diff options
authorEric S. Raymond <esr@thyrsus.com>1997-10-10 16:36:48 +0000
committerEric S. Raymond <esr@thyrsus.com>1997-10-10 16:36:48 +0000
commitab41a1d8fe51acbb3418a880f04d84fbc7facf75 (patch)
parent9c624b9ce0f6a566193507bbcf4dd360f7a08445 (diff)
Initial revision
svn path=/trunk/; revision=1498
1 files changed, 929 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fetchmailconf b/fetchmailconf
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f8ba2e11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fetchmailconf
@@ -0,0 +1,929 @@
+# A GUI configurator for generating Fetchmail configuration files.
+from Tkinter import *
+from Dialog import *
+import sys
+import time
+import os
+import string
+# Define the data structures the GUIs will be tossing around
+class Controls:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.foreground = FALSE; # Run in background
+ self.daemon = 300 # Default to 5-minute timeout
+ self.syslog = FALSE # Use syslogd for logging?
+ self.logfile = None # No logfile, initially
+ def __repr__(self):
+ str = "";
+ if self.syslog:
+ str = str + ("set syslog\n")
+ elif self.logfile:
+ str = str + ("set logfile \"%s\"\n" % (self.logfile,));
+ if not self.foreground and self.daemon:
+ str = str + ("set daemon %s\n" % (self.daemon,))
+ return str + "\n"
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "[Server: " + repr(self) + "]"
+class Server:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.pollname = None # Poll label
+ self.via = None # True name of host
+ self.active = TRUE # Poll status
+ self.interval = 0 # Skip interval
+ self.protocol = 'auto' # Default to auto protocol
+ self.port = 0 # Port number to use
+ self.uidl = FALSE # Don't use RFC1725 UIDLs by default
+ self.auth = "password" # Default to password authentication
+ self.timeout = 300 # 5-minute timeout
+ self.envelope = "Received" # Envelope-address header
+ self.aka = [] # List of DNS aka names
+ self.dns = TRUE # Enable DNS lookup on multidrop
+ self.localdomains = [] # Domains to be considered local
+ self.interface = None # IP address and range
+ self.monitor = None # IP address and range
+ self.userlist = [] # List of user entries for site
+ self.typemap = (
+ ('pollname', 'String'),
+ ('via', 'String'),
+ ('active', 'Boolean'),
+ ('interval', 'Int'),
+ ('protocol', 'String'),
+ ('interval', 'Int'),
+ ('port', 'Int'),
+ ('uidl', 'Boolean'),
+ ('auth', 'String'),
+ ('timeout', 'Int'),
+ ('envelope', 'String'),
+ # leave aka out
+ ('dns', 'Boolean'),
+ # leave localdomains out
+ ('interface', 'String'),
+ ('monitor', 'String'))
+ def dump(self, folded):
+ str = ""
+ if self.active: str = str + "poll"
+ else: str = str + "skip"
+ str = str + (" " + self.pollname)
+ if self.via != self.pollname:
+ str = str + " via " + self.via
+ if self.protocol != ServerDefaults.protocol:
+ str = str + " with proto " + self.protocol
+ if self.port != defaultports[self.protocol]:
+ str = str + " port " + `self.port`
+ if self.timeout != ServerDefaults.timeout:
+ str = str + " timeout " + `self.timeout`
+ if self.interval != ServerDefaults.interval:
+ str = str + " interval " + `self.interval`
+ if self.envelope != ServerDefaults.envelope:
+ str = str + " envelope " + self.envelope
+ if self.auth != ServerDefaults.auth:
+ str = str + " auth " + self.auth
+ if self.dns != ServerDefaults.dns or self.uidl != ServerDefaults.uidl:
+ str = str + " and options"
+ if self.dns != ServerDefaults.dns:
+ str = str + flag2str(self.dns, 'dns')
+ if self.uidl != ServerDefaults.uidl:
+ str = str + flag2str(self.uidl, 'uidl')
+ if folded: str = str + "\n\t"
+ else: str = str + " "
+ if self.aka:
+ str = str + "aka"
+ for x in self.aka:
+ str = str + " " + x
+ if self.aka and self.localdomains: str = str + " "
+ if self.localdomains:
+ str = str + ("localdomains")
+ for x in self.localdomains:
+ str = str + " " + x
+ if (self.aka or self.localdomains):
+ if folded:
