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+<!doctype HTML public "-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML 2.0//EN">
+<TITLE>Design notes on fetchmail</TITLE>
+<link rev=made href=mailto:esr@snark.thyrsus.com>
+<meta name="description" content="Design notes on fetchmail.">
+<meta name="keywords" content="fetchmail, POP, POP2, POP3, IMAP, remote mail">
+<H1><center>Design Notes On Fetchmail</center></H1>
+Back to <A HREF="index.html">Fetchmail Home Page</A>.
+This notes are for the benefit of future hackers and maintainers.
+The following sections are both functional and narrative, read from
+beginning to end.<P>
+A direct ancestor of the fetchmail program was originally authored
+(under the name popclient) by Carl Harris <ceharris@mal.com>. I took
+over development in June 1996 and subsequently renamed the program
+`fetchmail' to reflect the addition of IMAP support. In early
+November 1996 Carl officially ended support for the last popclient
+Before accepting responsibility for the popclient sources from Carl, I
+had investigated and used and tinkered with every other UNIX
+remote-mail forwarder I could find, including fetchpop1.9,
+PopTart-0.9.3, get-mail, gwpop, pimp-1.0, pop-perl5-1.2, popc,
+popmail-1.6 and upop. My major goal was to get a header-rewrite
+feature like fetchmail's working so I wouldn't have reply problems
+Despite having done a good bit of work on fetchpop1.9, when I found
+popclient I quickly concluded that it offered the solidest base for
+future development. I was convinced of this primarily by the presence
+of multiple-protocol support. The competition didn't do
+POP2/RPOP/APOP, and I was already having vague thoughts of maybe
+adding IMAP. (This would advance two other goals: learn IMAP and get
+comfortable writing TCP/IP client software.)<P>
+Until popclient 3.05 I was simply following out the implications of
+Carl's basic design. He already had daemon.c in the distribution,
+and I wanted daemon mode almost as badly as I wanted the header
+rewrite feature. The other things I added were bug fixes or
+minor extensions.<P>
+After 3.1, when I put in SMTP-forwarding support (more about this
+below) the nature of the project changed -- it became a
+carefully-thought-out attempt to render obsolete every other program
+in its class. The name change quickly followed.<P>
+<H1>The rewrite option</H1>
+RFC 1123 stipulates that MTAs ought to canonicalize the addresses of
+outgoing mail so that From:, To:, Cc:, Bcc: and other address headers
+contain only fully qualified domain names. Failure to do so can break
+the reply function on many mailers.<P>
+This problem only becomes obvious when a reply is generated on a
+machine different from where the message was delivered. The
+two machines will have different local username spaces, potentially
+leading to misrouted mail.<P>
+Most MTAs (and sendmail in particular) do not canonicalize address headers
+in this way (violating RFC 1123). Fetchmail therefore has to do it. This
+is the first feature I added to the ancestral popclient.<P>
+The second thing I did reorganize and simplify popclient a lot. Carl
+Harris's implementation was very sound, but exhibited a kind of
+unnecessary complexity common to many C programmers. He treated the
+code as central and the data structures as support for the code. As a
+result, the code was beautiful but the data structure design ad-hoc
+and rather ugly (at least to this old LISP hacker).<P>
+I was able to improve matters significantly by reorganizing most of the
+program around the `query' data structure and eliminating a bunch of
+global context. This especially simplified the main sequence in
+fetchmail.c and was critical in enabling the daemon mode changes.<P>
+<H1>IMAP support and the method table</H1>
+The next step was IMAP support. I initially wrote the IMAP code
+as a generic query driver and a method table. The idea was to have
+all the protocol-independent setup logic and flow of control in the
+driver, and the protocol-specific stuff in the method table.<P>
+Once this worked, I rewrote the POP3 code to use the same organization.
+The POP2 code kept its own driver for a couple more releases, until
+I found sources of a POP2 server to test against (the breed seems
+to be nearly extinct).<P>
+The purpose of this reorganization, of course, is to trivialize
+the development of support for future protocols as much as possible.
