path: root/pop3.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pop3.c')
1 files changed, 781 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pop3.c b/pop3.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..514edab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pop3.c
@@ -0,0 +1,781 @@
+/* Copyright 1993-95 by Carl Harris, Jr.
+ * All rights reserved
+ *
+ * Distribute freely, except: don't remove my name from the source or
+ * documentation (don't take credit for my work), mark your changes (don't
+ * get me blamed for your possible bugs), don't alter or remove this
+ * notice. May be sold if buildable source is provided to buyer. No
+ * warrantee of any kind, express or implied, is included with this
+ * software; use at your own risk, responsibility for damages (if any) to
+ * anyone resulting from the use of this software rests entirely with the
+ * user.
+ *
+ * Send bug reports, bug fixes, enhancements, requests, flames, etc., and
+ * I'll try to keep a version up to date. I can be reached as follows:
+ * Carl Harris <ceharris@mal.com>
+ */
+ module: pop3.c
+ project: popclient
+ programmer: Carl Harris, ceharris@mal.com
+ description: POP3 client code.
+ $Log: pop3.c,v $
+ Revision 1.1 1996/06/24 18:56:35 esr
+ Initial revision
+ Revision 1.6 1995/08/14 18:36:42 ceharris
+ Patches to support POP3's LAST command.
+ Final revisions for beta3 release.
+ Revision 1.5 1995/08/10 00:32:38 ceharris
+ Preparation for 3.0b3 beta release:
+ - added code for --kill/--keep, --limit, --protocol, --flush
+ options; --pop2 and --pop3 options now obsoleted by --protocol.
+ - added support for APOP authentication, including --with-APOP
+ argument for configure.
+ - provisional and broken support for RPOP
+ - added buffering to SockGets and SockRead functions.
+ - fixed problem of command-line options not being correctly
+ carried into the merged options record.
+ Revision 1.4 1995/08/09 01:32:54 ceharris
+ Version 3.0 beta 2 release.
+ Added
+ - .poprc functionality
+ - GNU long options
+ - multiple servers on the command line.
+ Fixed
+ - Passwords showing up in ps output.
+ Revision 1.3 1995/08/08 01:01:24 ceharris
+ Added GNU-style long options processing.
+ Fixed password in 'ps' output problem.
+ Fixed various RCS tag blunders.
+ Integrated .poprc parser, lexer, etc into Makefile processing.
+ ***********************************************************************/
+#include <config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#if defined(STDC_HEADERS)
+#include <string.h>
+#if defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H)
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "socket.h"
+#include "popclient.h"
+#define POP3_PORT 110
+/* prototypes for internal functions */
+int POP3_OK (char *buf, int socket);
+int POP3_auth (struct optrec *options, int socket);
+int POP3_sendQUIT (int socket);
+int POP3_sendSTAT (int *msgcount, int socket);
+int POP3_sendRETR (int msgnum, int socket);
+int POP3_sendDELE (int msgnum, int socket);
+int POP3_sendLAST (int *last, int socket);
+int POP3_readmsg (int socket, int mboxfd, int topipe);
+int POP3_BuildDigest (char *buf, struct optrec *options);
+ function: doPOP3
+ description: retrieve messages from the specified mail server
+ using Post Office Protocol 3.
+ arguments:
+ servername name of server to which we'll connect.
+ options fully-specified options (i.e. parsed, defaults invoked,
+ etc).
+ return value: exit code from the set of PS_.* constants defined in
+ popclient.h
+ calls:
+ globals: reads outlevel.
