path: root/RFC/rfc822.txt
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authorRob Funk <rfunk@funknet.net>2004-06-08 03:59:01 +0000
committerRob Funk <rfunk@funknet.net>2004-06-08 03:59:01 +0000
commitd78b61e3efaea197a6e5b2b72bf2981a9ed69461 (patch)
tree1704e13ce5d767d59868a2d5e834cb2e988ed90f /RFC/rfc822.txt
parentd9e84e176fe538e110d9612f9832d69846e8d3e7 (diff)
Add files from ESR's dev directory that weren't under version control
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1 files changed, 2901 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ RFC # 822
+ Obsoletes: RFC #733 (NIC #41952)
+ August 13, 1982
+ Revised by
+ David H. Crocker
+ Dept. of Electrical Engineering
+ University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19711
+ Network: DCrocker @ UDel-Relay
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ PREFACE .................................................... ii
+ 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................... 1
+ 1.1. Scope ............................................ 1
+ 1.2. Communication Framework .......................... 2
+ 2. NOTATIONAL CONVENTIONS ................................. 3
+ 3. LEXICAL ANALYSIS OF MESSAGES ........................... 5
+ 3.1. General Description .............................. 5
+ 3.2. Header Field Definitions ......................... 9
+ 3.3. Lexical Tokens ................................... 10
+ 3.4. Clarifications ................................... 11
+ 4. MESSAGE SPECIFICATION .................................. 17
+ 4.1. Syntax ........................................... 17
+ 4.2. Forwarding ....................................... 19
+ 4.3. Trace Fields ..................................... 20
+ 4.4. Originator Fields ................................ 21
+ 4.5. Receiver Fields .................................. 23
+ 4.6. Reference Fields ................................. 23
+ 4.7. Other Fields ..................................... 24
+ 5. DATE AND TIME SPECIFICATION ............................ 26
+ 5.1. Syntax ........................................... 26
+ 5.2. Semantics ........................................ 26
+ 6. ADDRESS SPECIFICATION .................................. 27
+ 6.1. Syntax ........................................... 27
+ 6.2. Semantics ........................................ 27
+ 6.3. Reserved Address ................................. 33
+ 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................... 34
+ A. EXAMPLES ............................................... 36
+ B. SIMPLE FIELD PARSING ................................... 40
+ C. DIFFERENCES FROM RFC #733 .............................. 41
+ August 13, 1982 - i - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ By 1977, the Arpanet employed several informal standards for
+ the text messages (mail) sent among its host computers. It was
+ felt necessary to codify these practices and provide for those
+ features that seemed imminent. The result of that effort was
+ Request for Comments (RFC) #733, "Standard for the Format of ARPA
+ Network Text Message", by Crocker, Vittal, Pogran, and Henderson.
+ The specification attempted to avoid major changes in existing
+ software, while permitting several new features.
+ This document revises the specifications in RFC #733, in
+ order to serve the needs of the larger and more complex ARPA
+ Internet. Some of RFC #733's features failed to gain adequate
+ acceptance. In order to simplify the standard and the software
+ that follows it, these features have been removed. A different
+ addressing scheme is used, to handle the case of inter-network
+ mail; and the concept of re-transmission has been introduced.
+ This specification is intended for use in the ARPA Internet.
+ However, an attempt has been made to free it of any dependence on
+ that environment, so that it can be applied to other network text
+ message systems.
+ The specification of RFC #733 took place over the course of
+ one year, using the ARPANET mail environment, itself, to provide
+ an on-going forum for discussing the capabilities to be included.
+ More than twenty individuals, from across the country, partici-
+ pated in the original discussion. The development of this
+ revised specification has, similarly, utilized network mail-based
+ group discussion. Both specification efforts greatly benefited
+ from the comments and ideas of the participants.
+ The syntax of the standard, in RFC #733, was originally
+ specified in the Backus-Naur Form (BNF) meta-language. Ken L.
+ Harrenstien, of SRI International, was responsible for re-coding
+ the BNF into an augmented BNF that makes the representation
+ smaller and easier to understand.
+ August 13, 1982 - ii - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ 1.1. SCOPE
+ This standard specifies a syntax for text messages that are
+ sent among computer users, within the framework of "electronic
+ mail". The standard supersedes the one specified in ARPANET
+ Request for Comments #733, "Standard for the Format of ARPA Net-
+ work Text Messages".
+ In this context, messages are viewed as having an envelope
+ and contents. The envelope contains whatever information is
+ needed to accomplish transmission and delivery. The contents
+ compose the object to be delivered to the recipient. This stan-
+ dard applies only to the format and some of the semantics of mes-
+ sage contents. It contains no specification of the information
+ in the envelope.
+ However, some message systems may use information from the
+ contents to create the envelope. It is intended that this stan-
+ dard facilitate the acquisition of such information by programs.
+ Some message systems may store messages in formats that
+ differ from the one specified in this standard. This specifica-
+ tion is intended strictly as a definition of what message content
+ format is to be passed BETWEEN hosts.
+ Note: This standard is NOT intended to dictate the internal for-
+ mats used by sites, the specific message system features
+ that they are expected to support, or any of the charac-
+ teristics of user interface programs that create or read
+ messages.
+ A distinction should be made between what the specification
+ REQUIRES and what it ALLOWS. Messages can be made complex and
+ rich with formally-structured components of information or can be
+ kept small and simple, with a minimum of such information. Also,
+ the standard simplifies the interpretation of differing visual
+ formats in messages; only the visual aspect of a message is
+ affected and not the interpretation of information within it.
+ Implementors may choose to retain such visual distinctions.
+ The formal definition is divided into four levels. The bot-
+ tom level describes the meta-notation used in this document. The
+ second level describes basic lexical analyzers that feed tokens
+ to higher-level parsers. Next is an overall specification for
+ messages; it permits distinguishing individual fields. Finally,
+ there is definition of the contents of several structured fields.
+ August 13, 1982 - 1 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ Messages consist of lines of text. No special provisions
+ are made for encoding drawings, facsimile, speech, or structured
+ text. No significant consideration has been given to questions
+ of data compression or to transmission and storage efficiency,
+ and the standard tends to be free with the number of bits con-
+ sumed. For example, field names are specified as free text,
+ rather than special terse codes.
+ A general "memo" framework is used. That is, a message con-
+ sists of some information in a rigid format, followed by the main
+ part of the message, with a format that is not specified in this
+ document. The syntax of several fields of the rigidly-formated
+ ("headers") section is defined in this specification; some of
+ these fields must be included in all messages.
+ The syntax that distinguishes between header fields is
+ specified separately from the internal syntax for particular
+ fields. This separation is intended to allow simple parsers to
+ operate on the general structure of messages, without concern for
+ the detailed structure of individual header fields. Appendix B
+ is provided to facilitate construction of these parsers.
+ In addition to the fields specified in this document, it is
+ expected that other fields will gain common use. As necessary,
+ the specifications for these "extension-fields" will be published
+ through the same mechanism used to publish this document. Users
+ may also wish to extend the set of fields that they use
+ privately. Such "user-defined fields" are permitted.
+ The framework severely constrains document tone and appear-
+ ance and is primarily useful for most intra-organization communi-
+ cations and well-structured inter-organization communication.
+ It also can be used for some types of inter-process communica-
+ tion, such as simple file transfer and remote job entry. A more
+ robust framework might allow for multi-font, multi-color, multi-
+ dimension encoding of information. A less robust one, as is
+ present in most single-machine message systems, would more
+ severely constrain the ability to add fields and the decision to
+ include specific fields. In contrast with paper-based communica-
+ tion, it is interesting to note that the RECEIVER of a message
+ can exercise an extraordinary amount of control over the
+ message's appearance. The amount of actual control available to
+ message receivers is contingent upon the capabilities of their
+ individual message systems.
+ August 13, 1982 - 2 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ This specification uses an augmented Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
+ notation. The differences from standard BNF involve naming rules
+ and indicating repetition and "local" alternatives.
+ Angle brackets ("<", ">") are not used, in general. The
+ name of a rule is simply the name itself, rather than "<name>".
+ Quotation-marks enclose literal text (which may be upper and/or
+ lower case). Certain basic rules are in uppercase, such as
+ SPACE, TAB, CRLF, DIGIT, ALPHA, etc. Angle brackets are used in
+ rule definitions, and in the rest of this document, whenever
+ their presence will facilitate discerning the use of rule names.
+ Elements separated by slash ("/") are alternatives. There-
+ fore "foo / bar" will accept foo or bar.
+ Elements enclosed in parentheses are treated as a single
+ element. Thus, "(elem (foo / bar) elem)" allows the token
+ sequences "elem foo elem" and "elem bar elem".
+ The character "*" preceding an element indicates repetition.
+ The full form is:
+ <l>*<m>element
+ indicating at least <l> and at most <m> occurrences of element.
+ Default values are 0 and infinity so that "*(element)" allows any
+ number, including zero; "1*element" requires at least one; and
+ "1*2element" allows one or two.
+ Square brackets enclose optional elements; "[foo bar]" is
+ equivalent to "*1(foo bar)".
+ "<n>(element)" is equivalent to "<n>*<n>(element)"; that is,
+ exactly <n> occurrences of (element). Thus 2DIGIT is a 2-digit
+ number, and 3ALPHA is a string of three alphabetic characters.