+All mail-retrieval protocols have to have pretty similar logical
+design by the nature of the task. By abstracting out that common
+logic and its interface to the rest of the program, both the common
+and protocol-specific parts become easier to understand.<P>
+Furthermore, many kinds of new features can instantly be supported
+across all protocols by modifying the one driver module.<P>
+<H1>Implications of smtp forwarding</H1>
+The direction of the project changed radically when Harry Hochheiser
+sent me his scratch code for forwarding fetched mail to the SMTP port.
+I realized almost immediately that a reliable implementation of this
+feature would make all the other delivery modes obsolete.<P>
+Why mess with all the complexity of configuring an MDA or setting up
+lock-and-append on a mailbox when port 25 is guaranteed to be there on
+any platform with TCP/IP support in the first place? Especially when
+this means retrieved mail is guaranteed to look like normal sender-
+initiated SMTP mail, which is really what we want anyway.<P>
+Clearly, the right thing to do was (1) hack SMTP forwarding support
+into the generic driver, (2) make it the default mode, and (3) eventually
+throw out all the other delivery modes. <P>
+I hesitated over step 3 for some time, fearing to upset long-time
+popclient users dependent on the alternate delivery mechanisms. In
+theory, they could immediately switch to .forward files or their
+non-sendmail equivalents to get the same effects. In practice the
+transition might have been messy.<P>
+But when I did it (see the NEWS note on the great options massacre)
+the benefits proved huge. The cruftiest parts of the driver code
+vanished. Configuration got radically simpler -- no more grovelling
+around for the system MDA and user's mailbox, no more worries about
+whether the underlying OS supports file locking.<P>
+Also, the only way to lose mail vanished. If you specified localfolder
+and the disk got full, your mail got lost. This can't happen with
+SMTP forwarding because your SMTP listener won't return OK unless
+the message can be spooled or processed.<P>
+Also, performance improved (though not so you'd notice it in a single
+run). Another not insignificant benefit of this change was that the
+manual page got a lot simpler.<P>
+Later, I had to bring --mda back in order to allow handling of some
+obscure situations involving dynamic SLIP. But I found a much simpler
+way to do it.<P>
+The moral? Don't hesitate to throw away superannuated features when
+you can do it without loss of effectiveness. I tanked a couple I'd
+added myself and have no regrets at all. As Saint-Exupery said,
+"Perfection [in design] is achieved not when there is nothing more to
+add, but rather when there is nothing more to take away." This
+program isn't perfect, but it's trying.<P>
+<H1>The most-requested features that I will never add, and why not:</H1>
+<H2>1. Password encryption in .fetchmailrc</H2>
+The reason there's no facility to store passwords encrypted in the
+.fetchmailrc file is because this doesn't actually add protection.<P>
+Anyone who's acquired the 0600 permissions needed to read your
+.fetchmailrc file will be able to run fetchmail as you anyway -- and
+if it's your password they're after, they'd be able to rip the
+necessary decoder out of the fetchmail code itself to get it.<P>
+All .fetchmailrc encryption would do is give a false sense of
+security to people who don't think very hard.<P>
+<H2>2. Truly concurrent queries to multiple hosts</H2>
+Occasionally I get a request for this on "efficiency" grounds. These
+people aren't thinking either. True concurrency would do nothing to lessen
+fetchmail's total IP volume. The best it could possibly do is change the
+usage profile to shorten the duration of the active part of a poll cycle
+at the cost of increasing its demand on IP volume per unit time.<P>
+If one could thread the protocol code so that fetchmail didn't block
+on waiting for a protocol response, but rather switched to trying to
+process another host query, one might get an efficiency gain (close to
+constant loading at the single-host level).<P>
+Fortunately, I've only seldom seen a server that incurred significant
+wait time on an individual response. I judge the gain from this not
+worth the hideous complexity increase it would require in the code.<P>