+ str = str + "\n\t"
+ else:
+ str = str + " "
+ if self.interface: str = str + " interface " + self.interface
+ if self.monitor: str = str + " monitor " + self.monitor
+ if (self.interface or self.monitor):
+ if folded:
+ str = str + "\n"
+ if str[-1] == "\t": str = str[0:-1]
+ return str;
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.dump(TRUE)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "[Server: " + self.dump(FALSE) + "]"
+class User:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.username = "" # Remote username
+ self.localnames = None # Local names
+ self.password = "" # Password for mail account access
+ self.folder = "" # Remote folder to retrieve from
+ self.smtphost = 'localhost' # Host to forward to
+ self.mda = "" # Mail Delivery Agent
+ self.preconnect = "" # Connection setup
+ self.postconnect = "" # Connection wrapup
+ self.keep = FALSE # Keep messages
+ self.flush = FALSE # Flush messages
+ self.fetchall = FALSE # Fetch old messages
+ self.rewrite = TRUE # Rewrite message headers
+ self.forcecr = FALSE # Force LF -> CR/LF
+ self.stripcr = FALSE # Strip CR
+ self.pass8bits = FALSE # Force BODY=7BIT
+ self.dropstatus = FALSE # Force BODY=7BIT
+ self.limit = 0 # Message size limit
+ self.fetchlimit = 0 # Max messages fetched per batch
+ self.batchlimit = 0 # Max message forwarded per batch
+ self.expunge = 1 # Interval between expunges (IMAP)
+ self.typemap = (
+ ('username', 'String'),
+ ('folder', 'String'),
+ # leave out localnames
+ ('password', 'String'),
+ ('smtphost', 'String'),
+ ('preconnect', 'String'),
+ ('postconnect', 'String'),
+ ('mda', 'String'),
+ ('keep', 'Boolean'),
+ ('flush', 'Boolean'),
+ ('fetchall', 'Boolean'),
+ ('rewrite', 'Boolean'),
+ ('forcecr', 'Boolean'),
+ ('stripcr', 'Boolean'),
+ ('pass8bits', 'Boolean'),
+ ('dropstatus', 'Boolean'),
+ ('limit', 'Int'),
+ ('fetchlimit', 'Int'),
+ ('batchlimit', 'Int'),
+ ('expunge', 'Int'))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ str = ""
+ str = str + "user " + self.user;
+ if self.password: str = str + "with password " + self.password
+ if self.localnames:
+ str = str + "localnames"
+ for x in self.localnames:
+ str = str + " " + x
+ if (self.keep or self.flush or self.fetchall or self.rewrite or
+ self.forcecr or self.stripcr or self.pass8bits or self.dropstatus):
+ str = str + " options"
+ if self.keep != UserDefaults.keep:
+ str = str + flag2str(self.keep, 'keep')
+ if self.flush != UserDefaults.flush:
+ str = str + flag2str(self.flush, 'flush')
+ if self.fetchall != UserDefaults.fetchall:
+ str = str + flag2str(self.fetchall, 'fetchall')
+ if self.rewrite != UserDefaults.rewrite:
+ str = str + flag2str(self.rewrite, 'rewrite')
+ if self.forcecr != UserDefaults.forcecr:
+ str = str + flag2str(self.forcecr, 'forcecr')
+ if self.stripcr != UserDefaults.stripcr:
+ str = str + flag2str(self.stripcr, 'stripcr')
+ if self.pass8bits != UserDefaults.pass8bits:
+ str = str + flag2str(self.pass8bits, 'pass8bits')
+ if self.dropstatus != UserDefaults.dropstatus:
+ str = str + flag2str(self.dropstatus, 'dropstatus')
+ if self.limit != UserDefaults.limit:
+ str = str + " limit " + `self.limit`
+ if self.fetchlimit != UserDefaults.fetchlimit:
+ str = str + " fetchlimit " + `self.fetchlimit`
+ if self.batchlimit != UserDefaults.batchlimit:
+ str = str + " batchlimit " + `self.batchlimit`
+ if self.expunge != UserDefaults.expunge:
+ str = str + " expunge " + `self.expunge`
+ def __str__(self):
+ return "[User: " + repr(self) + "]"
+# Helper code
+defaultports = {"auto":0,
+ "POP2":109,
+ "POP3":110, "APOP":110, "KPOP":1109, "IMAP":143,
+ "IMAP-K4":143,
+ "ETRN":25}
+protolist = ("auto", "POP2", "POP3", "APOP", "KPOP", "IMAP", "IMAP-K4", "ETRN")
+authlist = ("password", "kerberos")
+listboxhelp = {
+ 'title' : 'List Selection Help',
+ 'banner': 'List Selection',
+ 'text' : """
+You must select an item in the list box (by clicking on it).