+ August 13, 1982 - 3 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ 2.7. #RULE: LISTS
+ A construct "#" is defined, similar to "*", as follows:
+ <l>#<m>element
+ indicating at least <l> and at most <m> elements, each separated
+ by one or more commas (","). This makes the usual form of lists
+ very easy; a rule such as '(element *("," element))' can be shown
+ as "1#element". Wherever this construct is used, null elements
+ are allowed, but do not contribute to the count of elements
+ present. That is, "(element),,(element)" is permitted, but
+ counts as only two elements. Therefore, where at least one ele-
+ ment is required, at least one non-null element must be present.
+ Default values are 0 and infinity so that "#(element)" allows any
+ number, including zero; "1#element" requires at least one; and
+ "1#2element" allows one or two.
+ 2.8. ; COMMENTS
+ A semi-colon, set off some distance to the right of rule
+ text, starts a comment that continues to the end of line. This
+ is a simple way of including useful notes in parallel with the
+ specifications.
+ August 13, 1982 - 4 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ A message consists of header fields and, optionally, a body.
+ The body is simply a sequence of lines containing ASCII charac-
+ ters. It is separated from the headers by a null line (i.e., a
+ line with nothing preceding the CRLF).
+ Each header field can be viewed as a single, logical line of
+ ASCII characters, comprising a field-name and a field-body.
+ For convenience, the field-body portion of this conceptual
+ entity can be split into a multiple-line representation; this
+ is called "folding". The general rule is that wherever there
+ may be linear-white-space (NOT simply LWSP-chars), a CRLF
+ immediately followed by AT LEAST one LWSP-char may instead be
+ inserted. Thus, the single line
+ To: "Joe & J. Harvey" <ddd @Org>, JJV @ BBN
+ can be represented as:
+ To: "Joe & J. Harvey" <ddd @ Org>,
+ and
+ To: "Joe & J. Harvey"
+ <ddd@ Org>, JJV
+ @BBN
+ and
+ To: "Joe &
+ J. Harvey" <ddd @ Org>, JJV @ BBN
+ The process of moving from this folded multiple-line
+ representation of a header field to its single line represen-
+ tation is called "unfolding". Unfolding is accomplished by
+ regarding CRLF immediately followed by a LWSP-char as
+ equivalent to the LWSP-char.
+ Note: While the standard permits folding wherever linear-
+ white-space is permitted, it is recommended that struc-
+ tured fields, such as those containing addresses, limit
+ folding to higher-level syntactic breaks. For address
+ fields, it is recommended that such folding occur
+ August 13, 1982 - 5 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ between addresses, after the separating comma.
+ Once a field has been unfolded, it may be viewed as being com-
+ posed of a field-name followed by a colon (":"), followed by a
+ field-body, and terminated by a carriage-return/line-feed.
+ The field-name must be composed of printable ASCII characters
+ (i.e., characters that have values between 33. and 126.,
+ decimal, except colon). The field-body may be composed of any
+ ASCII characters, except CR or LF. (While CR and/or LF may be
+ present in the actual text, they are removed by the action of
+ unfolding the field.)
+ Certain field-bodies of headers may be interpreted according
+ to an internal syntax that some systems may wish to parse.
+ These fields are called "structured fields". Examples
+ include fields containing dates and addresses. Other fields,
+ such as "Subject" and "Comments", are regarded simply as
+ strings of text.
+ Note: Any field which has a field-body that is defined as
+ other than simply <text> is to be treated as a struc-
+ tured field.
+ Field-names, unstructured field bodies and structured
+ field bodies each are scanned by their own, independent
+ "lexical" analyzers.
+ For some fields, such as "Subject" and "Comments", no struc-
+ turing is assumed, and they are treated simply as <text>s, as
+ in the message body. Rules of folding apply to these fields,
+ so that such field bodies which occupy several lines must
+ therefore have the second and successive lines indented by at
+ least one LWSP-char.
+ To aid in the creation and reading of structured fields, the
+ free insertion of linear-white-space (which permits folding
+ by inclusion of CRLFs) is allowed between lexical tokens.
+ Rather than obscuring the syntax specifications for these
+ structured fields with explicit syntax for this linear-white-
+ space, the existence of another "lexical" analyzer is assumed.
+ This analyzer does not apply for unstructured field bodies
+ that are simply strings of text, as described above. The
+ analyzer provides an interpretation of the unfolded text
+ August 13, 1982 - 6 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ composing the body of the field as a sequence of lexical sym-
+ bols.
+ These symbols are:
+ - individual special characters
+ - quoted-strings
+ - domain-literals
+ - comments
+ - atoms
+ The first four of these symbols are self-delimiting. Atoms
+ are not; they are delimited by the self-delimiting symbols and
+ by linear-white-space. For the purposes of regenerating
+ sequences of atoms and quoted-strings, exactly one SPACE is
+ assumed to exist, and should be used, between them. (Also, in
+ the "Clarifications" section on "White Space", below, note the
+ rules about treatment of multiple contiguous LWSP-chars.)
+ So, for example, the folded body of an address field
+ ":sysmail"@ Some-Group. Some-Org,
+ Muhammed.(I am the greatest) Ali @(the)Vegas.WBA
+ August 13, 1982 - 7 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ is analyzed into the following lexical symbols and types:
+ :sysmail quoted string
+ @ special
+ Some-Group atom
+ . special
+ Some-Org atom
+ , special
+ Muhammed atom
+ . special
+ (I am the greatest) comment
+ Ali atom
+ @ atom
+ (the) comment
+ Vegas atom
+ . special
+ WBA atom
+ The canonical representations for the data in these addresses
+ are the following strings:
+ ":sysmail"@Some-Group.Some-Org
+ and
+ Muhammed.Ali@Vegas.WBA
+ Note: For purposes of display, and when passing such struc-
+ tured information to other systems, such as mail proto-
+ col services, there must be NO linear-white-space
+ between <word>s that are separated by period (".") or
+ at-sign ("@") and exactly one SPACE between all other
+ <word>s. Also, headers should be in a folded form.
+ August 13, 1982 - 8 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ These rules show a field meta-syntax, without regard for the
+ particular type or internal syntax. Their purpose is to permit
+ detection of fields; also, they present to higher-level parsers
+ an image of each field as fitting on one line.
+ field = field-name ":" [ field-body ] CRLF
+ field-name = 1*<any CHAR, excluding CTLs, SPACE, and ":">
+ field-body = field-body-contents
+ [CRLF LWSP-char field-body]
+ field-body-contents =
+ <the ASCII characters making up the field-body, as
+ defined in the following sections, and consisting
+ of combinations of atom, quoted-string, and
+ specials tokens, or else consisting of texts>
+ August 13, 1982 - 9 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ The following rules are used to define an underlying lexical
+ analyzer, which feeds tokens to higher level parsers. See the
+ ANSI references, in the Bibliography.
+ ; ( Octal, Decimal.)
+ CHAR = <any ASCII character> ; ( 0-177, 0.-127.)
+ ALPHA = <any ASCII alphabetic character>
+ ; (101-132, 65.- 90.)
+ ; (141-172, 97.-122.)
+ DIGIT = <any ASCII decimal digit> ; ( 60- 71, 48.- 57.)
+ CTL = <any ASCII control ; ( 0- 37, 0.- 31.)
+ character and DEL> ; ( 177, 127.)
+ CR = <ASCII CR, carriage return> ; ( 15, 13.)
+ LF = <ASCII LF, linefeed> ; ( 12, 10.)
+ SPACE = <ASCII SP, space> ; ( 40, 32.)
+ HTAB = <ASCII HT, horizontal-tab> ; ( 11, 9.)
+ <"> = <ASCII quote mark> ; ( 42, 34.)
+ LWSP-char = SPACE / HTAB ; semantics = SPACE
+ linear-white-space = 1*([CRLF] LWSP-char) ; semantics = SPACE
+ ; CRLF => folding
+ specials = "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@" ; Must be in quoted-
+ / "," / ";" / ":" / "\" / <"> ; string, to use
+ / "." / "[" / "]" ; within a word.
+ delimiters = specials / linear-white-space / comment
+ text = <any CHAR, including bare ; => atoms, specials,
+ CR & bare LF, but NOT ; comments and
+ including CRLF> ; quoted-strings are
+ ; NOT recognized.
+ atom = 1*<any CHAR except specials, SPACE and CTLs>
+ quoted-string = <"> *(qtext/quoted-pair) <">; Regular qtext or
+ ; quoted chars.
+ qtext = <any CHAR excepting <">, ; => may be folded
+ "\" & CR, and including
+ linear-white-space>
+ domain-literal = "[" *(dtext / quoted-pair) "]"
+ August 13, 1982 - 10 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ dtext = <any CHAR excluding "[", ; => may be folded
+ "]", "\" & CR, & including
+ linear-white-space>
+ comment = "(" *(ctext / quoted-pair / comment) ")"
+ ctext = <any CHAR excluding "(", ; => may be folded
+ ")", "\" & CR, & including
+ linear-white-space>
+ quoted-pair = "\" CHAR ; may quote any char
+ phrase = 1*word ; Sequence of words
+ word = atom / quoted-string
+ 3.4.1. QUOTING
+ Some characters are reserved for special interpretation, such
+ as delimiting lexical tokens. To permit use of these charac-
+ ters as uninterpreted data, a quoting mechanism is provided.
+ To quote a character, precede it with a backslash ("\").
+ This mechanism is not fully general. Characters may be quoted
+ only within a subset of the lexical constructs. In particu-
+ lar, quoting is limited to use within:
+ - quoted-string
+ - domain-literal
+ - comment
+ Within these constructs, quoting is REQUIRED for CR and "\"
+ and for the character(s) that delimit the token (e.g., "(" and
+ ")" for a comment). However, quoting is PERMITTED for any
+ character.
