BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterChange secure_open for a more secure functionVG7 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2017-11-06Change secure_open for a more secure functionHEADmasterVG1-19/+18
2016-12-09fix variable nameVG1-1/+1
2016-12-09simplify write mode detection and replaceVG1-3/+1
2016-12-09Revert to using append as it provides better securityCédric Picard1-2/+8
2016-12-09fix first and empty use caseVG1-2/+6
2016-12-09use write to be able to create the file when non-existantVG1-8/+2
2016-12-09securise file creation rights with umaskVG1-0/+1
2016-12-09be more clear about symlink errorVG1-0/+2
2016-12-09add license and readmeVG2-0/+67
2016-12-09fix naming conventionVG1-0/+63