path: root/RFC/draft-klensin-cram-03.txt
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+Network Working Group J Klensin
+Internet Draft R Catoe
+Document: draft-klensin-cram-03.txt P Krumviede
+ September 1996
+ IMAP/POP AUTHorize Extension for Simple Challenge/Response
+Status of this Memo
+ This document is an Internet Draft. Internet Drafts are working
+ documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its Areas,
+ and its Working Groups. Note that other groups may also distribute
+ working documents as Internet Drafts.
+ Internet Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
+ months. Internet Drafts may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by
+ other documents at any time. It is not appropriate to use Internet
+ Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as a
+ ``working draft'' or ``work in progress``.
+ To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
+ 1id-abstracts.txt listing contained in the Internet-Drafts Shadow
+ Directories on ds.internic.net, nic.nordu.net, ftp.isi.edu, or
+ munnari.oz.au.
+ A revised version of this draft document will be submitted to the
+ IESG for processing as a Proposed Standard for the Internet
+ Community, updating RFC 1731. Discussion and suggestions for
+ improvement are requested. This document reflects editorial
+ comments received during the last call period; the protocol is
+ unchanged from the previous version. This draft will expire
+ before February 22, 1997. Distribution of this draft is
+ unlimited.
+ While IMAP4 supports a number of strong authentication mechanisms
+ as described in RFC 1731, it lacks any mechanism that neither passes
+ cleartext, reusable passwords across the network nor requires either a
+ significant security infrastructure or that the mail server update a
+ mail-system-wide user authentication file on each mail access. This
+ specification provides a simple challenge-response authentication
+ protocol that is suitable for use with IMAP4. Since it utilizes
+ Keyed-MD5 digests and does not require that the secret be stored in the
+ clear on the server, it may also constitute an improvement on APOP for
+ POP3 use as specified in RFC 1734.
+1. Introduction
+ Existing Proposed Standards specify an AUTHENTICATE mechanism for
+ the IMAP4 protocol [IMAP, IMAP-AUTH] and a parallel AUTH mechanism for
+ the POP3 protocol [POP3-AUTH]. The AUTHENTICATE mechanism is intended
+ to be extensible; the four methods specified in [IMAP-AUTH] are all
+ fairly powerful and require some security infrastructure to support.
+ The base POP3 specification [POP3] also contains a lightweight
+ challenge-response mechanism called APOP. APOP is associated with
+ most of the risks associated with such protocols: in particular, it
+ requires that both the client and server machines have access to the
+ shared secret in cleartext form. CRAM offers a method for avoiding
+ such cleartext storage while retaining the algorithmic simplicity
+ of APOP in using only MD5, though in a "keyed" method.
+ At present, IMAP [IMAP] lacks any facility corresponding to APOP.
+ The only alternative to the strong mechanisms identified in
+ [IMAP-AUTH] is a presumably cleartext username and password,
+ supported through the LOGIN command in [IMAP]. This document
+ describes a simple challenge-response mechanism, similar to APOP and
+ PPP CHAP [PPP], that can be used with IMAP (and, in principle, with
+ POP3).
+ This mechanism also has the advantage over some possible
+ alternatives of not requiring that the server maintain information
+ about email "logins" on a per-login basis. While mechanisms that
+ do require such per-login history records may offer enhanced
+ security, protocols such as IMAP, which may have several
+ connections between a given client and server open more or less
+ simultaneous, may make their implementation particularly
+ challenging.
+2. Challenge-Response Authentication Mechanism (CRAM)
+ The authentication type associated with CRAM is "CRAM-MD5".
+ The data encoded in the first ready response contains an
+ presumptively arbitrary string of random digits, a timestamp,
+ and the fully-qualified primary host name of the server. The
+ syntax of the unencoded form must correspond to that of an
+ RFC 822 'msg-id' [RFC822] as described in [POP3].
+ The client makes note of the data and then responds with a string
+ consisting of the user name, a space, and a 'digest'. The latter is
+ computed by applying the keyed MD5 algorithm from [KEYED-MD5]
+ where the key is a shared secret and the digested text is
+ the timestamp (including angle-brackets).
+ This shared secret is a string known only to the client and server.
+ The `digest' parameter itself is a 16-octet value which is
+ sent in hexadecimal format, using lower-case ASCII characters.
+ When the server receives this client response, it verifies the digest
+ provided. If the digest is correct, the server should consider the
+ client authenticated and respond appropriately.
+ Keyed MD5 is chosen for this application because of the greater
+ security imparted to authentication of short messages. In addition,
+ the use of the techniques described in [KEYED-MD5] for
+ precomputation of intermediate results make it possible to avoid
+ explicit cleartext storage of the shared secret on the server system
+ by instead storing the intermediate results which are known as
+ "contexts".
+ CRAM does not support a protection mechanism.