+<H1>Multidrop and alias handling</H1>
+I decided to add the multidrop support partly because some users were
+clamoring for it, but mostly because I thought it would shake bugs out
+of the single-drop code by forcing me to deal with addressing in full
+generality. And so it proved.<P>
+There are two important aspects of the features for handling
+multiple-drop aliases and mailing lists which future hackers should be
+careful to preserve.<P>
+ The logic path for single-recipient mailboxes doesn't involve header
+ parsing or DNS lookups at all. This is important -- it means the code
+ for the most common case can be much simpler and more robust.<P>
+ The multidrop handing does <EM>not</EM> rely on doing the equivalent of passing
+ the message to sendmail -oem -t. Instead, it explicitly mines members
+ of a specified set of local usernames out of the header.<P>
+ We do <EM>not</EM> attempt delivery to multidrop mailboxes in the presence of DNS
+ errors. Before each multidrop poll we probe DNS to see if we have a
+ nameserver handy. If not, the poll is skipped. If DNS crashes during a
+ poll, the error return from the next nameserver lookup aborts message
+ delivery and ends the poll. The daemon mode will then quietly spin until
+ DNS comes up again, at which point it will resume delivering mail.<P>
+When I designed this support, I was terrified of doing anything that could
+conceivably cause a mail loop (you should be too). That's why the code
+as written can only append <EM>local</EM> names (never @-addresses) to the
+recipients list.<P>
+The code in mxget.c is nasty, no two ways about it. But it's utterly
+necessary, there are a lot of MX pointers out there. It really ought
+to be a (documented!) entry point in the bind library.<P>
+<H1>DNS error handling</H1>
+Fetchmail's behavior on DNS errors is to suppress forwarding and
+deletion of the individual message that each occurs in, leaving it
+queued on the server for retrieval on a subsequent poll. The
+assumption is that DNS errors are transient, due to temporary server
+Unfortunately this means that if a DNS error is permanent a message
+can be perpetually stuck in the server mailbox. We've had a couple
+bug reports of this kind due to subtle RFC822 parsing errors in the fetchmail
+code that resulted in impossible things getting passed to the DNS lookup
+Alternative ways to handle the problem: ignore DNS errors (treating
+them as a non-match on the mailserver domain), or forward messages
+with errors to fetchmail's invoking user in addition to any other
+recipients. These would fit an assumption that DNS lookup errors are
+likely to be permanent problems associated with an address.<P>
+<H1>Lessons learned</H1>
+<H3>1. Server-side state is essential</H3>
+The person(s) responsible for removing LAST from POP3 deserve to suffer.
+Without it, a client has no way to know which messages in a box have been
+read by other means, such as an MUA running on the server.<P>
+The POP3 UID feature described in RFC1725 to replace LAST is
+insufficient. The only problem it solves is tracking which messages
+have been read <EM>by this client</EM> -- and even that requires
+tricky, fragile implementation.<P>
+The underlying lesson is that maintaining accessible server-side
+`seen' state bits associated with Status headers is indispensible in a
+Unix/RFC822 mail server protocol. IMAP gets this right.<P>
+<H3>2. Readable text protocol transactions are a Good Thing</H3>
+A nice thing about the general class of text-based protocols that SMTP,
+POP2, POP3, and IMAP belongs to is that client/server transactions are
+easy to watch and transaction code correspondingly easy to debug. Given
+a decent layer of socket utility functions (which Carl provided) it's
+easy to write protocol engines and not hard to show that they're working
+This is an advantage not to be despised! Because of it, this project has
+been interesting and fun -- no serious or persistent bugs, no long
+hours spent looking for subtle pathologies.<P>
+<H3>3. IMAP is a Good Thing.</H3>
+If there were a standard IMAP equivalent of the POP3 APOP validation,
+POP3 would be completely obsolete.<P>
+<H3>4. SMTP is the Right Thing</H3>
+In retrospect it seems clear that this program (and others like it)
+should have been designed to forward via SMTP from the beginning.