+ Note: In particular, quoting is NOT permitted within atoms.
+ For example when the local-part of an addr-spec must
+ contain a special character, a quoted string must be
+ used. Therefore, a specification such as:
+ Full\ Name@Domain
+ is not legal and must be specified as:
+ "Full Name"@Domain
+ August 13, 1982 - 11 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ 3.4.2. WHITE SPACE
+ Note: In structured field bodies, multiple linear space ASCII
+ characters (namely HTABs and SPACEs) are treated as
+ single spaces and may freely surround any symbol. In
+ all header fields, the only place in which at least one
+ LWSP-char is REQUIRED is at the beginning of continua-
+ tion lines in a folded field.
+ When passing text to processes that do not interpret text
+ according to this standard (e.g., mail protocol servers), then
+ NO linear-white-space characters should occur between a period
+ (".") or at-sign ("@") and a <word>. Exactly ONE SPACE should
+ be used in place of arbitrary linear-white-space and comment
+ sequences.
+ Note: Within systems conforming to this standard, wherever a
+ member of the list of delimiters is allowed, LWSP-chars
+ may also occur before and/or after it.
+ Writers of mail-sending (i.e., header-generating) programs
+ should realize that there is no network-wide definition of the
+ effect of ASCII HT (horizontal-tab) characters on the appear-
+ ance of text at another network host; therefore, the use of
+ tabs in message headers, though permitted, is discouraged.
+ A comment is a set of ASCII characters, which is enclosed in
+ matching parentheses and which is not within a quoted-string
+ The comment construct permits message originators to add text
+ which will be useful for human readers, but which will be
+ ignored by the formal semantics. Comments should be retained
+ while the message is subject to interpretation according to
+ this standard. However, comments must NOT be included in
+ other cases, such as during protocol exchanges with mail
+ servers.
+ Comments nest, so that if an unquoted left parenthesis occurs
+ in a comment string, there must also be a matching right
+ parenthesis. When a comment acts as the delimiter between a
+ sequence of two lexical symbols, such as two atoms, it is lex-
+ ically equivalent with a single SPACE, for the purposes of
+ regenerating the sequence, such as when passing the sequence
+ onto a mail protocol server. Comments are detected as such
+ only within field-bodies of structured fields.
+ If a comment is to be "folded" onto multiple lines, then the
+ syntax for folding must be adhered to. (See the "Lexical
+ August 13, 1982 - 12 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ Analysis of Messages" section on "Folding Long Header Fields"
+ above, and the section on "Case Independence" below.) Note
+ that the official semantics therefore do not "see" any
+ unquoted CRLFs that are in comments, although particular pars-
+ ing programs may wish to note their presence. For these pro-
+ grams, it would be reasonable to interpret a "CRLF LWSP-char"
+ as being a CRLF that is part of the comment; i.e., the CRLF is
+ kept and the LWSP-char is discarded. Quoted CRLFs (i.e., a
+ backslash followed by a CR followed by a LF) still must be
+ followed by at least one LWSP-char.
+ The quote character (backslash) and characters that delimit
+ syntactic units are not, generally, to be taken as data that
+ are part of the delimited or quoted unit(s). In particular,
+ the quotation-marks that define a quoted-string, the
+ parentheses that define a comment and the backslash that
+ quotes a following character are NOT part of the quoted-
+ string, comment or quoted character. A quotation-mark that is
+ to be part of a quoted-string, a parenthesis that is to be
+ part of a comment and a backslash that is to be part of either
+ must each be preceded by the quote-character backslash ("\").
+ Note that the syntax allows any character to be quoted within
+ a quoted-string or comment; however only certain characters
+ MUST be quoted to be included as data. These characters are
+ the ones that are not part of the alternate text group (i.e.,
+ ctext or qtext).
+ The one exception to this rule is that a single SPACE is
+ assumed to exist between contiguous words in a phrase, and
+ this interpretation is independent of the actual number of
+ LWSP-chars that the creator places between the words. To
+ include more than one SPACE, the creator must make the LWSP-
+ chars be part of a quoted-string.
+ Quotation marks that delimit a quoted string and backslashes
+ that quote the following character should NOT accompany the
+ quoted-string when the string is passed to processes that do
+ not interpret data according to this specification (e.g., mail
+ protocol servers).
+ Where permitted (i.e., in words in structured fields) quoted-
+ strings are treated as a single symbol. That is, a quoted-
+ string is equivalent to an atom, syntactically. If a quoted-
+ string is to be "folded" onto multiple lines, then the syntax
+ for folding must be adhered to. (See the "Lexical Analysis of
+ August 13, 1982 - 13 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ Messages" section on "Folding Long Header Fields" above, and
+ the section on "Case Independence" below.) Therefore, the
+ official semantics do not "see" any bare CRLFs that are in
+ quoted-strings; however particular parsing programs may wish
+ to note their presence. For such programs, it would be rea-
+ sonable to interpret a "CRLF LWSP-char" as being a CRLF which
+ is part of the quoted-string; i.e., the CRLF is kept and the
+ LWSP-char is discarded. Quoted CRLFs (i.e., a backslash fol-
+ lowed by a CR followed by a LF) are also subject to rules of
+ folding, but the presence of the quoting character (backslash)
+ explicitly indicates that the CRLF is data to the quoted
+ string. Stripping off the first following LWSP-char is also
+ appropriate when parsing quoted CRLFs.
+ There is one type of bracket which must occur in matched pairs
+ and may have pairs nested within each other:
+ o Parentheses ("(" and ")") are used to indicate com-
+ ments.
+ There are three types of brackets which must occur in matched
+ pairs, and which may NOT be nested:
+ o Colon/semi-colon (":" and ";") are used in address
+ specifications to indicate that the included list of
+ addresses are to be treated as a group.
+ o Angle brackets ("<" and ">") are generally used to
+ indicate the presence of a one machine-usable refer-
+ ence (e.g., delimiting mailboxes), possibly including
+ source-routing to the machine.
+ o Square brackets ("[" and "]") are used to indicate the
+ presence of a domain-literal, which the appropriate
+ name-domain is to use directly, bypassing normal
+ name-resolution mechanisms.
+ Except as noted, alphabetic strings may be represented in any
+ combination of upper and lower case. The only syntactic units
+ August 13, 1982 - 14 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ which requires preservation of case information are:
+ - text
+ - qtext
+ - dtext
+ - ctext
+ - quoted-pair
+ - local-part, except "Postmaster"
+ When matching any other syntactic unit, case is to be ignored.
+ For example, the field-names "From", "FROM", "from", and even
+ "FroM" are semantically equal and should all be treated ident-
+ ically.
+ When generating these units, any mix of upper and lower case
+ alphabetic characters may be used. The case shown in this
+ specification is suggested for message-creating processes.
+ Note: The reserved local-part address unit, "Postmaster", is
+ an exception. When the value "Postmaster" is being
+ interpreted, it must be accepted in any mixture of
+ case, including "POSTMASTER", and "postmaster".
+ Each header field may be represented on exactly one line con-
+ sisting of the name of the field and its body, and terminated
+ by a CRLF; this is what the parser sees. For readability, the
+ field-body portion of long header fields may be "folded" onto
+ multiple lines of the actual field. "Long" is commonly inter-
+ preted to mean greater than 65 or 72 characters. The former
+ length serves as a limit, when the message is to be viewed on
+ most simple terminals which use simple display software; how-
+ ever, the limit is not imposed by this standard.
+ Note: Some display software often can selectively fold lines,
+ to suit the display terminal. In such cases, sender-
+ provided folding can interfere with the display
+ software.
+ ASCII BS characters (Backspace, decimal 8) may be included in
+ texts and quoted-strings to effect overstriking. However, any
+ use of backspaces which effects an overstrike to the left of
+ the beginning of the text or quoted-string is prohibited.
+ August 13, 1982 - 15 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ During transmission through heterogeneous networks, it may be
+ necessary to force data to conform to a network's local con-
+ ventions. For example, it may be required that a CR be fol-
+ lowed either by LF, making a CRLF, or by <null>, if the CR is
+ to stand alone). Such transformations are reversed, when the
+ message exits that network.
+ When crossing network boundaries, the message should be
+ treated as passing through two modules. It will enter the
+ first module containing whatever network-specific transforma-
+ tions that were necessary to permit migration through the
+ "current" network. It then passes through the modules:
+ o Transformation Reversal
+ The "current" network's idiosyncracies are removed and
+ the message is returned to the canonical form speci-
+ fied in this standard.
+ o Transformation
+ The "next" network's local idiosyncracies are imposed
+ on the message.
+ ------------------
+ From ==> | Remove Net-A |
+ Net-A | idiosyncracies |
+ ------------------
+ ||
+ \/
+ Conformance
+ with standard
+ ||
+ \/
+ ------------------
+ | Impose Net-B | ==> To
+ | idiosyncracies | Net-B
+ ------------------
+ August 13, 1982 - 16 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ 4.1. SYNTAX
+ Note: Due to an artifact of the notational conventions, the syn-
+ tax indicates that, when present, some fields, must be in
+ a particular order. Header fields are NOT required to
+ occur in any particular order, except that the message
+ body must occur AFTER the headers. It is recommended
+ that, if present, headers be sent in the order "Return-
+ Path", "Received", "Date", "From", "Subject", "Sender",
+ "To", "cc", etc.
+ This specification permits multiple occurrences of most
+ fields. Except as noted, their interpretation is not
+ specified here, and their use is discouraged.