+ *********************************************************************/
+int doPOP3 (servername,options)
+char *servername;
+struct optrec *options;
+ int ok;
+ int mboxfd;
+ char buf [POPBUFSIZE];
+ int socket;
+ int first,number,count;
+ /* open the folder if we're not using the system mailbox */
+ if (options->foldertype != OF_SYSMBOX)
+ if ((mboxfd = openuserfolder(options)) < 0)
+ return(PS_IOERR);
+ /* open the socket and get the greeting */
+ if ((socket = Socket(servername,POP3_PORT)) < 0) {
+ perror("doPOP3: socket");
+ return(PS_SOCKET);
+ }
+ ok = POP3_OK(buf,socket);
+ if (ok != 0) {
+ if (ok != PS_SOCKET)
+ POP3_sendQUIT(socket);
+ close(socket);
+ return(ok);
+ }
+ /* print the greeting */
+ if (outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",buf);
+ else
+ ;
+#if defined(HAVE_APOP_SUPPORT)
+ /* build MD5 digest from greeting timestamp + password */
+ if (options->whichpop == P_APOP)
+ if (POP3_BuildDigest(buf,options) != 0)
+ return(PS_AUTHFAIL);
+ else
+ ;
+ else
+ ; /* not using APOP protocol this time */
+ /* try to get authorized */
+ ok = POP3_auth(options,socket);
+ if (ok == PS_ERROR)
+ if (ok != 0)
+ goto cleanUp;
+ /* find out how many messages are waiting */
+ ok = POP3_sendSTAT(&count,socket);
+ if (ok != 0) {
+ goto cleanUp;
+ }
+ /* Ask for number of last message retrieved */
+ if (options->fetchall)
+ first = 1;
+ else {
+ ok = POP3_sendLAST(&first, socket);
+ if (ok != 0)
+ goto cleanUp;
+ first++;
+ }
+ /* show them how many messages we'll be downloading */
+ if (outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_VERBOSE)
+ if (first > 1)
+ fprintf(stderr,"%d messages in folder, %d new messages.\n",
+ count, count - first + 1);
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr,"%d new messages in folder.\n", count);
+ else
+ ;
+ if (count > 0) {
+ for (number = (options->flush || options->fetchall)? 1 : first;
+ number <= count;
+ number++) {
+ /* open the mail pipe if we're using the system mailbox */
+ if (options->foldertype == OF_SYSMBOX
+ && (options->fetchall || number >= first)) {
+ ok = (mboxfd = openmailpipe(options)) < 0 ? -1 : 0;
+ if (ok != 0)
+ goto cleanUp;
+ }
+ if (options->flush && number < first && !options->fetchall)
+ ok = 0; /* no command to send here, will delete message below */
+ else if (options->limit)
+ ok = POP3_sendTOP(number,options->limit,socket);
+ else
+ ok = POP3_sendRETR(number,socket);
+ if (ok != 0)
+ goto cleanUp;
+ if (number >= first || options->fetchall)
+ ok = POP3_readmsg(socket,mboxfd,options->foldertype == OF_SYSMBOX);
+ else
+ ok = 0;
+ if (ok != 0)
+ goto cleanUp;
+ if ((number < first && options->flush) || !options->keep) {
+ if (outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"flushing message %d\n", number);
+ else
+ ;
+ ok = POP3_sendDELE(number,socket);
+ if (ok != 0)
+ goto cleanUp;
+ }
+ else
+ ; /* message is kept */
+ /* close the mail pipe if we're using the system mailbox */
+ if (options->foldertype == OF_SYSMBOX
+ && (options->fetchall || number >= first)) {
+ ok = closemailpipe(mboxfd);
+ if (ok != 0)
+ goto cleanUp;
+ }
+ }
+ ok = POP3_sendQUIT(socket);
+ if (ok == 0)
+ ok = PS_SUCCESS;
+ close(socket);
+ return(ok);
+ }
+ else {
+ ok = POP3_sendQUIT(socket);
+ if (ok == 0)
+ ok = PS_NOMAIL;
+ close(socket);
+ return(ok);
+ }
+ if (ok != 0 && ok != PS_SOCKET)
+ POP3_sendQUIT(socket);
+ if (options->foldertype != OF_SYSMBOX)
+ if (closeuserfolder(mboxfd) < 0 && ok == 0)
+ ok = PS_IOERR;
+ if (ok == PS_IOERR || ok == PS_SOCKET)
+ perror("doPOP3: cleanUp");
+ return(ok);
+ function: POP3_OK
+ description: get the server's response to a command, and return
+ the extra arguments sent with the response.
+ arguments:
+ argbuf buffer to receive the argument string.
+ socket socket to which the server is connected.
+ return value: zero if okay, else return code.
+ calls: SockGets
+ globals: reads outlevel.