+ Example:
+ The examples in this document show the use of the CRAM mechanism with
+ the IMAP4 AUTHENTICATE command [IMAP-AUTH]. The base64 encoding of
+ the challenges and responses is part of the IMAP4 AUTHENTICATE
+ command, not part of the CRAM specification itself.
+ S: * OK IMAP4 Server
+ S: + PDE4OTYuNjk3MTcwOTUyQHBvc3RvZmZpY2UucmVzdG9uLm1jaS5uZXQ+
+ S: A0001 OK CRAM authentication successful
+ In this example, the shared secret is the string 'tanstaaftanstaaf'.
+ Hence, the Keyed MD5 digest is produced by calculating
+ MD5((tanstaaftanstaaf XOR opad),
+ MD5((tanstaaftanstaaf XOR ipad),
+ <1896.697170952@postoffice.reston.mci.net>))
+ where ipad and opad are as defined in the keyed-MD5 draft
+ [KEYED-MD5] and the string shown in the challenge is the base64
+ encoding of <1896.697170952@postoffice.reston.mci.net>. The
+ shared secret is null-padded to a length of 64 bytes. If the
+ shared secret is longer than 64 bytes, the MD5 digest of the
+ shared secret is used as a 16 byte input to the keyed MD5
+ calculation.
+ This produces a digest value (in hexadecimal) of
+ b913a602c7eda7a495b4e6e7334d3890
+ The user name is then prepended to it, forming
+ tim b913a602c7eda7a495b4e6e7334d3890
+ Which is then base64 encoded to meet the requirements of the IMAP4
+ AUTHENTICATE command (or the similar POP3 AUTH command), yielding
+3. References
+ [CHAP] Lloyd, B. and W. Simpson, "PPP Authentication Protocols",
+ RFC 1334, October 1992.
+ [IMAP] Crispin, M. "Internet Message Access Protocol - Version 4",
+ RFC 1730, University of Washington, December, 1994.
+ [IMAP-AUTH] Myers, J. "IMAP4 Authentication Mechanisms",
+ RFC 1731, Carnegie Mellon, December, 1994
+ [KEYED-MD5] Krawczyk, H "HMAC-MD5: Keyed-MD5 for Message
+ Authentication" work in progess (draft-ietf-ipsec-hmac-md5-00.txt),
+ IBM, March 1996.
+ [MD5] Rivest, R. "The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm",
+ RFC 1321, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, April, 1992.
+ [POP3] Myers, J. and M. Rose, "Post Office Protocol - Version 3 ",
+ RFC 1939 (STD 53), Carnegie Mellon, May 1996.
+ [POP3-AUTH] Myers, J. "POP3 AUTHentication command", RFC 1734, Carnegie
+ Mellon, December, 1994.
+4. Security Considerations
+ It is conjectured that use of the CRAM authentication mechanism
+ provides origin identification and replay protection for a session.
+ Accordingly, a server that implements both a cleartext password
+ command and this authentication type should not allow both methods of
+ access for a given user.
+ While the saving, on the server, of "contexts" (see section 2) is
+ marginally better than saving the shared secrets in cleartext as is
+ required by CHAP [CHAP] and APOP [POP3], it is not sufficient to
+ protect the secrets if the server itself is compromised.
+ Consequently, servers that store the secrets or contexts must both
+ be protected to a level appropriate to the potential information
+ value in user mailboxes and identities.
+ As the length of the shared secret increases, so does the difficulty
+ of deriving it.
+ While there are now suggestions in the literature that the use of
+ MD5 and keyed MD5 in authentication procedures probably has a
+ limited effective lifetime, the technique is now widely deployed and
+ widely understood. It is believed that this general understanding
+ may assist with the rapid replacement, by CRAM-MD5, of the current
+ uses of permanent cleartext passwords in IMAP. This document has
+ been deliberately written to permit easy upgrading to use SHA (or
+ whatever alternatives emerge) when they are considered to be widely
+ available and adequately safe.
+ Even with the use of CRAM, users are still vulnerable to active
+ attacks. An example of an increasingly common active attack is 'TCP
+ Session Hijacking' as described in CERT Advisory CA-95:01 [CERT95].
+ See section 1 above for additional discussion.
+5. Acknowledgements
+ This memo borrows ideas and some text liberally from [POP3] and
+ [RFC-1731] and thanks are due the authors of those documents. Ran
+ Atkinson made a number of valuable technical and editorial
+ contributions to the current draft.
+6. Authors' Addresses
+ John C. Klensin
+ MCI Telecommunications
+ 800 Boylston St, 7th floor
+ Boston, MA 02199
+ Email: klensin@mci.net
+ Tel: +1 617 960 1011
+ Randy Catoe
+ MCI Telecommunications
+ 2100 Reston Parkway
+ Reston, VA 22091
+ Email: randy@mci.net
+ Tel: +1 703 715 7366
+ Paul Krumviede
+ MCI Telecommunications
+ 2100 Reston Parkway
+ Reston, VA 22091
+ Email: paul@mci.net
+ Tel: +1 703 715 7251