#! /usr/bin/env python ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2002 Paul Rodger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ############################################################################ """ Archive and compress old mail in mbox or maildir-format mailboxes. Website: http://archivemail.sourceforge.net/ """ import sys def check_python_version(): """Abort if we are running on python < v2.0""" too_old_error = "This program requires python v2.0 or greater." try: version = sys.version_info # we might not even have this function! :) if (version[0] < 2): print too_old_error sys.exit(1) except AttributeError: print too_old_error sys.exit(1) check_python_version() # define & run this early because 'atexit' is new import atexit import fcntl import getopt import mailbox import os import re import rfc822 import signal import stat import string import tempfile import time # global administrivia __version__ = "archivemail v0.2.0" __cvs_id__ = "$Id$" __copyright__ = """Copyright (C) 2002 Paul Rodger This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.""" _stale = None # list of files to delete on abnormal exit ############## class definitions ############### class Stats: """Class to collect and print statistics about mailbox archival""" __archived = 0 __mailbox_name = None __archive_name = None __start_time = 0 __total = 0 def __init__(self, mailbox_name, final_archive_name): """Constructor for a new set of statistics. Arguments: mailbox_name -- filename/dirname of the original mailbox final_archive_name -- filename for the final 'mbox' archive, without compression extension (eg .gz) """ assert(mailbox_name) assert(final_archive_name) self.__start_time = time.time() self.__mailbox_name = mailbox_name self.__archive_name = final_archive_name + _options.compressor_extension def another_message(self): """Add one to the internal count of total messages processed""" self.__total = self.__total + 1 def another_archived(self): """Add one to the internal count of messages archived""" self.__archived = self.__archived + 1 def display(self): """Print statistics about how many messages were archived""" end_time = time.time() time_seconds = end_time - self.__start_time action = "archived" if _options.delete_old_mail: action = "deleted" if _options.dry_run: action = "I would have " + action print "%s: %s %d of %d message(s) in %.1f seconds" % \ (self.__mailbox_name, action, self.__archived, self.__total, time_seconds) class StaleFiles: """Class to keep track of files to be deleted on abnormal exit""" archive = None # tempfile for messages to be archived compressed_archive = None # compressed version of the above procmail_lock = None # original_mailbox.lock retain = None # tempfile for messages to be retained def clean(self): """Delete any temporary files or lockfiles that exist""" if self.procmail_lock: vprint("removing stale procmail lock '%s'" % self.procmail_lock) try: os.remove(self.procmail_lock) except (IOError, OSError): pass if self.retain: vprint("removing stale retain file '%s'" % self.retain) try: os.remove(self.retain) except (IOError, OSError): pass if self.archive: vprint("removing stale archive file '%s'" % self.archive) try: os.remove(self.archive) except (IOError, OSError): pass if self.compressed_archive: vprint("removing stale compressed archive file '%s'" % self.compressed_archive) try: os.remove(self.compressed_archive) except (IOError, OSError): pass class Options: """Class to store runtime options, including defaults""" archive_suffix = "_archive" compressor = None compressor_extension = None days_old_max = 180 delete_old_mail = 0 dry_run = 0 lockfile_attempts = 5 lockfile_extension = ".lock" lockfile_sleep = 1 output_dir = None quiet = 0 script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) verbose = 0 warn_duplicates = 0 def parse_args(self, args, usage): """Set our runtime options from the command-line arguments. Arguments: args -- this is sys.argv[1:] usage -- a usage message to display on '--help' or bad arguments Returns the remaining command-line arguments that have not yet been parsed as a string. """ try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, '?IVZd:hno:qs:vz', ["bzip2", "compress", "days=", "delete", "dry-run", "gzip", "help", "output-dir=", "quiet", "suffix", "verbose", "version", "warn-duplicate"]) except getopt.error, msg: user_error(msg) for o, a in opts: if o == '--delete': self.delete_old_mail = 1 if o == '--warn-duplicate': self.warn_duplicates = 1 if o in ('-n', '--dry-run'): self.dry_run = 1 if o in ('-d', '--days'): self.days_old_max = string.atoi(a) if o in ('-o', '--output-dir'): self.output_dir = a if o in ('-h', '-?', '--help'): print usage sys.exit(0) if o in ('-q', '--quiet'): self.quiet = 1 if o in ('-v', '--verbose'): self.verbose = 1 if o in ('-s', '--suffix'): self.archive_suffix = a if o in ('-V', '--version'): print __version__ + "\n\n" + __copyright__ sys.exit(0) if o in ('-z', '--gzip'): if (self.compressor): user_error("conflicting compression options") self.compressor = "gzip" if o in ('-Z', '--compress'): if (self.compressor): user_error("conflicting compression options") self.compressor = "compress" if o in ('-I', '--bzip2'): if (self.compressor): user_error("conflicting compression options") self.compressor = "bzip2" if not self.compressor: self.compressor = "gzip" extensions = { "compress" : ".Z", "gzip" : ".gz", "bzip2" : ".bz2", } self.compressor_extension = extensions[self.compressor] return args def sanity_check(self): """Complain bitterly about our options now rather than later""" if self.output_dir: if not os.path.isdir(self.output_dir): user_error("output directory does not exist: '%s'" % \ self.output_dir) if not os.access(self.output_dir, os.W_OK): user_error("no write permission on output directory: '%s'" % \ self.output_dir) if is_world_writable(self.output_dir): unexpected_error(("output directory is world-writable: " + \ "%s -- I feel nervous!") % self.output_dir) if (self.days_old_max < 1): user_error("argument to -d must be greater than zero") if (self.days_old_max >= 10000): user_error("argument to -d must be less than 10000") class Mbox(mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox): """Class that allows read/write access to a 'mbox' mailbox. Subclasses the mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox class. """ mbox_file = None # file handle for the mbox file def __init__(self, path_name): """Constructor for opening an existing 'mbox' mailbox. Extends constructor for mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox() Arguments: path_name -- file name of the 'mbox' file to be opened """ assert(path_name) try: self.mbox_file = open(path_name, "r") except IOError, msg: unexpected_error(msg) mailbox.PortableUnixMailbox.__init__(self, self.mbox_file) def write(self, msg): """Write a rfc822 message object to the 'mbox' mailbox. If the rfc822 has no Unix 'From_' line, then one is constructed from other headers in the message. Arguments: msg -- rfc822 message object to be written """ assert(msg) vprint("saving message to file '%s'" % self.mbox_file.name) unix_from = msg.unixfrom if not unix_from: unix_from = make_mbox_from(msg) self.mbox_file.write(unix_from) assert(msg.headers) self.mbox_file.writelines(msg.headers) self.mbox_file.write(os.linesep) # The following while loop is about twice as fast in # practice to 'self.mbox_file.writelines(msg.fp.readlines())' while 1: body = msg.fp.read(8192) if not body: break self.mbox_file.write(body) def remove(self): """Close and delete the 'mbox' mailbox file""" file_name = self.mbox_file.name self.close() vprint("removing file '%s'" % self.mbox_file.name) os.remove(file_name) def is_empty(self): """Return true if the 'mbox' file is empty, false otherwise""" return (os.path.getsize(self.mbox_file.name) == 0) def close(self): """Close the mbox file""" if not self.mbox_file.closed: vprint("closing file '%s'" % self.mbox_file.name) self.mbox_file.close() def exclusive_lock(self): """Set an advisory lock on the 'mbox' mailbox""" vprint("obtaining exclusive lock on file '%s'" % self.mbox_file.name) fcntl.flock(self.mbox_file, fcntl.LOCK_EX) def exclusive_unlock(self): """Unset any advisory lock on the 'mbox' mailbox""" vprint("dropping exclusive lock on file '%s'" % self.mbox_file.name) fcntl.flock(self.mbox_file, fcntl.LOCK_UN) def procmail_lock(self): """Create a procmail lockfile on the 'mbox' mailbox""" lock_name = self.mbox_file.name + _options.lockfile_extension attempt = 0 while os.path.isfile(lock_name): vprint("lockfile '%s' exists - sleeping..." % lock_name) time.sleep(_options.lockfile_sleep) attempt = attempt + 1 if (attempt >= _options.lockfile_attempts): unexpected_error("Giving up waiting for procmail lock '%s'" % lock_name) vprint("writing lockfile '%s'" % lock_name) lock = open(lock_name, "w") _stale.procmail_lock = lock_name lock.close() def procmail_unlock(self): """Delete the procmail lockfile