+def flag2str(value, string):
+# make a string representation of a .fetchmailrc flag or negated flag
+ str = ""
+ if value != None:
+ str = str + (" ")
+ if value == FALSE: str = str + ("no ")
+ str = str + string;
+ return str
+class LabeledEntry(Frame):
+# widget consisting of entry field with caption to left
+ def bind(self, key, action):
+ self.E.bind(key, action)
+ def focus_set(self):
+ self.E.focus_set()
+ def __init__(self, Master, text, textvar, width):
+ Frame.__init__(self, Master)
+ self.L = Label(self, {'text':text, 'width':width, 'anchor':'w'})
+ self.E = Entry(self, {'textvar':textvar})
+ self.L.pack({'side':'left'})
+ self.E.pack({'side':'left', 'expand':'1', 'fill':'x'})
+def ButtonBar(frame, legend, ref, alternatives, depth, command):
+# array of radio buttons, caption to left, picking from a string list
+ bar = Frame(frame)
+ width = len(alternatives) / depth;
+ Label(bar, text=legend).pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N)
+ for column in range(width):
+ subframe = Frame(bar)
+ for row in range(depth):
+ ind = width * row + column
+ Radiobutton(subframe,
+ {'text':alternatives[ind],
+ 'variable':ref,
+ 'value':alternatives[ind],
+ 'command':command}).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
+ subframe.pack(side=LEFT)
+ bar.pack(side=TOP);
+ return bar
+def helpwin(helpdict):
+# help message window with a self-destruct button
+ helpwin = Toplevel()
+ helpwin.title(helpdict['title'])
+ helpwin.iconname(helpdict['title'])
+ Label(helpwin, text=helpdict['banner']).pack()
+ textwin = Message(helpwin, text=helpdict['text'], width=600)
+ textwin.pack()
+ Button(helpwin, text='Done',
+ command=lambda x=helpwin: Widget.destroy(x),
+ relief=SUNKEN, bd=2).pack()
+class ListEdit(Frame):
+# edit a list of values (duplicates not allowed) with a supplied editor hook
+ def __init__(self, newlegend, list, editor, master, helptxt):
+ self.editor = editor
+ self.list = list
+ # Set up a widget to accept new sites
+ self.newval = StringVar(master)
+ newwin = LabeledEntry(master, newlegend, self.newval, '12')
+ newwin.bind('<Double-1>', self.handleNew)
+ newwin.bind('<Return>', self.handleNew)
+ newwin.pack(side=TOP, fill=X, anchor=E)
+ # Create the sitelist for site-configuration selection
+ listframe = Frame(master)
+ scroll = Scrollbar(listframe)
+ listwidget = Listbox(listframe, height=0, selectmode='browse')
+ if list:
+ for dnsname in list:
+ listwidget.insert('end', dnsname)
+ listframe.pack(side=TOP, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
+ listwidget.config(yscrollcommand=scroll.set, relief=SUNKEN)
+ listwidget.pack(side=LEFT, expand=YES, fill=BOTH)
+ scroll.config(command=listwidget.yview, relief=SUNKEN)
+ scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH)
+ listwidget.config(selectmode=SINGLE, setgrid=TRUE)
+ listwidget.bind('<Double-1>', self.handleList);
+ listwidget.bind('<Return>', self.handleList);
+ self.listwidget = listwidget
+ bf = Frame(master);
+ if self.editor:
+ Button(bf, text='Edit', command=self.editItem).pack(side=LEFT)
+ Button(bf, text='Delete', command=self.deleteItem).pack(side=LEFT)
+ if helptxt:
+ self.helptxt = helptxt
+ Button(bf, text='Help', fg='blue',
+ command=self.help).pack(side=RIGHT)
+ bf.pack(fill=X)
+ def help(self):
+ helpwin(self.helptxt)
