files_like = '^(xf.*)'; #Regexp
    my $dir_to_watch = shift;
    my $delay = shift;
    my $timeout = 120;  #Give it 120 seconds to get data.
    my $loop_delay = 1; #How long between each loop. Do not make 0!

    #Make sure there is a trailing slash.
    if ($dir_to_watch !~ m|/$|) {$dir_to_watch .= '/'}

    #How long to wait for transfer of data.  This gets reset
    #  each time the mod time falls below a certain time.
    my $flag = $delay;	
    my $last_total = 0;
    while (($flag -= $loop_delay) > 0) {
	sleep $loop_delay;
	opendir (DIR, $dir_to_watch);
	my $file_count = 0;
	my $last_data_dl = 500000; #Big Number
	foreach my $file (readdir (DIR)) {
	    next if not -f $dir_to_watch.$file; #Only files.
	    my @stats = stat($dir_to_watch.$file);
	    my $m_time = time - $stats[9];
	    #Here, if we have a recent file, reset the timeout.
	    if ($m_time < $last_data_dl) {$last_data_dl = $m_time}
	    #If we have an xfer file, up the delay.
	    if ($file =~ m|$files_like|) {
		sys_log("$file is like $files_like");
		$flag = $delay;
	closedir (DIR);
	sys_log ("Watch_dir: $flag ($last_data_dl)") if $debug;

	#In the case of now data downloaded...
	if ($last_data_dl > $timeout and $flag == $delay) {
	    sys_log("Watch_dir: Timed out after $timeout seconds.");
	    $flag = 0;
    sys_log ("Watch_dir: Done.");

sub usage {
    #print the usage
    print join ("\n",
		'mailqueue.pl -- A program to send and receive mail form a sendmail spooler.',
		'  Requires that you ISP is running sendmail, at lease version 8.6.?.',
		'  Also requires that you have fetchmail or etrn.pl installed on this system.',
		'', 'Command line args (Default in parrens):',
		'  -v -verbose         Run in verbose mode.  Can use this arg multiple times.',
		'  -d -debug           Run in debug mode.  Sets verbose level to 10',
		'  -max_tries N	       Sets the maximum number of connect retries to N.  ('.$max_tries.')',
		'  -retry_delay N      Sets the delay between retrying to N seconds.  ('. $retry_delay.')',
	        "  -connect_timeout N  Sets the connection timeout to N seconds. (". $connect_timeout. ')',
		'  -interface STR      Sets the default interface to STR.  ('. $interface. ')',
		'  -mailhost STR       Sets the mailhost to STR. ('. $mailhost.')',
    exit (1);