+ The following syntax for the bodies of various fields should
+ be thought of as describing each field body as a single long
+ string (or line). The "Lexical Analysis of Message" section on
+ "Long Header Fields", above, indicates how such long strings can
+ be represented on more than one line in the actual transmitted
+ message.
+ message = fields *( CRLF *text ) ; Everything after
+ ; first null line
+ ; is message body
+ fields = dates ; Creation time,
+ source ; author id & one
+ 1*destination ; address required
+ *optional-field ; others optional
+ source = [ trace ] ; net traversals
+ originator ; original mail
+ [ resent ] ; forwarded
+ trace = return ; path to sender
+ 1*received ; receipt tags
+ return = "Return-path" ":" route-addr ; return address
+ received = "Received" ":" ; one per relay
+ ["from" domain] ; sending host
+ ["by" domain] ; receiving host
+ ["via" atom] ; physical path
+ *("with" atom) ; link/mail protocol
+ ["id" msg-id] ; receiver msg id
+ ["for" addr-spec] ; initial form
+ August 13, 1982 - 17 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ ";" date-time ; time received
+ originator = authentic ; authenticated addr
+ [ "Reply-To" ":" 1#address] )
+ authentic = "From" ":" mailbox ; Single author
+ / ( "Sender" ":" mailbox ; Actual submittor
+ "From" ":" 1#mailbox) ; Multiple authors
+ ; or not sender
+ resent = resent-authentic
+ [ "Resent-Reply-To" ":" 1#address] )
+ resent-authentic =
+ = "Resent-From" ":" mailbox
+ / ( "Resent-Sender" ":" mailbox
+ "Resent-From" ":" 1#mailbox )
+ dates = orig-date ; Original
+ [ resent-date ] ; Forwarded
+ orig-date = "Date" ":" date-time
+ resent-date = "Resent-Date" ":" date-time
+ destination = "To" ":" 1#address ; Primary
+ / "Resent-To" ":" 1#address
+ / "cc" ":" 1#address ; Secondary
+ / "Resent-cc" ":" 1#address
+ / "bcc" ":" #address ; Blind carbon
+ / "Resent-bcc" ":" #address
+ optional-field =
+ / "Message-ID" ":" msg-id
+ / "Resent-Message-ID" ":" msg-id
+ / "In-Reply-To" ":" *(phrase / msg-id)
+ / "References" ":" *(phrase / msg-id)
+ / "Keywords" ":" #phrase
+ / "Subject" ":" *text
+ / "Comments" ":" *text
+ / "Encrypted" ":" 1#2word
+ / extension-field ; To be defined
+ / user-defined-field ; May be pre-empted
+ msg-id = "<" addr-spec ">" ; Unique message id
+ August 13, 1982 - 18 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ extension-field =
+ <Any field which is defined in a document
+ published as a formal extension to this
+ specification; none will have names beginning
+ with the string "X-">
+ user-defined-field =
+ <Any field which has not been defined
+ in this specification or published as an
+ extension to this specification; names for
+ such fields must be unique and may be
+ pre-empted by published extensions>
+ Some systems permit mail recipients to forward a message,
+ retaining the original headers, by adding some new fields. This
+ standard supports such a service, through the "Resent-" prefix to
+ field names.
+ Whenever the string "Resent-" begins a field name, the field
+ has the same semantics as a field whose name does not have the
+ prefix. However, the message is assumed to have been forwarded
+ by an original recipient who attached the "Resent-" field. This
+ new field is treated as being more recent than the equivalent,
+ original field. For example, the "Resent-From", indicates the
+ person that forwarded the message, whereas the "From" field indi-
+ cates the original author.
+ Use of such precedence information depends upon partici-
+ pants' communication needs. For example, this standard does not
+ dictate when a "Resent-From:" address should receive replies, in
+ lieu of sending them to the "From:" address.
+ Note: In general, the "Resent-" fields should be treated as con-
+ taining a set of information that is independent of the
+ set of original fields. Information for one set should
+ not automatically be taken from the other. The interpre-
+ tation of multiple "Resent-" fields, of the same type, is
+ undefined.
+ In the remainder of this specification, occurrence of legal
+ "Resent-" fields are treated identically with the occurrence of
+ August 13, 1982 - 19 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ fields whose names do not contain this prefix.
+ Trace information is used to provide an audit trail of mes-
+ sage handling. In addition, it indicates a route back to the
+ sender of the message.
+ The list of known "via" and "with" values are registered
+ with the Network Information Center, SRI International, Menlo
+ Park, California.
+ 4.3.1. RETURN-PATH
+ This field is added by the final transport system that
+ delivers the message to its recipient. The field is intended
+ to contain definitive information about the address and route
+ back to the message's originator.
+ Note: The "Reply-To" field is added by the originator and
+ serves to direct replies, whereas the "Return-Path"
+ field is used to identify a path back to the origina-
+ tor.
+ While the syntax indicates that a route specification is
+ optional, every attempt should be made to provide that infor-
+ mation in this field.
+ 4.3.2. RECEIVED
+ A copy of this field is added by each transport service that
+ relays the message. The information in the field can be quite
+ useful for tracing transport problems.
+ The names of the sending and receiving hosts and time-of-
+ receipt may be specified. The "via" parameter may be used, to
+ indicate what physical mechanism the message was sent over,
+ such as Arpanet or Phonenet, and the "with" parameter may be
+ used to indicate the mail-, or connection-, level protocol
+ that was used, such as the SMTP mail protocol, or X.25 tran-
+ sport protocol.
+ Note: Several "with" parameters may be included, to fully
+ specify the set of protocols that were used.
+ Some transport services queue mail; the internal message iden-
+ tifier that is assigned to the message may be noted, using the
+ "id" parameter. When the sending host uses a destination
+ address specification that the receiving host reinterprets, by
+ August 13, 1982 - 20 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ expansion or transformation, the receiving host may wish to
+ record the original specification, using the "for" parameter.
+ For example, when a copy of mail is sent to the member of a
+ distribution list, this parameter may be used to record the
+ original address that was used to specify the list.
+ The standard allows only a subset of the combinations possi-
+ ble with the From, Sender, Reply-To, Resent-From, Resent-Sender,
+ and Resent-Reply-To fields. The limitation is intentional.
+ This field contains the identity of the person(s) who wished
+ this message to be sent. The message-creation process should
+ default this field to be a single, authenticated machine
+ address, indicating the AGENT (person, system or process)
+ entering the message. If this is not done, the "Sender" field
+ MUST be present. If the "From" field IS defaulted this way,
+ the "Sender" field is optional and is redundant with the
+ "From" field. In all cases, addresses in the "From" field
+ must be machine-usable (addr-specs) and may not contain named
+ lists (groups).
+ This field contains the authenticated identity of the AGENT
+ (person, system or process) that sends the message. It is
+ intended for use when the sender is not the author of the mes-
+ sage, or to indicate who among a group of authors actually
+ sent the message. If the contents of the "Sender" field would
+ be completely redundant with the "From" field, then the
+ "Sender" field need not be present and its use is discouraged
+ (though still legal). In particular, the "Sender" field MUST
+ be present if it is NOT the same as the "From" Field.
+ The Sender mailbox specification includes a word sequence
+ which must correspond to a specific agent (i.e., a human user
+ or a computer program) rather than a standard address. This
+ indicates the expectation that the field will identify the
+ single AGENT (person, system, or process) responsible for
+ sending the mail and not simply include the name of a mailbox
+ from which the mail was sent. For example in the case of a
+ shared login name, the name, by itself, would not be adequate.
+ The local-part address unit, which refers to this agent, is
+ expected to be a computer system term, and not (for example) a
+ generalized person reference which can be used outside the
+ network text message context.
+ August 13, 1982 - 21 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ Since the critical function served by the "Sender" field is
+ identification of the agent responsible for sending mail and
+ since computer programs cannot be held accountable for their
+ behavior, it is strongly recommended that when a computer pro-
+ gram generates a message, the HUMAN who is responsible for
+ that program be referenced as part of the "Sender" field mail-
+ box specification.
+ This field provides a general mechanism for indicating any
+ mailbox(es) to which responses are to be sent. Three typical
+ uses for this feature can be distinguished. In the first
+ case, the author(s) may not have regular machine-based mail-
+ boxes and therefore wish(es) to indicate an alternate machine
+ address. In the second case, an author may wish additional
+ persons to be made aware of, or responsible for, replies. A
+ somewhat different use may be of some help to "text message
+ teleconferencing" groups equipped with automatic distribution
+ services: include the address of that service in the "Reply-
+ To" field of all messages submitted to the teleconference;
+ then participants can "reply" to conference submissions to
+ guarantee the correct distribution of any submission of their
+ own.
+ Note: The "Return-Path" field is added by the mail transport
+ service, at the time of final deliver. It is intended
+ to identify a path back to the orginator of the mes-
+ sage. The "Reply-To" field is added by the message
+ originator and is intended to direct replies.
+ For systems which automatically generate address lists for
+ replies to messages, the following recommendations are made:
+ o The "Sender" field mailbox should be sent notices of
+ any problems in transport or delivery of the original
+ messages. If there is no "Sender" field, then the
+ "From" field mailbox should be used.
+ o The "Sender" field mailbox should NEVER be used
+ automatically, in a recipient's reply message.
+ o If the "Reply-To" field exists, then the reply should
+ go to the addresses indicated in that field and not to
+ the address(es) indicated in the "From" field.
+ August 13, 1982 - 22 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ o If there is a "From" field, but no "Reply-To" field,
+ the reply should be sent to the address(es) indicated
+ in the "From" field.
+ Sometimes, a recipient may actually wish to communicate with
+ the person that initiated the message transfer. In such
+ cases, it is reasonable to use the "Sender" address.