+ def handleList(self, event):
+ self.editItem();
+ def handleNew(self, event):
+ item = self.newval.get()
+ entire = self.listwidget.get(0, self.listwidget.index('end'));
+ if item and (not entire) or (not item in self.listwidget.get(0, self.listwidget.index('end'))):
+ self.listwidget.insert('end', item)
+ if self.list != None: self.list.append(item)
+ self.newval.set('')
+ def editItem(self):
+ select = self.listwidget.curselection()
+ if not select:
+ helpwin(listboxhelp)
+ else:
+ index = select[0]
+ if index and self.editor:
+ label = self.listwidget.get(index);
+ apply(self.editor, (label,))
+ def deleteItem(self):
+ select = self.listwidget.curselection()
+ if not select:
+ helpwin(listboxhelp)
+ else:
+ index = select[0]
+ if index:
+ self.listwidget.delete(index)
+ if self.list != None: del self.list[index]
+def ConfirmQuit(frame, context):
+ ans = Dialog(frame,
+ title = 'Quit?',
+ text = 'Really quit ' + context + ' without saving?',
+ bitmap = 'question',
+ strings = ('Yes', 'No'),
+ default = 1)
+ return ans.num == 0
+# First, code to set the global fetchmail run controls.
+confighelp = {
+ 'title' : 'Fetchmail configurator help',
+ 'banner': 'Configurator help',
+ 'text' : """
+In the `Configurator Controls' panel, you can:
+Press `Save' to save the new fetchmail configuration you have created.
+Press `Quit' to exit without saving.
+Press `Help' to bring up this help message.
+In the `Configurator Controls' panel, you can set the following options that
+control how fetchmail runs:
+Poll interval
+ Number of seconds to wait between polls in the background.
+ Ignored if the `Run in Foreground?' option is on.
+ If empty, emit progress and error messages to stderr.
+ Otherwise this gives the name of the files to write to.
+ This field is ignored if the "Log to syslog?" option is on.
+In the `Remote Mail Configurations' panel, you can:
+1. Enter the name of a new remote mail server you want fetchmail to query.
+To do this, simply enter a label for the poll configuration in the
+`New Server:' box. The label should be a DNS name of the server (unless
+you are using ssh or some other tunneling method and will fill in the `via'
+option on the site configuration screen).
+2. Change the configuration of an existing site.
+To do this, find the site's label in the listbox and double-click it.
+This will take you to a site configuration dialogue.
+class ControlEdit(Frame):
+ def PostControls(self):
+ self.foreground = BooleanVar(self)
+ self.foreground.set(self.controls.foreground)
+ self.daemon = StringVar(self)
+ self.daemon.set(`self.controls.daemon`)
+ self.syslog = BooleanVar(self)
+ self.syslog.set(self.controls.syslog);
+ self.logfile = StringVar(self)
+ if self.controls.logfile: self.logfile.set(self.controls.logfile);
+ gf = Frame(self, relief=RAISED, bd = 5)
+ Label(gf,
+ text='Fetchmail Run Controls',
+ bd=2).pack(side=TOP, pady=10)
+ df = Frame(gf, relief=RAISED, bd=2)
+ # Run in foreground?
+ Checkbutton(df,
+ {'text':'Run in foreground?',
+ 'variable':self.foreground,
+ 'relief':GROOVE}).pack(side=LEFT,anchor=W)
+ # Set the poll interval
+ de = LabeledEntry(df, ' Poll interval:', self.daemon, '14')
+ de.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E)
+ df.pack();
+ sf = Frame(gf, relief=RAISED, bd=2)
+ # Use syslog for logging?
