path: root/growthplot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'growthplot')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/growthplot b/growthplot
index fa381714..1cf0de83 100755
--- a/growthplot
+++ b/growthplot
@@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ grep "^[0-9]" /tmp/growthplot$$ >/tmp/growthnumbers$$
grep "^[0-9.]*.[05].0 " /tmp/growthplot$$ >/tmp/growthmajors$$
sed '/^4.2.9/,$d' </tmp/growthnumbers$$ >/tmp/growthannounce$$
+# gnuplot line styles. These occasionally change (like beteween 3.5 and 3.7);
+# use "echo "set terminal png color; test" | gnuplot | display - to check.
+cyan_diamonds=37 # Once purple triangles, but we can't do that anymore
cat >/tmp/growthimage$$ <<EOF
set title "Fetchmail project growth history"
set xlabel 'Days since baseline'
@@ -78,13 +85,13 @@ EOF
cat >>/tmp/growthimage$$ <<EOF
plot [] [0:] '/tmp/growthnumbers$$' using 6:5 \
- title "Both lists" with points 3, \
+ title "Both lists" with points $blue_boxes, \
'/tmp/growthannounce$$' using 6:4 \
- title "fetchmail-announce" with points 5, \
+ title "fetchmail-announce" with points $cyan_diamonds, \
'/tmp/growthannounce$$' using 6:3 \
- title "fetchmail-friends" with points 2, \
+ title "fetchmail-friends" with points $green_crosses, \
'/tmp/growthnumbers$$' using 6:2 axes x1y2 \
- title "Lines of code" with points 7
+ title "Lines of code" with points $brown_triangles
gnuplot /tmp/growthimage$$ >growth.png