+ This recommendation is intended only for automated use of
+ originator-fields and is not intended to suggest that replies
+ may not also be sent to other recipients of messages. It is
+ up to the respective mail-handling programs to decide what
+ additional facilities will be provided.
+ Examples are provided in Appendix A.
+ 4.5.1. TO / RESENT-TO
+ This field contains the identity of the primary recipients of
+ the message.
+ 4.5.2. CC / RESENT-CC
+ This field contains the identity of the secondary (informa-
+ tional) recipients of the message.
+ 4.5.3. BCC / RESENT-BCC
+ This field contains the identity of additional recipients of
+ the message. The contents of this field are not included in
+ copies of the message sent to the primary and secondary reci-
+ pients. Some systems may choose to include the text of the
+ "Bcc" field only in the author(s)'s copy, while others may
+ also include it in the text sent to all those indicated in the
+ "Bcc" list.
+ This field contains a unique identifier (the local-part
+ address unit) which refers to THIS version of THIS message.
+ The uniqueness of the message identifier is guaranteed by the
+ host which generates it. This identifier is intended to be
+ machine readable and not necessarily meaningful to humans. A
+ message identifier pertains to exactly one instantiation of a
+ particular message; subsequent revisions to the message should
+ August 13, 1982 - 23 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ each receive new message identifiers.
+ 4.6.2. IN-REPLY-TO
+ The contents of this field identify previous correspon-
+ dence which this message answers. Note that if message iden-
+ tifiers are used in this field, they must use the msg-id
+ specification format.
+ The contents of this field identify other correspondence
+ which this message references. Note that if message identif-
+ iers are used, they must use the msg-id specification format.
+ 4.6.4. KEYWORDS
+ This field contains keywords or phrases, separated by
+ commas.
+ 4.7.1. SUBJECT
+ This is intended to provide a summary, or indicate the
+ nature, of the message.
+ Permits adding text comments onto the message without
+ disturbing the contents of the message's body.
+ 4.7.3. ENCRYPTED
+ Sometimes, data encryption is used to increase the
+ privacy of message contents. If the body of a message has
+ been encrypted, to keep its contents private, the "Encrypted"
+ field can be used to note the fact and to indicate the nature
+ of the encryption. The first <word> parameter indicates the
+ software used to encrypt the body, and the second, optional
+ <word> is intended to aid the recipient in selecting the
+ proper decryption key. This code word may be viewed as an
+ index to a table of keys held by the recipient.
+ Note: Unfortunately, headers must contain envelope, as well
+ as contents, information. Consequently, it is neces-
+ sary that they remain unencrypted, so that mail tran-
+ sport services may access them. Since names,
+ addresses, and "Subject" field contents may contain
+ August 13, 1982 - 24 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ sensitive information, this requirement limits total
+ message privacy.
+ Names of encryption software are registered with the Net-
+ work Information Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, Cali-
+ fornia.
+ A limited number of common fields have been defined in
+ this document. As network mail requirements dictate, addi-
+ tional fields may be standardized. To provide user-defined
+ fields with a measure of safety, in name selection, such
+ extension-fields will never have names that begin with the
+ string "X-".
+ Names of Extension-fields are registered with the Network
+ Information Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, California.
+ Individual users of network mail are free to define and
+ use additional header fields. Such fields must have names
+ which are not already used in the current specification or in
+ any definitions of extension-fields, and the overall syntax of
+ these user-defined-fields must conform to this specification's
+ rules for delimiting and folding fields. Due to the
+ extension-field publishing process, the name of a user-
+ defined-field may be pre-empted
+ Note: The prefatory string "X-" will never be used in the
+ names of Extension-fields. This provides user-defined
+ fields with a protected set of names.
+ August 13, 1982 - 25 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ 5.1. SYNTAX
+ date-time = [ day "," ] date time ; dd mm yy
+ ; hh:mm:ss zzz
+ day = "Mon" / "Tue" / "Wed" / "Thu"
+ / "Fri" / "Sat" / "Sun"
+ date = 1*2DIGIT month 2DIGIT ; day month year
+ ; e.g. 20 Jun 82
+ month = "Jan" / "Feb" / "Mar" / "Apr"
+ / "May" / "Jun" / "Jul" / "Aug"
+ / "Sep" / "Oct" / "Nov" / "Dec"
+ time = hour zone ; ANSI and Military
+ hour = 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT [":" 2DIGIT]
+ ; 00:00:00 - 23:59:59
+ zone = "UT" / "GMT" ; Universal Time
+ ; North American : UT
+ / "EST" / "EDT" ; Eastern: - 5/ - 4
+ / "CST" / "CDT" ; Central: - 6/ - 5
+ / "MST" / "MDT" ; Mountain: - 7/ - 6
+ / "PST" / "PDT" ; Pacific: - 8/ - 7
+ / 1ALPHA ; Military: Z = UT;
+ ; A:-1; (J not used)
+ ; M:-12; N:+1; Y:+12
+ / ( ("+" / "-") 4DIGIT ) ; Local differential
+ ; hours+min. (HHMM)
+ If included, day-of-week must be the day implied by the date
+ specification.
+ Time zone may be indicated in several ways. "UT" is Univer-
+ sal Time (formerly called "Greenwich Mean Time"); "GMT" is per-
+ mitted as a reference to Universal Time. The military standard
+ uses a single character for each zone. "Z" is Universal Time.
+ "A" indicates one hour earlier, and "M" indicates 12 hours ear-
+ lier; "N" is one hour later, and "Y" is 12 hours later. The
+ letter "J" is not used. The other remaining two forms are taken
+ from ANSI standard X3.51-1975. One allows explicit indication of
+ the amount of offset from UT; the other uses common 3-character
+ strings for indicating time zones in North America.
+ August 13, 1982 - 26 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ 6.1. SYNTAX
+ address = mailbox ; one addressee
+ / group ; named list
+ group = phrase ":" [#mailbox] ";"
+ mailbox = addr-spec ; simple address
+ / phrase route-addr ; name & addr-spec
+ route-addr = "<" [route] addr-spec ">"
+ route = 1#("@" domain) ":" ; path-relative
+ addr-spec = local-part "@" domain ; global address
+ local-part = word *("." word) ; uninterpreted
+ ; case-preserved
+ domain = sub-domain *("." sub-domain)
+ sub-domain = domain-ref / domain-literal
+ domain-ref = atom ; symbolic reference
+ A mailbox receives mail. It is a conceptual entity which
+ does not necessarily pertain to file storage. For example, some
+ sites may choose to print mail on their line printer and deliver
+ the output to the addressee's desk.
+ A mailbox specification comprises a person, system or pro-
+ cess name reference, a domain-dependent string, and a name-domain
+ reference. The name reference is optional and is usually used to
+ indicate the human name of a recipient. The name-domain refer-
+ ence specifies a sequence of sub-domains. The domain-dependent
+ string is uninterpreted, except by the final sub-domain; the rest
+ of the mail service merely transmits it as a literal string.
+ 6.2.1. DOMAINS
+ A name-domain is a set of registered (mail) names. A name-
+ domain specification resolves to a subordinate name-domain
+ specification or to a terminal domain-dependent string.
+ Hence, domain specification is extensible, permitting any
+ number of registration levels.
+ August 13, 1982 - 27 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ Name-domains model a global, logical, hierarchical addressing
+ scheme. The model is logical, in that an address specifica-
+ tion is related to name registration and is not necessarily
+ tied to transmission path. The model's hierarchy is a
+ directed graph, called an in-tree, such that there is a single
+ path from the root of the tree to any node in the hierarchy.
+ If more than one path actually exists, they are considered to
+ be different addresses.
+ The root node is common to all addresses; consequently, it is
+ not referenced. Its children constitute "top-level" name-
+ domains. Usually, a service has access to its own full domain
+ specification and to the names of all top-level name-domains.
+ The "top" of the domain addressing hierarchy -- a child of the
+ root -- is indicated by the right-most field, in a domain
+ specification. Its child is specified to the left, its child
+ to the left, and so on.
+ Some groups provide formal registration services; these con-
+ stitute name-domains that are independent logically of
+ specific machines. In addition, networks and machines impli-
+ citly compose name-domains, since their membership usually is
+ registered in name tables.
+ In the case of formal registration, an organization implements
+ a (distributed) data base which provides an address-to-route
+ mapping service for addresses of the form:
+ person@registry.organization
+ Note that "organization" is a logical entity, separate from
+ any particular communication network.
+ A mechanism for accessing "organization" is universally avail-
+ able. That mechanism, in turn, seeks an instantiation of the
+ registry; its location is not indicated in the address specif-
+ ication. It is assumed that the system which operates under
+ the name "organization" knows how to find a subordinate regis-
+ try. The registry will then use the "person" string to deter-
+ mine where to send the mail specification.
+ The latter, network-oriented case permits simple, direct,
+ attachment-related address specification, such as:
+ user@host.network
+ Once the network is accessed, it is expected that a message
+ will go directly to the host and that the host will resolve
+ August 13, 1982 - 28 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ the user name, placing the message in the user's mailbox.
+ Since any number of levels is possible within the domain
+ hierarchy, specification of a fully qualified address can
+ become inconvenient. This standard permits abbreviated domain
+ specification, in a special case:
+ For the address of the sender, call the left-most
+ sub-domain Level N. In a header address, if all of
+ the sub-domains above (i.e., to the right of) Level N
+ are the same as those of the sender, then they do not
+ have to appear in the specification. Otherwise, the
+ address must be fully qualified.