+ Checkbutton(sf,
+ {'text':'Log to syslog?',
+ 'variable':self.syslog,
+ 'relief':GROOVE}).pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W)
+ # Set the logfile
+ log = LabeledEntry(sf, ' Logfile:', self.logfile, '14')
+ log.pack(side=RIGHT, anchor=E)
+ sf.pack(fill=X)
+ gf.pack(fill=X)
+ def GatherControls(self):
+ self.controls.daemon = self.daemon.get()
+ self.controls.foreground = self.foreground.get()
+ self.controls.logfile = self.logfile.get()
+ self.controls.syslog = self.syslog.get()
+# Server editing stuff.
+remotehelp = {
+ 'title' : 'Remote site help',
+ 'banner': 'Remote sites',
+ 'text' : """
+When you add a site name to the list here,
+you initialize an entry telling fetchmail
+how to poll a new site.
+When you select a sitename (by double-
+clicking it, or by single-clicking to
+select and then clicking the Edit button),
+you will open a window to configure that
+serverhelp = {
+ 'title' : 'Server options help',
+ 'banner': 'Server Options',
+ 'text' : """
+The server options screen controls fetchmail
+options that apply to one of your mailservers.
+Once you have a mailserver configuration set
+up as you like it, you can select `Save' to
+store it in the server list maintained in
+the main configuration window.
+If you wish to discard changes to a server
+configuration, select `Quit'.
+controlhelp = {
+ 'title' : 'Run Control help',
+ 'banner': 'Run Controls',
+ 'text' : """
+If the `Poll normally' checkbox is on, the host is polled as part of
+the normal operation of fetchmail when it is run with no arguments.
+If it is off, fetchmail will only query this host when it is given as
+a command-line argument.
+The `True name of server' box should specify the actual DNS name
+to query. By default this is the same as the poll name.
+Normally each host described in the file is queried once each
+poll cycle. If `Cycles to skip between polls' is greater than 0,
+that's the number of poll cycles that are skipped between the
+times this post is actually polled.
+The `Server timeout' is the number of seconds fetchmail will wait
+for a reply from the mailserver before concluding it is hung and
+giving up.
+protohelp = {
+ 'title' : 'Protocol and Port help',
+ 'banner': 'Protocol and Port',
+ 'text' : """
+These options control the remote-mail protocol
+and TCP/IP service port used to query this
+The `Protocol' button bar offers you a choice of
+all the different protocols available. The `auto'
+protocol is a special mode that probes the host
+ports for POP3 and IMAP to see if either is
+Normally the TCP/IP service port to use is
+dictated by the protocol choice. The `Port'
+field lets you set a non-standard port.
+sechelp = {
+ 'title' : 'Security option help',
+ 'banner': 'Security',
+ 'text' : """
+These options control the security procedure used
+to protect mail transfer
+Normally the mail fetch is validated using an
+ordinary password logon. If your server speaks
+MIT Kerberos IV it is possible to pre-authenticate
+the exxchange with a Kerberos ticket.
+The `interface' and `monitor' options are available
+only for Linux systems. See the fetchmail manual page
+for details on these.
+multihelp = {
+ 'title' : 'Multidrop option help',
+ 'banner': 'Multidrop',
+ 'text' : """
+These options are only useful with multidrop mode.
+See the manual page for extended discussion.
+suserhelp = {
+ 'title' : 'User list help',
+ 'banner': 'User list',
+ 'text' : """
+When you add a user name to the list here,
+you initialize an entry telling fetchmail
+to poll the site on behalf of the new user.
+When you select a username (by double-
+clicking it, or by single-clicking to
+select and then clicking the Edit button),
+you will open a window to configure the
+user's options on that site.