+ *********************************************************************/
+int POP3_OK (argbuf,socket)
+char *argbuf;
+int socket;
+ int ok;
+ char buf [POPBUFSIZE];
+ char *bufp;
+ if (SockGets(socket, buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0) {
+ if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",buf);
+ bufp = buf;
+ if (*bufp == '+' || *bufp == '-')
+ bufp++;
+ else
+ return(PS_PROTOCOL);
+ while (isalpha(*bufp))
+ bufp++;
+ *(bufp++) = '\0';
+ if (strcmp(buf,"+OK") == 0)
+ ok = 0;
+ else if (strcmp(buf,"-ERR") == 0)
+ ok = PS_ERROR;
+ else
+ if (argbuf != NULL)
+ strcpy(argbuf,bufp);
+ }
+ else
+ ok = PS_SOCKET;
+ return(ok);
+ function: POP3_auth
+ description: send the USER and PASS commands to the server, and
+ get the server's response.
+ arguments:
+ options merged options record.
+ socket socket to which the server is connected.
+ return value: zero if success, else status code.
+ calls: SockPrintf, POP3_OK.
+ globals: read outlevel.
+ *********************************************************************/
+int POP3_auth (options,socket)
+struct optrec *options;
+int socket;
+ char buf [POPBUFSIZE];
+ switch (options->whichpop) {
+ case P_POP3:
+ SockPrintf(socket,"USER %s\r\n",options->userid);
+ if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"> USER %s\n",options->userid);
+ if (POP3_OK(buf,socket) != 0)
+ goto badAuth;
+ SockPrintf(socket,"PASS %s\r\n",options->password);
+ if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"> PASS password\n");
+ if (POP3_OK(buf,socket) != 0)
+ goto badAuth;
+ break;
+#if defined(HAVE_APOP_SUPPORT)
+ case P_APOP:
+ SockPrintf(socket,"APOP %s %s\r\n",
+ options->userid, options->digest);
+ if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"> APOP %s %s\n",options->userid, options->digest);
+ if (POP3_OK(buf,socket) != 0)
+ goto badAuth;
+ break;
+#endif /* HAVE_APOP_SUPPORT */
+#if defined(HAVE_RPOP_SUPPORT)
+ case P_RPOP:
+ SockPrintf(socket, "RPOP %s\r\n", options->userid);
+ if (POP3_OK(buf,socket) != 0)
+ goto badAuth;
+ if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"> RPOP %s %s\n",options->userid);
+ break;
+#endif /* HAVE_RPOP_SUPPORT */
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"Undefined protocol request in POP3_auth\n");
+ }
+ /* we're approved */
+ return(0);
+ if (outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",buf);
+ else
+ ; /* say nothing */
+ return(PS_ERROR);
+ function: POP3_sendQUIT
+ description: send the QUIT command to the server and close
+ the socket.
+ arguments:
+ socket socket to which the server is connected.
+ return value: none.
+ calls: SockPuts, POP3_OK.
+ globals: reads outlevel.
+ *********************************************************************/
+int POP3_sendQUIT (socket)
+int socket;
+ int ok;
+ char buf [POPBUFSIZE];
+ SockPuts(socket,"QUIT");
+ if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"> QUIT\n");
+ else
+ ;
+ ok = POP3_OK(buf,socket);
+ if (ok != 0 && outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",buf);
+ return(ok);
+ function: POP3_sendSTAT
+ description: send the STAT command to the POP3 server to find
+ out how many messages are waiting.
+ arguments:
+ count pointer to an integer to receive the message count.
+ socket socket to which the POP3 server is connected.
+ return value: return code from POP3_OK.
+ calls: POP3_OK, SockPrintf
+ globals: reads outlevel.
+ *********************************************************************/
+int POP3_sendSTAT (msgcount,socket)
+int *msgcount;
+int socket;
+ int ok;
+ char buf [POPBUFSIZE];
+ int totalsize;
+ SockPrintf(socket,"STAT\r\n");
+ if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"> STAT\n");
+ ok = POP3_OK(buf,socket);
+ if (ok == 0)
+ sscanf(buf,"%d %d",msgcount,&totalsize);
+ else if (outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",buf);
+ return(ok);
+ function: POP3_sendRETR
+ description: send the RETR command to the POP3 server.