on the 'mbox' mailbox""" assert(self.mbox_file.name) lock_name = self.mbox_file.name + _options.lockfile_extension vprint("removing lockfile '%s'" % lock_name) os.remove(lock_name) _stale.procmail_lock = None def leave_empty(self): """Replace the 'mbox' mailbox with a zero-length file. This should be the same as 'cp /dev/null mailbox'. This will leave a zero-length mailbox file so that mail reading programs don't get upset that the mailbox has been completely deleted.""" assert(os.path.isfile(self.mbox_file.name)) vprint("turning '%s' into a zero-length file" % self.mbox_file.name) atime = os.path.getatime(self.mbox_file.name) mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.mbox_file.name) blank_file = open(self.mbox_file.name, "w") blank_file.close() os.utime(self.mbox_file.name, (atime, mtime)) # to original timestamps class RetainMbox(Mbox): """Class for holding messages that will be retained from the original mailbox (ie. the messages are not considered 'old'). Extends the 'Mbox' class. This 'mbox' file starts off as a temporary file but will eventually overwrite the original mailbox if everything is OK. """ __final_name = None def __init__(self, final_name): """Constructor - create a temporary file for the mailbox. Arguments: final_name -- the name of the original mailbox that this mailbox will replace when we call finalise() """ assert(final_name) temp_name = tempfile.mktemp("archivemail_retain") self.mbox_file = open(temp_name, "w") _stale.retain = temp_name vprint("opened temporary retain file '%s'" % self.mbox_file.name) self.__final_name = final_name def finalise(self): """Overwrite the original mailbox with this temporary mailbox.""" assert(self.__final_name) self.close() atime = os.path.getatime(self.__final_name) mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.__final_name) vprint("renaming '%s' to '%s'" % (self.mbox_file.name, self.__final_name)) os.rename(self.mbox_file.name, self.__final_name) os.utime(self.__final_name, (atime, mtime)) # reset to original timestamps _stale.retain = None def remove(self): """Delete this temporary mailbox. Overrides Mbox.remove()""" Mbox.remove(self) _stale.retain = None class ArchiveMbox(Mbox): """Class for holding messages that will be archived from the original mailbox (ie. the messages that are considered 'old'). Extends the 'Mbox' class. This 'mbox' file starts off as a temporary file, extracted from any pre-existing archive. It will eventually overwrite the original archive mailbox if everything is OK. """ __final_name = None def __init__(self, final_name): """Constructor -- extract any pre-existing compressed archive to a temporary file which we use as the new 'mbox' archive for this mailbox. Arguments: final_name -- the final name for this archive mailbox. This function will check to see if the filename already exists, and extract it to a temporary file if it does. It will also rename itself to this name when we call finalise() """ assert(final_name) compressor = _options.compressor compressedfilename = final_name + _options.compressor_extension if os.path.isfile(final_name): unexpected_error("""There is already a file named '%s'! Have you been reading this archive? You probably should re-compress it manually, and try running me again.""" % final_name) temp_name = tempfile.mktemp("archivemail_archive") if os.path.isfile(compressedfilename): vprint("file already exists that is named: %s" % compressedfilename) uncompress = "%s -d -c %s > %s" % (compressor, compressedfilename, temp_name) vprint("running uncompressor: %s" % uncompress) _stale.archive = temp_name system_or_die(uncompress) _stale.archive = temp_name self.mbox_file = open(temp_name, "a") self.__final_name = final_name def finalise(self): """Compress the archive and rename this archive temporary file to the final archive filename, overwriting any pre-existing archive if it exists. """ assert(self.__final_name) self.close() compressor = _options.compressor compressed_archive_name = self.mbox_file.name + \ _options.compressor_extension compress = compressor + " " + self.mbox_file.name vprint("running compressor: '%s'" % compress) _stale.compressed_archive = compressed_archive_name system_or_die(compress) _stale.archive = None compressed_final_name = self.__final_name + _options.compressor_extension vprint("renaming '%s' to '%s'" % (compressed_archive_name, compressed_final_name)) os.rename(compressed_archive_name, compressed_final_name) _stale.compressed_archive = None class IdentityCache: seen_ids = {} mailbox_name = None def __init__(self, mailbox_name): assert(mailbox_name) self.mailbox_name = mailbox_name def warn_if_dupe(self, msg): assert(msg) message_id = msg.get('Message-ID') assert(message_id) if self.seen_ids.has_key(message_id): user_warning("duplicate message id: '%s' in mailbox '%s'" % (message_id, self.mailbox_name)) self.seen_ids[message_id] = 1 # global class instances _options = Options() # the run-time options object def main(args = sys.argv[1:]): global _stale usage = """Usage: %s [options] mailbox [mailbox...] Moves old mail messages in mbox or maildir-format mailboxes to compressed 'mbox' mailbox archives. This is useful for saving space and keeping your mailbox manageable. Options are as follows: -d, --days= archive messages older than days (default: %d) -o, --output-dir=DIR directory where archive files go (default: current) -s, --suffix=NAME suffix for archive filename (default: '%s') -n, --dry-run don't write to anything - just show what would be done -z, --gzip compress the archive(s) using gzip (default) -I, --bzip2 compress the archive(s) using bzip2 -Z, --compress compress the archive(s) using compress --delete delete rather than archive old mail (use with caution!) --warn-duplicate warn about duplicate Message-IDs in the same mailbox -v, --verbose report lots of extra debugging information -q, --quiet quiet mode - print no statistics (suitable for crontab) -V, --version display version information -h, --help display this message Example: %s linux-devel This will move all messages older than %s days to a 'mbox' mailbox called 'linux-devel_archive.gz', deleting them from the original 'linux-devel' mailbox. If the 'linux-devel_archive.gz' mailbox already exists, the newly archived messages are appended. Website: http://archivemail.sourceforge.net/ """ % \ (_options.script_name, _options.days_old_max, _options.archive_suffix, _options.script_name, _options.days_old_max) args = _options.parse_args(args, usage) if len(args) == 0: print usage sys.exit(1) _options.sanity_check() os.umask(077) # saves setting permissions on mailboxes/tempfiles # Make sure we clean up nicely - we don't want to leave stale procmail # lockfiles about if something bad happens to us. This is quite # important, even though procmail will delete stale files after a while. _stale = StaleFiles() # remember what we have to delete atexit.register(clean_up) # delete stale files on exceptions/normal exit signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, clean_up_signal) # signal 1 # SIGINT (signal 2) is handled as a python exception signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, clean_up_signal) # signal 3 signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, clean_up_signal) # signal 15 for mailbox_path in args: archive(mailbox_path) ######## errors and debug ########## def vprint(string): """Print the string argument if we are in verbose mode""" if _options.verbose: print string def unexpected_error(string): """Print the string argument, a 'shutting down' message and abort - this function never returns""" sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (_options.script_name, string)) sys.stderr.write("%s: unexpected error encountered - shutting down\n" % _options.script_name) sys.exit(1) def user_error(string): """Print the string argument and abort - this function never returns""" sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (_options.script_name, string)) sys.exit(1) def user_warning(string): """Print the string argument""" sys.stderr.write("%s: Warning - %s\n" % (_options.script_name, string)) ########### operations on a message ############ def make_mbox_from(message): """Return a string suitable for use as a 'From_' mbox header for the message. Arguments: message -- the rfc822 message object """ assert(message) address_header = message.get('Return-path') if not address_header: vprint("make_mbox_from: no Return-path -- using 'From:' instead!") address_header = message.get('From') (name, address) = rfc822.parseaddr(address_header) time_message = guess_delivery_time(message) assert(time_message) gm_date = time.gmtime(time_message) assert(gm_date) date_string = time.asctime(gm_date) mbox_from = "From %s %s\n" % (address, date_string) return mbox_from def guess_delivery_time(message): """Return a guess at the delivery date of an rfc822 message""" assert(message) # try to guess the delivery date from various headers # get more desparate as we go through the array for header in ('Delivery-date', 'Date', 'Resent-Date'): date = message.getdate(header) if date: try: time_message = time.mktime(date) assert(time_message, 'time.mktime() returned false') vprint("using valid time found from '%s' header" % header) return time_message except (ValueError, OverflowError): pass # as a second-last resort, try the date from the 'From_' line (ugly) # this will only work from a mbox-format mailbox if (message.unixfrom): header = re.sub("From \S+", "", message.unixfrom) header = string.strip(header) date = rfc822.parsedate(header) if date: try: time_message = time.mktime(date) assert(time_message, 'time.mktime() returned false') vprint("using valid time found from unix 'From_' header") return time_message except (ValueError, OverflowError): pass # the headers have no valid dates -- last resort, try the file timestamp # this will not work for mbox mailboxes try: file_name = message.fp.name except AttributeError: # we are looking at a 'mbox' mailbox - argh! # Just return the current time - this will never get archived :( vprint("no valid times found at all -- using current time!") return time.time() if not os.path.isfile(file_name): unexpected_error("mailbox file name '%s' has gone missing" % \ file_name) time_message = os.path.getmtime(message.fp.name) vprint("using valid time found from '%s' last-modification time" % \ file_name) return time_message def is_too_old(time_message): """Return true if a message is too old (and should be archived), false otherwise. Arguments: time_message -- the delivery date of the message measured in seconds since the epoch """ assert(time_message) time_now = time.time() if time_message > time_now: vprint("warning: message has date in the future") return 0 secs_old_max = (_options.days_old_max * 24 * 60 * 60) days_old = (time_now - time_message) / 24 / 60 / 60 vprint("message is %.2f days old" % days_old) if ((time_message + secs_old_max) < time_now): return 1 return 0 ############### mailbox operations ############### def archive(mailbox_name): """Archives a mailbox. Arguments: mailbox_name -- the filename/dirname of the mailbox to be archived final_archive_name -- the filename of the 'mbox' mailbox to archive old messages to - appending if the archive already exists """ assert(mailbox_name) final_archive_name = mailbox_name + _options.archive_suffix if _options.output_dir: final_archive_name = os.path.join(_options.output_dir, os.path.basename(final_archive_name)) vprint("archiving '%s' to '%s' ..." % (mailbox_name, final_archive_name)) tempfile.tempdir = choose_temp_dir(mailbox_name) assert(tempfile.tempdir) vprint("set tempfile directory to '%s'" % tempfile.tempdir) # check to see if we are running as root -- if so, change our effective # userid and groupid to that of the original mailbox if (os.getuid() == 0) and os.path.exists(mailbox_name): mailbox_user = os.stat(mailbox_name)[stat.ST_UID] mailbox_group = os.stat(mailbox_name)[stat.ST_GID] vprint("changing effective group id to: %d" % mailbox_group) os.setegid(mailbox_group) vprint("changing effective user id to: %d" % mailbox_user) os.seteuid(mailbox_user) if os.path.islink(mailbox_name): unexpected_error("'%s' is a symbolic link -- I feel nervous!" % mailbox_name) elif os.path.isfile(mailbox_name): vprint("guessing mailbox is of type: mbox") _archive_mbox(mailbox_name, final_archive_name) elif os.path.isdir(mailbox_name): cur_path = os.path.join(mailbox_name, "cur") new_path = os.path.join(mailbox_name, "new") if os.path.isdir(cur_path) and os.path.isdir(new_path): vprint("guessing mailbox is of type: maildir") _archive_dir(mailbox_name, final_archive_name, "maildir") else: vprint("guessing mailbox is of type: MH") _archive_dir(mailbox_name, final_archive_name, "mh") else: user_error("'%s': no such file or directory" % mailbox_name) # if we are running as root, revert the seteuid()/setegid() above if (os.getuid() == 0): vprint("changing effective groupid and userid back to root") os.setegid(0) os.seteuid(0) def _archive_mbox(mailbox_name, final_archive_name): """Archive a 'mbox' style mailbox - used by archive_mailbox() Arguments: mailbox_name -- the filename/dirname of the mailbox to be archived final_archive_name -- the filename of the 'mbox' mailbox to archive old messages to - appending if the archive already exists """ assert(mailbox_name) assert(final_archive_name) archive = None retain = None stats = Stats(mailbox_name, final_archive_name) original = Mbox(mailbox_name) cache = IdentityCache(mailbox_name) original.procmail_lock() original.exclusive_lock() msg = original.next() while (msg): stats.another_message() vprint("processing message '%s'" % msg.get('Message-ID')) if _options.warn_duplicates: cache.warn_if_dupe(msg) time_message = guess_delivery_time(msg) if is_too_old(time_message): stats.another_archived() if _options.delete_old_mail: vprint("decision: delete message") else: vprint("decision: archive message") if not _options.dry_run: if (not archive): archive = ArchiveMbox(final_archive_name) archive.write(msg) else: vprint("decision: retain message") if not _options.dry_run: if (not retain): retain = RetainMbox(mailbox_name) retain.write(msg) msg = original.next() vprint("finished reading messages") original.exclusive_unlock() original.close() if not _options.dry_run: if retain: retain.close() if archive: archive.close() if _options.delete_old_mail: # we will never have an archive file if retain: retain.finalise(mailbox_name) else: # nothing was retained - everything was deleted original.leave_empty() elif archive: archive.finalise() if retain: retain.finalise() else: # nothing was retained - everything was deleted original.leave_empty() else: # There was nothing to archive if retain: # retain will be the same as original mailbox retain.remove() original.procmail_unlock() if not _options.quiet: stats.display() def _archive_dir(mailbox_name, final_archive_name, type): """Archive a 'maildir' or 'MH' style mailbox - used by archive_mailbox()""" assert(mailbox_name) assert(final_archive_name) assert(type) original = None archive = None stats = Stats(mailbox_name, final_archive_name) delete_queue = [] if type == "maildir": original = mailbox.Maildir(mailbox_name) elif type == "mh": original = mailbox.MHMailbox(mailbox_name) else: unexpected_error("unknown type: %s" % type) assert(original) cache = IdentityCache(mailbox_name) msg = original.next() while (msg): stats.another_message() vprint("processing message '%s'" % msg.get('Message-ID')) if _options.warn_duplicates: cache.warn_if_dupe(msg) time_message = guess_delivery_time(msg) if is_too_old(time_message): stats.another_archived() if _options.delete_old_mail: vprint("decision: delete message") else: vprint("decision: archive message") if not _options.dry_run: if (not archive): archive = ArchiveMbox(final_archive_name) archive.write(msg) if not _options.dry_run: delete_queue.append(msg.fp.name) else: vprint("decision: retain message") msg = original.next() vprint("finished reading messages") if not _options.dry_run: if archive: archive.close() archive.finalise() for file_name in delete_queue: if os.path.isfile(file_name): vprint("removing original message: '%s'" % file_name) os.remove(file_name) if not _options.quiet: stats.display() ############### misc functions ############### def choose_temp_dir(mailbox_name): """Return a suitable temporary directory to use for a given mailbox name""" assert(mailbox_name) mailbox_dirname = os.path.dirname(mailbox_name) temp_dir = None if _options.output_dir: temp_dir = _options.output_dir elif mailbox_dirname: temp_dir = mailbox_dirname else: temp_dir = os.curdir assert(temp_dir) if is_world_writable(temp_dir): unexpected_error(("temporary directory is world-writable: " + \ "%s -- I feel nervous!") % temp_dir) if not os.access(temp_dir, os.W_OK): user_error("no write permission on temporary directory: '%s'" % \ temp_dir) return temp_dir def clean_up(): """Delete stale files -- to be registered with atexit.register()""" vprint("cleaning up ...") _stale.clean() def clean_up_signal(signal_number, stack_frame): """Delete stale files -- to be registered as a signal handler. Arguments: signal_number -- signal number of the terminating signal stack_frame -- the current stack frame """ # this will run the above clean_up(), since unexpected_error() # will abort with sys.exit() and clean_up will be registered # at this stage unexpected_error("received signal %s" % signal_number) def is_world_writable(path): """Return true if the path is world-writable, false otherwise""" assert(path) return (os.stat(path)[stat.ST_MODE] & stat.S_IWOTH) def system_or_die(command): """Run the command with os.system(), aborting on non-zero exit""" assert(command) rv = os.system(command) if (rv != 0): status = os.WEXITSTATUS(rv) unexpected_error("command '%s' returned status %d" % (command, status)) # this is where it all happens, folks if __name__ == '__main__': main()