+class ServerEdit(Frame):
+ def __init__(self, host, sitelist, master=None):
+ Frame.__init__(self, master)
+ Pack.config(self)
+ self.master.title('Fetchmail host ' + host);
+ self.master.iconname('Fetchmail host ' + host);
+ self.server = Server()
+ self.server.pollname = host
+ self.server.via = host
+ self.sitelist = sitelist
+ self.post()
+ self.createWidgets(host)
+# self.grab_set()
+# self.focus_set()
+# self.wait_window()
+ def post(self):
+ # we can't abstract this away, execs would happen in the wrong scope
+ for x in self.server.typemap:
+ target = "self." + x[0]
+ source = "self.server." + x[0]
+ if x[1] == 'Boolean':
+ exec target + " = BooleanVar(self)"
+ if eval(source):
+ exec target + ".set(" + source + ")"
+ elif x[1] == 'String':
+ exec target + " = StringVar(self)"
+ if eval(source):
+ exec target + ".set(" + source + ")"
+ elif x[1] == 'Int':
+ exec target + " = IntVar(self)"
+ if eval(source):
+ exec target + ".set(" + source + ")"
+ def gather(self):
+ for x in self.server.typemap:
+ setattr(self.server, x[0], getattr(self, x[0]).get())
+ def nosave(self):
+ if ConfirmQuit(self, 'server option editing'):
+ Widget.destroy(self.master)
+ def save(self):
+ self.gather()
+ self.sitelist.append(self.server)
+ Widget.destroy(self.master)
+ def refreshPort(self):
+ proto = self.protocol.get()
+ self.port.set(defaultports[proto])
+ if not proto in ("POP3", "APOP", "KPOP"): self.uidl = FALSE
+ def createWidgets(self, host):
+ topwin = Frame(self, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
+ Label(topwin, text="Server options for " + host).pack(side=TOP,pady=10)
+ Button(topwin, text='Save', fg='blue',
+ command=self.save).pack(side=LEFT)
+ Button(topwin, text='Quit', fg='blue',
+ command=self.nosave).pack(side=LEFT)
+ Button(topwin, text='Help', fg='blue',
+ command=lambda: helpwin(serverhelp)).pack(side=RIGHT)
+ topwin.pack(fill=X)
+ leftwin = Frame(self);
+ leftwidth = '26';
+ ctlwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
+ Label(ctlwin, text="Run Controls").pack(side=TOP)
+ Checkbutton(ctlwin, text='Poll ' + host + ' normally?', variable=self.active).pack(side=TOP)
+ LabeledEntry(ctlwin, 'True name of ' + host + ':',
+ self.via, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ LabeledEntry(ctlwin, 'Cycles to skip between polls:',
+ self.interval, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ LabeledEntry(ctlwin, 'Server timeout (seconds):',
+ self.timeout, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ Button(ctlwin, text='Help', fg='blue',
+ command=lambda: helpwin(controlhelp)).pack(side=RIGHT)
+ ctlwin.pack(fill=X)
+ protwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
+ Label(protwin, text="Protocol and Port").pack(side=TOP)
+ pb = ButtonBar(protwin, 'Protocol:', self.protocol, protolist, 2, self.refreshPort)
+ LabeledEntry(protwin, 'TCP/IP service port to query:',
+ self.port, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ Checkbutton(protwin,
+ text="Track seen POP3 messages with client-side UIDL list?",
+ variable=self.uidl).pack(side=TOP)
+ Button(protwin, text='Help', fg='blue',
+ command=lambda: helpwin(protohelp)).pack(side=RIGHT)
+ protwin.pack(fill=X)
+ secwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
+ Label(secwin, text="Security").pack(side=TOP)
+ ButtonBar(secwin, 'Authorization mode:',
+ self.auth, authlist, 1, None).pack(side=TOP)
+ if os.popen("uname").readlines()[0] == 'Linux\n':
+ LabeledEntry(secwin, 'Interface to check before poll:',
+ self.interface, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ LabeledEntry(secwin, 'IP range to watch for activity:',
+ self.monitor, leftwidth).pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ Button(secwin, text='Help', fg='blue',
+ command=lambda: helpwin(sechelp)).pack(side=RIGHT)
+ secwin.pack(fill=X)
+ leftwin.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N);
+ rightwin = Frame(self);
+ mdropwin = Frame(rightwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
+ Label(mdropwin, text="Multidrop options").pack(side=TOP)
+ LabeledEntry(mdropwin, 'Envelope address header:',
+ self.envelope, '24').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ Checkbutton(mdropwin, text="Enable multidrop DNS lookup?",
+ variable=self.dns).pack(side=TOP)
+ Label(mdropwin, text="DNS aliases").pack(side=TOP)
+ ListEdit("New site alias: ", self.server.aka, None, mdropwin, None)
+ Label(mdropwin, text="Domains to be considered local").pack(side=TOP)
+ ListEdit("New domain: ",
+ self.server.localdomains, None, mdropwin, multihelp)
+ mdropwin.pack(fill=X)
+ userwin = Frame(rightwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
+ Label(userwin, text="User entries for " + host).pack(side=TOP)
+ ListEdit("New user: ", None, self.edituser, userwin, suserhelp)
+ userwin.pack(fill=X)
+ rightwin.pack(side=LEFT);
+ def edituser(self, user):
+ UserEdit(user, self.server.userlist, Toplevel())
+# User editing stuff
+userhelp = {
+ 'title' : 'User option help',
+ 'banner': 'User options',
+ 'text' : """
+You may use this panel to set options
+that may differ between individual
+users on your site.