+ arguments:
+ msgnum message ID number
+ socket socket to which the POP3 server is connected.
+ return value: return code from POP3_OK.
+ calls: POP3_OK, SockPrintf
+ globals: reads outlevel.
+ *********************************************************************/
+int POP3_sendRETR (msgnum,socket)
+int msgnum;
+int socket;
+ int ok;
+ char buf [POPBUFSIZE];
+ SockPrintf(socket,"RETR %d\r\n",msgnum);
+ if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"> RETR %d\n",msgnum);
+ ok = POP3_OK(buf,socket);
+ if (ok != 0 && outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",buf);
+ return(ok);
+ function: POP3_sendTOP
+ description: send the TOP command to the POP3 server.
+ arguments:
+ msgnum message ID number
+ limit maximum number of message body lines to retrieve.
+ socket socket to which the POP3 server is connected.
+ return value: return code from POP3_OK.
+ calls: POP3_OK, SockPrintf
+ globals: reads outlevel.
+ *********************************************************************/
+int POP3_sendTOP (msgnum,limit,socket)
+int msgnum;
+int socket;
+ int ok;
+ char buf [POPBUFSIZE];
+ SockPrintf(socket,"TOP %d %d\r\n",msgnum,limit);
+ if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"> TOP %d %d\n",msgnum,limit);
+ ok = POP3_OK(buf,socket);
+ if (ok != 0 && outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"option --limit failed; server says '%s'\n",buf);
+ return(ok);
+ function: POP3_sendDELE
+ description: send the DELE command to the POP3 server.
+ arguments:
+ msgnum message ID number
+ socket socket to which the POP3 server is connected.
+ return value: return code from POP3_OK.
+ calls: POP3_OK, SockPrintF.
+ globals: reads outlevel.
+ *********************************************************************/
+int POP3_sendDELE (msgnum,socket)
+int msgnum;
+int socket;
+ int ok;
+ char buf [POPBUFSIZE];
+ SockPrintf(socket,"DELE %d\r\n",msgnum);
+ if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"> DELE %d\n",msgnum);
+ ok = POP3_OK(buf,socket);
+ if (ok != 0 && outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",buf);
+ return(ok);
+ function: POP3_readmsg
+ description: Read the message content as described in RFC 1225.
+ arguments:
+ socket ... to which the server is connected.
+ mboxfd open file descriptor to which the retrieved message will
+ be written.
+ topipe true if we're writing to the system mailbox pipe.
+ return value: zero if success else PS_* return code.
+ calls: SockGets.
+ globals: reads outlevel.
+ *********************************************************************/
+int POP3_readmsg (socket,mboxfd,topipe)
+int socket;
+int mboxfd;
+int topipe;
+ char buf [MSGBUFSIZE];
+ char *bufp;
+ char savec;
+ char fromBuf[MSGBUFSIZE];
+ int needFrom;
+ int lines,sizeticker;
+ time_t now;
+ /* This keeps the retrieved message count for display purposes */
+ static int msgnum = 0;
+ /* set up for status message if outlevel allows it */
+ if (outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_VERBOSE) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"reading message %d",++msgnum);
+ /* won't do the '...' if retrieved messages are being sent to stdout */
+ if (mboxfd == 1)
+ fputs(".\n",stderr);
+ else
+ ;
+ }
+ else
+ ;
+ /* read the message content from the server */
+ lines = 0;
+ sizeticker = MSGBUFSIZE;
+ while (1) {
+ if (SockGets(socket,buf,sizeof(buf)) < 0)
+ return(PS_SOCKET);
+ bufp = buf;
+ if (*bufp == '.') {
+ bufp++;
+ if (*bufp == 0)
+ break; /* end of message */
+ }
+ strcat(bufp,"\n");
+ /* Check for Unix 'From' header, and a bogus one if it's not
+ present -- only if not using an MDA.
+ XXX -- should probably parse real From: header and use its
+ address field instead of bogus 'POPmail' string.
