#! /usr/bin/env python ############################################################################ # Copyright (C) 2002 Paul Rodger , # (C) 2006 Peter Poeml , # (C) 2006-2008 Nikolaus Schulz # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ############################################################################ """ Archive and compress old mail in mbox, MH or maildir-format mailboxes. Website: http://archivemail.sourceforge.net/ """ # global administrivia __version__ = "archivemail v0.7.2" __copyright__ = """\ Copyright (C) 2002 Paul Rodger (C) 2006 Peter Poeml , (C) 2006-2008 Nikolaus Schulz This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.""" import sys def check_python_version(): """Abort if we are running on python < v2.3""" too_old_error = "This program requires python v2.3 or greater. " + \ "Your version of python is:\n%s""" % sys.version try: version = sys.version_info # we might not even have this function! :) if (version[0] < 2) or (version[0] == 2 and version[1] < 3): print too_old_error sys.exit(1) except AttributeError: print too_old_error sys.exit(1) # define & run this early # (IMAP over SSL requires Python >= 2.3) check_python_version() import fcntl import getopt import gzip import mailbox import os import pwd import re import rfc822 import shutil import signal import stat import string import tempfile import time import urlparse import errno # From_ mangling regex. from_re = re.compile(r'^From ', re.MULTILINE) imapsize_re = re.compile(r'^(?P[0-9]+) \(RFC822\.SIZE (?P[0-9]+)\)') ############## class definitions ############### class ArchivemailException(Exception): pass class UserError(ArchivemailException): pass class UnexpectedError(ArchivemailException): pass class Stats: """Class to collect and print statistics about mailbox archival""" __archived = 0 __archived_size = 0 __mailbox_name = None __archive_name = None __start_time = 0 __total = 0 __total_size = 0 def __init__(self, mailbox_name, final_archive_name): """Constructor for a new set of statistics. Arguments: mailbox_name -- filename/dirname of the original mailbox final_archive_name -- filename for the final 'mbox' archive, without compression extension (eg .gz) """ assert(mailbox_name) assert(final_archive_name) self.__start_time = time.time() self.__mailbox_name = mailbox_name self.__archive_name = final_archive_name + ".gz" def another_message(self, size): """Add one to the internal count of total messages processed and record message size.""" self.__total = self.__total + 1 self.__total_size = self.__total_size + size def another_archived(self, size): """Add one to the internal count of messages archived and record message size.""" self.__archived = self.__archived + 1 self.__archived_size = self.__archived_size + size def display(self): """Print statistics about how many messages were archived""" end_time = time.time() time_seconds = end_time - self.__start_time action = "archived" if options.delete_old_mail: action = "deleted" if options.dry_run: action = "I would have " + action print "%s:\n %s %d of %d message(s) (%s of %s) in %.1f seconds" % \ (self.__mailbox_name, action, self.__archived, self.__total, nice_size_str(self.__archived_size), nice_size_str(self.__total_size), time_seconds) class StaleFiles: """Class to keep track of files to be deleted on abnormal exit""" archive = None # tempfile for messages to be archived procmail_lock = None # original_mailbox.lock retain = None # tempfile for messages to be retained temp_dir = None # our tempfile directory container def clean(self): """Delete any temporary files or lockfiles that exist""" if self.procmail_lock: vprint("removing stale procmail lock '%s'" % self.procmail_lock) try: os.remove(self.procmail_lock) self.procmail_lock = None except (IOError, OSError): pass if self.retain: vprint("removing stale retain file '%s'" % self.retain) try: os.remove(self.retain) self.retain = None except (IOError, OSError): pass if self.archive: vprint("removing stale archive file '%s'" % self.archive) try: os.remove(self.archive) self.archive = None except (IOError, OSError): pass if self.temp_dir: vprint("removing stale tempfile directory '%s'" % self.temp_dir) try: os.rmdir(self.temp_dir) self.temp_dir = None except (IOError, OSError): pass class Options: """Class to store runtime options, including defaults""" archive_suffix = "_archive" days_old_max = 180 date_old_max = None delete_old_mail = 0 dry_run = 0 filter_append = None include_flagged = 0 lockfile_attempts = 5 lockfile_extension = ".lock" lockfile_sleep = 1 no_compress = 0 only_archive_read = 0 output_dir = None pwfile = None preserve_unread = 0 mangle_from = 1 quiet = 0 read_buffer_size = 8192 script_name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) min_size = None verbose = 0 debug_imap = 0 warn_duplicates = 0 copy_old_mail = 0 archive_all = 0 def parse_args(self, args, usage): """Set our runtime options from the command-line arguments. Arguments: args -- this is sys.argv[1:] usage -- a usage message to display on '--help' or bad arguments Returns the remaining command-line arguments that have not yet been parsed as a string. """ try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, '?D:S:Vd:hno:F:P:qs:uv', ["date=", "days=", "delete", "dry-run", "help", "include-flagged", "no-compress", "output-dir=", "filter-append=", "pwfile=", "dont-mangle", "preserve-unread", "quiet", "size=", "suffix=", "verbose", "debug-imap=", "version", "warn-duplicate", "copy", "all"]) except getopt.error, msg: user_error(msg) archive_by = None for o, a in opts: if o == '--delete': if self.copy_old_mail: user_error("found conflicting options --copy and --delete") self.delete_old_mail = 1 if o == '--include-flagged': self.include_flagged = 1 if o == '--no-compress': self.no_compress = 1 if o == '--warn-duplicate': self.warn_duplicates = 1 if o in ('-D', '--date'): if archive_by: user_error("you cannot specify both -d and -D options") archive_by = "date" self.date_old_max = self.date_argument(a) if o in ('-d', '--days'): if archive_by: user_error("you cannot specify both -d and -D options") archive_by = "days" self.days_old_max = string.atoi(a) if o in ('-o', '--output-dir'): self.output_dir = os.path.expanduser(a) if o in ('-P', '--pwfile'): self.pwfile = os.path.expanduser(a) if o in ('-F', '--filter-append'): self.filter_append = a if o in ('-h', '-?', '--help'): print usage sys.exit(0) if o in ('-n', '--dry-run'): self.dry_run = 1 if o in ('-q', '--quiet'): self.quiet = 1 if o in ('-s', '--suffix'): self.archive_suffix = a if o in ('-S', '--size'): self.min_size = string.atoi(a) if o in ('-u', '--preserve-unread'): self.preserve_unread = 1 if o == '--dont-mangle': self.mangle_from = 0 if o in ('-v', '--verbose'): self.verbose = 1 if o == '--debug-imap': self.debug_imap = int(a) if o == '--copy': if self.delete_old_mail: user_error("found conflicting options --copy and --delete") self.copy_old_mail = 1 if o == '--all': self.archive_all = 1 if o in ('-V', '--version'): print __version__ + "\n\n" + __copyright__ sys.exit(0) return args def sanity_check(self): """Complain bitterly about our options now rather than later""" if self.output_dir: check_sane_destdir(self.output_dir) if self.days_old_max < 0: user_error("--days argument must be positive") if self.days_old_max >= 10000: user_error("--days argument must be less than 10000") if self.min_size is not None and self.min_size < 1: user_error("--size argument must be greater than zero") if self.quiet and self.verbose: user_error("you cannot use both the --quiet and --verbose options") if self.pwfile: if not os.path.isfile(self.pwfile): user_error("pwfile %s does not exist" % self.pwfile) def date_argument(self, string): """Converts a date argument string into seconds since the epoch""" date_formats = ( "%Y-%m-%d", # ISO format "%d %b %Y" , # Internet format "%d %B %Y" , # Internet format with full month names ) time.accept2dyear = 0 # I'm not going to support 2-digit years for format in date_formats: try: date = time.strptime(string, format) seconds = time.mktime(date) return seconds except (ValueError, OverflowError): pass user_error("cannot parse the date argument '%s'\n" "The date should be in ISO format (eg '2002-04-23'),\n" "Internet format (eg '23 Apr 2002') or\n" "Internet format with full month names (eg '23 April 2002')" % string) class Mbox(mailbox.UnixMailbox): """A mostly-read-only mbox with locking. Subclasses the mailbox.UnixMailbox class. """ def __init__(self, path): """Constructor for opening an existing 'mbox' mailbox. Extends constructor for mailbox.UnixMailbox() Named Arguments: path -- file name of the 'mbox' file to be opened """ assert(path) try: self.original_atime = os.path.getatime(path) self.original_mtime = os.path.getmtime(path) self.starting_size = os.path.getsize(path) self.mbox_file = open(path, "r+") except IOError, msg: unexpected_error(msg) self.mbox_file_name = path mailbox.UnixMailbox.__init__(self, self.mbox_file) def close(self): """Close the mbox file""" vprint("closing file '%s'" % self.mbox_file_name) self.mbox_file.close() def reset_timestamps(self): """Set the file timestamps to the original value""" assert(self.original_atime) assert(self.original_mtime) assert(self.mbox_file_name) os.utime(self.mbox_file_name, (self.original_atime, \ self.original_mtime)) def exclusive_lock(self): """Set an advisory lock on the 'mbox' mailbox""" vprint("obtaining exclusive lock on file '%s'" % self.mbox_file_name) fcntl.flock(self.mbox_file.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX) def exclusive_unlock(self): """Unset any advisory lock on the 'mbox' mailbox""" vprint("dropping exclusive lock on file '%s'" % self.mbox_file_name) fcntl.flock(self.mbox_file.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN) def procmail_lock(self): """Create a procmail lockfile on the 'mbox' mailbox""" import socket hostname = socket.gethostname() pid = os.getpid() box_dir, prelock_prefix = os.path.split(self.mbox_file_name) prelock_suffix = ".%s.%s%s" % (hostname, pid, options.lockfile_extension) plfd, prelock_name = tempfile.mkstemp(prelock_suffix, prelock_prefix, dir=box_dir) lock_name = self.mbox_file_name + options.lockfile_extension attempt = 0 try: while True: attempt = attempt + 1 try: os.link(prelock_name, lock_name) # We've got the lock. break except OSError, e: if os.fstat(plfd)[stat.ST_NLINK] == 2: # The Linux man page for open(2) claims that in this # case we have actually succeeded to create the link, # and this assumption seems to be folklore. # So we've got the lock. break if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise # Lockfile already existed, someone else has the lock. if (attempt >= options.lockfile_attempts): unexpected_error("Giving up waiting for " "procmail lock '%s'" % lock_name) vprint("lockfile '%s' exists - sleeping..." % lock_name) time.sleep(options.lockfile_sleep) finally: os.close(plfd) os.unlink(prelock_name) _stale.procmail_lock = lock_name vprint("acquired lockfile '%s'" % lock_name) def procmail_unlock(self): """Delete the procmail lockfile on the 'mbox' mailbox""" assert(self.mbox_file_name) lock_name = self.mbox_file_name + options.lockfile_extension vprint("removing lockfile '%s'" % lock_name) os.remove(lock_name) _stale.procmail_lock = None def get_size(self): """Return the current size of the mbox file""" return os.path.getsize(self.mbox_file_name) class TempMbox: """An write-only temporary mbox. No locking methods.""" def __init__(self, prefix=tempfile.template): """Creates a temporary mbox file.""" fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=prefix) self.mbox_file_name = filename self.mbox_file = os.fdopen(fd, "w") # an empty gzip file is not really empty (it contains the gzip header # and trailer), so we need to track manually if this mbox is empty self.empty = True def write(self, msg): """Write a rfc822 message object to the 'mbox' mailbox. If the rfc822 has no Unix 'From_' line, then one is constructed from other headers in the message. Arguments: msg -- rfc822 message object to be written """ assert(msg) assert(self.mbox_file) self.empty = False vprint("saving message to file '%s'" % self.mbox_file_name) unix_from = msg.unixfrom if unix_from: msg_has_mbox_format = True else: msg_has_mbox_format = False unix_from = make_mbox_from(msg) self.mbox_file.write(unix_from) assert(msg.headers) self.mbox_file.writelines(msg.headers) self.mbox_file.write(os.linesep) # The