+Note: if a site entry has more than one
+local user, messages will be retrieved
+in multidrop mode. This complicates
+the configuration issues; see the manual
+page section on multidrop mode.
+localhelp = {
+ 'title' : 'Local name help',
+ 'banner': 'Local names',
+ 'text' : """
+The local name(s) in a user entry are the
+people on the client machine who should
+receive mail from the poll described.
+Note: if a user entry has more than one
+local name, messages will be retrieved
+in multidrop mode. This complicates
+the configuration issues; see the manual
+page section on multidrop mode.
+class UserEdit(Frame):
+ def __init__(self, user, userlist, master=None):
+ Frame.__init__(self, master)
+ Pack.config(self)
+ self.master.title('Fetchmail user ' + user);
+ self.master.iconname('Fetchmail user ' + user);
+ self.user = User()
+ self.user.remote = user
+ self.user.localnames = [user]
+ self.userlist = userlist
+ self.post()
+ self.createWidgets()
+# self.grab_set()
+# self.focus_set()
+# self.wait_window()
+ def post(self):
+ # we can't abstract this away, execs would happen in the wrong scope
+ for x in self.user.typemap:
+ target = "self." + x[0]
+ source = "self.user." + x[0]
+ if x[1] == 'Boolean':
+ exec target + " = BooleanVar(self)"
+ if eval(source):
+ exec target + ".set(" + source + ")"
+ elif x[1] == 'String':
+ exec target + " = StringVar(self)"
+ if eval(source):
+ exec target + ".set(" + source + ")"
+ elif x[1] == 'Int':
+ exec target + " = IntVar(self)"
+ if eval(source):
+ exec target + ".set(" + source + ")"
+ def gather(self):
+ for x in self.user.typemap:
+ setattr(self.user, x[0], getattr(self, x[0]).get())
+ def nosave(self):
+ if ConfirmQuit(self, 'user option editing'):
+ Widget.destroy(self.master)
+ def save(self):
+ self.gather()
+ self.userlist.append(self.user)
+ Widget.destroy(self.master)
+ def createWidgets(self):
+ topwin = Frame(self, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
+ Label(topwin,
+ text="User options for " + self.user.remote).pack(side=TOP,pady=10)
+ Button(topwin, text='Save', fg='blue',
+ command=self.save).pack(side=LEFT)
+ Button(topwin, text='Quit', fg='blue',
+ command=self.nosave).pack(side=LEFT)
+ Button(topwin, text='Help', fg='blue',
+ command=lambda: helpwin(userhelp)).pack(side=RIGHT)
+ topwin.pack(fill=X)
+ leftwin = Frame(self);
+ secwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
+ Label(secwin, text="Authentication").pack(side=TOP)
+ LabeledEntry(secwin, 'Password:',
+ self.password, '12').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ LabeledEntry(secwin, 'Folder(s):',
+ self.folder, '12').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ secwin.pack(fill=X, anchor=N)
+ names = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
+ Label(names, text="Local names").pack(side=TOP)
+ ListEdit("New name: ", self.user.localnames, None, names, localhelp)
+ names.pack(fill=X, anchor=N)
+ targwin = Frame(leftwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
+ Label(targwin, text="Forwarding Options").pack(side=TOP)
+ LabeledEntry(targwin, 'System to forward to:',
+ self.smtphost, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Connection setup command:',
+ self.preconnect, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Connection wrapup command:',
+ self.postconnect, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ LabeledEntry(targwin, 'Local delivery agent:',
+ self.mda, '26').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ targwin.pack(fill=X, anchor=N)
+ leftwin.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, anchor=N)
+ rightwin = Frame(self)
+ optwin = Frame(rightwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