+ This feature is subject to approval by local sub-
+ domains. Individual sub-domains may require their
+ member systems, which originate mail, to provide full
+ domain specification only. When permitted, abbrevia-
+ tions may be present only while the message stays
+ within the sub-domain of the sender.
+ Use of this mechanism requires the sender's sub-domain
+ to reserve the names of all top-level domains, so that
+ full specifications can be distinguished from abbrevi-
+ ated specifications.
+ For example, if a sender's address is:
+ sender@registry-A.registry-1.organization-X
+ and one recipient's address is:
+ recipient@registry-B.registry-1.organization-X
+ and another's is:
+ recipient@registry-C.registry-2.organization-X
+ then ".registry-1.organization-X" need not be specified in the
+ the message, but "registry-C.registry-2" DOES have to be
+ specified. That is, the first two addresses may be abbrevi-
+ ated, but the third address must be fully specified.
+ When a message crosses a domain boundary, all addresses must
+ be specified in the full format, ending with the top-level
+ name-domain in the right-most field. It is the responsibility
+ of mail forwarding services to ensure that addresses conform
+ August 13, 1982 - 29 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ with this requirement. In the case of abbreviated addresses,
+ the relaying service must make the necessary expansions. It
+ should be noted that it often is difficult for such a service
+ to locate all occurrences of address abbreviations. For exam-
+ ple, it will not be possible to find such abbreviations within
+ the body of the message. The "Return-Path" field can aid
+ recipients in recovering from these errors.
+ Note: When passing any portion of an addr-spec onto a process
+ which does not interpret data according to this stan-
+ dard (e.g., mail protocol servers). There must be NO
+ LWSP-chars preceding or following the at-sign or any
+ delimiting period ("."), such as shown in the above
+ examples, and only ONE SPACE between contiguous
+ <word>s.
+ A domain-ref must be THE official name of a registry, network,
+ or host. It is a symbolic reference, within a name sub-
+ domain. At times, it is necessary to bypass standard mechan-
+ isms for resolving such references, using more primitive
+ information, such as a network host address rather than its
+ associated host name.
+ To permit such references, this standard provides the domain-
+ literal construct. Its contents must conform with the needs
+ of the sub-domain in which it is interpreted.
+ Domain-literals which refer to domains within the ARPA Inter-
+ net specify 32-bit Internet addresses, in four 8-bit fields
+ noted in decimal, as described in Request for Comments #820,
+ "Assigned Numbers." For example:
+ []
+ is permitted only as a means of bypassing temporary
+ system limitations, such as name tables which are not
+ complete.
+ The names of "top-level" domains, and the names of domains
+ under in the ARPA Internet, are registered with the Network
+ Information Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, California.
+ The local-part of an addr-spec in a mailbox specification
+ (i.e., the host's name for the mailbox) is understood to be
+ August 13, 1982 - 30 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ whatever the receiving mail protocol server allows. For exam-
+ ple, some systems do not understand mailbox references of the
+ form "P. D. Q. Bach", but others do.
+ This specification treats periods (".") as lexical separators.
+ Hence, their presence in local-parts which are not quoted-
+ strings, is detected. However, such occurrences carry NO
+ semantics. That is, if a local-part has periods within it, an
+ address parser will divide the local-part into several tokens,
+ but the sequence of tokens will be treated as one uninter-
+ preted unit. The sequence will be re-assembled, when the
+ address is passed outside of the system such as to a mail pro-
+ tocol service.
+ For example, the address:
+ First.Last@Registry.Org
+ is legal and does not require the local-part to be surrounded
+ with quotation-marks. (However, "First Last" DOES require
+ quoting.) The local-part of the address, when passed outside
+ of the mail system, within the Registry.Org domain, is
+ "First.Last", again without quotation marks.
+ In some cases, the boundary between local-part and domain can
+ be flexible. The local-part may be a simple string, which is
+ used for the final determination of the recipient's mailbox.
+ All other levels of reference are, therefore, part of the
+ domain.
+ For some systems, in the case of abbreviated reference to the
+ local and subordinate sub-domains, it may be possible to
+ specify only one reference within the domain part and place
+ the other, subordinate name-domain references within the
+ local-part. This would appear as:
+ mailbox.sub1.sub2@this-domain
+ Such a specification would be acceptable to address parsers
+ which conform to RFC #733, but do not support this newer
+ Internet standard. While contrary to the intent of this stan-
+ dard, the form is legal.
+ Also, some sub-domains have a specification syntax which does
+ not conform to this standard. For example:
+ sub-net.mailbox@sub-domain.domain
+ August 13, 1982 - 31 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ uses a different parsing sequence for local-part than for
+ domain.
+ Note: As a rule, the domain specification should contain
+ fields which are encoded according to the syntax of
+ this standard and which contain generally-standardized
+ information. The local-part specification should con-
+ tain only that portion of the address which deviates
+ from the form or intention of the domain field.
+ An individual may have several mailboxes and wish to receive
+ mail at whatever mailbox is convenient for the sender to
+ access. This standard does not provide a means of specifying
+ "any member of" a list of mailboxes.
+ A set of individuals may wish to receive mail as a single unit
+ (i.e., a distribution list). The <group> construct permits
+ specification of such a list. Recipient mailboxes are speci-
+ fied within the bracketed part (":" - ";"). A copy of the
+ transmitted message is to be sent to each mailbox listed.
+ This standard does not permit recursive specification of
+ groups within groups.
+ While a list must be named, it is not required that the con-
+ tents of the list be included. In this case, the <address>
+ serves only as an indication of group distribution and would
+ appear in the form:
+ name:;
+ Some mail services may provide a group-list distribution
+ facility, accepting a single mailbox reference, expanding it
+ to the full distribution list, and relaying the mail to the
+ list's members. This standard provides no additional syntax
+ for indicating such a service. Using the <group> address
+ alternative, while listing one mailbox in it, can mean either
+ that the mailbox reference will be expanded to a list or that
+ there is a group with one member.
+ At times, a message originator may wish to indicate the
+ transmission path that a message should follow. This is
+ called source routing. The normal addressing scheme, used in
+ an addr-spec, is carefully separated from such information;
+ the <route> portion of a route-addr is provided for such occa-
+ sions. It specifies the sequence of hosts and/or transmission
+ August 13, 1982 - 32 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ services that are to be traversed. Both domain-refs and
+ domain-literals may be used.
+ Note: The use of source routing is discouraged. Unless the
+ sender has special need of path restriction, the choice
+ of transmission route should be left to the mail tran-
+ sport service.
+ It often is necessary to send mail to a site, without know-
+ ing any of its valid addresses. For example, there may be mail
+ system dysfunctions, or a user may wish to find out a person's
+ correct address, at that site.
+ This standard specifies a single, reserved mailbox address
+ (local-part) which is to be valid at each site. Mail sent to
+ that address is to be routed to a person responsible for the
+ site's mail system or to a person with responsibility for general
+ site operation. The name of the reserved local-part address is:
+ Postmaster
+ so that "Postmaster@domain" is required to be valid.
+ Note: This reserved local-part must be matched without sensi-
+ tivity to alphabetic case, so that "POSTMASTER", "postmas-
+ ter", and even "poStmASteR" is to be accepted.
+ August 13, 1982 - 33 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ ANSI. "USA Standard Code for Information Interchange," X3.4.
+ American National Standards Institute: New York (1968). Also
+ in: Feinler, E. and J. Postel, eds., "ARPANET Protocol Hand-
+ book", NIC 7104.
+ ANSI. "Representations of Universal Time, Local Time Differen-
+ tials, and United States Time Zone References for Information
+ Interchange," X3.51-1975. American National Standards Insti-
+ tute: New York (1975).
+ Bemer, R.W., "Time and the Computer." In: Interface Age (Feb.
+ 1979).
+ Bennett, C.J. "JNT Mail Protocol". Joint Network Team, Ruther-
+ ford and Appleton Laboratory: Didcot, England.
+ Bhushan, A.K., Pogran, K.T., Tomlinson, R.S., and White, J.E.
+ "Standardizing Network Mail Headers," ARPANET Request for
+ Comments No. 561, Network Information Center No. 18516; SRI
+ International: Menlo Park (September 1973).
+ Birrell, A.D., Levin, R., Needham, R.M., and Schroeder, M.D.
+ "Grapevine: An Exercise in Distributed Computing," Communica-
+ tions of the ACM 25, 4 (April 1982), 260-274.
+ Crocker, D.H., Vittal, J.J., Pogran, K.T., Henderson, D.A.
+ "Standard for the Format of ARPA Network Text Message,"
+ ARPANET Request for Comments No. 733, Network Information
+ Center No. 41952. SRI International: Menlo Park (November
+ 1977).
+ Feinler, E.J. and Postel, J.B. ARPANET Protocol Handbook, Net-
+ work Information Center No. 7104 (NTIS AD A003890). SRI
+ International: Menlo Park (April 1976).
+ Harary, F. "Graph Theory". Addison-Wesley: Reading, Mass.
+ (1969).
+ Levin, R. and Schroeder, M. "Transport of Electronic Messages
+ through a Network," TeleInformatics 79, pp. 29-33. North
+ Holland (1979). Also as Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
+ Technical Report CSL-79-4.
+ Myer, T.H. and Henderson, D.A. "Message Transmission Protocol,"
+ ARPANET Request for Comments, No. 680, Network Information
+ Center No. 32116. SRI International: Menlo Park (1975).
+ August 13, 1982 - 34 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ NBS. "Specification of Message Format for Computer Based Message
+ Systems, Recommended Federal Information Processing Standard."