following while loop is about twice as fast in # practice to 'self.mbox_file.writelines(msg.fp.readlines())' assert(options.read_buffer_size > 0) linebuf = "" while 1: body = msg.fp.read(options.read_buffer_size) if (not msg_has_mbox_format) and options.mangle_from: # Be careful not to break pattern matching splitindex = body.rfind(os.linesep) nicebody = linebuf + body[:splitindex] linebuf = body[splitindex:] body = from_re.sub('>From ', nicebody) if not body: break self.mbox_file.write(body) if not msg_has_mbox_format: self.mbox_file.write(os.linesep) def close(self): """Close the mbox file""" vprint("closing file '%s'" % self.mbox_file_name) self.mbox_file.close() def remove(self): """Close and delete the 'mbox' mailbox file""" file_name = self.mbox_file_name self.close() vprint("removing file '%s'" % self.mbox_file_name) os.remove(file_name) class RetainMbox(TempMbox): """Class for holding messages that will be retained from the original mailbox (ie. the messages are not considered 'old'). Extends the 'Mbox' class. This 'mbox' file starts off as a temporary file but will eventually overwrite the original mailbox if everything is OK. """ def __init__(self, final_mbox_file): """Constructor - create a temporary file for the mailbox. Arguments: final_mbox_file -- file object of the original mailbox that this mailbox will replace when we call finalise() """ assert(final_mbox_file) TempMbox.__init__(self, prefix="retain") _stale.retain = self.mbox_file_name vprint("opened temporary retain file '%s'" % self.mbox_file_name) self.__final_mbox_file = final_mbox_file def finalise(self): """Overwrite the original mailbox with this temporary mailbox.""" assert(self.__final_mbox_file) new_size = self.mbox_file.tell() old_size = self.__final_mbox_file.tell() if new_size == old_size: vprint("no pending changes to mbox '%s'" % \ self.__final_mbox_file.name) else: self.close() self.mbox_file = open(self.mbox_file_name, "r") vprint("overwriting mbox '%s' with temporary mbox '%s'" % \ (self.__final_mbox_file.name, self.mbox_file_name)) self.__final_mbox_file.seek(0) shutil.copyfileobj(self.mbox_file, self.__final_mbox_file) self.__final_mbox_file.truncate() self.remove() def remove(self): """Close and delete this temporary mailbox.""" TempMbox.remove(self) _stale.retain = None class ArchiveMbox(TempMbox): """Class for holding messages that will be archived from the original mailbox (ie. the messages that are considered 'old'). Extends the 'Mbox' class. This 'mbox' file starts off as a temporary file, and will eventually be appended to the original archive mailbox if everything is OK. """ __final_name = None def __init__(self, final_name): """Constructor -- create a temporary archive. Arguments: final_name -- the final name for this archive mailbox. The temporary archive will be appended to this file when we call finalise() """ assert(final_name) if options.no_compress: TempMbox.__init__(self, prefix="archive") else: TempMbox.__init__(self, prefix="archive.gz") self.mbox_file.close() self.mbox_file = gzip.GzipFile(self.mbox_file_name, "w") _stale.archive = self.mbox_file_name self.__final_name = final_name def finalise(self): """Append the temporary archive to the final archive, and delete it afterwards.""" assert(self.__final_name) self.close() if not self.empty: self.mbox_file = open(self.mbox_file_name, "r") final_name = self.__final_name if not options.no_compress: final_name = final_name + ".gz" vprint("writing back '%s' to '%s'" % (self.mbox_file_name, final_name)) final_archive = open(final_name, "a") shutil.copyfileobj(self.mbox_file, final_archive) final_archive.close() self.remove() def remove(self): """Delete the 'mbox' mailbox file""" # Can't call TempMbox.remove here, because it would close the mbox # a second time. vprint("removing file '%s'" % self.mbox_file_name) os.remove(self.mbox_file_name) _stale.archive = None class IdentityCache: """Class used to remember Message-IDs and warn if they are seen twice""" seen_ids = {} mailbox_name = None def __init__(self, mailbox_name): """Constructor: takes the mailbox name as an argument""" assert(mailbox_name) self.mailbox_name = mailbox_name def warn_if_dupe(self, msg): """Print a warning message if the message has already appeared""" assert(msg) message_id = msg.get('Message-ID') assert(message_id) if self.seen_ids.has_key(message_id): user_warning("duplicate message id: '%s' in mailbox '%s'" % (message_id, self.mailbox_name)) self.seen_ids[message_id] = 1 # global class instances options = Options() # the run-time options object _stale = StaleFiles() # remember what we have to delete on abnormal exit def main(args = sys.argv[1:]): global _stale # this usage message is longer than 24 lines -- bad idea? usage = """Usage: %s [options] mailbox [mailbox...] Moves old mail in IMAP, mbox, MH or maildir-format mailboxes to an mbox-format mailbox compressed with gzip. Options are as follows: -d, --days=NUM archive messages older than NUM days (default: %d) -D, --date=DATE archive messages older than DATE -o, --output-dir=DIR directory to store archives (default: same as original) -P, --pwfile=FILE file to read imap password from (default: None) -F, --filter-append=STRING append arbitrary string to the IMAP filter string -s, --suffix=NAME suffix for archive filename (default: '%s') -S, --size=NUM only archive messages NUM bytes or larger -n, --dry-run don't write to anything - just show what would be done -u, --preserve-unread never archive unread messages --dont-mangle do not mangle From_ in message bodies --delete delete rather than archive old mail (use with caution!) --copy copy rather than archive old mail --include-flagged messages flagged important can also be archived --all archive all messages --no-compress do not compress archives with gzip --warn-duplicate warn about duplicate Message-IDs in the same mailbox -v, --verbose report lots of extra debugging information --debug-imap=NUM set IMAP debugging output level (0 is none) -q, --quiet quiet mode - print no statistics (suitable for crontab) -V, --version display version information -h, --help display this message Example: %s linux-kernel This will move all messages older than %s days to a 'mbox' mailbox called 'linux-kernel_archive.gz', deleting them from the original 'linux-kernel' mailbox. If the 'linux-kernel_archive.gz' mailbox already exists, the newly archived messages are appended. To archive IMAP mailboxes, format your mailbox argument like this: imap://username:password@server/mailbox (substitute 'imap' with 'imaps' for an SSL connection) Website: http://archivemail.sourceforge.net/ """ % \ (options.script_name, options.days_old_max, options.archive_suffix, options.script_name, options.days_old_max) args = options.parse_args(args, usage) if len(args) == 0: print usage sys.exit(1) options.sanity_check() for mailbox_path in args: archive(mailbox_path) ######## errors and debug ########## def vprint(string): """Print the string argument if we are in verbose mode""" if options.verbose: print string def unexpected_error(string): """Print the string argument, a 'shutting down' message and abort. Raise UnexpectedErrors if archivemail is run as a module. This function never returns.""" if not __name__ == '__main__': raise UnexpectedError(string) sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (options.script_name, string)) sys.stderr.write("%s: unexpected error encountered - shutting down\n" % options.script_name) sys.exit(1) def user_error(string): """Print the string argument and abort. Raise UserError if archivemail is run as a module. This function never returns.""" if not __name__ == '__main__': raise UserError(string) sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (options.script_name, string)) sys.exit(1) def user_warning(string): """Print the string argument""" sys.stderr.write("%s: Warning - %s\n" % (options.script_name, string)) ########### operations on a message ############ def make_mbox_from(message): """Return a string suitable for use as a 'From_' mbox header for the message. Arguments: message -- the rfc822 message object """ assert(message) address = guess_return_path(message) time_message = guess_delivery_time(message) date = time.localtime(time_message) assert(date) date_string = time.asctime(date) mbox_from = "From %s %s\n" % (address, date_string) return mbox_from def guess_return_path(message): """Return a guess at the Return Path address of an rfc822 message""" assert(message) for header in ('Return-path', 'From'): address_header = message.get(header) if address_header: (name, address) = rfc822.parseaddr(address_header) if address: return address # argh, we can't find any valid 'Return-path' guesses - just # just use the current unix username like mutt does login = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] assert(login) return login def guess_delivery_time(message): """Return a guess at the delivery date of an rfc822 message""" assert(message) # try to guess the delivery date from various headers # get more desparate as we go through the array for header in 'Delivery-date', 'Received', 'Resent-Date', 'Date': try: if header == 'Received': # This should be good enough for almost all headers in the wild; # if we're guessing wrong, parsedate_tz() will fail graciously. token = message.getrawheader(header).rsplit(';', 1)[-1] else: token = message.get(header) date = rfc822.parsedate_tz(token) if date: time_message = rfc822.mktime_tz(date) vprint("using valid time found from '%s' header" % header) return time_message except (AttributeError, IndexError, ValueError, OverflowError): pass # as a second-last resort, try the date from the 'From_' line (ugly) # this will only work from a mbox-format mailbox if (message.unixfrom): # Hmm. This will break with full-blown RFC 2822 addr-spec's. header = message.unixfrom.split(None, 2)[-1] # Interpret no timezone as localtime date = rfc822.parsedate_tz(header) if date: try: time_message = rfc822.mktime_tz(date) vprint("using valid time found from unix 'From_' header") return time_message except (ValueError, OverflowError): pass # the headers have no valid dates -- last resort, try the file timestamp # this will not work for mbox mailboxes try: file_name = get_filename(message) except AttributeError: # we are looking at a 'mbox' mailbox - argh! # Just return the current time - this will never get archived :( vprint("no valid times found at all -- using current time!") return time.time() if not os.path.isfile(file_name): unexpected_error("mailbox file name '%s' has gone missing" % \ file_name) time_message = os.path.getmtime(file_name) vprint("using valid time found from '%s' last-modification time" % \ file_name) return time_message def add_status_headers(message): """ Add Status and X-Status headers to a message from a maildir mailbox. Maildir messages store their information about being read/replied/etc in the suffix of the filename rather than in Status and X-Status headers in the message. In order to archive maildir messages into mbox format, it is nice to preserve this information by putting it into the status headers. """ status = "" x_status = "" file_name = get_filename(message) match = re.search(":2,(.+)$", file_name) if match: flags = match.group(1) for flag in flags: if flag == "D": # (draft): the user considers this message a draft pass # does this make any sense in mbox? elif flag == "F": # (flagged): user-defined 'important' flag x_status = x_status + "F" elif flag == "R": # (replied): the user has replied to this message x_status = x_status + "A" elif flag == "S": # (seen): the user has viewed this message status = status + "R" elif flag == "T": # (trashed): user has moved this message to trash pass # is this Status: D ? else: pass # no whingeing here, although it could be a good experiment # files in the maildir 'cur' directory are no longer new, # they are the same as messages with 'Status: O' headers in mbox last_dir = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(file_name)) if last_dir == "cur": status = status + "O" # Overwrite existing 'Status' and 'X-Status' headers. They add no value in # maildirs, and we better don't listen to them. if status: vprint("converting maildir status into Status header '%s'" % status) message['Status'] = status else: del message['Status'] if x_status: vprint("converting maildir status into X-Status header '%s'" % x_status) message['X-Status'] = x_status else: del message['X-Status'] def add_status_headers_imap(message, flags): """Add Status and X-Status headers to a message from an imap mailbox.""" status = "" x_status = "" for flag in flags: if flag == "\\Draft": # (draft): the user considers this message a draft pass # does this make any sense in mbox? elif flag == "\\Flagged": # (flagged): user-defined 'important' flag x_status = x_status + "F" elif flag == "\\Answered": # (replied): the user has replied to this message x_status = x_status + "A" elif flag == "\\Seen": # (seen): the user has viewed this message status = status + "R" elif flag == "\\Deleted": # (trashed): user has moved this message to trash pass # is this Status: D ? else: pass # no whingeing here, although it could be a good experiment if not "\\Recent" in flags: status = status + "O" # As with maildir folders, overwrite Status and X-Status headers # if they exist. vprint("converting imap status (%s)..." % " ".join(flags)) if status: vprint("generating Status header '%s'" % status) message['Status'] = status else: vprint("not generating Status header") del message['Status'] if x_status: vprint("generating X-Status header '%s'" % x_status) message['X-Status'] = x_status else: vprint("not generating X-Status header") del message['X-Status'] def is_flagged(message): """return true if the message is flagged important, false otherwise""" # MH and mbox mailboxes use the 'X-Status' header to indicate importance x_status = message.get('X-Status') if x_status and re.search('F', x_status): vprint("message is important (X-Status header='%s')" % x_status) return 1 file_name = None try: file_name = get_filename(message) except AttributeError: pass # maildir mailboxes use the filename suffix to indicate flagged status if file_name and re.search(":2,.*F.*$", file_name): vprint("message is important (filename info has 'F')") return 1 vprint("message is not flagged important") return 0 def is_unread(message): """return true if the message is unread, false otherwise""" # MH and mbox mailboxes use the 'Status' header to indicate read status status = message.get('Status') if status and re.search('R', status): vprint("message has been read (status header='%s')" % status) return 0 file_name = None try: file_name = get_filename(message) except AttributeError: pass # maildir mailboxes use the filename suffix to indicate read status if file_name and re.search(":2,.*S.*$", file_name): vprint("message has been read (filename info has 'S')") return 0 vprint("message is unread") return 1 def sizeof_message(message): """Return size of message in bytes (octets).""" assert(message) file_name = None message_size = None try: file_name = get_filename(message) except AttributeError: pass if file_name: # with maildir and MH mailboxes, we can just use the file size message_size = os.path.getsize(file_name) else: # with mbox mailboxes, not so easy message_size = 0 if message.unixfrom: message_size = message_size + len(message.unixfrom) for header in message.headers: message_size = message_size + len(header) message_size = message_size + 1 # the blank line after the headers start_offset = message.fp.tell() message.fp.seek(0, 2) # seek to the end of the message end_offset = message.fp.tell() message.rewindbody() message_size = message_size + (end_offset - start_offset) return message_size def is_smaller(message, size): """Return true if the message is smaller than size bytes, false otherwise""" assert(message) assert(size > 0) message_size = sizeof_message(message) if message_size < size: vprint("message is too small (%d bytes), minimum bytes : %d" % \ (message_size, size)) return 1 else: vprint("message is not too small (%d bytes), minimum bytes: %d" % \ (message_size, size)) return 0 def should_archive(message): """Return true if we should archive the message, false otherwise""" if options.archive_all: return 1 old = 0 time_message = guess_delivery_time(message) if options.date_old_max == None: old = is_older_than_days(time_message, options.days_old_max) else: old = is_older_than_time(time_message, options.date_old_max) # I could probably do this in one if statement, but then I wouldn't # understand it. if not old: return 0 if not options.include_flagged and is_flagged(message): return 0 if options.min_size and is_smaller(message, options.min_size): return 0 if options.preserve_unread and is_unread(message): return 0 return 1 def is_older_than_time(time_message, max_time): """Return true if a message is older than the specified time, false otherwise. Arguments: time_message -- the delivery date of the message measured in seconds since the epoch max_time -- maximum time allowed for message """ days_old = (max_time - time_message) / 24 / 60 / 60 if time_message < max_time: vprint("message is %.2f days older than the specified date" % days_old) return 1 vprint("message is %.2f days younger than the specified date" % \ abs(days_old)) return 0 def is_older_than_days(time_message, max_days): """Return true if a message is older than the specified number of days, false otherwise. Arguments: time_message -- the delivery date of the message measured in seconds since the epoch max_days -- maximum number of days before message is considered old """ time_now = time.time() if time_message > time_now: vprint("warning: message has date in the future") return 0 secs_old_max = (max_days * 24 * 60 * 60) days_old = (time_now - time_message) / 24 / 60 / 60 vprint("message is %.2f days old" % days_old) if ((time_message + secs_old_max) < time_now): return 1 return 0 def build_imap_filter(): """Return an imap filter string""" imap_filter = [] old = 0 if options.date_old_max == None: time_now = time.time() secs_old_max = (options.days_old_max * 24 * 60 * 60) time_old = time.gmtime(time_now - secs_old_max) else: time_old = time.gmtime(options.date_old_max) time_str = time.strftime('%d-%b-%Y', time_old) imap_filter.append("BEFORE %s" % time_str) if not options.include_flagged: imap_filter.append("UNFLAGGED") if options.min_size: imap_filter.append("LARGER %d" % options.min_size) if options.preserve_unread: imap_filter.append("SEEN") if options.filter_append: imap_filter.append(options.filter_append) return '(' + string.join(imap_filter, ' ') + ')' ############### mailbox operations ############### def archive(mailbox_name): """Archives a mailbox. Arguments: mailbox_name -- the filename/dirname of the mailbox to be archived """ assert(mailbox_name) # strip any trailing slash (we could be archiving a maildir or MH format # mailbox and somebody was pressing in bash) - we don't want to use # the trailing slash in the archive name mailbox_name = mailbox_name.rstrip("/") assert(mailbox_name) set_signal_handlers() os.umask(077) # saves setting permissions on mailboxes/tempfiles final_archive_name = make_archive_name(mailbox_name) vprint("archiving '%s' to '%s' ..." % (mailbox_name, final_archive_name)) check_archive(final_archive_name) dest_dir = os.path.dirname(final_archive_name) if not dest_dir: dest_dir = os.getcwd() check_sane_destdir(dest_dir) is_imap = urlparse.urlparse(mailbox_name)[0] in ('imap', 'imaps') if not is_imap: # Check if the mailbox exists, and refuse to mess with other people's # stuff try: fuid = os.stat(mailbox_name).st_uid except OSError, e: user_error(str(e)) else: if fuid != os.getuid(): user_error("'%s' is owned by someone else!" % mailbox_name) old_temp_dir = tempfile.tempdir try: # create a temporary directory for us to work in securely tempfile.tempdir = None new_temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('archivemail') assert(new_temp_dir) _stale.temp_dir = new_temp_dir tempfile.tempdir = new_temp_dir vprint("set tempfile directory to '%s'" % new_temp_dir) if is_imap: vprint("guessing mailbox is of type: imap(s)") _archive_imap(mailbox_name, final_archive_name) elif os.path.isfile(mailbox_name): vprint("guessing mailbox is of type: mbox") _archive_mbox(mailbox_name, final_archive_name) elif os.path.isdir(mailbox_name): cur_path = os.path.join(mailbox_name, "cur") new_path = os.path.join(mailbox_name, "new") if os.path.isdir(cur_path) and os.path.isdir(new_path): vprint("guessing mailbox is of type: maildir") _archive_dir(mailbox_name, final_archive_name, "maildir") else: vprint("guessing mailbox is of type: MH") _archive_dir(mailbox_name, final_archive_name, "mh") else: user_error("'%s' is not a normal file or directory" % mailbox_name) # remove our special temp directory - hopefully empty os.rmdir(new_temp_dir) _stale.temp_dir = None finally: tempfile.tempdir = old_temp_dir clean_up() def _archive_mbox(mailbox_name, final_archive_name): """Archive a 'mbox' style mailbox - used by archive_mailbox() Arguments: mailbox_name -- the filename/dirname of the mailbox to be archived final_archive_name -- the filename of the 'mbox' mailbox to archive old messages to - appending if the archive already exists """ assert(mailbox_name) assert(final_archive_name) stats = Stats(mailbox_name, final_archive_name) cache = IdentityCache(mailbox_name) original = Mbox(path=mailbox_name) if options.dry_run or options.copy_old_mail: retain = None else: retain = RetainMbox(original.mbox_file) if options.dry_run or options.delete_old_mail: archive = None else: archive = ArchiveMbox(final_archive_name) original.procmail_lock() original.exclusive_lock() msg = original.next() if not msg and (original.starting_size > 0): user_error("'%s' is not a valid mbox-format mailbox" % mailbox_name) while (msg): msg_size = sizeof_message(msg) stats.another_message(msg_size) vprint("processing message '%s'" % msg.get('Message-ID')) if options.warn_duplicates: cache.warn_if_dupe(msg) if should_archive(msg): stats.another_archived(msg_size) if options.delete_old_mail: vprint("decision: delete message") else: vprint("decision: archive message") if archive: archive.write(msg) else: vprint("decision: retain message") if retain: retain.write(msg) msg = original.next() vprint("finished reading messages") if original.starting_size != original.get_size(): unexpected_error("the mailbox '%s' changed size during reading!" % \ mailbox_name) if archive: archive.finalise() if retain: retain.finalise() original.exclusive_unlock() original.close() original.reset_timestamps() original.procmail_unlock() if not options.quiet: stats.display() def _archive_dir(mailbox_name, final_archive_name, type): """Archive a 'maildir' or 'MH' style mailbox - used by archive_mailbox()""" assert(mailbox_name) assert(final_archive_name) assert(type) stats = Stats(mailbox_name, final_archive_name) delete_queue = [] if type == "maildir": original = mailbox.Maildir(mailbox_name) elif type == "mh": original = mailbox.MHMailbox(mailbox_name) else: unexpected_error("unknown type: %s" % type) cache = IdentityCache(mailbox_name) if options.dry_run or options.delete_old_mail: archive = None else: archive = ArchiveMbox(final_archive_name) for msg in original: if not msg: vprint("ignoring invalid message '%s'" % get_filename(msg)) continue msg_size = sizeof_message(msg) stats.another_message(msg_size) vprint("processing message '%s'" % msg.get('Message-ID')) if options.warn_duplicates: cache.warn_if_dupe(msg) if should_archive(msg): stats.another_archived(msg_size) if options.delete_old_mail: vprint("decision: delete message") else: vprint("decision: archive message") if archive: if type == "maildir": add_status_headers(msg) archive.write(msg) if not options.dry_run and not options.copy_old_mail: delete_queue.append(get_filename(msg)) else: vprint("decision: retain message") vprint("finished reading messages") if archive: archive.finalise() for file_name in delete_queue: vprint("removing original message: '%s'" % file_name) try: os.remove(file_name) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise if not options.quiet: stats.display() def _archive_imap(mailbox_name, final_archive_name): """Archive an imap mailbox - used by archive_mailbox()""" assert(mailbox_name) assert(final_archive_name) import imaplib import cStringIO import getpass vprint("Setting imaplib.Debug = %d" % options.debug_imap) imaplib.Debug = options.debug_imap archive = None stats = Stats(mailbox_name, final_archive_name) cache = IdentityCache(mailbox_name) imap_str = mailbox_name[mailbox_name.find('://') + 3:] imap_username, imap_password, imap_server, imap_folder = \ parse_imap_url(imap_str) if not imap_password: if options.pwfile: imap_password = open(options.pwfile).read().rstrip() else: if (not os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno())) or options.quiet: unexpected_error("No imap password specified") imap_password = getpass.getpass('IMAP password: ') is_ssl = mailbox_name[:5].lower() == 'imaps' if is_ssl: vprint("establishing secure connection to server %s" % imap_server) imap_srv = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_server) else: vprint("establishing connection to server %s" % imap_server) imap_srv = imaplib.IMAP4(imap_server) if "AUTH=CRAM-MD5" in imap_srv.capabilities: vprint("authenticating (cram-md5) to server as %s" % imap_username) result, response = imap_srv.login_cram_md5(imap_username, imap_password) elif not "LOGINDISABLED" in imap_srv.capabilities: vprint("logging in to server as %s" % imap_username) result, response = imap_srv.login(imap_username, imap_password) else: user_error("imap server %s has login disabled (hint: " "try ssl/imaps)" % imap_server) imap_smart_select(imap_srv, imap_folder) total_msg_count = int(imap_srv.response("EXISTS")[1][0]) vprint("folder has %d message(s)" % total_msg_count) # IIUIC the message sequence numbers are stable for the whole session, since # we just send SEARCH, FETCH and STORE commands, which should prevent the # server from sending untagged EXPUNGE responses -- see RFC 3501 (IMAP4rev1) # 7.4.1 and RFC 2180 (Multi-Accessed Mailbox Practice). # Worst thing should be that we bail out FETCHing a message that has been # deleted. if options.archive_all: message_list = [str(n) for n in range(1, total_msg_count+1)] else: imap_filter = build_imap_filter() vprint("imap filter: '%s'" % imap_filter) vprint("searching messages matching criteria") result, response = imap_srv.search(None, imap_filter) if result != 'OK': unexpected_error("imap search failed; server says '%s'" % response[0]) # response is a list with a single item, listing message sequence numbers # like ['1 2 3 1016'] message_list = response[0].split() vprint("%d messages are matching filter" % len(message_list)) # First, gather data for the statistics. if total_msg_count > 0: vprint("fetching size of messages...") result, response = imap_srv.fetch('1:*', '(RFC822.SIZE)') if result != 'OK': unexpected_error("Failed to fetch message sizes; " "server says '%s'" % response[0]) # response is a list with entries like '1016 (RFC822.SIZE 3118)', # where the first number is the message sequence number, the second is # the size. for x in response: m = imapsize_re.match(x) msn, msg_size = m.group('msn'), int(m.group('size')) stats.another_message(msg_size) if msn in message_list: stats.another_archived(msg_size) if not options.dry_run: if not options.delete_old_mail: archive = ArchiveMbox(final_archive_name) vprint("fetching messages...") for msn in message_list: # Fetching message flags and body together always finds \Seen # set. To check \Seen, we must fetch the flags first. result, response = imap_srv.fetch(msn, '(FLAGS)') if result != 'OK': unexpected_error("Failed to fetch message " "flags; server says '%s'" % response[0]) msg_flags = imaplib.ParseFlags(response[0]) result, response = imap_srv.fetch(msn, '(RFC822)') if result != 'OK': unexpected_error("Failed to fetch message; " "server says '%s'" % response[0]) msg_str = response[0][1].replace("\r\n", os.linesep) msg = rfc822.Message(cStringIO.StringIO(msg_str)) vprint("processing message '%s'" % msg.get('Message-ID')) add_status_headers_imap(msg, msg_flags) if options.warn_duplicates: cache.warn_if_dupe(msg) archive.write(msg) archive.finalise() if not options.copy_old_mail: vprint("Deleting %s messages" % len(message_list)) # do not delete more than a certain number of messages at a time, # because the command length is limited. This avoids that servers # terminate the connection with EOF or TCP RST. max_delete = 100 for i in range(0, len(message_list), max_delete): result, response = imap_srv.store( \ string.join(message_list[i:i+max_delete], ','), '+FLAGS.SILENT', '\\Deleted') if result != 'OK': unexpected_error("Error while deleting " "messages; server says '%s'" % response[0]) vprint("Closing mailbox and terminating connection.") imap_srv.close() imap_srv.logout() if not options.quiet: stats.display() ############### IMAP functions ############### def parse_imap_url(url): """Parse IMAP URL and return username, password (if appliciable), servername and foldername.""" def split_qstr(string, delim): """Split string once at delim, keeping quoted substring intact. Strip and unescape quotes where necessary.""" rm = re.match(r'"(.+?(?"."|NIL)', response[0]) if not m: unexpected_error("imap_getdelim(): cannot parse '%s'" % response[0]) delim = m.group('delim').strip('"') vprint("Found mailbox hierarchy delimiter: '%s'" % delim) if delim == "NIL": return None return delim def imap_get_namespace(srv): """Return the IMAP namespace prefixes and hierarchy delimiters.""" assert('NAMESPACE' in srv.capabilities) result, response = srv.namespace() if result != 'OK': unexpected_error("Cannot retrieve IMAP namespace; server says: '%s'" % response[0]) vprint("NAMESPACE response: %s" % repr(response[0])) # Typical response is e.g. # ['(("INBOX." ".")) NIL (("#shared." ".")("shared." "."))'] or # ['(("" ".")) NIL NIL'], see RFC 2342. # Make a reasonable guess parsing this beast. try: m = re.match(r'\(\("([^"]*)" (?:"(.)"