+ Label(optwin, text="Processing Options").pack(side=TOP)
+ Checkbutton(optwin, text="Suppress deletion of messages after reading",
+ variable=self.keep).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
+ Checkbutton(optwin, text="Flush seen messages before retrieval",
+ variable=self.flush).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
+ Checkbutton(optwin, text="Fetch old messages as well as new",
+ variable=self.fetchall).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
+ Checkbutton(optwin, text="Rewrite To/Cc/Bcc messages to enable reply",
+ variable=self.rewrite).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
+ Checkbutton(optwin, text="Force CR/LF at end of each line",
+ variable=self.forcecr).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
+ Checkbutton(optwin, text="Strip CR from end of eacgh line",
+ variable=self.stripcr).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
+ Checkbutton(optwin, text="Pass 8 bits even theough SMTP says 7BIT",
+ variable=self.pass8bits).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
+ Checkbutton(optwin, text="Drop Status lines from forwarded messages",
+ variable=self.dropstatus).pack(side=TOP, anchor=W)
+ optwin.pack(fill=X)
+ limwin = Frame(rightwin, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
+ Label(limwin, text="Resource Limits").pack(side=TOP)
+ LabeledEntry(limwin, 'Message size limit:',
+ self.limit, '30').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ LabeledEntry(limwin, 'Max messages to fetch per poll:',
+ self.fetchlimit, '30').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ LabeledEntry(limwin, 'Max messages to forward per poll:',
+ self.batchlimit, '30').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ LabeledEntry(limwin, 'Interval between expunges (IMAP):',
+ self.expunge, '30').pack(side=TOP, fill=X)
+ limwin.pack(fill=X)
+ rightwin.pack(side=LEFT)
+# Configure drives the configuration dialogue. It may call multiple
+# instances of ServerEdit to do its job.
+class Configure(Frame, ControlEdit):
+ def __init__(self, master=None):
+ Frame.__init__(self, master)
+ self.master.title('fetchmail configurator');
+ self.master.iconname('fetchmail configurator');
+ Pack.config(self)
+ self.MakeDispose()
+ self.controls = Controls()
+ self.PostControls()
+ self.MakeSitelist(master)
+ self.sites = []
+ def MakeDispose(self):
+ # Set the disposal of the given configuration
+ dispose = Frame(self, relief=RAISED, bd=5);
+ Label(dispose,
+ text='Configurator Controls',
+ bd=2).pack(side=TOP, pady=10)
+ Button(dispose, text='Save', fg='blue',
+ command=self.save).pack(side=LEFT)
+ Button(dispose, text='Quit', fg='blue',
+ command=self.nosave).pack(side=LEFT)
+ Button(dispose, text='Help', fg='blue',
+ command=lambda: helpwin(confighelp)).pack(side=RIGHT)
+ dispose.pack(side=TOP, fill=X);
+ def MakeSitelist(self, master):
+ lf = Frame(master, relief=RAISED, bd=5)
+ Label(lf,
+ text='Remote Mail Server Configurations',
+ bd=2).pack(side=TOP, pady=10)
+ ListEdit('New Server:', None, self.editsite, lf, remotehelp)
+ lf.pack(fill=X)
+ def editsite(self, site):
+ ServerEdit(site, self.sites, Toplevel())
+ def save(self):
+ self.GatherControls()
+ sys.stdout.write("# Configuration created %s\n" % time.ctime(time.time()))
+ sys.stdout.write(`self.controls`)
+ for site in self.sites:
+ sys.stdout.write(`site`)
+ for user in self.sites.userlist:
+ sys.stdout.write(`user`)
+ self.quit()
+ def nosave(self):
+ if ConfirmQuit(self, "configuration editor"):
+ self.quit()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ ServerDefaults = Server()
+ UserDefaults = User()
+ Configure().mainloop()
+# The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS
+# Local Variables:
+# mode:python
+# End: