#!/usr/bin/env python import sys def check_python_version(): """Abort if we are running on python < v2.0""" too_old_error = "This program requires python v2.0 or greater." try: version = sys.version_info # we might not even have this function! :) if (version[0] < 2): print too_old_error sys.exit(1) except AttributeError: print too_old_error sys.exit(1) check_python_version() # define & run this early because 'distutils.core' is new from distutils.core import setup setup(name="archivemail", version="0.3.0", description="archive and compress old email", platforms="POSIX", license="GNU GPL", url="http://archivemail.sourceforge.net/", author="Paul Rodger", author_email="paul@paulrodger.com", scripts=["archivemail"], )