+This lesson may be applicable to other Unix programs that now call the
+local MDA/MTA as a program.<P>
+<H3>5. Syntactic noise can be your friend</H3>
+The optional `noise' keywords in the rc file syntax started out as
+a late-night experiment. The English-like syntax they allow is
+considerably more readable than the traditional terse keyword-value
+pairs you get when you strip them all out. I think there may be a
+wider lesson here.<P>
+<H1>Motivation and validation</H1>
+It is truly written: the best hacks start out as personal solutions to
+the author's everyday problems, and spread because the problem turns
+out to be typical for a large class of users. So it was with Carl Harris
+and the ancestral popclient, and so with me and fetchmail.<P>
+It's gratifying that fetchmail has become so popular. Until just before
+1.9 I was designing strictly to my own taste. The multi-drop mailbox
+support and the new --limit option were the first features to go in that
+I didn't need myself.<P>
+By 1.9, four months after I started hacking on popclient and a month
+after the first fetchmail release, there were literally a hundred
+people on the fetchmail-friends contact list. That's pretty powerful
+motivation. And they were a good crowd, too, sending fixes and
+intelligent bug reports in volume. A user population like that is
+a gift from the gods, and this is my expression of gratitude.<P>
+The beta testers didn't know it at the time, but they were also the
+subjects of a sociological experiment. The results are described in
+my paper, <cite>The Cathedral And The Bazaar</cite>, available on the
+<a href="http://www.ccil.org/~esr/fetchmail">Fetchmail home page</a>.
+Special thanks go to Carl Harris, who built a good solid code base
+and then tolerated me hacking it out of recognition. And to Harry
+Hochheiser, who gave me the idea of the SMTP-forwarding delivery mode.<P>
+Other significant contributors to the code have included Dave Bodenstab
+(error.c code and --syslog), George Sipe (--monitor and --interface),
+Gordon Matzigkeit (netrc.c), Al Longyear (UIDL support), and Nalin
+Dahyabhai (Kerberos V4 support).<P>
+At this point, the fetchmail code appears to be pretty stable.
+It will probably undergo substantial change only if and when support
+for a new retrieval protocol or authentication method is added.<P>
+<H1>Relevant RFCS</H1>
+Not all of these describe standards explicitly used in fetchmail, but they
+all shaped the design in one way or another.<P>
+<DT>RFC821<DD> SMTP protocol
+<DT>RFC822<DD> Mail header format
+<DT>RFC937<DD> Post Office Protocol - Version 2
+<DT>RFC974<DD> MX routing
+<DT>RFC976<DD> UUCP mail format
+<DT>RFC1081<DD> Post Office Protocol - Version 3
+<DT>RFC1123<DD> Host requirements (modifies 821, 822, and 974)
+<DT>RFC1176<DD> Interactive Mail Access Protocol - Version 2
+<DT>RFC1203<DD> Interactive Mail Access Protocol - Version 3
+<DT>RFC1225<DD> Post Office Protocol - Version 3
+<DT>RFC1344<DD> Implications of MIME for Internet Mail Gateways
+<DT>RFC1413<DD> Identification server
+<DT>RFC1428<DD> Transition of Internet Mail from Just-Send-8 to 8-bit SMTP/MIME
+<DT>RFC1460<DD> Post Office Protocol - Version 3
+<DT>RFC1521<DD> MIME: Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
+<DT>RFC1869<DD> SMTP Service Extensions (ESMTP spec)
+<DT>RFC1652<DD> SMTP Service Extension for 8bit-MIMEtransport
+<DT>RFC1725<DD> Post Office Protocol - Version 3
+<DT>RFC1730<DD> Interactive Mail Access Protocol - Version 4
+<DT>RFC1731<DD> IMAP4 Authentication Mechanisms
+<DT>RFC1732<DD> IMAP4 Compatibility With IMAP2 And IMAP2bis
+<DT>RFC1734<DD> POP3 AUTHentication command
+<DT>RFC1870<DD> SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration
+<DT>RFC1891<DD> SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications
+<DT>RFC1893<DD> Enhanced Mail System Status Codes
+<DT>RFC1894<DD> An Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status Notifications
+<DT>RFC1939<DD> Post Office Protocol - Version 3
+<DT>RFC1985<DD> SMTP Service Extension for Remote Message Queue Starting
+<DT>RFC2060<DD> Internet Message Access Protocol - Version 4rev1
+<DT>RFC2061<DD> IMAP4 Compatibility With IMAP2bis
+<DT>RFC2062<DD> Internet Message Access Protocol - Obsolete Syntax
+Back to <A HREF="index.html">Fetchmail Home Page</A>.<P>
+<ADDRESS>Eric S. Raymond <A HREF="mailto:esr@thyrsus.com">&lt;esr@snark.thyrsus.com&gt;</A></ADDRESS>