+ */
+ if (!topipe && lines == 0) {
+ if (strlen(bufp) >= strlen("From ")) {
+ savec = *(bufp + 5);
+ *(bufp + 5) = 0;
+ needFrom = strcmp(bufp,"From ") != 0;
+ *(bufp + 5) = savec;
+ }
+ else
+ needFrom = 1;
+ if (needFrom) {
+ now = time(NULL);
+ sprintf(fromBuf,"From POPmail %s",ctime(&now));
+ if (write(mboxfd,fromBuf,strlen(fromBuf)) < 0) {
+ perror("POP3_readmsg: write");
+ return(PS_IOERR);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* write this line to the file */
+ if (write(mboxfd,bufp,strlen(bufp)) < 0) {
+ perror("POP3_readmsg: write");
+ return(PS_IOERR);
+ }
+ sizeticker -= strlen(bufp);
+ if (sizeticker <= 0) {
+ if (outlevel > O_SILENT && outlevel < O_VERBOSE && mboxfd != 1)
+ fputc('.',stderr);
+ sizeticker = MSGBUFSIZE;
+ }
+ lines++;
+ }
+ if (!topipe) {
+ /* The server may not write the extra newline required by the Unix
+ mail folder format, so we write one here just in case */
+ if (write(mboxfd,"\n",1) < 0) {
+ perror("POP3_readmsg: write");
+ return(PS_IOERR);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* The mail delivery agent may require a terminator. Write it if
+ it has been defined */
+ if (write(mboxfd,BINMAIL_TERM,strlen(BINMAIL_TERM)) < 0) {
+ perror("POP3_readmsg: write");
+ return(PS_IOERR);
+ }
+ }
+ /* finish up display output */
+ if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"(%d lines of message content)\n",lines);
+ else if (outlevel > O_SILENT && mboxfd != 1)
+ fputs(".\n",stderr);
+ else
+ ;
+ return(0);
+ function: POP3_sendLAST
+ description: send the LAST command to the server, which should
+ return the number of the last message number retrieved
+ from the server.
+ arguments:
+ last integer buffer to receive last message#
+ ret. value: non-zero on success, else zero.
+ globals: SockPrintf, POP3_OK.
+ calls: reads outlevel.
+ *****************************************************************/
+int POP3_sendLAST (last, socket)
+int *last;
+int socket;
+ int ok;
+ char buf [POPBUFSIZE];
+ SockPrintf(socket,"LAST\r\n");
+ if (outlevel == O_VERBOSE)
+ fprintf(stderr,"> LAST\n");
+ ok = POP3_OK(buf,socket);
+ if (ok == 0 && sscanf(buf,"%d",last) == 0)
+ ok = PS_ERROR;
+ if (ok != 0 && outlevel > O_SILENT)
+ fprintf(stderr,"Server says '%s' to LAST command.\n",buf);
+ return(ok);
+ function: POP3_BuildDigest
+ description: Construct the MD5 digest for the current session,
+ using the user-specified password, and the time
+ stamp in the POP3 greeting.
+ arguments:
+ buf greeting string
+ options merged options record.
+ ret. value: zero on success, nonzero if no timestamp found in
+ greeting.
+ globals: none.
+ calls: MD5Digest.
+ *****************************************************************/
+#if defined(HAVE_APOP_SUPPORT)
+POP3_BuildDigest (buf,options)
+char *buf;
+struct optrec *options;
+ char *start,*end;
+ char *msg;
+ /* find start of timestamp */
+ for (start = buf; *start != 0 && *start != '<'; start++)
+ ;
+ if (*start == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Required APOP timestamp not found in greeting\n");
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ /* find end of timestamp */
+ for (end = start; *end != 0 && *end != '>'; end++)
+ ;
+ if (*end == 0 || (end - start - 1) == 1) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"Timestamp syntax error in greeting\n");
+ return(-1);
+ }
+ /* copy timestamp and password into digestion buffer */
+ msg = (char *) malloc((end-start-1) + strlen(options->password) + 1);
+ *(++end) = 0;
+ strcpy(msg,start);
+ strcat(msg,options->password);
+ strcpy(options->digest, MD5Digest(msg));
+ free(msg);
+ return(0);
+#endif /* HAVE_APOP_SUPPORT */