+ National Bureau of Standards: Gaithersburg, Maryland
+ (October 1981).
+ NIC. Internet Protocol Transition Workbook. Network Information
+ Center, SRI-International, Menlo Park, California (March
+ 1982).
+ Oppen, D.C. and Dalal, Y.K. "The Clearinghouse: A Decentralized
+ Agent for Locating Named Objects in a Distributed Environ-
+ ment," OPD-T8103. Xerox Office Products Division: Palo Alto,
+ CA. (October 1981).
+ Postel, J.B. "Assigned Numbers," ARPANET Request for Comments,
+ No. 820. SRI International: Menlo Park (August 1982).
+ Postel, J.B. "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol," ARPANET Request
+ for Comments, No. 821. SRI International: Menlo Park (August
+ 1982).
+ Shoch, J.F. "Internetwork naming, addressing and routing," in
+ Proc. 17th IEEE Computer Society International Conference, pp.
+ 72-79, Sept. 1978, IEEE Cat. No. 78 CH 1388-8C.
+ Su, Z. and Postel, J. "The Domain Naming Convention for Internet
+ User Applications," ARPANET Request for Comments, No. 819.
+ SRI International: Menlo Park (August 1982).
+ August 13, 1982 - 35 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ A.1.1. Alfred Neuman <Neuman@BBN-TENEXA>
+ A.1.2. Neuman@BBN-TENEXA
+ These two "Alfred Neuman" examples have identical seman-
+ tics, as far as the operation of the local host's mail sending
+ (distribution) program (also sometimes called its "mailer")
+ and the remote host's mail protocol server are concerned. In
+ the first example, the "Alfred Neuman" is ignored by the
+ mailer, as "Neuman@BBN-TENEXA" completely specifies the reci-
+ pient. The second example contains no superfluous informa-
+ tion, and, again, "Neuman@BBN-TENEXA" is the intended reci-
+ pient.
+ Note: When the message crosses name-domain boundaries, then
+ these specifications must be changed, so as to indicate
+ the remainder of the hierarchy, starting with the top
+ level.
+ A.1.3. "George, Ted" <Shared@Group.Arpanet>
+ This form might be used to indicate that a single mailbox
+ is shared by several users. The quoted string is ignored by
+ the originating host's mailer, because "Shared@Group.Arpanet"
+ completely specifies the destination mailbox.
+ A.1.4. Wilt . (the Stilt) Chamberlain@NBA.US
+ The "(the Stilt)" is a comment, which is NOT included in
+ the destination mailbox address handed to the originating
+ system's mailer. The local-part of the address is the string
+ "Wilt.Chamberlain", with NO space between the first and second
+ words.
+ A.1.5. Address Lists
+ Gourmets: Pompous Person <WhoZiWhatZit@Cordon-Bleu>,
+ Childs@WGBH.Boston, Galloping Gourmet@
+ ANT.Down-Under (Australian National Television),
+ Cheapie@Discount-Liquors;,
+ Cruisers: Port@Portugal, Jones@SEA;,
+ Another@Somewhere.SomeOrg
+ August 13, 1982 - 36 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ This group list example points out the use of comments and the
+ mixing of addresses and groups.
+ A.2.1. Author-sent
+ George Jones logs into his host as "Jones". He sends
+ mail himself.
+ From: Jones@Group.Org
+ or
+ From: George Jones <Jones@Group.Org>
+ A.2.2. Secretary-sent
+ George Jones logs in as Jones on his host. His secre-
+ tary, who logs in as Secy sends mail for him. Replies to the
+ mail should go to George.
+ From: George Jones <Jones@Group>
+ Sender: Secy@Other-Group
+ A.2.3. Secretary-sent, for user of shared directory
+ George Jones' secretary sends mail for George. Replies
+ should go to George.
+ From: George Jones<Shared@Group.Org>
+ Sender: Secy@Other-Group
+ Note that there need not be a space between "Jones" and the
+ "<", but adding a space enhances readability (as is the case
+ in other examples.
+ A.2.4. Committee activity, with one author
+ George is a member of a committee. He wishes to have any
+ replies to his message go to all committee members.
+ From: George Jones <Jones@Host.Net>
+ Sender: Jones@Host
+ Reply-To: The Committee: Jones@Host.Net,
+ Smith@Other.Org,
+ Doe@Somewhere-Else;
+ Note that if George had not included himself in the
+ August 13, 1982 - 37 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ enumeration of The Committee, he would not have gotten an
+ implicit reply; the presence of the "Reply-to" field SUPER-
+ SEDES the sending of a reply to the person named in the "From"
+ field.
+ A.2.5. Secretary acting as full agent of author
+ George Jones asks his secretary (Secy@Host) to send a
+ message for him in his capacity as Group. He wants his secre-
+ tary to handle all replies.
+ From: George Jones <Group@Host>
+ Sender: Secy@Host
+ Reply-To: Secy@Host
+ A.2.6. Agent for user without online mailbox
+ A friend of George's, Sarah, is visiting. George's
+ secretary sends some mail to a friend of Sarah in computer-
+ land. Replies should go to George, whose mailbox is Jones at
+ Registry.
+ From: Sarah Friendly <Secy@Registry>
+ Sender: Secy-Name <Secy@Registry>
+ Reply-To: Jones@Registry.
+ A.2.7. Agent for member of a committee
+ George's secretary sends out a message which was authored
+ jointly by all the members of a committee. Note that the name
+ of the committee cannot be specified, since <group> names are
+ not permitted in the From field.
+ From: Jones@Host,
+ Smith@Other-Host,
+ Doe@Somewhere-Else
+ Sender: Secy@SHost
+ August 13, 1982 - 38 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ A.3.1. Minimum required
+ Date: 26 Aug 76 1429 EDT Date: 26 Aug 76 1429 EDT
+ From: Jones@Registry.Org or From: Jones@Registry.Org
+ Bcc: To: Smith@Registry.Org
+ Note that the "Bcc" field may be empty, while the "To" field
+ is required to have at least one address.
+ A.3.2. Using some of the additional fields
+ Date: 26 Aug 76 1430 EDT
+ From: George Jones<Group@Host>
+ Sender: Secy@SHOST
+ To: "Al Neuman"@Mad-Host,
+ Sam.Irving@Other-Host
+ Message-ID: <some.string@SHOST>
+ A.3.3. About as complex as you're going to get
+ Date : 27 Aug 76 0932 PDT
+ From : Ken Davis <KDavis@This-Host.This-net>
+ Subject : Re: The Syntax in the RFC
+ Sender : KSecy@Other-Host
+ Reply-To : Sam.Irving@Reg.Organization
+ To : George Jones <Group@Some-Reg.An-Org>,
+ Al.Neuman@MAD.Publisher
+ cc : Important folk:
+ Tom Softwood <Balsa@Tree.Root>,
+ "Sam Irving"@Other-Host;,
+ Standard Distribution:
+ /main/davis/people/standard@Other-Host,
+ "<Jones>standard.dist.3"@Tops-20-Host>;
+ Comment : Sam is away on business. He asked me to handle
+ his mail for him. He'll be able to provide a
+ more accurate explanation when he returns
+ next week.
+ In-Reply-To: <some.string@DBM.Group>, George's message
+ X-Special-action: This is a sample of user-defined field-
+ names. There could also be a field-name
+ "Special-action", but its name might later be
+ preempted
+ Message-ID: <4231.629.XYzi-What@Other-Host>
+ August 13, 1982 - 39 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ Some mail-reading software systems may wish to perform only
+ minimal processing, ignoring the internal syntax of structured
+ field-bodies and treating them the same as unstructured-field-
+ bodies. Such software will need only to distinguish:
+ o Header fields from the message body,
+ o Beginnings of fields from lines which continue fields,
+ o Field-names from field-contents.
+ The abbreviated set of syntactic rules which follows will
+ suffice for this purpose. It describes a limited view of mes-
+ sages and is a subset of the syntactic rules provided in the main
+ part of this specification. One small exception is that the con-
+ tents of field-bodies consist only of text:
+ message = *field *(CRLF *text)
+ field = field-name ":" [field-body] CRLF
+ field-name = 1*<any CHAR, excluding CTLs, SPACE, and ":">
+ field-body = *text [CRLF LWSP-char field-body]
+ Headers occur before the message body and are terminated by
+ a null line (i.e., two contiguous CRLFs).
+ A line which continues a header field begins with a SPACE or
+ HTAB character, while a line beginning a field starts with a
+ printable character which is not a colon.
+ A field-name consists of one or more printable characters
+ (excluding colon, space, and control-characters). A field-name
+ MUST be contained on one line. Upper and lower case are not dis-
+ tinguished when comparing field-names.
+ August 13, 1982 - 40 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ The following summarizes the differences between this stan-
+ dard and the one specified in Arpanet Request for Comments #733,
+ "Standard for the Format of ARPA Network Text Messages". The
+ differences are listed in the order of their occurrence in the
+ current specification.
+ These now must be a sequence of printable characters. They
+ may not contain any LWSP-chars.
+ The characters period ("."), left-square bracket ("["), and
+ right-square bracket ("]") have been added. For presentation
+ purposes, and when passing a specification to a system that
+ does not conform to this standard, periods are to be contigu-
+ ous with their surrounding lexical tokens. No linear-white-
+ space is permitted between them. The presence of one LWSP-
+ char between other tokens is still directed.
+ C.2.2. ATOM
+ Atoms may not contain SPACE.
+ ctext and qtext have had backslash ("\") added to the list of
+ prohibited characters.
+ C.2.4. DOMAINS
+ The lexical tokens <domain-literal> and <dtext> have been
+ added.
