Version 0.3.1 - 12 April 2002 * Stopped calling 'gzip' externally and started using the gzip library so that we can append to a copy of the gzip archive directly. * Removed 'bzip2' and 'compress' options since they are increasing complexity without adding much, and needed to be called externally. Maybe when python gets a bzip2 library I will add back an option to compress archives using bzip2. Version 0.3.0 - 11 April 2002 * We now preserve the last-accessed and last-modified timestamps correctly * We now preserve the correct permissions on the original mailbox instead of always mode 600 * Fixed a bug where lockfiles were being created that were not world-readable * Made archivemail work better when used as a python module so it can integrate better with unittest. (... although I still distribute it without the .py extension - dodgy?) * Bundled a unit-testing script for archivemail * Started using a distutils '' script for installation. Version 0.2.1 - 4 April 2002 * Since we might not have a parse-able 'Date-Received' or 'Date' field, use 5 different ways to guess the date of a message. * Removed the '--use-mtime' option since it is obsolete -- we will always use the file modification time for the message if other date-parsing methods fail. * Check to see if we are running as root -- if so, change our effective userid and groupid to that of the original mailbox. This will make sure any archives or tempfiles we write have the same ownership and will allow the root user to do "archivemail /var/spool/mail/*" * Fixed a bug where if you ran ' foo/mbox' it would create the archive file in the current directory instead of the directory 'foo'. Version 0.2.0 - 3 April 2002 * Added support for reading from MH mailboxes * Refuse to proceed if we would be making tempfiles in world-writable directories * Clamped down with lots of assert()s checking function parameters * Complain earlier if we do not have permission to write to the output directory * Use the 'Date' field of a message when constructing the 'From_' line from a maildir/MH mailbox if there is no 'Delivery-Date' field. Version 0.1.0 - 31 March 2002 * Initial release