#!python3 ''' Parameters of model, modify this file to suit your needs ''' class colors: metal = [0x8C/255., 0x92/255., 0xAC/255.] motherboard = [0, 0.5, 0.2] wood = [245/255., 152/255., 83/255.] psu = [0x25/255., 0x25/255., 0x25/255.] external_size = [370, 270, 180] connector_panel_size = [158.75, 2, 45] motherboard_size = [243.84, 225.84, 20] motherboard_support_size = [500, 250, 0.75] motherboard_datum = [motherboard_size[0] - 243.84 + 34.29, motherboard_size[1] - 10.16] motherboard_support_mount_height = 5 powersupply_size = [150, 150, 80] powersupply_offset_up = 5 + motherboard_support_size[2] storage_size = [70, 80, 10] wood_thickness = 16 button_diameter = 20