|NIL)', response[0]) nsprefix, hdelim = m.groups() except: print "Cannot parse IMAP NAMESPACE response %s" % repr(response) raise return nsprefix, hdelim def imap_smart_select(srv, mailbox): """Select the given mailbox on the IMAP server, correcting an invalid mailbox path if possible.""" mailbox = imap_find_mailbox(srv, mailbox) roflag = options.dry_run or options.copy_old_mail # Work around python bug #1277098 (still pending in python << 2.5) if not roflag: roflag = None if roflag: vprint("examining imap folder '%s' read-only" % mailbox) else: vprint("selecting imap folder '%s'" % mailbox) result, response = srv.select(mailbox, roflag) if result != 'OK': unexpected_error("selecting '%s' failed; server says: '%s'." \ % (mailbox, response[0])) if not roflag: # Sanity check that we don't silently fail to delete messages. # As to the following indices: IMAP4.response(key) returns # a tuple (key, ['']) if the key is found, (key, [None]) # otherwise. Imaplib just *loves* to nest trivial lists! permflags = srv.response("PERMANENTFLAGS")[1][0] if permflags: permflags = permflags.strip('()').lower().split() if not '\\deleted' in permflags: unexpected_error("Server doesn't allow deleting messages in " \ "'%s'." % mailbox) elif "IMAP4REV1" in srv.capabilities: vprint("Suspect IMAP4rev1 server, doesn't send PERMANENTFLAGS " \ "upon SELECT") def imap_find_mailbox(srv, mailbox): """Find the given mailbox on the IMAP server, correcting an invalid mailbox path if possible. Return the found mailbox name.""" for curbox in imap_guess_mailboxnames(srv, mailbox): vprint("Looking for mailbox '%s'..." % curbox) result, response = srv.list(pattern=curbox) if result != 'OK': unexpected_error("LIST command failed; " \ "server says: '%s'" % response[0]) # Say we queried for the mailbox "foo". # Upon success, response is e.g. ['(\\HasChildren) "." "foo"']. # Upon failure, response is [None]. Funky imaplib! if response[0] != None: break else: user_error("Cannot find mailbox '%s' on server." % mailbox) vprint("Found mailbox '%s'" % curbox) # Catch \NoSelect here to avoid misleading errors later. m = re.match(r'\((?P[^\)]*)\)', response[0]) if '\\noselect' in m.group('attrs').lower().split(): user_error("Server indicates that mailbox '%s' is not selectable" \ % curbox) return curbox def imap_guess_mailboxnames(srv, mailbox): """Return a list of possible real IMAP mailbox names in descending order of preference, compiled by prepending an IMAP namespace prefix if necessary, and by translating hierarchy delimiters.""" if 'NAMESPACE' in srv.capabilities: nsprefix, hdelim = imap_get_namespace(srv) else: vprint("Server doesn't support NAMESPACE command.") nsprefix = "" hdelim = imap_getdelim(srv) vprint("IMAP namespace prefix: '%s', hierarchy delimiter: '%s'" % \ (nsprefix, hdelim)) if mailbox.startswith(nsprefix): boxnames = [mailbox] else: boxnames = [nsprefix + mailbox] if os.path.sep in mailbox and hdelim is not None: mailbox = mailbox.replace(os.path.sep, hdelim) if mailbox.startswith(nsprefix): boxnames.append(mailbox) if nsprefix: boxnames.append(nsprefix + mailbox) return boxnames ############### misc functions ############### def set_signal_handlers(): """set signal handlers to clean up temporary files on unexpected exit""" # Make sure we clean up nicely - we don't want to leave stale procmail # lockfiles about if something bad happens to us. This is quite # important, even though procmail will delete stale files after a while. signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, clean_up_signal) # signal 1 # SIGINT (signal 2) is handled as a python exception signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, clean_up_signal) # signal 3 signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, clean_up_signal) # signal 15 def clean_up(): """Delete stale files""" vprint("cleaning up ...") _stale.clean() def clean_up_signal(signal_number, stack_frame): """Delete stale files -- to be registered as a signal handler. Arguments: signal_number -- signal number of the terminating signal stack_frame -- the current stack frame """ # this will run the above clean_up(), since unexpected_error() # will abort with sys.exit() and clean_up will be registered # at this stage unexpected_error("received signal %s" % signal_number) def make_archive_name(mailbox_name): """Derive archive name and (relative) path from the mailbox name.""" # allow the user to embed time formats such as '%B' in the suffix string if options.date_old_max == None: parsed_suffix_time = time.time() - options.days_old_max*24*60*60 else: parsed_suffix_time = options.date_old_max parsed_suffix = time.strftime(options.archive_suffix, time.localtime(parsed_suffix_time)) if re.match(r'imaps?://', mailbox_name.lower()): mailbox_name = mailbox_name.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] final_archive_name = mailbox_name + parsed_suffix if options.output_dir: final_archive_name = os.path.join(options.output_dir, os.path.basename(final_archive_name)) return final_archive_name def check_sane_destdir(dir): """Do a very primitive check if the given directory looks like a reasonable destination directory and bail out if it doesn't.""" assert(dir) if not os.path.isdir(dir): user_error("output directory does not exist: '%s'" % dir) if not os.access(dir, os.W_OK): user_error("no write permission on output directory: '%s'" % dir) def check_archive(archive_name): """Check if existing archive files are (not) compressed as expected.""" compressed_archive = archive_name + ".gz" if options.no_compress: if os.path.isfile(compressed_archive): user_error("There is already a file named '%s'!\n" "Have you been previously compressing this archive?\n" "You probably should uncompress it manually, and try running me " "again." % compressed_archive) elif os.path.isfile(archive_name): user_error("There is already a file named '%s'!\n" "Have you been reading this archive?\n" "You probably should re-compress it manually, and try running me " "again." % archive_name) def nice_size_str(size): """Return given size in bytes as '12kB', '1.2MB'""" kb = size / 1024.0 mb = kb / 1024.0 if mb >= 1.0: return str(round(mb, 1)) + 'MB' if kb >= 1.0: return str(round(kb)) + 'kB' return str(size) + 'B' def get_filename(msg): """If the given rfc822.Message can be identified with a file (no mbox), return the filename, otherwise raise AttributeError.""" try: return msg.fp.name except AttributeError: # Ugh, that's ugly. msg.fp is not a plain file, it may be an # instance of # a. mailbox._Subfile # (msg from mailbox.UnixMailbox, Python <= 2.4) # File object is msg.fp.fp, we don't want that # b. mailbox._PartialFile, subclass of mailbox._ProxyFile # (msg from mailbox.UnixMailbox, Python >= 2.5) # File object is msg.fp._file, we don't want that # c. mailbox._ProxyFile # (msg from mailbox.Maildir, Python >= 2.5) # File object is msg.fp._file, we do want that. if msg.fp.__class__ == mailbox._ProxyFile: assert(hasattr(mailbox, "_PartialFile")) return msg.fp._file.name raise # this is where it all happens, folks if __name__ == '__main__': main()