+ C.3.1. TRACE
+ The "Return-path:" and "Received:" fields have been specified.
+ August 13, 1982 - 41 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ C.3.2. FROM
+ The "From" field must contain machine-usable addresses (addr-
+ spec). Multiple addresses may be specified, but named-lists
+ (groups) may not.
+ C.3.3. RESENT
+ The meta-construct of prefacing field names with the string
+ "Resent-" has been added, to indicate that a message has been
+ forwarded by an intermediate recipient.
+ A message must contain at least one destination address field.
+ "To" and "CC" are required to contain at least one address.
+ C.3.5. IN-REPLY-TO
+ The field-body is no longer a comma-separated list, although a
+ sequence is still permitted.
+ The field-body is no longer a comma-separated list, although a
+ sequence is still permitted.
+ A field has been specified that permits senders to indicate
+ that the body of a message has been encrypted.
+ Extension fields are prohibited from beginning with the char-
+ acters "X-".
+ Fewer optional forms are permitted and the list of three-
+ letter time zones has been shortened.
+ August 13, 1982 - 42 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ C.5.1. ADDRESS
+ The use of quoted-string, and the ":"-atom-":" construct, have
+ been removed. An address now is either a single mailbox
+ reference or is a named list of addresses. The latter indi-
+ cates a group distribution.
+ C.5.2. GROUPS
+ Group lists are now required to to have a name. Group lists
+ may not be nested.
+ C.5.3. MAILBOX
+ A mailbox specification may indicate a person's name, as
+ before. Such a named list no longer may specify multiple
+ mailboxes and may not be nested.
+ Addresses now are taken to be absolute, global specifications,
+ independent of transmission paths. The <route> construct has
+ been provided, to permit explicit specification of transmis-
+ sion path. RFC #733's use of multiple at-signs ("@") was
+ intended as a general syntax for indicating routing and/or
+ hierarchical addressing. The current standard separates these
+ specifications and only one at-sign is permitted.
+ C.5.5. AT-SIGN
+ The string " at " no longer is used as an address delimiter.
+ Only at-sign ("@") serves the function.
+ C.5.6. DOMAINS
+ Hierarchical, logical name-domains have been added.
+ The local-part "Postmaster" has been reserved, so that users can
+ be guaranteed at least one valid address at a site.
+ August 13, 1982 - 43 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ address = mailbox ; one addressee
+ / group ; named list
+ addr-spec = local-part "@" domain ; global address
+ ALPHA = <any ASCII alphabetic character>
+ ; (101-132, 65.- 90.)
+ ; (141-172, 97.-122.)
+ atom = 1*<any CHAR except specials, SPACE and CTLs>
+ authentic = "From" ":" mailbox ; Single author
+ / ( "Sender" ":" mailbox ; Actual submittor
+ "From" ":" 1#mailbox) ; Multiple authors
+ ; or not sender
+ CHAR = <any ASCII character> ; ( 0-177, 0.-127.)
+ comment = "(" *(ctext / quoted-pair / comment) ")"
+ CR = <ASCII CR, carriage return> ; ( 15, 13.)
+ ctext = <any CHAR excluding "(", ; => may be folded
+ ")", "\" & CR, & including
+ linear-white-space>
+ CTL = <any ASCII control ; ( 0- 37, 0.- 31.)
+ character and DEL> ; ( 177, 127.)
+ date = 1*2DIGIT month 2DIGIT ; day month year
+ ; e.g. 20 Jun 82
+ dates = orig-date ; Original
+ [ resent-date ] ; Forwarded
+ date-time = [ day "," ] date time ; dd mm yy
+ ; hh:mm:ss zzz
+ day = "Mon" / "Tue" / "Wed" / "Thu"
+ / "Fri" / "Sat" / "Sun"
+ delimiters = specials / linear-white-space / comment
+ destination = "To" ":" 1#address ; Primary
+ / "Resent-To" ":" 1#address
+ / "cc" ":" 1#address ; Secondary
+ / "Resent-cc" ":" 1#address
+ / "bcc" ":" #address ; Blind carbon
+ / "Resent-bcc" ":" #address
+ DIGIT = <any ASCII decimal digit> ; ( 60- 71, 48.- 57.)
+ domain = sub-domain *("." sub-domain)
+ domain-literal = "[" *(dtext / quoted-pair) "]"
+ domain-ref = atom ; symbolic reference
+ dtext = <any CHAR excluding "[", ; => may be folded
+ "]", "\" & CR, & including
+ linear-white-space>
+ extension-field =
+ <Any field which is defined in a document
+ published as a formal extension to this
+ specification; none will have names beginning
+ with the string "X-">
+ August 13, 1982 - 44 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ field = field-name ":" [ field-body ] CRLF
+ fields = dates ; Creation time,
+ source ; author id & one
+ 1*destination ; address required
+ *optional-field ; others optional
+ field-body = field-body-contents
+ [CRLF LWSP-char field-body]
+ field-body-contents =
+ <the ASCII characters making up the field-body, as
+ defined in the following sections, and consisting
+ of combinations of atom, quoted-string, and
+ specials tokens, or else consisting of texts>
+ field-name = 1*<any CHAR, excluding CTLs, SPACE, and ":">
+ group = phrase ":" [#mailbox] ";"
+ hour = 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT [":" 2DIGIT]
+ ; 00:00:00 - 23:59:59
+ HTAB = <ASCII HT, horizontal-tab> ; ( 11, 9.)
+ LF = <ASCII LF, linefeed> ; ( 12, 10.)
+ linear-white-space = 1*([CRLF] LWSP-char) ; semantics = SPACE
+ ; CRLF => folding
+ local-part = word *("." word) ; uninterpreted
+ ; case-preserved
+ LWSP-char = SPACE / HTAB ; semantics = SPACE
+ mailbox = addr-spec ; simple address
+ / phrase route-addr ; name & addr-spec
+ message = fields *( CRLF *text ) ; Everything after
+ ; first null line
+ ; is message body
+ month = "Jan" / "Feb" / "Mar" / "Apr"
+ / "May" / "Jun" / "Jul" / "Aug"
+ / "Sep" / "Oct" / "Nov" / "Dec"
+ msg-id = "<" addr-spec ">" ; Unique message id
+ optional-field =
+ / "Message-ID" ":" msg-id
+ / "Resent-Message-ID" ":" msg-id
+ / "In-Reply-To" ":" *(phrase / msg-id)
+ / "References" ":" *(phrase / msg-id)
+ / "Keywords" ":" #phrase
+ / "Subject" ":" *text
+ / "Comments" ":" *text
+ / "Encrypted" ":" 1#2word
+ / extension-field ; To be defined
+ / user-defined-field ; May be pre-empted
+ orig-date = "Date" ":" date-time
+ originator = authentic ; authenticated addr
+ [ "Reply-To" ":" 1#address] )
+ phrase = 1*word ; Sequence of words
+ August 13, 1982 - 45 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ qtext = <any CHAR excepting <">, ; => may be folded
+ "\" & CR, and including
+ linear-white-space>
+ quoted-pair = "\" CHAR ; may quote any char
+ quoted-string = <"> *(qtext/quoted-pair) <">; Regular qtext or
+ ; quoted chars.
+ received = "Received" ":" ; one per relay
+ ["from" domain] ; sending host
+ ["by" domain] ; receiving host
+ ["via" atom] ; physical path
+ *("with" atom) ; link/mail protocol
+ ["id" msg-id] ; receiver msg id
+ ["for" addr-spec] ; initial form
+ ";" date-time ; time received
+ resent = resent-authentic
+ [ "Resent-Reply-To" ":" 1#address] )
+ resent-authentic =
+ = "Resent-From" ":" mailbox
+ / ( "Resent-Sender" ":" mailbox
+ "Resent-From" ":" 1#mailbox )
+ resent-date = "Resent-Date" ":" date-time
+ return = "Return-path" ":" route-addr ; return address
+ route = 1#("@" domain) ":" ; path-relative
+ route-addr = "<" [route] addr-spec ">"
+ source = [ trace ] ; net traversals
+ originator ; original mail
+ [ resent ] ; forwarded
+ SPACE = <ASCII SP, space> ; ( 40, 32.)
+ specials = "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@" ; Must be in quoted-
+ / "," / ";" / ":" / "\" / <"> ; string, to use
+ / "." / "[" / "]" ; within a word.
+ sub-domain = domain-ref / domain-literal
+ text = <any CHAR, including bare ; => atoms, specials,
+ CR & bare LF, but NOT ; comments and
+ including CRLF> ; quoted-strings are
+ ; NOT recognized.
+ time = hour zone ; ANSI and Military
+ trace = return ; path to sender
+ 1*received ; receipt tags
+ user-defined-field =
+ <Any field which has not been defined
+ in this specification or published as an
+ extension to this specification; names for
+ such fields must be unique and may be
+ pre-empted by published extensions>
+ word = atom / quoted-string
+ August 13, 1982 - 46 - RFC #822
+ Standard for ARPA Internet Text Messages
+ zone = "UT" / "GMT" ; Universal Time
+ ; North American : UT
+ / "EST" / "EDT" ; Eastern: - 5/ - 4
+ / "CST" / "CDT" ; Central: - 6/ - 5
+ / "MST" / "MDT" ; Mountain: - 7/ - 6
+ / "PST" / "PDT" ; Pacific: - 8/ - 7
+ / 1ALPHA ; Military: Z = UT;
+ <"> = <ASCII quote mark> ; ( 42, 34.)
+ August 13, 1982 - 47 - RFC #822